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A Record of the Achievements of Her People in (he Making of a
Commonwealth and the Building of a Nation
Curator of The Albany Institute and Historical and Art Society, since 1898 ; Director of
New York State History Exhibit at Jamestown Exhibition, 1907; Author of
"Albany Chronicles," "Classified Quotations," etc., etc.
19 14
In addition to Mr. Cuyler Reynolds, Supervising Editor, the publishers would
■cpress their obligations to the various estimable gentlemen who have rendered valu-
ble aid in the production of this work — Mr. William Ruchard Cutter, A. M., His-
>rian of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, of Woburn, Massachusetts ;
Ir. William A. Woodworth, A. B., LL.B., Law Librarian, of White Plains, New York ;
[r. Edmund Piatt, Editor of the Daily Eagle, Poughkeepsie, New York; Mr. Joseph
an Cleft, of Newburg, New York, of the Newburg Bay and Highlands Historical
ociety ; Major John Waller, of Monticello, New York, Editor and Publisher of The
ullivan County Republican; Miss Ida M. Blake, Editor of the Putnam County (New
ork) Republican; Mr. Benjamin M. Brink, of Kingston, New York, former Editor of
he Leader, publisher of "Olde Ulster" ; Mr. Alonzo Bedell, of Haverstraw, New
ork; Rev. James H. Robinson, D.D., of Delhi, New York; former Senator Clar-
nce E. Bloodgood, A. B., of Catskill, New York; Mr. Willard Peck, A. M., LL.B., of
ludson, New York.
"New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial"; "Genealogical and Personal Memoirs, Massa-
chusetts," also similar separate works on Boston and Eastern Massachusetts, Worcester County, and
Middlesex County; "Genealogical and Family History of Connecticut"; "Genealogical and Family
History of Maine"; "Genealogical and Family History of Vermont"; "Genealogical and Family History
of Northern New York,'' also similar separate works on Southern New York, on Western New York,
and on Central Xew York; "Genealogical and Family History of New Jersey," etc., etc.
As previously shown, the
VAN NAME name of Van Name is an
old and honored one on
Itaten Island, and derives its origin from the
locality whence came the founder of the family
to America. The church records of Staten
Island contain many references to David Van
Name, and record several marriages, but none
corresponding to that given in the family rec-
ords of this branch of the family. There can
be no question, however, that it belongs to the
old family of that name.
(I) David Van Name, born 1799, on
Staten Island, died there in 1879, at the age
of eighty years. He was a builder and con-
tractor, and operated exclusively on the
Island. In early life he was a member of
the Dutch Reformed church, but later affiliated
with the Methodist Episcopal denomination.
Politically he is described by his descendants
as a Whig, and it is presumable that he acted
with the Republican party, successor of the
Whigs. He married (first) Catherine John-
son, and (second) Abigail fane Conklin.
Children of first marriage were: 1. Mary,
wife of William Cuddy, who had a son Her-
bert Burton. 2. Cornelius, married Nettie
Tuttle, and had a son Myers Ludington. 3.
George Edgar, mentioned below. 4. John,
died at the age of fourteen years. Children
of second marriage were : 5. William Conk-
lin. 6. John Frederick.
(II) George Edgar, second son of David
and Catherine (Johnson) Van Name, was
born August 24, 1839, on Staten Island. He
was a wholesale and retail dealer in oysters
for many years at Hartford. Connecticut, and
is now living there, retired. He enlisted in
October. 1862, as a member of the One Hun-
dred and Seventy-sixth Regiment New York
Infantry, under Captain William B Coe, and
took part in several engagements, receiving
his discharge in February, 1864, with the rank
of corporal. He is now a member of Robert
O. Tyler Post, Grand Army of the Republic.
of Hartford, and of the Methodist Episcopal
church of that city. Politically he has always
sustained the Republican party. He married
(first) September. T862. Antoinette Bray.
born in 1844, in Brooklyn. He married (sec-
ond") Francs McCune. Issue of first mar-
riage: 1. Frances, born 1864: married Dr.
F. Taylor. 2. Antoinette, born t866. died
in infancy. 3. Frank, twin of Antoinette,
born 1866, died in infancy. 4. George Edgar
Jr., born July, 1868; married Emma Hewitt.
5. Holley, born 1871, died in infancy. 6.
Joseph Mason, mentioned below. Child of
second marriage : 7. Frank, born February,
1NS4. died in childhood.
(Ill) Joseph Mason, son of George Edgar
and Antoinette (Bray) Van Name, was born
May 27, 1874, in Hartford, Connecticut. He
was placed in a private school in Brooklyn,
New York, at the age of six years, and two
years later entered the public schools of Hart-
ford, where he continued until fourteen years
old. He was then apprenticed to George Den-
nison, of Hartford, a builder, and continued
five vears, after which he entered the employ
of Herman Mohl, a builder and contractor.
He later formed a partnership with Peter Zyk-
kie in the building business, which continued
two years, and after this Mr. Van Name be-
gan dealing in coal and building materials in
the Citv of New York, and later organized the
firm of Van Name & Company, which con-
tinued the business five years After selling out
his interest, he was appointed superintendent
of construction for the American Tobacco
Company. This position he resigned to become
the general manager of the Church Construc-
tion Company, of New York City, and con-
tinued in that position six years. Many pri-
vate and public buildings in and around New
York City have been erected by this firm, as
have also a number of Carnegie libraries in
various portions of the state of New York.
Under the recent appropriation of twelve mil-
lion dollars by Congress for improvements at
West Point, the firm were employed in the
construction of new buildings at the Military
Academy. After resigning, he again organized
the firm of Van Name & Company, which
engages exclusively in building construction,
with offices at No. 80 Wall Street, New York
Mr Van Name and family still retain mem-
bership in the Methodist Episcopal church of
Hartford. Connecticut, and he is a member of
the American Society of Civil Fnsrineers, and
the Engineers Club, of New York. Though
he has given little time to politics and has no
desire for official station, he sjives consistent
support to the principles and policies of the
Republican party.
5- S
He married, June 6, 1894, at the Dutch Re-
formed church, in Brooklyn. New York, Net-
tie Amelia Hansbrough, Worn January 22,
1873, in Woodside, Long Island, daughter of
Charles Hansbrough. The last named was
born June 3, 1845, 'n Manchester, England.
As a boy he came to America, and served as
a soldier in the latter part of the civil war.
Later he became a painter and decorator. He
married. ' >ctober 21, 1871, in Red Bank, Xew
Jersey, Anne Eliza White, born October 6,
[849, in Red Bank, daughter of Robert White,
a native of Birmingham, England, and Mary
(Coles 1 White, born at Wadesden, in Buck-
inghamshire, England. Mr White emigrated
to America and settled in Red Bank, New
Jersey, where he had the following children:
George, died October 8, 1851 : Harriet Jane,
wife (if Jacob Antonias, of Red Rank; Sarah
Elizabeth, married (first) George McQueen,
(second) Thomas Swannell ; Mary Hannah,
married (first) Jefferson Hillier. (second)
Oscar Leith ; John R., married Catherine
Way; Anne Eliza, wife of Joseph M. Van
Name; William Henry and Lucy Ann, twins,
the former died October 16, and the latter,
October 31, 1857; Henrietta, wife of William
Conklin Van Name. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
M. Van Name had a daughter, Edna, born
May 17, tK<)0. died in infancy.
A branch of the Goelet family
GOELET being Protestants, to avoid per-
secution, removed from Ro-
chelle in France in the year 1621 and settled in
Amsterdam where they remained until 1676,
and Francis Goelet, the youngest son of the
family, having lost his wife, with an only child,
Jacobus Goelet, a boy about ten years of age,
came to New York. He left his son in the
care of Mr. Frederick Phillipse, a merchant
of New York, and sailed for Amsterdam with
the intention of returning with his effects, but
as he was never afterwards heard of, it was
supposed that he was lost at sea, after which
Jacobus Goelet married Jannetie, daughter of
Mr. Coesaar, likewise a Rochelle refugee fam-
ily, and had six children: 1. Jacobus, the
eldest, married Miss Buller and bad children.
2. James, who died at about twenty years of
age. 3. Jannetie, who married Mr. John
Dies. They had several children. This family
moved from New York and settled at Kaats
Kill. 4. Francis, was a surgeon on an Eng-
lish man-of-war and was lost in the river
St. Lawrence in the expedition against Can-
ada, under Sir Hovenden Walker, a. d. 171 i.
5. John, married Jannetie Cannon, of a
Protestant refugee family from France (from
whom Peter Goelet is descended ) and had
several children: Raphael, married Miss
Pelse and died without issue. Phillip, married
Miss Duller, had one son ami two daughters.
The son died in St. Eustatia at about thirty
years of age and was not married. Jannetie,
married Alderman Abraham P. Putt and bad
no children The other daughter, Catherine,
married Peter Cartenius atid had several
children. 6. EfTc, married Mr. Burger and
hail children.
It is related, that about 1710, Jacobus Ooelet
went to Amsterdam and was directed by his
father had built, and that he would know the
and informed him in what part of the city
they had lived and also a house his grand-
father had built, and that he would know the
house by the family arms being cut in stone
on the front of it, and to inquire for the
Spoorinburgh family into which cue of his
father's aunts had married. He found the
house, it being a very large building and being
informed where the Spoorinburgh family re-
sided, he called upon them and found them
far advanced in life. They had two daugh-
ters married, and were a wealthy family,
and one of the Goelets was captain of an
Indiaman. They were all in the mer-
cantile business and in the India trade. He
found that the familv in Amsterdam had
never heard of the familv in Xew York
since the latter first left Holland, suppos-
ing them to be lost at sea, there being at
that time but one American vessel in Dutch
trade and she very irregular in her voyages,
sometimes making one in each year, some-
times one in two years and sometimes one
voyage in three years. Jacobus Goelet died
on the 20th of August. 7731, at sixty-six years
of age, and was buried in the Old Dutch
Church, about the middle of the left aisle in
the church when entered from the street,
called Garden Street.
John Goelet, the third son of Jacobus Goe-
let by Jannetie Coesaar, his wife, born Feb-
ruary 1, t6q4, married Jannetie Cannon,
daughter of lohn Cannon by Marv Le Grand,
his wife, descended from a refugee family of
Rochelle in France, and died July 13, 1753,
age fifty-nine years. Had thirteen children,
several of them dying quite young.
Peter Goelet, the fifth child, was born Janu-
ary 5, 1727, died October 11, 181 1, age eighty-
four years. He was married on April 27,
1755, to Elizabeth Ratsey and had children:
Alice, Jannetie, John, Peter P., Elizabeth
On December 6, 1770, Peter Goelet was mar-
ried to Mary Ludlow, daughter of Henry Lud-
low Esq., of New York, and had issue : Mary,
born June 17, 1773, died January 31, 1774,
age eight months. On October 26, 1775, Peter
Goelet was married to Elizabeth Farmer, the
daughter of Thomas and Sarah Farmer, who,
having inherited the estate of Bentley in
Staten Island, assumed the name of Billop,
the old proprietor. They had issue, five chil-
dren : Sarah, Thomas Billop, Mary, Cather-
ine, Christopher Billop. February 1, 1792,
Peter Goelet was married to Rachael Farmer,
the daughter of the aforesaid Thomas and
Sarah Billop ; had no issue.
Peter P. Goelet, the son of Peter Goelet by
Elizabeth Ratsey, was born on August 18,
1764, and was christened on Friday morning,
August 24, in Trinity Church by the Rev. Mr.
Auchmuty. In the Year of Our Lord 1799,
on the 9th day of May, Peter P. Goelet was
married to Almy Buchanan, the daughter of
Thomas Buchanan by Almy Townsend, his
wife, at the house of Thomas Buchanan in
Wall Street. They had issue: 1. Peter,
born June 22, 1800, died November 21, 1879.
2. Jean Buchanan, born February 7, 1802. 3.
Francis, born March 2, 1804, died July, 1804,
and was buried in the Goelet family vault in
Trinity churchyard. 4. Hannah Green,
born January 19, 1806, at the house of Peter
Goelet in Water Street, was married, June 30,
1830, to Thomas R. Gerry, son of Elbridge
Gerry and Ann Gerry. 5. Francis (2), born
January 12, 1808, died January 16, 1809,
buried in Trinity churchyard. 6. Robert,
born September 19, 1809. Married Sarah
Ogden, the daughter of the late Jonathan
Ogden, October 16, 1839. Married by the
Rev. Berrian, rector of Trinity Church ; died
September 22, 1879. Buried in the Marble
cemetery. New York City, Second Avenue.
They had issue : Robert, born September 29.
1841. Helen, born March 8, 1843, died
March 15, 1844. Ogden, born June 11, 1846.
Robert Goelet was married to Harriette
Louise Warren, (the daughter of George
Henry Warren and Mary Phoenix), by the
Rev. Dr. Tucker, at No. 520 Fifth Avenue,
the 17th day of April, 1879. Died April 27,
1889, at Naples, Italy, on his steam yacht
"Nahma." Buried in the Goelet family vault
at Woodlawn. They had issue: 1. Robert
Walton, born March 19, 1880, at 279 Madison
Avenue. 2. Beatrice, born December 11,
1885, died February 11, 1902, and interred in
the Goelet vault in Woodlawn cemetery.
Ogden Goelet was married to Mary R. Wil-
son, the daughter of Richard Thornton Wil-
son. He died August 27, 1897, on board his
steam yacht "Mayflower" at Cowes, England,
and was interred in the Goelet family vault
in Woodlawn cemetery. They had issue: 1.
Mary Wilson, born October 6, 1878. Married,
November 10, 1903, to Henry John Innes-
Kerr, eighth Duke of Roxburghe. 2. Robert
Goelet, born January 9, 1880. Married to
Elsie Whelen. daughter of Henry W'helen Jr.,
on June 14, 1904, at Wayne, Pennsylvania.
They had issue : Ogden, born January 17,
1907, and Peter, born June 8, 191 1.
It is now a pretty well estab-
BEEKMAN lished fact that the families
in New Jersey bearing the
name of Beekman are descended from two
distinct sources, one of which is Willem
Beeckman (Beekman), of New York, who
emigrated to New Amsterdam in 1647, and
the other Maarten Beeckman, of Albany, who
is the progenitor of the branch of the family
at present under consideration.
(I) Maarten Beeckman emigrated to New
Netherland in 1638, and settled in Albany,
where he plied his trade of blacksmith, and
died before June 21, 1677. He married Su-
sanna Jans, and had at least three children:
Johannes ; Hendrick, referred to below ;
(II) Hendrick, son of Maarten and Su-
sanna (Jans) Beeckman, lived for a number
of years at Schodack, near Albany, and
November 13, 1710, purchased from Octavo
Coenraats, merchant of New York, two hun-
dred and fifty acres of land on the Raritan
river in Somerset county, New Jersey, it
being a part of the tract bought by Coenraats
from Peter Sonmans, who in turn had pur-
chased it from the proprietors of East Jersey.
The deed for this land has never been re-
corded, and is now in possession of Mrs.
Elizabeth (Beekman) Vredenburgh, who still
owns a portion of the land described, which
she inherited from her father, Benjamin
Beekman, and her mother, Cornelia Beekman.
He married Annetje, daughter of Peter
Quackenbush and among his children was
Marten, referred to below.
(III) Marten Beekman. son of Hendrick
Beeckman, was born in 1685, died < >ctober 27,
1757. The descendants of his three sons are
very numerous in New York. Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois, Michigan. Oregon, and elsewhere.
He married, June 21, 1734, Elizabeth, daugh-
ter of Samuel and Neeltje (Bloetjoet) Wald-
ron. and granddaughter of Resolved Waldron,
of Harlem, who was sheriff of New York City
under Governor Peter Stuvvesant. She was
born in 1700 and died November 27. t7<x>.
Children : Elizabeth, Hendrick. Samuel,
Annatie and Johannes.
(IV) Johannes (John), youngest child of
Marten and Elizabeth I Waldron") Beekman,
was born November 5, 1741, in Somerset
county. New Jersey, where he died March 17,
1780 He married, July 30. 1760, Arriantje
Tunison. born October T2, 1753. died Janu-
ary 31. 1835. They were the parents of four
(V) Cornelius, son of John and Arriantie
C Tunison) Beekman, was born January 28,
1772, in Somerville, New Jersey, and died
Tuly 5, 7850. He married, in 1702. Rebecca
Sharp, born Tanuarv 2. 1772. died February
27, 1844. aged seventy-two years. They had
throe «on>; and two daughters.
(VI) Benjamin, son of Cornelius and Re-
becca ( Sharp) Beekman. was born April 27,
tSdj, in Somerville, and died at Dundee New
York, \pril 8. T870. He married, at Plain-
field. New lersev. March 2t. 1827. Evdia
Compton born there March 3. t8o6\ died in
Dundee. New York-. October 2. t8or, daugh-
ter of Toshna and Catherine (Co^ad) Comp-
ton. He resided in Somerville. New Tersev.
and New York Citv. and removed to Dundee
after 1820. Children: t, Cornelius C,
born Tanuarv 27, 1828, in New York, now
resides at Jacksonville. Oregon; married, at
Jacksonville, Tulia E. PTofFman. 2. Abram.
mentioned below. 3. John, born March 9,
[832, at Dundee; married (first) Elizabeth
Disbrow, (second) Helena Ackerson, and
died at Bath, 4. Lydia Ann, May 30, 1834,
died in Dundee in 1910; married there in
[853, Marcus T. Seely. 5. Thomas De Witt,
August 22, [841, now resides at Dundee, New
York ; married, in 1863, Isadore Fowler, of
Elmira, New York. 6 and 7. Cyrus and
Augustus, twins, born August 25, 1844, m
Dundee. The former died there in 185 1, and
the latter when four days old.
(VII) Abram, second son of Benjamin
and Lydia (Compton) Beekman, was bom
December 26, 1829, in New York City, died
at Bath, Steuben county, New York, May 10,
10117. He married, < >ctober 30, 1861, Sarah
Mi Kay Fowler, of Bath, born there Novem-
ber 21, 1843, died there September 27, 1905,
daughter of John W. and Helen D. (Clement)
Fowler, who were married November 12,
1823. Children: 1. Lydia, born June 28,
1863, married George II. Parker, of Bath. 2.
George N., born September 17. 1863, in Bath,
now resides there; married there, in 1891,
Julia E. Averell. 3. John Fowder, mentioned
below. 4. Edgar, mentioned below. 5. Cor-
nelius C, mentioned below.
(YIIT) John Fowler, second son of
Abram and Sarah M. (Fowler) Beekman,
was born February 18. 1869, in Bath, where
he is now living engaged in the manufacturing
business. He is a Presbyterian in religious
faith, and a Republican in politics. He re-
ceived his education in Bath and for a short
time resided in New York City, returning to
his native place in 1912. He married, in New
York City. May 22, 1880. Caroline A. Young,
daughter of William H. and Polly (Brund-
age) Young.
(VIII) Edgar, third son of Abram and
Sarah M. (Fowler) Beekman. was born
March 10, 1872, at Bath, and now resides at
Bronxville, New York. He was educated at
the Haverling Union School in his native
place and became an expert in corporation
taxation. He is a Presbvterian in religious
faith, a Republican in politics, a member of
the Aero Club of America, the Masonic Club,
and the Bronxville Athletic Association. He
married, at Jersey Citv. New Jersey. Decem-
ber 21. 1803, May Hastings Leonard, born
August 23, tR6q, in Troy, Pennsylvania,
daughter of Solyman and Elizabeth (Hast-
ings) Leonard. They have one son, Abram
Leonard, born August 21, 1895, at Forest Hill,
New Jersey.
(VIII) Cornelius C, youngest child of
Abram and Sarah M. (Fowler) Beekman,
was born August 17, 1880, at Bath, where
he grew up, receiving his primary education
at the Haverling High School of his native
town. He subsequently entered Columbia
Law School of New York City and is now
engaged in the practice of law in New York,
with residence in Brooklyn. He is a Presby-
terian in religion, and a Republican in his
political views. He married, in Brooklyn,
November 8, 191 1, Josephine Estelle Egan,
born November 9, 1882, in Syracuse, New
York, daughter of the late William G. Egan
and Josephine M. Egan, now Mrs. H. R. H.
Nicholas, of Brooklyn, New York.
This surname in the old
WORTENDYKE records is also found in
the forms of Woorten-
dyck, Woertendky and Weortendijck. The
bearers of the name have a common ancestry
with those who bear the name Somerindyke,
the other forms of which, found in the old
records, are : Somerindyck, Somerindyk,
Somerindick, Somerindicke and Somerindijck.
The immigrant ancestor, Cornelius Jacobsen,
is found at an early date bearing the sobriquet
of Stille (or The Silent), which may have
been no true surname, but merely an appella-
tion given to him to denote one of his charac-
teristics. Cornelius Jacobsen came to this
country with his brother John, and it has been
said that the descendants of Cornelius adopted
the surname of Wortendyke, while the de-
scendants of John assumed that of Somerin-
dyke. Cornelius, however, had a large family
of children, and the descendants of some of
the sons took the surname Wortendyke, and
the descendants of the others took that of
Somerindyke. What were the motives gov-
erning the choice are not now quite clear.
(I) Cornelius Jacobsen, alias Stille, the
immigrant ancestor of the Wortendyke familv.
came to this country from Amsterdam, Hol-
land, with his brother, John, in 1639. Shortlv
after their arrival they are said by one author-
ity to have assumed the name of Somerin-
dvke. which in the case of Cornelius was sub-
sequently changed to Wortendyke. Besides
the sobriquet of Stille, Cornelius also appears
to have been known as "Van Vreelandt," in-
dicating from what part of Holland he had
come. One authority states that Cornelius,
and perhaps also John, his brother, was in
New Amsterdam as early as 1631, and re-
sided at the head of what is now Chatham
Square. The records indicate that after re-
maining a short time in New Amsterdam
(later New York) he bought and located on
a plantation at Bushwick, Long Island. From
there he removed to what is now the Williams-
burg district of Brooklyn. In 1664 he took
the oath of allegiance to the British govern-
ment, at which time he was residing on a farm
of a hundred acres in what was formerly the
Greenwich district of New York City. He
married (first) August 24, 1692, Classie
Teunis ; (second) July 28, 1675, Trynte Wall-
ings Van Winkle, of Amsterdam, Holland,
Among his children was Jacob, mentioned
(II) Jacob, son of Cornelius Jacobsen,
surnamed Stille, also Van Vreelandt, also
Somerindyke. and also Wortendyke, and his
wife, Trynte Wallings Van Winkle, was born
in New Amsterdam (later New York) in
1644. Very little concerning the details of
his career is given in the records, but he prob-
ably died at a not very advanced age, for his
children numbered only four. He married,
March 11, 1671, Aeltje Fredericks, an estim-
able Brazilian lady. Children : Jacob, Nicho-
las, Frederick Jacobsen, mentioned below ;
(III) Frederick Jacobsen, son of Jacob
and Aeltje (Fredericks) Wortendyke, was
born on Manhattan Island, probably about
1679. He spent his boyhood on his father's
farm, and seems to have taken advantage of
the educational facilities then offered. In
course of time he located on the upper west
side of Manhattan Island. Concerning him
it is said by one authority that he and his
descendants permanently adopted the surname
of Wortendyke, which had been somewhat
loosely applied up to that time, while the
descendants of his brother retained the name
of Somerindyke, which had till that time alter
nated with Wortendyke as the family cogno
men. The old Somerindvke mansion house,
built of stone, stood a few years ago on the
Bloomingdale road near the west of Seventy-
fifth Street. About 1722 Frederick removed
to Bergen county, New Jersey, where he pur-
chased several tracts of land, the principal
one of which was nearly five hundred acres
in area at what is now Park Ridge, formerly
Pascack. On this tract, lying on both sides
of Pascack Brook, he built his residence and
two or more mills. He was founder of the
Pascack settlement, and left a large landed
estate. After his death his will became the
subject of judicial construction in an eject-
ment suit reported in 7 New Jersey Law Re-
ports, page 363. He married Divertie Rynear-
sen Quackenbush. Children : Aeltie, Reynier,
mentioned below; Elizabeth, Frederick F.,
( IV ) Reynier, eldest son of Frederick
Jacobsen and Divertie Rynearsen (Quacken-
bush) Wortendyke, was born in New York,
and baptized March 14, 1714. His mother
was the granddaughter of Peter Quackenbush.
of Oostergeest, Holland. With his brother,
Frederick F., he obtained part of the home-
stead farm at Pascack. Reynier was a man of
considerable varied ability, not content with
the scope that agricultural interests alone
offered. He was a successful farmer and
brought his property to a high state of devel-
opment. But a good deal of his time was also
occupied in running a mill and in other avo-
cations leading him into the industrial and
commercial field. He married (first) Decem-
ber 10, 174^, Jannetje Peters Durie. He mar-
ried ( second) March 2, 1752, Jannetje Smith.
His original will was made February 24, 1799,
and to this he added a codicil, February 6,
[799. By thi- will be bequeaths to his eldest
son, Frederick, his old Dutch Bible, which
was to continue in descent to the eldest son.
This will indicates possession of a large
amount of real estate and personal property
Probably not all of his children were living
at that time, as several are not mentioned in
the will. To each of the living sons he gave
valuable lands, and provided for liberal lega-
cies in cash to his daughter and to the children
of a deceased daughter. Children: Frederick,
Peter, Jannetje, Cornelius, died young; Diver-
tie, Cornelius, Reynier, Jenny, married Fred-
erick Wortendyke ; John, Jacob, mentioned be-
low ; Mary, Albert, Aeltje, married John De-
( V ) Jacob, son of Reynier and Jannetj*
Peters (Durie) Wortendyke, was born Mai
5, 1763, at Pascack, died December 18, 1858
From his father he received the land on whicl
he was then living in the town of Harring
ton, Bergen county, containing fifty acres, anc
three other parcels amounting to eleven acres
including three acres of fresh meadow at Tap
pan. Besides this he was to receive one-fourtl
of his father's right in the swamp known a:
Bear Gat, lying in the town of Harrington
and in consideration of this inheritance hi
was to pay thirty pounds cash to one of hi:
sisters. He continued in the cultivation 0
his lands at Pascack, and by his skillful op
eration and development his estate became
very valuable. He married Elizabeth Camp
bell, born October 10, 1773, at Pascack, Pari
Ridge, New Jersey, and died March 20, 1862
Children : Luthischc, Reynier, mentioned be
low ; Elizabeth.
(VI) Reynier (2), son of Jacob and Eliza
beth (Campbell) Wortendyke, was born De
cember, 1792, at Chestnut Ridge, Bergei
county, New Jersey, died December 3, 1884
He was a farmer, and owned several hundrei
acres of land in Chestnut Ridge, where h
died. He was a Democrat in politics, and ;
member of the Dutch Reformed church. H
took considerable interest in public affairs, a
also in the welfare of his party, and he hel<
several local offices in the gift of the town
He was a man of considerable ability, am
much respected throughout his long life. T
the property that come to him by inheritanc
he added considerably, and greatly developei
it along various lines. He sought always ti
use the most approved methods in farming
and his main farm was one of the model one
of the country. He owned a considerabl
amount of live stock as well. He marriei
Cornelia Haring. She died August 12, 1891
Children : Jacob Reynier, mentioned below
Peter Reynier, Garrett, Elizabeth, who mar
ried Peter Merseles Holdrom.
(VII) Jacob Reynier, son of Reynier (2
and Cornelia (Haring) Wortendyke, wa
born at Chestnut Ridge, Bergen county, Nev
Jersey, November 18, 1818, died in Terse;
City, November 2, 1868. He was graduatei
from Rutgers College in 1839, after which h
read law in the office and became a partner o
Chancellor A. O. Zabriskie. After his ad
mission to the bar he attained great success in
the practice of his profession and held numer-
ous official positions in Hudson county. He
organized the Jersey City water board and
served as a member of the riparian commis-
sion. In 1857 he was elected to congress from
the Hudson district and served two terms in
that body. In 1868 he was a delegate to the
Democratic National Convention. His posi-
tion as a prominent lawyer of New Jersey
made him well known, and he was held in the
highest esteem by his colleagues and friends.
In religion he was affiliated with the Dutch
Reformed church. He was always a staunch
Democrat in active public life and remained
such until his death. He married Susan Jane
Doremus, born August 18, 1826, in Pompton
Plains, New Jersey, died August 25, 1910.
Children : Nicholas Doremus, married Mary
Elizabeth Quick ; Cornelia Elizabeth, married
William Perry Watson, M.D. ; Reynier Jacob,
mentioned below; Jacob, died in 1867; Jacob
Reynier, married Anna Traphagan.
(VIII) Reynier Jacob, son of Jacob Rey-
nier and Susan Jane (Doremus) Wortendyke.
was born August 24, i860, in Jersey City, New
Jersey. He graduated from Rutgers College
in 1882, with degree of Bachelor of Arts. He
was admitted to the bar of the State of New
Jersey in the June term of 1885, and has since
been engaged in the general practice of law
in Jersey City, becoming a member of the law
firm of Carrick & Wortendyke, in May, 1890,
with offices at No. 15 Exchange Place, Jersey
City, New Jersey. Mr. Wortendyke is a Dem-
ocrat in politics, and is a member of the First
Presbyterian Church of Jersey City. He mar-
ried (first), at Newtonville, Massachusetts,
October 17, 1893, Carolyn M. Cooley, born
in Springfield, Massachusetts, October 27,
1870, died September 22, 1900. He married
(second) Carolina Laubach, born in Hamil-
ton, Ohio ; the second marriage occurring at
Hamilton, Ohio, October 17, 1906. Children
by first wife: Reynier J., Jr. ; Howard Blakes-
ley and Carolyn.
The vast majority of people
BOGARDUS bearing the name of Bogar-
dus are descended from the
Rev. Everardus Bogardus, the minister of the
Dutch Reformed Church in New Amsterdam,
who came from Holland in 1633 with Gov-
ernor Wouter Van Twiller. The church in
which he preached stood at what is now No.
^^ Pearl Street, and his residence was at No.
23 Whitehall Street. He married the widow
of Roeloff Jansen, the famous Anneke Jans,
and had children : Jonas, Willem, Cornelis,
Peter. Several branches of the family were
deeply involved in the well known contest
between the heirs of Anneke Jans and Trinity-
Church. Anneke came to Rensselaerwyck in
1630 with her husband, Roeloff Jansen, who
acted as assistant bouwmeister for the patroon
at a salary of one hundred and eighty guilders.
Her marriage with the Rev. Everardus Bogar-
dus or Bogart or Bogard, took place in 1637.
There were others of the name at that early
time and their connection with the Rev. Ever-
ardus is not very clear. Willem Bogardus, of
New Amsterdam, in 1656 was appointed clerk
in the secretary's office in New Amsterdam,
and in 1687 postmaster of the province. This
Willem Bogardus married and had eight chil-
dren. Another Bogardus, Cornelis, married
Helena Teller, daughter of Willem Teller, of
Albany. He lived in Albany, where he died
in 1666, leaving one son, Cornelis, who mar-
ried Rachel De Wit, and died October 13,
1707. Peter Bogardus, mariner, resided in
Albany near the close of his life, and then he
removed to Kingston where he died in 1703.
In 1673 he was one of the magistrates of the
town, and in 1690 was commissioned with
others to treat with the Five Nations and to
look after the defense of the town. He made
his will February 3, 1701. His wife was
Wyntie Cornelis (Bosch) Borgardus, daughter
of Cornelis Teunise and Maritie Thomas
(Mingael) Bosch, who afterwards married
Turriaen Janse Groenwout in 1664. Cornelis
Bogardus was a schoolmaster in Albany in
1700, and shortly after that year he removed
with his wife, Rachel Tjerckse (De Wit)
Bogardus. to Kingston, his wife's native place.
He died October 13, 1707. Shibboleth Bogar-
dus and Ann, his wife, lived in Albany. His
house in 1720 and from that year to 1737 was
on the north corner of James and Steuben
Streets. They had nine children, most of
whom grew up.
In the annals of Albany at an early period
we read also of other men of the name of
Bogardus, Anthony Bogardus, Ephraim Bo-
gardus, Petrus Bogardus, and others. The-
name itself is found in the form of Bogard
and Bogardus, as well as Bogart. The name
is, however, distinct from that of Bogert, the
bearers of which are in the main descended
from Cornelis Jansen Bogaerdt, who came
from Holland before 1661, and settled on a
village lot at Flatbush, Long Island, which
he shortly sold to Peter Jansen. In 1*177
Cornelis Jansen Bogaerdt was one of the pro-
prietors of the Flatbush patent, and died at
that place in 1684. The name of his wife
who accompanied him from Holland is given
as Geesie Williams, which indicates that her
father's christian name was William. They
had a number of children who settled at Hack-
ensack, New Jersey. This name of Bogert
is often found in various spellings resembling
the variations of Bogardus, and there has been
a certain amount of confusion in consequence
Of the name two distinct forms are widely in
use at the present day, many employing both
Bogert and Bogart. There were several im-
migrants hearing the name among the early
settlers of New Amsterdam and Long Island,
and their descendants have scattered over a
wide region, being especially numerous in
northeastern New Jersey.
The conspicuous Dutch traits of industry
and thrift have been well perpetuated in both
the Bogardus and Bogart families, who are
connected in various ways. A great number
of the members of various branches of the
family have been engaged in agriculture and
its allied interests and industries from the be-
ginning. In later generations many bearing
the Bogardus name have also been conspicuous
in the ranks of the professions as well as in
mercantile life. The family is a fine one, with
a Dutch ancestry second to none, associated
for all time with the development of the new
world, in the founding of whom they bore
1 worthy part.
( I ) Stephen H. Bogardus, ancestor of the
Bogardus family, was born probably near
Poughkeepsie, New York. The facts relating
to his life are meagre, but there can be very
little doubt that he was a direct descendant
of the Rev. Everardus Bogardus, the first set-
tled Dutch minister of any religion in the
New Netherlands. Investigation so far has
not revealed the name of his wife or any of
his children except one. He was engaged in
the leather business, and died in the early
(II) Stephen H. (2), son of Stephen H.
(1) Bogardus, was probably born in Pough-
keepsie, New York, and died of yellow fever
in the South. He received his education in
the public schools, and enlisted as corporal
in the New York Volunteers in the company
known as the Duryea Zouaves. He was ad-
jutant of Purnell's Legion of Maryland Vol-
unteers, and was captain of the One Hundred
and Ninety-second Regiment, New York
Volunteers. He was also second lieutenant of
the Fourth Infantry Regulars, United States
Army, and was mustered out in Janu-
ary, 1871, after he had been wounded. The
principal items of his military history are set
forth in "Heitman's Historical Register and
Dictionary of the United States Army," 1789-
1903. Captain Bogardus was a Republican in
politics, and most of his life was spent at
Poughkeepsie, Dutchess county, New York.
He married Ellen Mary, daughter of John
James and Harriet (Willard) Haile, of Platts-
burg. She was born at Plattsburg, New
York, March 19, 1849, all(l died at Green-
wich, Connecticut, in January, 1903. Their
only child was John Haile, mentioned below.
(Ill) John Haile, son of Stephen H. (2)
and Ellen Mary (Haile) Bogardus, was born
at Plattsburg, New York, January 29. 1870.
He received his preliminary education at the
Plattsburg Academy, New York, at the board-
ing school at Westport, Connecticut, and at
the boarding school at Hamden. Connecticut,
near New Haven. He was also for some
time at a boarding school at Cornwall-on-Hud-
son. After leaving school he went into the
hardware business with Russell & Erwin, who
were hardware manufacturers, and he re-
mained with that concern about one year. His
health, however, was not very strong, and
he decided that a change of occupation would
be agreeable. He thus came to teach scho *
at Lakewood, New Jersey, his subjects bei'
mathematics and English, and he confirm
at that occupation for a period of from tv
to three vears. From New Jersey he we
to San Francisco, California, and there !
engaged in teaching for about another yer
At the end of that time he returned to Ne
York, and took up the study of law in t
office of Jay & Candler, at 48 Wall Strei
He was admitted to the bar of New York in
October, 1902, and has practiced in New
York since that time. Mr. Bogardus enlisted
in the Twenty-third Infantry, National
Guard, New York, February 7, 1893, and was
promoted corporal, sergeant, color sergeant,
battalion sergeant major, battalion quarter-
master and commissary, with rank of second
lieutenant, and battalion adjutant, with rank
of first lieutenant. In politics he is a Re-
publican, and he is a member of the American
Bar Association, New York County Lawyers'
Association, Marine and Field Club, United
Service Club, National Geographic Society,
Military Service Institution and United States
Infantry Association.
He married, at Brooklyn, New York, Jan-
uary 17, 1900, Lillian May, born in New York
City, March 4, 1870, daughter of William
Henry and Harriet E. (Wiggins) Stewart.
The Sahler family is of Ger-
SAHLER man origin and dates back to
the tenth century when we find
the record of Heinrich von der Sahle, who
participated in one of the tournaments of that
day. The family was noble as well as ancient
and had its home in that part of the Rhen-
ish Palatinate that is now in Hesse-Darm-
stadt. The original name of the family was
von Heppenheim, derived from their ancestral
home, but in 1019 Werner von Heppenheim
removed to Alzey on the Selz, near Mentz,
and lived in the Saal or "Hall" there, whence
he received the name Werner von Heppen-
heim von dem Saale which later on became
corrupted to von Sahler or Sahler.
(I) Abraham Sahler, the founder of the
family in America, emigrated about 1736 and
settled on the banks of the Perkiomen river
about twenty-five miles from Philadelphia and
became a large landowner there. He married
Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Rachel (Du
Bois) Du Bois, who was born at Perkiomen,
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, Septem-
ber 10, 1724 (see Du Bois V). Children: 1.
Isaac, married Eleanor Hartley, of York
county, Pennsylvania. 2. Abraham (2). re-
ferred to below. 3. Elizabeth, married Robert
Patton 4. Rachel, married John Gross. 5.
Catherine, married Christian Gross. 6. Dan-
iel, born April 16, 1762, died February 20,
1834; married, May 8, 1786, Elizabeth Van
VVagenen. 7. John, born November 23, 1765;
married Ann Barlow.
(II) Abraham (2), son of Abraham (1)
and Elizabeth (Du Bois) Sahler, was born at
Perkiomen, Montgomery county, Pennsyl-
vania, in September, 1738, died in the town
of Rochester, Ulster county, New York, Jan-
uary 14, 1800, and was buried in the Kyserike
cemetery. He married first) Tryntje, daugh-
ter of Solomon and Hannah (Bruyn) Van
VVagenen, who was baptized at Kingston,
New York, January 7, 1752. He married
(second) Hester, daughter of Isaac and Maria
(Bruyn) Hasbrouck, who was born January
8, 1760 (see Hasbrouck in Index). Chil-
dren (two by first marriage): Abraham (3),
referred to below ; Solomon, referred to be-
low ; daughter, who married Louis Stilwell ;
daughter, who married Simeon Du Bois ;
daughter, who married Elias De Puy.
(III) Abraham (3), son of Abraham (2)
and Tryntje (Van Wagenen) Sahler, was born
in the town of Rochester, Ulster county, New
York, and died there. He married Nellie
Hasbrouck. Children : Abraham Louis ; Jacob
R. H., referred to below; James B. ; Ann
(IV) Jacob R. H., son of Abraham (3)
and Nellie (Hasbrouck) Sahler, married El-
mira, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Sah-
ler) van de Mark, and granddaughter of Dan-
iel and Elizabeth (Van Wagenen) Sahler,
referred to above. Children : Abraham J.,
Henry, James, referred to below; Isaac L.,
Daniel, Catherine J., Elizabeth.
(V) James, son of Jacob R. H. and Elmira
(van de Mark) Sahler, married Sarah Alliger.
Children: Jennie, referied to below; Eliza-
beth, married Dr. N. A. Monroe, of Stone
Ridge, Ulster county, New York ; Irving,
James B., Louis D., twin with James B., Har-
ry, Olive Reid.
(VI) Jennie, daughter of James and Sarah
(Alliger) Sahler, married in 1880, Dr. Charles
Oliver Sahler, son of Solomon and Caroline
(Winfield) Sahler, referred to below.
(Ill) Solomon, son of Abraham (2) and
Tryntje (Van Wagenen) Sahler, was born
in the town of Rochester, Ulster county, New
York, November 14, 1775, died there Febru-
ary 13, 1827. He was a landowner and slave-
holder, a surveyor and supervisor of the town
from 1819 to 1827. In 1816 he was appointed
coroner by Governor Tompkins. He married
(first) August 25, 1797, Nellie, daughter of
John and Sophie (Burgess) Perrine, who was
born June 6, 1777, died February 14, 1805
lie married (second) Catherine Davis. Chil-
dren (four by first marriage) : Tryantje Van
nen, married Andries Roosa ; Daniel,
died 111 infancy: Abraham, referred to below ".
John Perrine, born January 26, 1805, died
June 27, [866, married, February ,}, [830,
Maria Hasbrouck; Isaac Du Bois, married
Maria Schoonmaker ; Jacob, died unmarried;
Sarah Catherine, married Dr George
( hambers.
1 IV) Abraham (4), son of Solomon and
Nellie ( Perrine) Sahler, was burn in the town
of Rochester, Clster county, New York, Oc-
tober 14, 1X02. died there in March, 1857
He inherited his father's homestead near Ky-
serike and lived there until 1X40 when he
bought and removed to the Van Wagenen
homestead in the same place, lie was super-
visor from [839 to 1X41 and from 1845 '"
1851. lie was a veterinary surgeon and also
captain of cavalry in the state militia. lie
married, January 3, 1822, Catherine, daughter
of Judge Richard and Wyntje (Robinson)
Davis, who was born February 1, 1803. Chil-
dren: Solomon, referred to below; Isaac
Robinson, married Kate Schoonmaker; Mary
Ellen, married Lyman Terpenning.
(V) Solomon (2), son of Abraham (4)
and Catherine (Davis) Sahler, was born in
the town of Rochester, Ulster county, New
York, December 22. 1X27. He inherited the
Van Wagenen homestead at Kyserike. lie
married, February 24, 1X52. Caroline, daughter
of Casparus and Jane (Van Aken) Winfield,
who was bom February 20, 1832 (see Win-
field). Children: Charles Oliver, referred to
below; Kate Jane, married Luther H., son of
Abraham J. and grandson of Jacob R. H. and
Elmira (van de Mark) Sahler, referred to
above ; Mary Elizabeth, married Lawrence H.
Swisher; Caspar, died in infancy; Jeannette,
died in in fancy.
(VI) Dr. Charles Oliver Sahler. son of
Solomon (2) and Caroline ( Winfield 1 Sahler,
was horn at the home of his maternal grand-
father in the town of Esopus, Ulster county.
New York, June 23, 1854, and is now living
in Kingston. Ulster county, New York. He
jeceived his early education in the public
schools, and also under the tutorship of John
H. Van Wagenen, who was at one time princi-
pal of the University of Northern Pennsyl-
vania He also took up the study of medi-
cine and at the age of twenty years entered
the College of Physicians and Surgeons ( med-
ical department of Columbia University), in
New York City, from which he graduated in
the class of 1878. He immediately commenced
the active practice of his profession in Ky-
serike, and remained there for thirteen years,
at the end of which time he opened an office
in Kingston. Early in his career he became
interested in mental therapeutics, and for
many years, even as a young physician and
knowing nothing of the experiments that were
then being made in Europe, he made use of
it in his practice, often being himself aston-
ished at the results that he obtained, .and he
was among the first of the regular practitioners
in this country to recognize the power of the
mind as a curative agency, and largely through
his own experiments discovered that diseases
could be overcome through the mind, that
failed to respond to ordinary medical methods,
and began using mental suggestion in his prac-
tice with most gratifying results. This fact
becoming known, his services were sought to
such an extent that he finally .abandoned his
large lucrative medical and surgical practice
and opened a sanitarium for the treatment of
nervous, mental and functional disorders by
the then almost unknown methods of psycho-
theraphy. In 1893 ne purchased the fine old
estate of Marius Schoonmaker, in Kingston,
anil in 1898 founded there the first mental
healing sanitarium in America. From the
first the success of the undertaking was phe-
nomenal, and it was but a short time before
he was compelled to make extensive addi-
tions to the building, and to erect others, be-
sides taking in all the available cottages and
extra rooms in the neighborhood; and in iqii
he erected a handsome, five story, stone stn
ture to accommodate the patients who cai
to him from all parts of the world. He
the author of the book "Psychic Life a
Laws,'' is a contributor to several magazin
and for a time occupied the chair of Nerve
Diseases and Suggestive Therapeutics of t
post-graduate school of Eastern College a
of the Psychological Medical Society at IT
adelphia. He has been vice-president of t
American Association of Physicians and Sur-
geons, and is a member of the American
Psychological Medical and Surgical Society,
ami of the Medico-Legal Society, and has
lectured before the Phrenological Institute
and Medical and Psychic Study societies of
New York and New Jersey. He is a mem-
ber of Kingston Lodge, Free and Accepted
Masons; Mount Horeb Chapter, and Rondout
Commandery, Knights Templar. He married,
in 1880, Jennie, daughter of James and Sarah
(Alligerj Sahler, referred to above. Child
(adcpted) : Nellie, daughter of Simon Daven-
port and Jennie (Sahler) Davenport.
(The Du Bois Line.)
The Du Bois family is one of the oldest of
the noble houses of Cotentin, in the duchy
of Normandy, the heraldic records in Paris
beginning with Geoffroi du Bois, a knight
banneret, and a companion of Duke William
in the conquest of England in 1066.
(I) Chretien Du Bois, the first member of
the branch of the family under consideration
of whom we have any definite information,
was a Huguenot gentleman of the family of
Du Bois, seigneurs de Beau-fermez et de
Bourse, and owned an estate at Wicres, in La
Bassee, near Lille, in French Flanders, now
Artois. Among his children were : Louis, re-
ferred to below ; Jacques, baptized June 18,
1622, died in 1676, married April 25, 1663,
Pieronne Bentyn, emigrated to Esopus, New
York, in 1675; Albert, baptized November 13,
1625; Francoise, married April 20, 1649,
Pierre Biljouw; Anne.
(II) Louis, son of le sieur Chretien Du
Bois, was born at Wicres, October 27, 1627,
died in Kingston, New York, in June, 1696
He emigrated first to Mannheim, in the Pala-
tinate, where he married and two of his sons
were born ; April 27, 1660, came with his fam-
ily in the ship "Gilded Otter" to New Nether-
land. He and his father-in-law were granted
by patent considerable tracts of land in Hur-
ley where they both lived until their removal
to New Paltz. June 7, 1663. his wife and
three sons were captured with others by the
Indians and held prisoners for three months,
and the campaign to rescue them resulted in
the purchase of the Walkill Valley, by the
Huguenot settlers, from the Indians, which
purchase was patented to them by Governor
Edmund Andros, September 29, 1677. Here
during the following spring they founded "Le
nouveau Palatinat" or New Paltz. In 1686
Louis Du Bois and his wife removed from
New Paltz to Kingston. He married, in the
French church in Mannheim, October 10,
1665, Catherine, daughter of Mathew and
Madeline (Jorisse) Blanchan, who died in
Kingston, New York, in 1706. Children:
Abraham, referred to below; Isaac, born in
1659, died June 28, 1690, married in June,
1683, Maria Hasbrouck; Jacob, baptized Oc-
tober 9, 1661, died in 1745, married, March
8, 1689, Lysbeth Varnoye; Sarah, baptized
September 14, 1664, married, December 12,
1682, Joost Janz, of Marbletown ; David, bap-
tized March 13, 1667, married, March 8, 1689,
Cornelia Varnoye ; Solomon, referred to be-
low; Rebecca, baptized June 18, 1671, died
young; Ragel, baptized in April, 1675, died
young ; Louis, born in 1677, married, Janu-
ary 19, 1701, Rachel, daughter of Abraham
and Maria (Deyo) Hasbrouck; Martin, born
January 3, 1679, married, January 17, 1697,
Sara Matthyssen.
(III) Abraham, son of Louis and Catherine
(Blanchan) Du Bois, was born in Mannheim,
Germany, December 26, 1657, died at New
Paltz, Ulster county, New York, October 7,
173 1. He married, March 6, 1681, Margaret,
daughter of Christian Deyo. Children : Sara,
baptized June 20, 1682, married, June 13, 1703,
Roelof Eltinge; Abraham (2), born April 17,
1685; Lea, born October 16, 1687, married
Philip Fires or Ferre ; Rachel, referred to
below ; Mary, twin with Rachel, baptized Oc-
tober 13, 1689, died young; Catherine, born
May 21, 1693, married, October 4, 1728, Wil-
liam Danielsz; Noah, baptized February 18,
1700. died young; Joel, baptized June 20, 1703,
died in 1734.
(IV) Rachel, daughter of Abraham and
Margaret (Deyo) Du Bois, was baptized at
New Paltz, Ulster county, New York, Oc-
tober 13, 1689. She married (first) April 6,
1713, Isaac, son of Solomon and Tryntje
(Gerritson) Du Bois, referred to below, and
married (second) Coats.
(Ill) Solomon, son of Louis and Catherine
( Blanchan ) Du Bois, was born at Wiltwyck
or Hurley, about 1670, died at New Paltz,
Ulster county. New York, between June 26,
1756, and February 15, 1759. He married
about 1690, Tryntje Gerritsen, daughter of
Gerrit Focken and Jacomyntje Sleght. Chil-
dren: Isaac, referred to below; Jacomyntje,
baptized November 5, 1693, married, April
23, 1715, Barent, son of Isaac and Maria
(Hasbrouck) Du Bois; Benjamin, baptized
May 16, 1697, married Catrina Zuylant;
Sarah, baptized February 11, 1700, married,
November 17, 1720, Simon Jacobse Van
Wagenen; Catryn, baptized October 18, 1702,
died in infancy; Cornells, died in 1798, mar-
ried, April 7. [729, Anna Margaret Hooghtel-
ing; Magdalena, baptized April 15, 1705, died
young; Catherine, married December 9, 1722,
Petrus Matheus Louw; Deborah, died young;
Hendrikus, baptized December 31, 1710, mar-
ried. May 6, 1733, Jannetje Hooghteling;
Magdalena, baptized December 20, 1713, mar-
ried, July 14, 1734, Josiah Eltinge.
(IV) Isaac, son of Solomon and Tryntje
(Gerritsen) 1 Hi Bois, was baptized at New
Paltz, September 21, 1691, died at Perkiomen,
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, February
10, 172'). He married, April 6. 17 13, Rachel,
daughter of Abraham and Margaret (Deyo)
Du Bois, referred to above. Children: Cath-
erine, born February 13, 1 7 1 5 ; Margaret, born
about 1717; Sarah, born March 19, 1720; Re-
becca, born August 14, 1722; Elizabeth, re-
ferred to below.
( V 1 Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Rachel
(Du Bois i Du Bois, was born September 10,
1724. She married Abraham Sahler, the em-
igrant, referred to above.
(The Winfield Line.)
Caroline Winfield, mother of Charles Oliver
Sahler, M.D., was born February 20, 1832,
died March 2, 1896. She was married to
Solomon Sahler, February 24, 1852.
Casparus Winfield, grandfather of Charles
Oliver Sahler, was born August 4, 1795, died
January 15, 1870. His wife, Jane Van Aken,
was born October 9, 1798, and died June 14,
1842. She was the daughter of John Van
Aken and Maria Degruff. Grandmother and
grandfather Winfield were both from the town
of Esopus, and buried in the Grand View
cemetery, town of Esopus.
John Winfield, great-grandfather of Charles
Oliver Sahler, was born September 9, 1764,
died February 5, 1853; and his wife, Jane
Van Nostrand, was born March 12, 1770, died
October 26, 1849. John Winfield was a soldier
in the revolution. His gun is now in posses-
sion of James M. Winfield, M.D., Brooklyn,
New York. He also was made member of the
Livingston Lodge, No. 23, December 18, 1799.
Fliere is a silver medal with name, date of
initiation and with the dove and olive branch
on one side, and on the reverse side all of the
emblems of the Master Mason. This jewel
was given to his son, Casparus Winfield, who
was also a member of the same lodge, called
Kingston No. 10. He, John Winfield, attended
a banquet given by the city of Kingston to
its veterans September to, 1832; was over-
seer for Hurley in 1781 ; assessor for Esopus
in 181 1 ; trustee of the corporation of Kings-
ton, 1813-14-15; school commissioner for
Esopus, 1813-44. Jane Van Nostrand was a
daughter of Casparus Van Nostrand, a
soldier of the revolution, and Eva Freling-
huysen ; and a granddaughter of Judge Van
Nostrand and Annatie Steimets. Eva Frel-
inghuysen was a daughter of the Rev. Johan-
nes Frelinghuysen and Dinah Van Berr, and
a sister of General Frederick Frelinghuysen.
Their grandfather, the Rev. Jacobus Freling-
huysen, was sent by the classes of Amster-
dam to take charge of the Dutch Reformed
Church in New Jersey in 1719. He married
Eva Terhune.
John Winfield, great-great-grandfather of
Charles Oliver Sahler, was born March 8,
1727, died January 9, 1798. His wife, Eliza-
beth Smit, was born August 11, 1828.
John Winfield, great-great-great-grand-
father of Charles Oliver Sahler, was born
September 6, . He was a soldier in the
foot militia for the battle of Shawangunk,
under Colonel Rutsert, in 171 5, Zara Kool,
his wife, born November 16. 1694, ar|d mar-
ried in 1716, was the daughter of Simon Kool
and Biliye Pieters ; granddaughter of Jacob
Barent Kool, and Maria Simmons, and great-
granddaughter of Barent Jacobset Kool and
Marie Leenderts.
Richard Winfield (Rutsert Wintveld), great-
great-great-great-grandfather of Charles Ol-
iver Sahler, was born in Derby, England, ir
1657. He also lived in Albany, New York
His wife, Magdalena Schutt, was a widow oi
Gerrit Decker, and daughter of William Jan-
sen Schutt. Of the family of Winfield, says
Camden, famous for their knighthood and
ancient nobility, as stated of them before
seated at Wingfield, county of Suffolk, before
the conquest of 1066. The castle of Wing-
field is situated low, without any earthmarks
tor its defense. The ruined walls are still
standing, the south front or principal entrance
entire. The chequered fates and fortunes of
its noble, but often turbulent inmates, ex-
pressed this term, "Magnificence of feudal
Of the many prominent fam-
j ERYING ilies in America none can claim
a more honorable lineage. They
trace their ancestry to the Celts, who at an
(early date settled on the east coast of Erin
and the west hills and islands of Albyn. The
word was originally written Erevine, meaning
a stout, westland man, and is derived from
jthe Celtic-Scythic words, Erin-vine, or fein,
Erin meaning west, and the early name for
Ireland, the westland, and vine or fein, a
strong and resolute man. The name is vari-
ously written : Erevine, Erwine, Ervine, Er-
ving, de Irvin, Irvine and Irving. One of the
first of the name was Crine Erevine, who was
Abthaine of Dull and senechal and collector
of "all the King's rent in the western isles."
He married the Princess Beatrix, eldest daugh-
ter of Malcolm II. Their son became Dun-
lean I. of Scotland. Descendants of Crine
Erevine located in Bonshaw, where about 12Q6
Robert the Bruce found an asylum in the
castle, when a fugitive from Edward Long-
shanks. Here he was concealed for some
time. Sir William Irvine (de Irvine), a son
of the owner of the castle, became an ardent
supporter of the cause of Robert the Bruce.
He was appointed his squire and armor bearer
and accompanied his royal master in his vari-
ous wanderings. He shared in his many nar-
row escapes and took part in his many excit-
ing encounters and battles, culminating in the
battle of Bannockburn in 1306, which resulted
in victory for the heroic Bruce. In 1323
Robert the Bruce awarded him for his ser-
vices and fidelity in his support the forest of
Drum in Aberdeenshire, originally the Royal
forest, and one of the hunting seats of the
Kings of Scotland ; also his coat-of-arms.
which he wore during the time he was con-
cealed in the Bonshaw castle. William Ir-
vine was also knighted by Robert the Bruce,
who gave him for his coat-of-arms : Three
holly leaves branded together on a shield
arant; also his own motto, sub sole sub umbra
virens. A direct descendant of Sir William
Irvine located in the Orkneys, and from there
descendants of the family went to Stromness,
where John Irving, father of the progenitor
of the family in America, was born.
(I) John (2), son of John (1) Irving, born
in the island of Shapinsha in the Orkneys, in
1693, came to America about 1700 and located
in Boston, where he made his home until his
death, August 30, 1786. He was buried in
the Granary cemetery on Tremont Street, after
coming to this country he changed the spell-
ing of his name from Irving to Erving. At
an early age he began a mercantile business,
in which avocation he gained distinction, be-
coming one of the most prosperous and best
known merchants in the colonies. He took
an active interest in the civic and business
affairs of Boston, serving for twenty years
as a member of the council of Massachusetts.
He also took a deep interest in the educational
system of Boston. His portrait painted by
Copley is now in the possession of his great-
great-grandson, John Erving, of New York
City. He was married in Boston, December
1, 1725, to Abigail, daughter of John and
Mary Philips. She died June 20, 1759, and
was buried in King's Chapel, Boston. Chil-
dren: 1. John, mentioned below. 2. George,
graduated from Harvard University in 1757;
married (first) Lucy Winslow, (second) Mary
Mcintosh Royall ; he died in London, Eng-
land, January 16, 1806; his son, George Wil-
liam, became American Consul at London and
minister to Denmark and Spain. 3. Abigail,
born May 16, 1729, died young. 4. Mary,
married Governor Scott, of the island of St.
Christopher. 5. Elizabeth, born September 14,
1731, died May 5, 1803; married Governor
James Bowdoin. 6. Abigail, born September
17, 1733. 7. William, born September 8, 1734,
died in Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts, May
27, 1791 ; graduated from Harvard University
in 1753; he served as major in the British
army and took part in General Wolfe's cam-
paign against Quebec ; at the commencement
of the revolutionary war he resigned from the
army ; the British government, in recognition
of his services, gave him a grant of land in
Coos county. New Hampshire, which for
many years was known as the Erving loca-
tion ; he bequeathed one thousand pounds to
Harvard University to found the Erving Pro-
fessorship of Chemistry. 8. James, burn April
14, 1736. 9. Sarah, horn June 8, 1737; mar-
ried Brigadier-General Waldo. 10. Ann, born
January jo, 1740; married Duncan Stewart.
(Ill John (3), son of John (2) and Abi-
gail (Philips) Erving, was burn in Boston,
Massachusetts, January 26, 1727, died in
Bath, England. July 22. 1816, and was buried
in VValcot Parish churchyard (St. Swithins),
Bath, lie attended the schools of his native
city, and in 1747 graduated from Harvard
University with the degree of A.B. He took
a prominent part in the civic affairs of his
native city and the Massachusetts colony. In
171 id he was one of the fifty-eight who signed
the "Boston Memorial," thus being one of the
first in America to oppose the officers of the
Crown; in 1774 he was an addresser of Hut-
chinson and in the same year was appointed a
mandamus councillor. In 1776 he tied to Hal-
ifax, ami from there proceeded to England.
In 177S be was proscribed and banished from
America; in 1770 his property was confiscated
under the Conspiracy Act. He married,
April iS, 1754, Maria Catharina, youngest
daughter of William Shirley, governor of
Massachusetts Bay, and commander-in-chief
of the British forces in North America. She
flied March 12, 1816, aged eighty-seven years,
and was buried in the Walcot Parish church
yard. Children: 1. Maria Catharina, christened
August 17, 1755. 2. Prances, baptized Sep-
tember 24, 1756. 3. John, mentioned below.
4. William, born in 1758, died November 14,
1772. 5. Shirley, christened November 23,
1 7_S< ). 6. Abigail, born April 20, 1700.
(III) Jolm (4), son of John (3) and Maria
Cithanna (Shirk1/) Erving wis christened
in Boston, Massachusetts, November 20, 1757,
died there about 1847. He received a liberal
education, and for many years engaged in mer-
cantile business in his native city. He took
a prominent part in the civic and social af-
fairs of Boston. He married, September 24,
1785, Ann (Nancy), daughter of William
Sheaffe, collector of the port of Boston, and
sister of General Sir Robert Hale Sheaffe,
Baronet. Children: I. John, mentioned below.
2. William, born in 1790, died June 7, 1791.
3 Prances Anne, died in Waltham, Massa-
chusetts, May 12, 1880.
(IV) Colonel John (5) Erving, son of
John (4) and Ann (Sheaffe) Erving, wa
burn in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1789, diei
in New York City, October 26, 1862. He at
tended the schools of his native city. On Jan
nary 9, 1809, he was appointed second lieu
tenant of the FInited States army. He the:
for two years at the National Academ
at West Point. He was promoted first lieu
tenant, August 16, 1812, and from April t
1813, to June 15, 1815, during the war o
1812, served as assistant adjutant-genera
with the rank of major. Pie was retained a
first lieutenant artillery corps, May 17, 181;
and from March, 1817, to April, 1818, wa
battalion adjutant. On April 25, 1818, h
was promoted captain and transferred to th
Fourth Artillery ; was brevetted major, Apr
28, 1828, for "ten years of faithful servic
in one grade." He was commissioned majoi
June 1, 1821, and assigned to the Third Artr
lery, and on December 2, 1843, was trans
ferred to the Second Artillery. He performe
gallant service in the Seminole and Gree
wars in Florida. He was commissioned liet
tenant-colonel, August 16, 1846, and serve
with distinction during the Mexican war. O
October 5, 1837, he was promoted colonel an
transferred to the First Artillery. He wa
retired from active service because of failin
health, October 26, 1861.
Pie married, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvani;
December 6, 1831, Emily Sophia, daughtt
of Thomas Pangdon-Elwyn, of Portsmoutl
New Hampshire, born March 12, 1802, die
March 13, 1878. Children: 1. John, mentione
below. 2. Pangdon, born November 20, 183-
died May 20, 1862; married, in Baltimor
Maryland, December 18, i860, Sophia Claj
ham, daughter of Josiah Pennington.
Elwyn, born June, 1839, died November I
1867; married, in Baltimore, April, 186
Pydia Hollingsworth, daughter of Captai
Adams, United States navy. Mrs. Ervin
was a granddaughter of John Pangdon, bor
in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, June 2
1 741. He became one of the most prominei
citizens of the state, serving as delegate 1
the continental congress, 1775-76 and 178^
and was for several years a member of tf
li use of representatives, being speaker of tr
house, 1776-82, 1804-05. He was presidei
of New Hampshire in 1785, and in 1787 wi
delegate to the federal constitutional convei
tion. He was governor of the state in 1788,
1805-09-10-11, and served as United States
senator from New Hampshire, March 4, 1789,
to March 3, 1801, being for some time presi-
dent of that body. He declined the appoint-
ment of secretary of the navy in 181 1. In
1812 he was the Democratic nominee for vice-
president of the United States. He died in
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, September 18,
i8iq. Governor Langdon married, February
3, 1776, Elizabeth Sherburne, and had one
child, Elizabeth, born December 4, 1777. She
married, July 16, 1797, Thomas Ehvyn, and
had nine children. A daughter. Emily Sophia
Langdon-Elwyn, married Colonel John Er-
ving, United States Army, mentioned above.
(V) John (6), son of Colonel John (5)
and Emily Sophia (Langdon-Elwyn) Erving,
iwas born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July
6, 1833. After a five years' course of study
at the Brothers Peugnet School in New York
City, he entered the sophomore 'class of Har-
vard University in 1850, and graduated in
1853 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts
In 1858 his alma mater conferred upon him
the degree of master of arts. He entered the
Harvard University Law School in 1853 and
graduated in 1855 vvith the degree of LL.B
In 1856 he was admitted to the bar in New
York City, but for many years has been re-
tired from active practice. He joined the
Seventh Regiment New York National Guard,
in i860, and was honorably discharged in
1868. In 1861 and 1863 he served with his
regiment in the war. He is a member of the
Union League and Harvard clubs, and a
charter member of the New York Bar As-
sociation. Mr. Erving married, April 22,
1862, Cornelia, second daughter of William
Paterson Van Rensselaer, son of Stephen Van
Rensselaer, of Albany, the last Patroon (see
Van Rensselaer V). She was born Septem-
|er 22, 1841. Children: 1. Susan Van Rens-
ilaer, born May 11, 1863, died July 1, 1912
. Cornelia Van Rennsselaer, born April 6,
-^i>5 : married (first) John V. L. Pruyn, June
r, 1895; children: John V. L., Jr., born June
I 1896, died May 17, 1897; Erving, born Oc-
Pober 26, 1897; Hendrik, born December 28,
)oo; she married (second) April 6, 1908,
-. amilton L. Hoppin. 3. John Langdon, men-
; oned below. 4. Emily Elwyn, born June 29,
368; married Henry Woodward Cooper, Jan-
uary 22, 1895; ne died April 30, 1912; chil-
dren: Cornelia Van Rensselaer, born Febru-
ary 6, 1896, died July 20, 1899; Lamberton,
born February 16, 1900; John Erving, born
September 30, 1905. 5. Sarah Elizabeth, born
May 4, 1870; married, April 22, 1896, James
Gore King; children: James Gore, Jr., born
May 25, 1898. Eleanor Erving, born Novem-
ber 29, 1900; Edward Ramsay, born May 20,
1905, died October 21, 1907; Cornelia Van
Rensselaer, born February 7, 191 1. 6. Wil-
liam Van Rensselaer, born November 15, 1871 ;
is a lawyer residing in Albany, where he is
a representative of the estate of his grand-
father, the late William Paterson Van Rens-
selaer; Mr. Erving was municipal civil ser-
vice commissioner for ten years, and is now
commissioner of public safety in Albany. 7.
Katharine Van Rensselaer, born November
K). 1873. 8. Eleanor Cecilia, born September
20, 1875. 9. Frances Shirley, born Novem-
ber 7, 1877, died September 29, 1878. 10.
Walter Shirley, born January 3, 1880. 11.
Justine Bayard, born December 22, 1881. 12
Philip Livingston, born March 12, 1884, died
May 11, 1885.
(VI) John Langdon, son of John (6) and
Cornelia (Van Rensselaer) Erving, was born
on Manising Island, Rye, New York, July
31, 1866. He was educated in private schools
of New York City, and for twenty years was
ci nnected with the Mexican Cable Company.
In January, 1885, he enlisted in the Sixth
Company, Seventh Regiment New York Na-
tional Guard. In August, 1887, he was com-
missioned first lieutenant in the Twelfth Regi-
ment. In March. 1805, he enlisted in Troop
A, Second Army Corps, United States Army,
and served with his troop in the campaign in
Porto Rico during the Spanish-American war
in 1898, and in the fall of this year was hon-
orably discharged. He married, November 3,
1004, Alice Hanchet Rutherford. Children:
1. Alice Rutherford, born May 24, 1906. 2.
Cornelia Van Rensselaer, born November 23,
1907. 3. John Langdon, Jr., born August 1,
The surnames Dickey, Dick
DICKEY and the like are manifestly de-
rived from the personal or bap-
tismal name Richard. Richard besides being
itself a surname, like a number of other per-
sonal names having the dual capacity, has
given rise to other surnames. Among the
surnames that have been derived from Rich-
ard and its modifications in almost every
country of Europe, are Richards, Richardson,
MacRichard, Rich, Riche, Ritchie, Riches,
Rick, Dick, Hitchin, Dix, Dickinson and so on.
These names arc common, some of them to
every country in Europe, though Dickey is
confined for the most part to England and
Ireland. It is in some cases a rendering from
the ( iaelic term, MacRiocard, which is also
in many cases rendered as Richardson. The
Dickey family or rather families bearing the
name of Dickey were known in America in
the early part of the eighteenth century.
(I) Robert Dickey, immigrant ancestor of
the Dickey family, was born in Ireland, and
died in New York City. He came from Ire-
land in [798 and was a shipping merchant in
Xew York, lie married Anne Brown. Chil-
dren : I lugh T., Anne, Elizabeth, Jane, George,
Robert, John, Charles Denston, mentioned be-
low ; Mary.
( II ) Charles Denston, son of Robert and
Anne (Brown) Dickey, was born October 8,
1818, in New York City, and died at Islip,
Dong Island, in 1897. He received his pre-
liminary education in the schools of the city,
and in 1835 entered the office of Brown
Brothers & Company, remaining with the firm
till his death in 1897. During this period he
represented the house at various times in Sa-
vannah. New Orleans and Mobile, and became
a partner in 1859. In 1850 he married, at
Greensboro, Alabama, Mary, born October 28,
1825. daughter of Dr. John and Sophia
(Graham) Witherspoon Sophia (Graham)
Witherspoon, mother of Mary (Witherspoon)
Dickey, and grandmother of Charles Denston
(2) Dickey, was a daughter of Governor Jo-
seph Graham, of North Carolina. Children
of Charles Denston and Mary (Witherspoon)
Dickey: Eliza Goldthwaite, born in Mobile.
Alabama, 1853; Charles Denston, mentioned
below ; Sophia Witherspoon, New York, 1864 ;
Mary Witherspoon, New York, 1866.
(III) Charles Denston (2), son of Charles
Denston (1) and Mary (Witherspoon)
Dickey, was born at Mobile, Alabama, May
8, i860. He was educated in St. Paul's
Si hi ol. Concord. New Hampshire, and at Har-
vard University, graduating in the class of
1882. After leaving college he entered tl
office of Brown Brothers & Company. J
[885 he became their representative in I'h
adelphia, where he lived for a period of abo
two years, afterwards returning to New Y01
as a partner in the New York house. M
Dickey is a director of the Commercial Tru
Company of New Jersey, trustee of the Gree:
vvich Savings Bank, trustee of the Londc
Assurance Corporation, director of the Me
chants' National Bank of the City of Ne
York, director of the Niagara Falls Pow<
Company, United States trustee of the Nort!
era Assurance Company, Limited, of Londo
trustee of the < >cean Accident and Guaranty
( Corporation, and director of the United Stat'
Mortgage and Trust Company. Mr. Dickc
also belongs to a number of leading clubs.
lie married, in New York City, March I
1S93, Louise, daughter of Stephen and Ma
garet (Johnson) Whitney, of New Have
Children: Charles Denston (3), born Deceti
ber 3, 1893; Stephen Whitney, January
1897; Lawrence Witherspoon, April 12, 190
Originally spelled Rossete
ROSSITER this name is of undoubtt
Saxon or Norman origin, ar
probably was carried into England with tl
conquering army of William the Norman,
is still a conspicuous one in England, as we
as in the United States, and has borne i
part in developing this country in the variot
branches of progress.
( I ) Sir Edward Rossiter, the founder (
the family in the United States, came from
good substantial family of the English gentr
and owned a large estate in the county (
Somerset, England. He was commissione
in London in 1629 as one of the assistants 1
Governor Winthrop, and embarked for tl
colonies from Plymouth, England, March 2<
1630, in the ship "Mary and John," con
manded by Captain Syuet, with one hundre
and forty persons abroad. Their origin;
destination was the Charles river, but the ca]
tain decided to land them at Dorchester Necl
at the end of a two months' voyage. In tl
histories of the colonies Edward is spoken c
as a "godly man of good repute,'' who le
England for the sake of religion. He lived t
fill his position but a few months after h
arrival in this country, and died October 2,
1630. There is no mention of Sir Edward's
wife, and it is supposed that she had previ-
ously died.
(II) Dr. Brayard Rossiter, son of Sir Ed-
ward Rossiter, was the only member of his
family who came with him. He was accom-
panied by his wife, Elizabeth (Alsop) Ros-
siter, whom he had married in England. Dr.
Rossiter is spoken of in history as a finely
educated man from the best schools in Eng-
land. He was one of the principal men who
commenced the settlement of Windsor, Con-
necticut, in 1636, where he was a magistrate
for eighteen years, and became widely known
as a physician. In 1652 he removed to Guil-
ford, Connecticut. On March 11, 1662, he
performed the first post-mortem examination
in the Connecticut colony, and history has it
that it was the first autopsy of which there
is any record in New England, antedating by
a dozen years the one in Boston, in 1674, an
account of which is given by Dr. Greene in
his "History of Medicine." Dr. Rossiter died
in Guilford, September 30, 1672. He had five
sons and five daughters, but the only son who
had descendants was Josiah.
(III) Josiah, son of Dr. Brayard and Eliza-
beth (Alsop) Rossiter, was born in 1646, in
Windsor, died January 31, 1716, in Guilford,
whither he had removed with his father when
a boy. He was one of the twelve patentees
oi the town of Guilford in 1685, and was a
very prominent man in that community, fill-
ing many official positions. He represented
the town in the state legislature nine times,
the last year being 1700. He was town clerk
from 1695 to 1706, and from 1707 to 1716,
the time of his death. In 1676 he was ensign
of the local militia company; he served as
county and probate judge of New Haven,
Connecticut, and was for ten years one of the
assistants of the governor, and was also the
first naval officer of the port of Guilford. He
larried, in 1676, Sarah, daughter of the Hon.
amuel Sherman, of Stamford and Wood-
ury, Connecticut, from whose grandfather
descended Roger Sherman, one of the signers
)f the Declaration of Independence, General
William Tecumseh Sherman and Senator John
herman. Children of Josiah Rossiter: Sarah,
vho died young; Elizabeth, born in April,
679; Josiah (2), born March 31, 1680;
'■amuel, died young; Timothy, born June 5,
1683; John born October 13, 1684; Samuel,
born February z8, 1686; David, born April
17, 1687; Jonathan, born April 3, 1688;
Nathaniel, of whom further; Sarah, born Feb-
ruary 25, 1691 ; Patience, born April 6, 1692;
Johanna, born April 23, 1693.
(IV) Ensign Nathaniel Rossiter, eighth son
of Josiah and Sarah (Sherman) Rossiter, was
born November 10, 1689, in Guilford, where
he died October 4, 1751. He resided in his
native town, and was a joiner by occupation.
In 1716 his property was valued for taxation
at fifty-eight pounds, nineteen shillings and six
pence. He married Anna, daughter of Lieu-
tenant Nathaniel Stone. She died April 20,
1776, having survived her husband about a
quarter of a century. Children : Nathaniel
(2), born March 23, 1716; Benjamin, born
September 25, 1718; Sarah, born June 1, 1720;
Noah, born April 15, 1725, died February,
1757 : David, born in October, 1728, died in
September, 1731 ; Nathan, of whom further.
(V) Nathan, youngest child of Ensign
Nathaniel and Anna (Stone) Rossiter, was
born October 31, 1730, in Guilford, died in
1788, in Richmond, Berkshire county, Mass-
achusetts. He settled in the latter town in
■T/75, locating in the western part, a little over
one mile west of the village of Richmond, at
the intersection of two roads. He married,
June 14, 1755, Sarah, daughter of Timothy
and Bathsheba (Stone) Baldwin, of North
Guilford, born July 24, 1735, in that town.
Children: Nathan (2), of whom further;
Noah, born June 5. 1759, resided on the
paternal homestead ; Abraham, died young ;
Sarah, born August 28, 1763; Abraham, born
October 20, 1765. resided on the homestead;
Samuel, born February 26, 1768; Benjamin,
born November 23, 1771, lived in New York;
Rebecca, born June 20, 1774.
(VI) Nathan (2), eldest child of Nathan
(1) and Sarah (Baldwin) Rossiter, was born
in 1756, in Guilford. He settled in the south-
ern part of the town of Williamstown, Berk-
shire county. New York, where he was a
prominent citizen, and died in 1829. His
name appears frequently as a witness to deeds
and other legal documents. He married Han-
nah, daughter of Timothy and Hannah (Wad-
hams) Tuttle, of Goshen, Connecticut, born
there August 10, 1758. Children : Dr. David,
born in February, 1783, died in February,
1870; Timothy Tuttle, of whom further;
Louis Nathan, born in 1788; Melissa, burn in
1790, died in June, 185'); Edward.
(VII) Timothy Tuttle, second son of Na-
than (2) and Hannah ( Tuttle ) Rossiter, was
born in 1785, probably in Williamstown,
though his birth is not there recorded, lie
died in that town, July 29, 1809, at the age of
twenty-four years He married Cynthia
Powers. She married (second) intentions re-
corded December 20, 1 8 1 3 , in Williamstown,
Charles Bulkeley, of Granville, Massachusetts,
Sou of Timothy Tuttle and Cynthia ( 1'owers)
Rossiter; Lucius Tuttle, of whom further.
(VIII) Lucius Tuttle, only son of Timothy
Tuttle and Cynthia (Lowers) Rossiter, was
born October 2, 1809, in Williamstown.
though not recorded there, and died August
24. 1871), in Guilford, Connecticut. In 1843
he went to St. Louis, Missouri, where he was
a dry-goods merchant until 185 — , when he
retired and settled in Brooklyn, New York,
lie always maintained a summer home in
Guilford. Owing to business reverses in 1865
he entered the service of the United States in
the customs department in New York City,
where he continued ten years. Following this
he became secretary of the York County Iron
Company, of York, Pennsylvania, but did not
remove his residence from Brooklyn. He
continued in this capacity until a short time
before his death, being prevented by illness
in lii- last years from further activity. He
was a regular attendant of the Lafayette Ave-
nue Presbyterian Church, of Brooklyn, and a
steadfast supporter of Republican principles,
but not an active politician. He married,
August j8, 1843, at Troy. New York, Mary
Wickes, born January 30, 1817, at Jamaica,
Long Island, died January 4. I < m >7" . at the
home of her daughter in New York City,
She was a descendant of General Van Wyck
Wickes. of Jamaica. Children of Lucius Tut-
tle Rossiter and wife: 1. Edward Van Wyck,
of whom further. 2. Walter King, born
May 25, 1846, died October 1, 1910; married,
April 2(1, 1871, Emilie K. Mayo, daughter of
Joshua C. Mayo. Children: i. Marie Louise
born February 16, 1872. ii. Ethel Mayo, born
March 28, 1874, married Peter Duncan Mc-
Naughton ; child, Walter, iii. Helen Wickes,
born March 14, 1876. 3. William Wickes. of
whom further. 4. Mary Wickes, born Au-
gust [9, 1849, Ted January, 1852. 5. Frai
Powers, born August 19, 1852. 6. Anna, bo
October 7, 1853, died February, 1856.
Elizabeth, born December 12, 1854. 8. Luci
Tuttle, born September 4, 1856. 9. Arth
Lawrence, born October 18, 1857, died
August, 1858. 10. Clinton Lawrence.
(IX) Edward Van Wyck, oldest child
Lucius Tuttle and Mary (Wickes) Rossib
was b rn July 13, 1844, in St. Louis, Missou
dud December 10, 1910, at Flushing, N<
York. He was educated at the Collegiate a
Polytechnic Institute, of Brooklyn, and up
attaining his majority became a clerk in t
office of the Hudson River Railroad Compai
where he continued two years. For the si
ceeding seven years he was a clerk in t
treasurer's office of the same company, a
from 1867 to 1877 was cashier of the coi
pany. From 1877 to 1901 he was treasui
of the company, and after 1901 was vice-pre
dent of the New York Central & Huds
River Railroad Company, and from 1883
1900 he was treasurer of the same compai
After November 9, 1900, was vice-president
the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railro
Company, and since January 3, 1905, of t
Michigan Central Railroad Company. 1
was a vice-president of the Cleveland, C:
cinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co:
pany, and an officer and director in other st
sidiary companies of the New York Cent:
\ tern. He was a vice-president and a 1
rector of the Lincoln National Bank of N<
York ; vice-president and trustee of the L:
coin Safe Deposit Company; trustee of t
Bowery Savings Bank; director of the Quee
Insurance Company of America; and also
many coal and other corporations. He was
member of the Chamber of Commerce of N<
York ; New England Society of New Y01
and of the Union League Club; and for ma
years he was a warden of St. George's Pi
testant Episcopal Church, of Flushing. 1
married, at Great Neck, Long Island, Ju
[6, [869, Estelle Hewlett, born 1845, daught
1 f Joseph Lawrence and Mary (Cromwe
Hewlett, of Hewlett's Point, Great Neck, Lo
Island. Children: 1. Edward Lawrence,
whom further. 2. Estelle Hewlett, born C
tober <\ 1872; married, November, i8(
Charles Edward Titus, and resides in N<
York City; children: Arthur Rossiter, born
November, 1899; Charles Edward, March,
1902. 3. Arthur Wickes, of whom further.
4. Frank Herriman, born March, 1878; con-
nected with the accounting department of the
New York Central Railroad. 5. Mary Hew-
lett, residing in New York City. 6. Ernest
Tuttle, born April, 1884; graduated from a
school in Pomf ret, Connecticut ; unmarried ;
resides in New York City.
(X) Edward Lawrence, eldest child of Ed-
ward Van Wyck and Estelle (Hewlett) Ros-
siter, was born August 14, 1870, at Great
Neck, Long Island. He was educated in
Flushing Institute, and in 1887, at the age of
seventeen years, entered business as a clerk
in the office of the New York Central & Hud-
son River Railroad Company. In 1900 he
became assistant treasurer of the same, and
in November, 1902, became treasurer. Since
December, 1910, he has been a director of the
Lincoln National Bank of New York; is a
director in a number of subsidiary companies
of the New York Central railroad system.
For two years he was a member of the Seventh
Regiment, National Guard State of New
York, receiving his discharge about 1897. He
is a member of Christ (Protestant Episcopal)
Church, of Greenwich, Connecticut, and is
identified with numerous clubs, including the
Union League of New York, Transportation,
Greenwich Country, and Field of Greenwich.
Politically he is an Independent. He now
resides at Greenwich, Connecticut.
Mr. Rossister married, June 5, 1895, in
Brooklyn, Ella Fowler, a graduate of Packer
Institute, born October 29, 1875, daughter of
Henry J. and Sarah (Quimby) Fowler, of
Brooklyn, New York. Children : Lawrence
Fowler, born March 23, 1896, in Brooklyn,
now a member of the class of 1913, at the Al-
len-Stevenson School, of New York City ;
Dorothy, a student at the Ely School of Green-
(X) Arthur Wickes. second son of Edward
Van Wyck and Estelle (Hewlett) Rossiter,
was born October 8, 1874, at Flushing, Long
Island. He attended the Flushing Institute
and Drisler's private school of New York
City. In 1892, at the age of eighteen, he
entered the employ of J. W. Davis & Com-
pany, bankers and brokers (then located at
No. 66 Broadway, but now at No. 100 Broad-
way), as a boy, and since then has filled by
steady advancement every position in the busi-
ness. In 1900 he became a member of the
firm. At the present time (1913) he is one
of the active members of the Stock Exchange.
He holds membership in the Union Club,
Racquet and Tennis Club, Automobile Club,
the Stock Exchange Lunch Club, the Nassau
Country Club, the Piping Rock Country Club,
and the Oakland Golf Club. He is a Re-
publican in politics. He resides at Glen Cove,
Long Island.
He married, in 1906, Alice Riggs Colgate,
of Flushing, Long Island, daughter of Robert
and Henrietta (Craig) Colgate. Children:
Henrietta Craig, born March 22, 1907; Arthur
Wickes, Jr., born March 30, 1908.
(IX) William Wickes, son of Lucius Tuttle
and Mary (Wickes) Rossiter, was born in
Troy, February 9, 1848, and died in Brook-
lyn, April 27, 1897. As a merchant in general
produce he began business with the firm of
Wallace & Wickes ; afterwards the company
was reorganized under the name of Rossiter &
Skidmore, and Mr. Rossiter was its principal
member until the time of his death. He was
also the president of the Terminal Warehouse
Company, in New York City. He was a Re-
publican and a member of the Presbyterian
church. He was prominent in the social and
club life of Brooklyn, serving on the boards of
such organizations as the Hamilton Club, Chil-
dren's Aid Society, etc. He married (first)
in Brooklyn, August 2, 1870, Emma L., daugh-
ter of Robert Richmond, who was born in
Brooklyn, in 1849, and died October 27,, 1888;
I sec nd) Helen, daughter of James Hendrick,
of Albany, New York. All his children were
by the first wife. Her father, Robert Rich-
mond, was born in Scotland, and came to
America at the age" of twenty-one, and died in
1879. Children: Van Wyck. of whom further:
Julie, born January 21, 1875. married, April
29, 1896, John J. Hinchman ; William Wickes,
born November 13, 1877.
( X ) Van Wyck, son of William Wickes
and Emma L. (Richmond) Rossiter, was born
in Brooklyn, May 12, 1871. After having had
a thorough preliminary course of study in the
Holbrook School, Ossinning, he completed his
education at the Polytechnic Institute, of
Brooklyn. His first business experience was
with H. A. Rogers, at No. 19 John Street.
New York City; hut this position he was after
a time compelled to give up on account of ill
health, and going out to California for re-
cuperation, he remained for a year. In 1893
he organized the firm of Rossiter. McGovern
& Company, the company being incorporated
in 1899, ami Mr, Rossiter serving as its presi-
dent until he retired from the business. He
was also president of the Queensboro Electric
Light & Power Company, of the borough of
Queens, New York City; of the Citizens' Elec-
tric Lighting Company, of Far Rockaway,
Long Island, New York; of the Liberty Light
& Lower Company, of Liberty, Sullivan
county. New York, and a director of many
other companies. He organized and was for
six years the president of the Rockland County
Trust Company: is president of the Gregory
& Sherman G mpany, and of the Braeburn
Association, all three of these organizations
being of Nyack, Rockland county, New York,
Mr. Rossiter making his home at Upper
Nyack. He is president of the Nyack
Country Club, and is a member of the Union
League Club, of New York City. In politics
he is a Republican, and he has served as
village trustee of Upper Nyack.
Mr. Rossiter married, in California, Octo-
ber 10, 1895, Mabel, daughter of Lewis Cass
and Anna L. (Davis) Fuller, who was born
in Portland, Oregon. Her father was a well-
known banker of that state. Children: Rich-
mond, born November 8, 1896; Ruth Mabel,
born September 29. 1897; Van Wyck, born
May 26. 1900; Margaret, born April 22. 1901 ;
Elizabeth, born July 23, 191 1.
This old Dutch family has been con-
SIP tinuously located in New Jersey for
two and a half centuries, and seven
generations have been born in one house, lo-
cated at the south corner of Bergen Avenue
and Newkirk Street in Jersey City. This
house was built by Adraen Hendrickse Sip
about 1664, and is still occupied by his lineal
descendant, who was born there.
(I) Adraen Hendrickse Sip. of Breda, Hol-
land, came to America in 1641, and joined the
church in Bergen, November 13, 1666. The
house which he built there in 1664 is still
standing in almost its original form. The
homes of that period were usually one-story
structures built of stone or wood ami some-
times of both, and were comfortable and
hospitable in appearance. The steep roof
curved slightly toward the lower part and often
extended beyond the walls to form a piazza,
the edge being supported by pillars. There
were spacious rooms on either side of a wide
hall which ran through the middle of the house,
and the attic contained several sleeping apart-
ments, a spinning and loom room and a store-
roi m. A very fair example of one of these
is the Sip homestead. Adraen H. Sip married
(first) February 4, 1656, Grietje Warnants
Van Schonevelt, and (second) Geertje Aur-
ians, a widow, who survived him and died May
17, 1 691. Children: Henricus, Jan Arianse,
Antje, became the wife of Symon Jacobse
Van Winkle; Maritje, married Sibi Opdyke.
He was one of the original purchasers on
January 30, 1658, of the Peninsula between
the Hudson and Hackensack rivers, south
from Weehawken to Bergen Point, from the
Indians, which was finally granted to the in-
habitants of Bergen in the year 1661.
(II) Jan Arianse, second son of Adraen
Hendrickse and Grietje Warnants (Van
Schonevelt) Sip, was born May 24, 1662, died
August 12, 1729. He was an important and
influential person in the town of Bergen. He
was lieutenant in the Bergen militia under
Captain John Pinhorne from 1703 to 171 1,
and later captain. He married, April 22, 1683,
Johanna Van Vorst. Children, all baptized in
New York: Arie, born October 25, 1684, bap-
tized November it, 1684; Hillegend. bap-
tized August 2^. 1687; Ide, twin of Hillegond,
died in infancy; Margaret. August 17, 1690;
Annetje, February 22/1693; ^e, mentioned
below: Johannis, born May 10, 1698; Abra-
ham, April 11, 1704; Lena, baptized Decem-
ber 1, 1708.
(III) Ide, son of Jan Arianse and Johanna
(Van Vorst) Sip, was born September 3, 1695,
in Bergen, and died February 26, 1702, He
was commissioned lieutenant of the Sixth
Company of the Bergen militia under captain
Michael C. Vreeland, March 13, 17^3, and
was active in the affairs of the town. He mar-
ried (first) April 12, 1 7 1 5 . at Hackensack,
Ariantje Cornelisse Cadmuys, a native of
Passaic, and (second) June 9, 1725. in New
York. Antje Van Wagenen. born about 1704.
daughter of Johannis and Catalyntje (Hel-
migse) Van Wagenen, died January 25, 1749.
Children of second marriage : John, Cornelius,
Annetje, Catalyntje, born August 5, 173 1 ; Ar-
riantje, baptized June 2, 1733; Jannetje, Sep-
tember 30, 1735; Garret, mentioned below.
(IV) Garret, youngest child of Ide and
Antje (Van Wagenen) Sip, was baptized Au-
gust 21, 1740. in Bergen, and died October
4, 1775. He married Jannetje Merselis, who
survived him almost fifty years, dying October
4. 1775. Children: Antje, born September 6,
1764; Peter, mentioned below; Jenneke,
March 12, 1770.
(V) Peter, only son of Garret and Jannetje
(Merselis) Sip. was born August 18, 1767,
in Bergen, and died May 1, 1852. He was a
jurist of the finest type, being judge of the
Bergen Court of Common Pleas, and in 1840
was elected county judge of Hudson county
by the Republican party, of which he was an
earnest supporter. He was the founder of
the New Jersey Railroad & Transportation
Company; Newark Plank Road Company':
Mechanics Bank. Newark ; Jersey City & Ber-
gen railroad, which has since grown to enor-
mous proportions He married, November 1,
1789, Elizabeth Vreeland, who died March 1,
1827. Children: Garret, born March 11. 1791 ;
Marritje. February 27, 1795 ; Richard, men-
tioned below.
(YF) Richard, seccnd son of Peter and Eli-
zabeth (Vreeland) Sip, was born August 31,
1800. in Bergen, and died April 10, 1865. He
was engaged in looking after his father's es-
tate, and bv his good judgment and foresight
the value of the property was greatly increased.
He was a member of the Dutch Reformed
church of Bergen, now Jersey City, and in
politics was a Republican. He married, in
Jersey City, September =;. 1856, Sarah Eliza-
beth Wayland, born July 31, 1818. in New
York City, died October 20, 1910, daughter
of Letitia Wayland, born in Bath, England.
June 22, 1789, died July 12, 1864. They had
one son, Richard Garret, mentioned below.
(VII) Richard Garret, only son of Richard
and Sarah Elizabeth (Wayland) Sip, was
born July 2. i860, in Jersey City, New Jer-
sey. He first attended private schools in New
York City, and later Professor Anthon's
Grammar School, where he remained until he
was sixteen years of age, when he entered
the School of Mines. He studied Chemistry
and Mining Engineering. He then made an
extensive tour of the world in a 560-ton bark,
when he returned to Jersey City He is now-
retired and is living in the old homestead built
by Adraen Hendrickse Sip in 1664. In poli-
tics he is a Republican. Mr. Sip is vice-presi-
dent of the Holland Society of New York,
president of the Hudson County Holland So-
ciety, and of the Alpha Beta Delta. He is a
charter member of the Carteret Club of Jersey
City, Indian Harbor Yacht Club, Lake Hopat-
cong Yacht Club, Manhattan Bicycle Club,
New York, and member of Chamber of Com-
merce, Jersey City, New Jersey.
Mr. Sip married, December 31, 1889, in
Jersey City, Mary Ella Riker, born March
26, 1863, in Jersey City, daughter of John
Kidney and Martha Ann ( Van Derlinder)
Riker. The latter was born December 16,
1832, and died November 9, 1908, in Jersey
City. John K. Riker was engaged in the hotel
business. He died April 14, 1867. Mr. and
Mrs. Riker had children: John Romine, born
October, 1855; Henry H., December 3, 1857;
Albert ; Mary Ella, above mentioned as the
wife of Richard Garret Sip.
Captain John Luther was born
LUTHER in Shrewsbury. England. He
set sail from D:rset county,
England, for the new world, landing in Bos-
ton, Massachusetts, in 1635, and in 1637 was
one of the first purchasers and settlers of
Swansea ; his ninety acres of land were said
to have been purchased from the Indians for
a peck of white beans. It is quite probable
that the land was assigned by the government
and the peck of beans merelv quieted any
claim made bv the Indians. He sold his in-
terests there and in 1642 became one of the
first settlers of Gloucester ; in the same year
he was made governor of Rhode Island. He
was employed by the merchants of Boston as
captain of a vessel to go to Delaware Bay on
a trading voyage, and while there was killed
by the Indians in 1644. Evidently his son was
captured at the same time, for on May 2, 1646,
the general court of Massachusetts decreed
that the wid w Luther should have the balance
of her husband's wages according to the cus-
tom, after allowing the merchants what they
paid for the redemption of her son. Children:
Samuel, of whom further; Hezekiah, of whom
further, and James.
( II ) Rev. Samuel Luther, son of Captain
John Luther, was born in 1636, in Taunton,
and died December 20, 1716, at Kickemuit,
Rhode Island. He was among the first set-
tlers of Swansea, Massachusetts, in 1667, and
made a demand upon the town of Taunton,
October 19, 1672, for his father's purchase
rights, but it was shown that his brother had
been for many years in peaceful possession of
the property and his appeal was denied. He
served as selectman of Swansea before 1675.
His wife bore the baptismal name of Mary,
and they had children: Samuel, born October
25, 1663; The philus, October 9, 1665; Mary,
July 2-,, 1668; Ebenezer, December 27. 1678;
Mehitable, married Ebenezer Cole; Martha,
married Huge Cole. The first four are re-
corded at Rehoboth.
( II ) Hezekiah, son of Captain John Luther,
was b rn about [639-40, in Taunton, and died
July 2T,, 1723, in Swansea, Massachusetts,
where he was one of the first settlers, in asso-
ciation with his brother Samuel. His descend-
ants continued to itside there and in Rehoboth.
and in Warren and other towns in Rhode
Island. His first wife bore thfc name of Eliza-
beth, and his second that of Sarah. Children
of first wife, born in Swansea: John, born
1663, died [697; Nathaniel, 1664, married,
June 28, 1693, Ruth Cole. Children of second
wife: Joseph, born February 12, 1669, died
March 23, 1736; Elizabeth, December 29,
1671, married John Kinnicutt ; Edward, April
27, 1674, married (first) Sarah Callender,
(second) Elizabeth Mason; Hezekiah, men-
tioned below: Hannah, married Dr. Richard
(III) Hezekiah (2), fifth son of Hezekiah
(1) and Sarah ( ) Luther, was born
August 27, 1676, in Swansea, and married,
March 23. 1704, Martha Gardner. They were
the parents of twelve children.
(IV) Hezekiah (3), son of Hezekiah (2)
and Martha (Gardner) Luther, was born Feb-
ruary 19, 1728, in Swansea, where he resided.
He married, December 23, 1750, Mary Tolls,
and they were the parents of eight children:
Hannah, born 1751 ; William, mentioned be-
low; Mehitable, 1755: Israel, 1757; Elizabeth,
1750: Rebecca. 1761 ; Hezekiah and Hopestill
(twins), 1763.
(V) William, eldest son of Hezekiah (3)
and Mary (Jolls) Luther, was born December
31, 1752, and died at sea, May 11, 1784. He
was a soldier of the revolution, serving first
under Captain Ezra Ormsbee, of the town of
Warren, in 1776, and in 1781 in Captain Cur-
tis Cole's company of Colonel Nathan Miller's
regiment. Caleb Salisbury was a soldier in
the same companies, as was also his relative
Gideon Luther. He married, about 1774,
Patience Miller, and they were the parents of
the fi 'llowing children, born in Warren : James
Miller, October 23, 1776; Hezekiah, Novem-
ber 2i\ 1778; Asa, mentioned below; William.
April 1. 1784. The mother married (second)
Caleb Salisbury.
( VI ) Asa, third son of William and Pa-
tience (Miller) Luther, was born April 24,
17S1, in Warren. Rhode Island, and settled
when a young man in Albany county, New
York. Thence he removed to Saratoga
county, where he engaged in the manufacture
of pottery ware and lived until his death. He
married Phebe Purinton, a native of Saratoga
county, and they were the parents of three
children: John Purinton, George W.. and
(VII) George Washington, son of Asa and
Phebe (Purinton) Luther, was born October
5, 1815, in Saratoga county, New "York, and
died May 10, 1880, in Albany. For more than
forty years he a inducted a retail coal busi-
ness in Albany, and was successful in business
and esteemed as a private citizen. He mar-
ried Phebe Andrews, born March 28, 1813, in
Stillwater, Saratoga county, and died in Al-
bany, September 23, 1882, daughter of
Machiavel Andrews; her father was a prom-
inent civil engineer, residing in Stillwater.
Saratoga county, and constructed vari-
ous water works in the state of Pennsylvania,
and was chief engineer in charge of construc-
tion of the Delaware & Hudson canal. George
W. Luther and wife have three children: 1.
Ellen Elizabeth, wife of Edward Cary, who
has been for several years editor of the New
York Times, and has a daughter Elisabeth
Luther Cary. 2. John Asa. 3. George Mar-
tin, mentioned below.
(VIII) George Martin, junior son of
George W. and Phebe (Andrews) Luther, was
born August 2^,, 184c), in Greenbush, Van
Rensselaer countv, New York, and attended
Albany Academy. Entering Cornell Univers-
ity, he graduated in 1870, in his twenty-first
year, after which he continued to reside at
home, assisting his father in business until
1885. In the last named year he removed to
New York City and engaged in the manufac-
turing business, becoming treasurer of the C.
W. Hunt Company of New York, in which
position he continued until 1890. At this
time the Nichols Chemical Company was
formed and Mr. Luther became its secretary,
and soon after was made secretary and gen-
eral manager of the Nichols Copper Company
of New York, in which relation he has con-
tinued until the present time. He is also presi-
dent of the Granby Consolidated Mining
Smelting and Power Company. Ltd., of Brit-
ish Columbia, and is vice-president of the
Albert Mines Company of Canada. He is a
member of the Albany Society of New York.
He married, February 12, 1873, Mary H.
Gould, born in Albany, New York, daughter
of William and Sarah (Hartness) Gould.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther are the parents of two
daughters : Mary Gould and Phebe Andrews.
The latter is the wife of Philip Lee Gill, of
Brooklyn, New York, and is mother of Philip
Lee Gill Jr., born in that borough.
The Saugerties and Albany
MYERS families of the Myer or Myers
name are descendants of Chris-
tian Myers, who was born in the village of
Wolferlingen. about six miles northeast of
Coblenz. in the Palatinate on the banks of
the Rhine. March 11, 1688, and died in Sau-
gerties, New York, January 5, 1781. He
and his wife are buried on the old Christian
Myers farm at Churchland, town of Sauger-
ties, New York. He married. 17 10, Ann Geer
trury Theunyes. born May 15, 1690. died. Jan-
uary 9. 1766. Christian Myers and wife, with
the Palatinate emigration, arrived in New
York, June 24. 17 10, remaining with Governor
Robert Hunter during the summer, and were
then transported to West Camp, Ulster county
New York, the exact date of their arrival
there not being known, nor the length of their
stay at that place. We next hear of him as
the purchaser of the farm at Churchland. just
west of the village of Saugerties, February 24,
1724, and there he spent his remaining days.
In the course of time he added a large tract of
land to his original purchase, and this was
later apportioned as farms among several of
his sons. He also erected a mill on the Mud-
dah Kill. In 1738 he was named as one of
the freeholders of Kingston, and he was an
elder in the Kaatsbaan church. His will, ex-
ecuted March 15, 1773, proved May 8, 1783,
bequeaths to his sons Willem, Johannis, Ben-
jamin (of whom further), Petrus and Tobias;
and children of his son Christian, deceased,
and heirs of his daughters, Marytje, Christina
and Catrina ( deceased ) , and his daughter
Geertje ; it also liberates and provides for his
old slave Cuff during his life.
(II) Benjamin, son of Christian and Ann
Geertruy ( Theuyes 1 Myers, born ( >ctober 21.
1730, died December 12, 1819. He married
Leah, daughter of Teunis and Catrina (Legg)
Osterhoudt, the banns of marriage being pub-
lished August 13. 1756. Children: 1. Teunis,
of whom further. 2. Christian, born June 5.
1759; unmarried. 3. Stephanus, born Decem-
ber 27, 1760, died March, 1841 ; married Helen
Low. 4 Petrus, born November 17, 1762,
died March, 1841. 5. Catherine, born April
10. 1769; married David Myer. 6. Annetje
(or Anna), born June 23, 1772; married Isaac
Yandenberg. 7. Marytje, born May 10, 1775;
married Tjerck Schoonmaker, Sr. 8. Solomon,
born October 1, 1786: died unmarried.
(III) Teunis, son of Benjamin and Leah
(Osterhoudt) Myers, was born in 1757, and
died November 22, 183 1. He resided at Sau-
gerties, New York, where he owned consider-
able property, on which was a stone house
typical of the period and bearing upon its
portals the date of its erection, 1746. This
house was not far from Mount Marion, in
the Catskill mountains, a beautiful location
for a residence. It was long and low, with
an unusually steep roof, and was still stand-
ing in 1910. Teunis Myers married, 1781,
Cornelia, daughter of John Legg, who resided
where in 1910 was the Sheffield place, now
the property of Henry Barclay, of Saugerties.
Cornelia (Legg) Myers was an intimate friend
of the wife of George Clinton, and when the
British proceeded up the Hudson, working
devastation, she witnessed the burning of
Kingston, October 13, 1777. Children: 1. Ben-
jamin Teunis, of whom further. 2. Jane, born
September 17, 1793, died November, 1872;
married Peter G. Post, born January 19, 1792.
3. Solomon, born July 14. 1798; married Eliza-
beth Goodwin.
(IV) Benjamin Tennis, son of Teunis and
Cornelia (Legg) Myers, was born at Platt-
skill, Ulster county, New York, May 9, [783,
died at Saugerties, January 31, 1869. He was
originally a farmer on a somewhat large scale,
supplying the neighborhood and river towns
with the produce from bis estate, but in the
later years of his life he was able to retire
from business cares and all activities in Sau-
gerties, where be lived the greater part of his
life. He married, at Plattskill, September 2,
1804, Sarah, only daughter of Johannes and
Leah (Myer) Snyder, and granddaughter of
Colonel Johannes Snyder, of Ulster county,
who was colonel of the First Regiment of
Ulster, May I, 1776, also delegate to the pro-
vincial congress, member of the council of
safety, member of assembly, and president five
terms of the board of trustees of King-ton
corporation. Sarah (Snyder) Myers inherited
a number of slaves as a portion of her dowry,
one of whom ( Flora) taught Mrs. S. M. Tay-
lor to knit, and another was known as "( )ld
(V) John Benjamin, child of Benjamin
Teunis and Sarah ( Snyder) Myers, was born
at Brabant, near Kingston, New York. Febru-
ary 27, 1806, and died in the town of Mentz.
near Port Byron, New York, February 27,
1861, buried in Fort Hill Cemetery, Auburn,
New York. His birth took place on a farm
rented of a Mr. Cockburn by his father, who
soon purchased a farm wdiere the other chil-
dren were born, lie married, at Saugerties,
August 12, 1828, Arriet, daughter of Captain
John Gillespy, who bad a record as a lighter
in the American cause, and was son of Major
John Gillespy, who engaged in the French and
Indian wars, and afterwards in the war of the
Revolution as a member of the Fourth Ulster
County Militia. Captain John Gillespy fought
at the bead of his company in the. War of
1812; for a time he was stationed on Staten
Island. Children: 1. Benjamin Gillespy, born
at Saugerties, August 20, 1829, died at No.
372 Clinton avenue. Albany, New York,
March 5, 1901 ; married, at Port Byron. New
York, November 23, 1858; Minerva Kerns;
children: Howard Gillespy, born at Port
Byron; Leila Whitney, born in New York
City; Lotta Wright, born in New York City.
2. John Gillespy, of whom further. 3. Sarah,
born September 21, 1833; was residing in Al-
bany in 1910; married, at Port Byron, May
28, 1863, Captain David Austin Taylor; chil-
dren: John Myers, born near Port Byron;
Lawrence Hartshorne, born at Camden, New
Jersey ; Grace Brown, born at Oneida, New
York ; Ernest Chandler, born at Guineys, Vir-
ginia : Marion Lee, born at Albany, New York;
Bessie Myers, born at Albany. 4. Jason Gil-
lespy, born January 25, 1840; unmarried. 5.
Lavinia, died at Albany, < (ctober 20, 1855,
buried at Auburn, New York. 6. Elizabeth,
born near Port Byron ; died young. 7. Eliza-
beth (2d), living at present time (1913). 8.
Selina, married, at Auburn, New York. July
10, 1878, S. Henry Atwater; children: Wini-
fred Moore, born at Windham, New York;
Reginald Myers, born at Canon City, Colorado.
(VI) John Gillespy, son of John Benjamin
and Arriet (Gillespy) Myers, was born in
Saugerties, New York, August 4, 1832. died in
Albany, December 1, 1901. Until the age of
eight years he lived with his parents on their
farm in their typical Dutch farm house in the
shadow of Mount Marion, in the Catskill
mountain range. About that time his father
selected better land than the rocky soil
of Ulster county, purchasing a tract
near Montezuma. Cayuga county, and
here his son aided him in agricultural
pursuits. When fourteen years old he
returned to Saugerties and began his business
career as a store boy and general clerk for
his uncle. P. M. Gillespy. He had been accus-
tomed from early youth to dispose of the
produce of his father's farm, and he acquired
a strong tendency for trade, made keen by his
competition with other lads of the neighbor-
hood. The connection with the store in a
minor capacity simply interested and aroused
him to make more rapid progress in some-
thing better. But until he became of age he
remained in the employ of his uncle, except
such times as he was engaged in study in the
little red school house. He was fond of read-
ing and very quick to observe, so that he ac-
quired much knowledge even when not in
school, and what he learned in this fashion he
was clever enough to turn to good account in
later life. Even in those days he possessed a
keen insight into character, a faculty for de-
j «\ wv \ , A\j»^u^
cision and rapid action, and these governed
him throughout his life.
When twenty-one years old he became asso-
ciated with two men in the conduct of a gen-
eral country store at Port Byron, Cayuga
county, but this partnership did not last long,
and finally he was left in sole possession to
dispose of the stock for the benefit of the cred-
itors. He succeeded in doing this by means
of a trip through the west, and the result was
that through his ability every creditor was paid
in full. After this he obtained a position in
the large wholesale house of Clapp & Kent,
clothing and dry goods merchants of New
York City, and was rapidly promoted. At the
commencement of the rebellion he started in
business for himself in New York, securing
for a location the corner of Bleecker and
Christopher streets, and here he made some
money. In 1865 he formed a partnership with
William M. Whitney, in Albany, where they
succeeded the firm of Ubsdell, Pierson &
Lenox, in the dry goods business, and the store
on North Pearl street. Albany, was known
as the "New York Store." It was by far the
largest of its kind in Albany, and was a pro-
nounced success. This partnership continued
five years, when it was dissolved, each partner
continuing in business for himself. Mr. Myers
opened another large store at Nos. 39-41
North Pearl street. An incident in its his-
tory was a catastrophe on the morning of
August 8, 1905, when, during the course of
repairs and alterations, the floors sank, and as
a result the handsome new building was erected
immediately upon the site of the old one, and
is a leading adornment of the business section
of the city. But of far more importance than
a beautiful building in showing the character
of the merchant, stands the system inaugurated
by him through which method the employees
receive each year proportionate financial re-
turns dependent upon the success of the year,
and it is safe to say that no employees are
more interested in doing their best bv co-
operation than are these, and at the same
time he gained what he most desired — their
good will and high regard.
The business career of Mr. Myers knew
no wavering from that time on. His strict
attention even to details, and thorough know-
ledge of the requirements of each depart-
ment, to make for absolute success, were the
great factors which brought such excellent
results. As his wealth increased he became
associated with the development of local en-
terprise, and his name was valued on differ-
ent boards and companies for it was a guar-
antee of high standard. While aiding many
institutions liberally, probably more so in
some instances than any other citizen, he was
decidedly averse to any publicity. He was
among the four special commissioners ap-
pointed from among the citizens by the mayor,
in 1 89 1, to investigate means by which an in-
creased and purer water supply could be se-
cured to the city, which was prior to the
attempt to acquire a driven well supply and
the installation of the filtration system.
He joined the Holland Society, December
7, 1888, as one of the earliest members, and
always took a decided interest therein. He
also joined Philip Livingston Chapter, Sons
of the Revolution, and aided in all of its
movements. He was a member of the Fort
Orange Club, and his religious association was
with the Presbyterian faith. In politics he
was a staunch Republican throughout his life,
and a firm believer in the policies of that
party. He was president of the Albany Hos-
pital, which probably interested him more than
any other institution in the city with which
he was associated, and it received his most
liberal support and thoughtful attention. He
was a governor of the Albany Orphan Asy-
lum, a director of the Albany railway; vice-
president of the Merchants' National Bank
in 1880; trustee of the Albany Female Acad-
emy, now known as the Albany Girls' Acad-
emy, and in the erection of its new and hand-
some edifice he played an important part ; was
first vice-president of the newly organized
Albany Trust Company, and had been a lead-
ing spirit in its organization as one of the
foremost business institutions ; vice-president
of the Commerce Insurance Company ; and
a trustee of the Albany Rural Cemetery.
The death of Mr. Myers occurred on a
Sunday morning, at his home. No. 240 State
Street, Albany, following an illness of a few
weeks' duration In his demise the citizens
as a body felt that from their midst had been
removed one who had been respected among
the best of them, and who had been a pillar
of strength to many philanthropic institutions.
His honesty and painstaking measures had
brought about a success well merited and far
beyond the average. His mode of living had
been simple, although his home was one of
the most beautiful in the city, and his bene-
factions were the unostentatious acts of a
man bent upon doing good. lli> associates
in business admired his straightforward,
manly methods, ;md those who met him so-
cially were impressed by his charming person-
ality. Ruth in public and in the privacy of
his family he lived the conscientious, kindly
life of a Christian. The Albany Hospital,
having long received the benefits of his coun-
sel and benefactions, felt hi- loss keenly, and
the board declared that "while his death is a
loss to the whole city, it falls especially upon
the hospital board, ami mi the benevolent work-
in which with them he was so deeply inter-
ested." He had been governor of this insti-
tution for many years, and both his wisdom
and liberality had been of the greatest ser-
vice, with a record of never having been ab-
sent from a meeting when possible to attend
When the work of constructing a new hos-
pital was begun, his contributions created one
of the pavilions, and were also an encourage-
ment to those struggling with the enormous
John Gillespy Myers married, at Cayuga,
New York, August 19, 1857, Mary Augusta
Young, the Rev. Frederick Starr, of Auburn,
officiating. She was born at Auburn, Febru-
ary 22. 1833, died at her home in Albany,
February 9, 10114, daughter of Jacob Young,
of Auburn, who enlisted at the age of sixteen
years, served in the War of 1812, and was
present at the sortie at Fort Erie ; and grand-
daughter of Christian Young, who served
throughout the Revolution, and received his
honorable discharge, which is signed by Gen-
eral George Washington.
During their long residence in Albany Mr.
and Mrs. Myers co-operated with each other
in philanthropic work, she making good use
of the means placed at her disposal for the
alleviation of suffering and the comfort of
the afflicted. But the good accomplished was
not allowed to reach the public ear, for it was
her own pleasure akin to her nature. She
was a woman of sympathetic nature, and
more than willing to listen to appeals. She
was a member of the State Fresbyterian
Church, aided in its various interests, belong-
ing also to a number of local institutions. Of
her it was said: "When the final honors have
been paid to her mortality, and her last rest-
ing place on earth has become a reality, the
world will know no more a woman who bene-
fited it by her being, and whose memory will
long be cherished for the good that she did."
Children of John Gillespy and Mary Au-
gusta (Young) Myers, are as follows: 1.
Margaret Fuller, born at Mintline, Cayuga
county. New York, May 6, 1858; married, at
Saugerties, New York, September 2, 1891,
Henry King Sturdee, born in London, Eng-
land. August 13, 18511, son of Captain Edwin
Thomas Sturdee, of the Royal Navy, and had
children : Georgiana Myers, born at Albany.
April 7. 1892; Flora Margaret, born at Al-
bany, November 27, 1X1)4. 2. Jessie Kenyon,
born at Auburn, October 19. 1859; married
at Albany, September 14, 1899, Colonel
George Porter Hilton, son of Charles and
Mary Etta (MacWhorteri Hilton, born in
Albany, March 19, 1859, died at his home, No.
240 State Street. Albany, October 7. 1909;
had one son : John Gillespy Myers Hilton,
born in Albany. May 11, 1901. 3. Georgiana
Seymour, born in New York City, August 14,
1861, died at Saugerties, New York, June 13.
1893 ; married, at Albany, November 24. 1891,
Walter Launt Palmer, A. N. A., born at Al-
bany, August 1, 1854, son of Erastus Dow
and Mary (Seaman) Palmer.
One finds the signifi-
VAN ALSTYNE cance of the family
name of Van Alstyne
in the Dutch, meaning from the old or high
stone, and therefore those who first bore that
name as a distinctive family in Holland dwelt
upon the top of a rocky eminence, or near to
some enormous boulder which for years had
been a prominent landmark among all the in-
habitants of that neighborhood. There have
been a number of forms for the spelling of
the name, as the early records show by the
variety of signatures attached to official docu-
ments, such as Van Aelsteyn, Van Aalsteyn,
Van Alstyn, Van Alstein and Van Alstine.
Since coming to this country the centuries
have not added to the diversity, but rather
simplified matters, for at the present time the
chief forms are Van Alstyne, Van Alstine and
Van Alstyn.
Those who have delved deeplv into the
family history have demonstrated that the
records still preserved in Holland show that
the line of descent mav be traced tc the vear
936, dating contemporaneous with the crown-
ing of Otho, Henry Van Alstyn was present.
It may seem peculiar, but the family name
first appears as Ralsko, which was abandoned
in order to take that of Wartemberg, which
it bore for several centuries. Jean Ralsko
who died in Flanders, in 1236, had built there
the Chateau de Waldstein, the name of which
he took in order to distinguish himself from
his brother, who bore that of Wartemberg.
The family has been traced under the name
of Balstein in Spain, Vallenstcin in France.
Halsteyn in Flanders, and Van Alstein in
Holland. From Waldstein the name changed
to Wallenstein, Walstein, Valstein, and finally
became Van Alstein. Those who located in
iFlanders were loyal to the Church of Rome,
and those living in Holland allied themselves
to the Reformation of Martin Luther, and
I displayed the courage of their convictions.
Those who came to America have particularly
[demonstrated their courage of independent
[thought and action, and were well represented
in the war of American independence as well
;as in the Civil War. Invariably they have
ibeen men of middle ground, neither acquiring
[great riches nor suffering poverty, freed both
from the worries of life and the cares of
wealth. In like degree they have been prom-
iinent in politics and religion, as well as in
the professions.
(I) Jan Martense Van Alstyne was the pro-
genitor of the family in America. He was
ithe son of Marten (or Martin) Van Alstyne,
of Holland. There is a record to prove that
he was in New Amsterdam (New York City)
as early as 1646, the exact date of this entry
being December 11, 1646, upon a bill of sale
of a yacht, namely, Thomas Hall and Tan
Peterson to Hendrick Jansen and Jan Mar-
tense. It seems evident from what transpired
later, that he engaged in transportation upon
the Hudson river, between New York and
Albany, for within a decade he began buying
land at the latter place. It is not known just
how long he remained upon Manhattan, but
he was recorded in 1657 as owner of a lot
in Beverwyck, or Albany, New York, located
upon the east side of Broadway and north of
Columbia street, which was beyond the north
wall of the stockade, built to keep out the
Indians about that time. This land he held
as late as 1693, and in the meanwhile had be-
come the patentee of two tracts of land in
Ulster county. Possibly he had stopped there
while making one of his trips and had been
shown good land which was offered to him.
He likewise purchased a large tract of land
"behind" Kinderhook, New York, about a
score of miles from Albany and east of it.
This became the real home of the family, and
he the founder of it in every sense. The place
was so named because in the Dutch it signifies
"Children's Point," which is thought to have
been bestowed because of the great number
of Indian children who ran out on the point of
land the better to observe the passing of Hen-
drick Hudson's ships. (Rev. Mr. Collier's ad-
dress, "Kinderhook.") The first proprietor re-
sided there until his death, which was about
1698, and the land continued for more than
two centuries in the possession of the descend-
ants of his son Abraham, to whom he con-
veyed the farm in 1695, conditioned on his
paying the other heirs certain sums of money
as provided explicitly. He married Dirckje
Harmense, a woman endowed with all the
characteristics necessary to make her a fitting
helpmate for a pioneer husband. Their chil-
dren were named Marten, Abraham, Lambert
and Isaac.
(II) Lambert Janse, son of Jan Martense
and Dirckje (Harmense) Van Alstyne, emi-
grated to this country in 1665, and settled in
Kings county, New York ; but no record has
been found of his birth. About 1684 he came
into possession of a tract of land lying on the
east side of Kinderhook Creek, and adjoining
the lands of his father. This he acquired by
purchase of the patent or lease from the heirs
of Peter Van Alen. He held it until his
death, October 13, 1703. About the year 1682
he married Jannetje, daughter of Thomas and
Marritje Abrahamse (Vosburgh) Mingael,
she and her husband being first cousins once
removed, as her father and her husband were
first cousins. There is no record of her birth,
but she was doubtless much younger than he,
for following his demise she married, Febru-
ary 2, 1713, Jochem Lambertse Van Yalken-
burgh, and had five sons. As all their chil-
dren excepting the first-born were baptized in
Kinderhook, it is safe to believe that the eldest
was born in Kings county, New York, and
all the others after his removal, about 1684,
in Kinderhook. Children: 1. Catherine, born
about 1683 ; married Bartholomeus Van Yal-
kenburgh. 2. Marritje, baptized December 27,
[685. 3. Thomas (see forward). 4. Johan-
nes, baptized August 11, 1691. 5. Direkje,
baptized Way 26, 1695; married Pieter Vos-
burgh. 6. Antje, or Annetje, baptized Janu-
ary 16, [698; died young. 7. Annetje, bap-
tized July jiS, 1700. 8, Pieter, baptized Au-
gust <>. 1702.
(HI) Thomas, son of Lambert Janse and
Jannetje (Mingael) Van Alstyne, was bap-
tized in Kinderhook, New York, August 22,
[688. Upon the death of his father in 1703
he came into possession of the homestead ly-
ing along Kinderhook Creek, adjacent to the
farm of his grandfather, the pioneer settler.
He was a member of the Dutch church of
Muitzeskill, where were baptize'! most of his
offspring, although one of them, Maria, was
baptized in Albany. In 1752 he bought a tract
of land in the district of Claverack, described
in the records kept at Hudson, New York, as
lying between the Claverack and Kinderhook
creeks. His will, dated November 15, 1760, on
file in Albany, devises the farm occupied by
William and his big gun to that son, provided
that he pay off the debt on it, amounting to
£100, and divided the property among five
children, after providing for the support of his
wife during life, and to Pieter his bouwerie or
whole farm, with all belongings thereto, pro-
vided that he pay his brother Lambert £400
in current money within six years of the tes-
tator's death. He died in August, 1765, at
Kinderhook. He married, December 12, 1718,
Maria Wan Alen. She was baptized June 21,
1695, daughter of Willem and Marritje ( Van
Patten) Van Alen. Children: 1. Jannetje,
baptized March 6, 1720; died young. 2. Wil-
liam (see forward). 3. Lambert, baptized
October 4, 1724; married (first) Alida Conyn ;
(second) Aletteka Osterhout. 4. Maria, bap-
tized September 10 1727; died young. 5.
Catherine, baptized January 17, 1731 ; married
Petrus Hoffman. 6. Maria, baptized Novem-
ber 18, 1733 ; married Dr. Johannes Paterson.
7. Pieter. baptized May 16, 1736; married
Marritje Conyn.
(IV) William, son of Thomas and Maria
(Van Alen) Van Alstyne, was baptized at
Muitzeskill (near Troy), New York, Decem-
ber 10, 1721. In 1752 he and his wife were
members of the Dutch church of Kinderhook.
He probably settled upon the farm which had
just come into possession of his father by pur-
chase of the patent from John Van Rensse-
laer, and which was bequeathed to him out-
right on his father's death, situate betweer
Kinderhook and Claverack creeks. On Ma}
1, 1772, he leased a house, shop and a fulling
mill, with dam and two acres, to Thoma;
Avery, ami as much wood as he required foi
burning. In August. 1 791, he bought a farn
in Hillside, from John Collier. A documen
bearing date October 19, 1793, deeds a negn
boy named Tom to his son Lawrence. Oi
July 12, 1799, he sold to the same son thi
farm he had bought of Nicholas and Philij
Hoffman a few years before. He was com
missioned a captain in Colonel Jeremiah Hoge
boom's regiment, which served in the revolu
tionary war; his commission signed by Goy
ernor Cadwalader Colden, preserved by th
Holland Society, bears date April 4, 177c
He died May 22, 1802, and his tombstone wa
found a century ,ater on the farm which hi
had bought of the Hoffmans. William Vai
Alstyne married (first) in 1744, Christin;
Van Alen, baptized June id, 1723, daughter o
Stephanus and Mary ( Muller) Van Alen, b;
whom he had five children. He married (sec
ond) September iy, 1762, Catherine Knicker
bocker, who was baptized October 19, 1731
daughter of Lawrence and Catherine (Vai
Home ) Knickerbocker ; by whom he had f ou
children. Children: 1. Maria, baptizei
March 2^, 1745; married Richard Esselstyn
2. Hilletje, baptized January 25, 1746; diei
young. 3. Jannetje, baptized February 25
1749; married William Winne, Jr. 4. Alber
tina, born in 1754; married John De Forest
5. Thomas (see forward). 6. Lawrence, bon
June 22, 1767; married Mary Murdock. 7
William, born January 31, 1770; marriei
Maria Vosburgh. 8. Mary, born January t
i/73 ; married John Leggett.
(V) Thomas (2), son of William and Cath
erine (Knickerbocker) Van Alstyne, was bon
at Kinderhook, New York, February 18, 1765
In the Columbia county records, under dat
of May 7, 1795, it is stated that he and hi
wife, together with other ownership claim
ants, deeded the farm which was apparentl;
the property of the first Thomas Van Alstyn
secured from John Van Rensselaer, in 1752
to Thomas Goldthwait. He died Septembe
10. 1838. Thomas Van Alstyne married Ma
bel Butler, born January 3, 1768, died Januar
10, 1832, daughter of Ezekiel and Mabe
(Jones) Butler. Her father displayed so mucl
zeal in the American cause for liberty that
the British offered a reward for his head,
dead or alive, and it is probable that he died
before the close of hostilities, because he was
privately buried for fear that his body would
be disinterred for the sake of the reward.
Mabel Butler was a lineal descendant of
Colonel John Jones, one of the regicides of
Charles I., whose wife Henrietta was sister
of Oliver Cromwell. Children: i. William,
born November 12, 1791 ; died October 12,
1867 ; married Polly Ostrander. 2. Maria,
married February 14, 181 5, Martin Barton.
3. Catherine, married, March 13. 1819, Scovi!
Martin. 4. Thomas Butler (see forward). 5.
John Thomas, born September 28, 1800; mar-
ried, February 8, 1826, Jane Ackerman ; died
February 10, 1876. 6. Temperance, born in
1802 ; died October 29, 1877. 7. Jane, born
March 4, 1805; died December 18, 1886; mar-
ried, December 27, 1827, Dr. Levi B. Skinner.
8. Lawrence, born February 16, 1807 ; died
January 18, 1835 ; married, March 28, 1829,
Eliza Van Hoesen. 9. Sally, married John
Van Bramer. 10. Ezekiel Butler, born No-
vember 6, 181 1. 11. Louisa, born November
27, 1813; died February 11, 1871 ; married,
December 14, 1839, Rev. Nicholas Van
(VI) Dr. Thomas Butler Van Alstyne, son
of Thomas (2) and Mabel (Butler) Van Al-
styne, was born in Ghent, Columbia county,
New York, July 27, 1797, and died at Rich-
mondville. Schoharie county. New York, Octo-
ber 26, 1867. He was a well-known physician of
Richmondville, Schoharie county. New York.
After attending school in his native place he
went to Hudson, near there, as a clerk in a gen-
eral merchandise store. This work was not con-
genial, hence he decided to follow his inclina-
nation, which was for the medical profession.
With this in view he began his studies under
Dr. Samuel White, of Hudson, and graduated
in 1818 from the Fairfield Medical College.
The following year, according to the advice
of his former friend, Dr. White, he located
at Richmondville, and continued to practice
there through forty years, making consider-
able success and gaining a reputation through
out a wide area. He was often summoned in
consultation cases, and was offered a medical
professorship, which he declined. He was a
forceful advocate of the abolition of slavery,
and not only practiced what he preached in
that line during the civil war ; but was also a
strong advocate on the platform in the move-
ment for abstinence from intoxicants.
Dr. Thomas B. Van Alstyne married, Au-
gust 10, 1820, Eliza Shepard Giles, who was
born October 28, 1799, and died at Richmond-
ville, New York, May 13, 1877. Children4.
1. Jane Ann, born May 22, 1821 ; died De-
cember 4, 1853; married, October 8, 1839
Rev. Joseph Kingsley Barry. 2. Thomas \\\,
born December 12, 1822; died April 25, 1825.
3. Thomas Jefferson (see forward). 4. Syl-
vester Memford, born February 28, 1833;
died October 28, 1882 ; married, July 9, 1855,
Cynthia E. Whitney. 5. Fayette Edgar, born
June 15, 1837: died September 30, 1905; mar-
ried, August 19, 1857, Rose M. Markel. 6.
John Lawrence, born October 8, 1840: mar-
ried, October 8, 1868, Carrie A. Shults. 7.
Mary Eliza, born March 18, 1846; married,
November 7, 1873, J. Leslie Multer.
(VII) Hon. Thomas Jefferson Van Alstyne,
son of Dr. Thomas Butler and Eliza Shepard
(Giles) Van Alstyne, was born in Richmond-
ville, Schoharie county, New York, July 25,
1827, where his father was practicing medi
cine, and died at his home, No. 289 State
street, Albany, of heart failure, October 26,
1903. He first attended the public schools,
but his strong inclination for knowledge and a
desire for success in life's work led him to
prepare for higher education. At the age of
thirteen, while visiting at the home of his
brother-in-law, a Baptist minister in Cayuga
county, he conceived the purpose of
acquiring an education which would place
him in position to make his mark, if
backed by serious effort, so he entered
the Moravia Academy. After that he pre-
pared for college at Hartwick Seminary,
and with six companions matriculated at Ham-
ilton College, from which he was graduated
in 1848, receiving the degree of Bachelor of
Arts, and in 185 1 that of Master of Arts. He
was especially excellent in mathematics, and
had a high general standing He then took up
the study of law under Professor Theodore
W Dwight. who was prominent later on at
Columbia College. Having graduated, he en-
tered the law office of Harris & Van Vorst
at Albany, and by diligent application, com-
bined with his previous study of the law, was
able to pass a most satisfactory examination
before the close of the year, the examining
committee consisting of the well-known attor-
neys, Hon. John 11. Reynolds. Hon. John K.
Porter and ( )rlando Meads. He was admitted
to the bar on March 6, 1848, and in 1850
opened his office, continuing to practice alone
until 1853, when he formed a partnership with
Matthew McMahon, which firm continued
four years, when Mr. Van Alstyne formed a
partnership in 1S5S with Winfield Scott Heve-
nor, of Albany, and they opened their office
in the old I >ouw Building, at the southwest
corner nf Broadway and State street, Albany.
From 1858 until he died in 1903, or for forty-
five years, he practiced there.
Mr. Van Alstyne had a noteworthy political
life, and ranked high in the councils of the
Democratic party, at whose hands he received
a number of offices, each of which he filled
with a noble record for efficiency and integ-
rity, lie was elected judge of Albany county
in 1871, and presided for twelve years. In
1882 he was elected congressman, taking his
seat in the Forty-eighth Congress, and was
appointed a member of the committee on
claims, and also on that of expenditures of
the department of justice. To his constitu-
ents he gave thorough attention to their needs,
ami he furnished entire satisfaction to friends
and foes alike. His party renominated him,
but dissension in the ranks ruined his chances.
Judge Van Alstyne was elected mayor of
Albany on November 2. 1897, and served
from January 1, i8w8. to iqoo. His oppo
nents were ( ieneral Selden E. Marvin, of the
Republican party, who received 6,014 votes;
Alderman George II. Stevens, Independent,
who received 6,012 votes; Robert H. Moore
and George Du Bois; and the judge received
8,172 votes. Judge Van Alstyne was a prom-
inent Mason, associating himself with that
body when a young man by entering Mount
Vernon Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons,
( Ictober 4, 1855; made master mason, Novem-
ber 19, 1855; master, 1858-61; marshal, 1865.
He officiated frequently on various commit-
tees and often rendered excellent service by
sound advice. In his religion he was a mem-
ber of the Emmanuel Baptish Church at Al-
bany, and along the lines of Christian work
he became a life member of the Young
Men's Association, organized for the upbuild-
ing of the youth, in those days conducting the
only city library and educating by the medium
of platform lectures addressed by lyceum
speakers. He was particularly concerned
the work of the Albany Institute, and t
preparatory work of its curator, Cuyler Rey
olds, in combining that old organization wi
the Albany Historical and Art Society, w
only carried through by the vigorous spee
in the advocacy of the plan made by Jud
Wan Alstyne, for there was almost overwheh
ing opposition to what has since proved a pra
tical combination of societies performing sin
lar work. He had the faculty of being aggre
sive in the right, along logical lines, and r
arguments were always convincing. He w
impatient at delay in discussions at meetin
of any sort, when lay members talked aroui
the subject, and when satisfied he saw t'
features would introduce his views throuj
the medium of a resolution which usual
closed the matter immediately. In this ma
ner he would have made an exceedingly at
executive official of a big corporation ; but 1
enjoyed the practice of law, and maintain'
in his office an ample library of leg
works. He was very fond of his well stocki
home library of more than 10,000 volume
which contained mostly histories, biographi
and works pertaining to America. ( )ne of 1
greatest pleasures was to gather them wher
ever he traveled. lie was a man of mo
than ordinary physique both in stature at
power of frame, with a bright, piercing ey
anil a firm, elastic step. Ilis ready wit at
delightful conversational powers were charr
ing attributes of one who was welcomed s
daily everywhere he went. Best of all the
was no hypocrisy about him, and those wl
were his friends and family could ever re
upon his deep affection and help. In a wor
he was a good official and citizen.
Judge Thomas J. Van Alstyne marri(
(first), at Albany, September 2. 1851, San
Clapp ; she was born at Albany, February 2
1832, died there, September 25, 1859, daughfc
of Reuel Clapp, of the Albany firm of Clar
& Townsend, and Sarah Coon, of Dorcheste
Massachusetts. He married (second), at A
bany, New York, September 2, 1875, Nan<
Louisa Peck, of Albany, New York ; she w;
born July 14, 1842, died at Albany, New Yor
November 12, 1884, daughter of Samuel !
Peck and Eliza M. (Collum) Peck. He ma
ried (third), at Washington, D. C, Februai
17, 1886, Laura Louisa, daughter of Willia:
and Lydia (Van Derbilt ) Wiedemann, c
Washington, D. C, the former having been a
- noted manufacturer of astronomical and
mathematical instruments. Children: I.
Thomas Butler, born at Albany, June 3, 1852;
married, May 7, 1879, Anna Richards, daugh-
ter of Lysander and Content (Clapp) Rich-
ards, of Washington, D. C. 2. Charles Edwin,
born at Albany, July 18, 1855 ; died at Albany,
New York, July 10, 1858. 3. William Thomas
(see forward).
(VIII) William Thomas Van Alstyne, son
' of Hon. Thomas Jefferson and Laura ( Wiir-
' demann) Van Alstyne, was born at Albany,
; New York, in his father's home, No. 289 State
street, July 28, 1887. He received his prepa-
ratory education at the Albany Academy, un
der a private tutor, and then entered Yale
University. While there he belonged to the
Yale Chapter of the Acacia fraternity, and
graduated Ph.B., in 1910. He studied law at
Columbia University, having selected upon
the profession in which his father had made
his mark, graduated February, 1913, LL.B.,
and November 10, 1913, it was announced that
he had passed his examination for admission
to the bar of New York State. He associated
himself with Charles Oakes, formerly of Al-
bany, at No. 2 Rector street, New York City.
He joined the Seventh Regiment in April,
191 1, and in December, 1913, was promoted
to the grade of second lieutenant and assigned
to the First Regiment Field Artillery, N. G.
N. Y. He is a member of Mount Vernon
Lodge No. 3, Free and Accepted Masons ; in
politics he is a Democrat and attends the
Baptist church. He is a member of the Uni-
versity Club of Albany, and the Yale Club,
of New York City, where he resides.
The highly distinguished fam
CLINTON ily of Clinton traces its ances-
try in America to Charles
Clinton ( 1690-1773), who in 1729 came from
county Longford. Ireland, and with other
Protestant immigrants organized a settlement
at Little Britain in what was then Ulster (now
Orange) county. New York. A descendant
in a cadet branch of Edward Clinton (1512-
85), ninth Baron Clinton and first Earl of
Lincoln, he belonged to that historic house of
Clinton, which was established in England at
the Norman conquest, received extensive
grants of estates, and, enjoying constantly in-
creasing dignities, with the highest distinction
for public services and the fairest pedigree
and reputation, came down to his time in an
unbroken male succession for six centuries. A
man of character, attainments and ability
Charles Clinton was a useful and influential
citizen of New York, commanded a regiment
in the French and Indian war (participating
in the capture of Fort Frontenac), was a com-
missioner for the settlement of the boundary
dispute with New Jersey, and was judge of
his county.
He had four sons, two of whom left issue
and to-day have posterity. These were James
Clinton (1736-1812), the eminent revolution-
ary general, and George Clinton (1739-1812),
the first governor of the State of New York,
for twenty-one years the incumbent of that
office, and for eight years vice-president of
the United States. Arms: Argent, six
crosses crosslet fitchee sable ; on a chief azure
two mullets pierced or. Crest : Out of a
coronet gules five ostrich feathers argent,
banded azure. Motto: Patria cava carior
libertas. In a British work of eminent au-
thority occurs the following striking charac-
terization of the Clinton family :
"It is really a great house, . . . and foi
seven hundred years has thrown a scarcely in-
termitted succession of men who have spent
their lives in the furtherance of England's
greatness and policy. If it has never had
genius it has also never produced a traitor, and
if it has never risen to the lofty position of
one or two of its rivals, it has not in its records
chapters which it would give estates to conceal.
Always in front but never in command, this
great house had the clearest pedigree in all
This expresses in brief the conclusions of
all writers who have given critical attention to
the Clinton family history. The pedigree is
one of the most remarkable to be found in the
whole scope of genealogical science. It is
completely and precisely traceable from the
Norman conquest to the present time, a most
exceptional fact, as every ^eneilogist knows.
As long ago as 1558, in an examination by the
House of Lords to determine the exact status
(as to precedence) of the th»n head of the
Clinton house, reference was made to the
"great antiquity" and "long continuance" of
his ancestral line, and he was declared the
"second lord of the realm." Moreover, the
Clinton descent — embracing at the present time
some twenty-five generations — has never suf-
fered any interregnum in the male stem (re-
medied by subsequent resumption of the fam-
ily name in the female succession ) , as is so
often the case in pedigrees of such length.
There is historical evidence that the Clinton
name existed in England before the conquest.
In 1502 John Hakluyt, the antiquarian, dis-
covered in the church of Loominster a brass
tablet which perpetuated, in the Saxon lan-
guage, the memory of one Kenelm, of the
Saxon royal house, who was buried in that
place in 1060. The inscription included the fol-
lowing: "My fathers did build upon this, my
town, and at Kenelnisford. Kenelmswearth
(Kenilworth) and at Clint . . and
Reinelmebald at Clinton is my kinsman." The
early adoption after the conquest of the sur-
name de Clinton by the Norman founders of
the family in England indicates the pre-exis-
tence there of the name and probably the
blood. The must authentic genealogists of the
peerage — Dugdale Collins, and others — trace
the ancestry of the Clintons to the ducal house
of Normandy. A progenitor was William,
Earl of Arques, son of Richard, second Duke
of Normandy (known as Richard the Good).
William, Earl of Arques, had a daughter,
Maud, who married William, Earl of Tancker-
ville. Of their grandsons were the brothers
Geoffrey and < )sbert, who, established in Eng-
land on estates inherited from their father
( the gift of his kinsman, the Conqueror), took
the surname of de Clinton. Geoffrey de Clin-
ton the elder brother, is in most American ac-
counts of the ancestry of the Clinton family
designated as the founder of the line, but this
is erroneous, as his branch soon expired
through the failure of male succession. He
was lord chamberlain and treasurer to Henry
[., and afterward chief justice of England.
The manor of Kenilworth in the county of
Warwick was bestowed upon him by the king,
and he built the great and strong castle of
Kenilworth, so famous in English history.
He married Agnes, daughter of Roger, Earl
of Warwick, and was succeeded by his son,
Henry de Clinton. The latter married Amicia
de Bidun and had a son, Henry de Clinton,
who died without issue in 1233.
( English Lineage.)
( I) Osbert de Clinton, brother of Geoffrey,
left four sons: Osbert, Roger (who as bishop
of Coventry died in 1148), Hugh, Maurice.
(II) Osbert (2) de Clinton, eldest son
Osbert (1) de Clinton, was granted the lo
ship of Coleshill by his kinsman, Geoffrey
Cliiiton, and he was denominated as of Col
hill. He married Margaret, daughter of \\
liam de Hatton, who was the son of Hui
founder of the priory of Wroxhall.
(III) Osbert (3) de Clinton, son and h
of Osbert (2) de Clinton, received, in ad
tion to the lordship of Coleshill that of A
ington in County Warwick, as the inheritai
of his mother. Living in the reign of Jc
he was one of the insurgent barons w
wrested from the king the Magna Charta.
consequence of his rebellion his lands w<
seized, but upon the accession of Henry I
(1216) he "made his peace" and they w
restored to him. He died in 1223. His wif
name was Elisant.
(IV) Thomas de Clinton, son and heir
Osbert (3) de Clinton and his wife Elisa
was resilient at Amington in Warwickshi
justice of assize for County Warwick.
married Mazera, daughter and heir of Jan
de Bisege, of Badsley, Warwick, and had f
sons : Thomas, mentioned below ; Sir John
Clinton, of Coleshill: Osbert de Clinton, k
of the manor of Austrey, County Warwi
no issue: William de Clinton, rector of A
trey: James de Clinton, seated at Badsley,
inheritance of his mother, which to the pres*
time has retained the name of Badsley CI
ton. His son and heir, Thomas, was survh
by daughters only — Joan, who married (fir
John Coningsby, and (second) John Fowk
and Petronilla, who married John Woodwa
of Solihull in Warwickshire.
(V) Thomas (2) de Clinton, son of Thon
(1) and Mazera (de Bisege) de Clinl
(first Baron by tenure), married Ma
Bracebridge, of Kingsbury, and was succeec
by his sun.
(VI) John de Clinton, son of Thomas (
and Maud (Bracebridge) de Clinton, resided
Amington and later at Maxtock Castle, wh
he had from his wife. On February 6, 12
he was summoned to parliament as Bat
Clinton. In 1301 he was "specially summor
among divers great men to attend the ki
( Edward I.) at Berwick-upon-Tweed on Jt
25, the feast day of St. John the Baptist,
march against the Scots, at which time 1
king, invading Scotland with his royal arr
as a particular badge of his favor to him :
lis special services in that expedition, called
urn his beloved Esquire. He, by letters patent
lated August 2, at Glasgow, granted him lands
n that kingdom which were part of the pos-
essions of Malcolm Dromond (ancestor of
he family of Perth), then in arms against
dward." In 1305 he participated in another
Scottish expedition, and in 1308 by the king's
pecial command, accompanied Edward,
frince of Wales, to Pronthieu. During the
after year the castle and honor of Wallingford
vere committed to his keeping. He married
da. eldest of the four daughters and coheirs
>f Sir William de Odingsells, lord of Maxtock
"astle and other possessions in Warwickshire
vhose wife was Ela, daughter of William
Longspee (second of that name). Earl of
Salisbury. Two sons were born of this mar-
age : John, mentioned below ; William.
(VII) Sir John de Clinton, second Baron
Clinton, eldest son of John and Ida (de Oding-
ells) de Clinton, was knighted before 1325. in
vhich year he was returned among the prin-
ipal knights of the county of Warwick, who
>ore ancient arms from their ancestors. As 3
>aron of the realm he was summoned to par-
ianient. In 1326 he accompanied John. Earl
)f Warren, in the expedition for the relief
)f the duchy of Guyen. He died after 1333
3e married Margery, daughter of Sir Wil-
iam Corbet, of Chadsley Corbet in Worcester-
;hire. Children: John, mentioned below;
VTarv. married Baldwin de Mountfort. of
(VIII) Sir John de Clinton, third Baron
riinton, son of John, second Baron Clinton,
,ind Margery (Corbet) de Clinton, was born
326. From youth he fought in the wars
iinder his uncle, the Earl of Huntingdon,
^ater he participated in the glorious French
campaigns of Edward the Black Prince, and
le was at the great historic battle of Poictiers
^.r356. Upon his return to England, his
rather being deceased, he was summoned to
parliament by virtue of his position as a
jaron of the realm. In the French military
:xpeditions of Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of
Warwick, Thomas of Woodstock, and several
nthers he performed conspicuous services. He
.vas the Lord Clinton who, as observed by
Froissard, in the English invasion of Brittany
'rode with his banner displayed and performed
certain feats of arms at Nantes with Sir
lalovs D'Aunoy." When Thomas Beauch-
amp, Earl of Warwick, was attainted ami ban-
ished (1397), the custody of Warwick Castle
and all the manors and lands belonging to it
was confided to him. He died September 8,
1399. He married (first) Idonea, eldest
daughter of Jeffery, Lord Say, and grand-
daughter, maternally, of Guy Beauchamp, Ear!
of Warwick. She was coheir with her brother,
William, Lord Say, cousin and heir of Wil-
liam de Say, Baron of Sele. As the result
of the failure of male issue in the Say line, she
became the eldest coheir of this noble family,
which from the time of the conquest had pro-
duced men of distinction. Children : Cather-
ine de Clinton, married Thomas, Lord Berke-
ley ; Sir William de Clinton, mentioned be-
low ; Sir Thomas de Clinton ; Edward de Clin-
ton, died unmarried 1400. Sir John de Clin-
ton, the third Lord, married (second) Eliza-
beth, daughter and at length heir of William
de la Plaunch, of Haversham, County Buck-
ingham (cousin and heir of Sir Roger Hillary,
knight), and widow of Sir Robert Grey, of
Rotherfield, knight. No issue.
(IX) Sir William Clinton, eldest son of Sir
John, third Baron Clinton, and Idonea (Say)
de Clinton, died during the lifetime of his
father. He married Elizabeth, daughter of
Sir William Deincourt, knight, by Alice his
wife, who was the daughter of Lord John
Nevile, of Raby, and sister of Ralph, first Earl
of Westmoreland.
(X) Sir William Clinton, fourth Baron
Clinton, eldest son of Sir William and Eliza-
beth (Deincourt) Clinton, succeeding his
grandfather in the estates, title and arms, was,
like his ancestors, summoned to parliament as
a baron of the realm ; his name appears in this
connection continuously from 1400 to his
death. During the reigns of Henry IV. and
Henry V., and a portion of that of Henry VI.,
much of his time was engaged in the wars
After serving in expeditions to Ireland and
Scotland, he took part in the campaigns in
France, where he was concerned in many no-
table sieges and engagements. At various
times he was "retained by indenture" to serve
the king with his followers, who on one occa-
sion consisted of thirty-eight men at arms and
three hundred archers. In addition to his
hereditary dignity of Lord Clinton, he bore
the title of Lord Say by virtue of his heirship
to William de Say and to his grandmother,
Idonea. His landed possessions, as enumer-
ated by Collins, consisted of manors and ham-
lets in the counties of Kent, Sussex and War-
wick, lie died July 30. 1432. He married
Anne, daughter of William, Lord Botreaux,
and widow of Sir Fouke Fitzwaryn, knight.
(XI ) John Clinton, fifth Baron Clinton, son
of Sir William, fourth Baron Clinton, and
Anne (Botreaux) Clinton, was born about
14 10. In 1438 he exchanged with Humphrey,
Earl of Stafford, his castle and manor of Max-
stock for the manors of Whiston and Wood-
ford in County Northampton. To his kins-
man, Sir James Fynes, knight, he resigned, in
144M, his title of Lord Say. From early man-
hood he fought valiantly in the French wars.
In 1 44 1, while serving in the retinue of Rich-
ard, Luke of York, he was taken prisoner by
the French and he remained in captivity for
six years, when he bought his ransom for six
thousand marks. Returning to England he
received from the king a special license to buy
and sell wool and woolen cloths as a means of
reimbursing himself. He was one of the no-
bles ( 1459) who revolted against Henry VI.
and sustained the pretension of Richard, Duke
of York, to the throne. He was consequently
attainted and his estates were seized, but upon
the accession of Edward IV. (Richard's son)
in 146] his property was restored to him. He
afterward served in another expedition to
France and in a successful campaign made by
Edward against the Lancastrian party in the
north of England. He died September 25,
1464. He married Elizabeth, daughter of
Richard Fynes, Lord Dacre of Hurst-Mon-
ceaux in Sussex.
(XII) John Clinton, sixth Baron Clinton,
only son of John, fifth Baron Clinton, and
Elizabeth (Fynes) Clinton, was born about
1434. died February 20, 148S. He married
Anne, daughter of Sir Humphrey Stafford.
(XIII) John Clinton, seventh Baron Clin-
ton, son of John, sixth Baron Clinton, and
Anne ( Stafford ) Clinton, died June 4. 1515 He
was with Sir Henry Poynings in the expedition
in aid of Margaret, Duchess of Savoy, against
the Duke of Guelders and in 15 14, "with,
divers other persons of honor and four hun-
dred men at arms, went over to Calais for the
better defense of that garrison." He married
Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Morgan,
knight, of Tredegar, Countv Monmouth.
(XIV) Thomas Clinton, eighth Baron
Clinton, son of John, seventh Baron Clinton,
and Elizabeth (Morgan) Clinton, was bi
14'n. He "succeeded to the manor of Fol
stone in Kent with other large possessions, ;
having summons to parliament took his pi
among the barons of the realm. But two ye
after a distemper called the sweating sickn
raging with that malignity as to kill in th
hours divers knights, gentlemen, and offic
of the king's court, the Lord Clinton ;
others of quality, who are recited by L
Herbert in his life of Henry VIII. as of
king's court, died thereof" (August 7, 151
He married Mary, daughter of Sir Edw
Poynings, baronet and knight of the Gartei
( XV ) Edward Clinton, ninth Baron C
ton and first Earl of Lincoln, son of Thon
eighth Baron Clinton and Marv ( Poynin
Clinton, was born 1512. His career, beginn
in the time of Henry VIII., extended throt
the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary I. an
portion of Elizabeth's; and under all th
sovereigns he served with distinction in n
tary, naval and civic employments, becomi
says Collins, "one of the most en inent pers
this nation has produced." An infant at
father's decease, he was reared as a ward
the king (Henry VIII.) and received a a
ful and polished education At the age
twenty he attended the king in his niemor:
interview with Francis I. of France at Sa
ingfield and in the subsequent entertainmc
at Boulogne and Calais. Mention of him
pears frequently in connection with the c
cerns of the court. In 1 54 1, "a great jc
at tourney and barriers having been p
claimed in France, Flanders, Scotland, ;
Spain for all comers, to be holden at W
minster May 1, the Lord Clinton was the tl
of the forty-six defendants who very ric
apparelled, appeared on that occasion, wl
continued five days, the king, queen, and wl
court being present."
Having at an early age conti acted an i
macy with John, Viscount of Lisle, Lord H
Admiral, he entered the naval service,
which he rose rapidly to distinction. He '
with the fleet which in 1544 escorted the I
of Hertford, general of the army, to Si
land, and after the successful assault on
Canongate he was the first of those who
meritorious conduct received the honor
knighthood. The fleet then scoured the co;
of Scotland and besieged and took Bouloj
of which he was made governor; and in c
junction with Lord Lisle he was a witness to
the resulting agreement signed by the French
king to observe the treaty (June 7, 1546). At
the funeral of Henry VIII. (1547) he was
one of the twelve principal peers who were
appointed chief mourners. After the accession
of Edward VI. he was appointed admiral of
the fleet which was to assist the Duke of Som-
erset in the expedition against Scotland for
refusing to comply with the treaty that pledged
the young Mary (Mary Queer, of Scots) to
marry King Edward. With fifty men-of-war
and twelve galleys, he rode into Edinburgh
Frith, greatly contributing to the memorable
victory of Musselborough (September 10,
1547). On his return he was the object of
marked evidences of favor, being granted ex-
tensive estates in the County of Lincoln. He
was next sent to Boulogne as the ablest person
to defend that place against a threatened siege
Dy the French. This trust he discharged with
signal courage and skill, only surrendering the
own when ordered to do so by the king and
rouncil pursuant to the treaty of peace. For
lis great services at Boulogne he received the
Personal thanks of the king and council, was
nade one of the privy council and a lord of
he bedchamber with the title of Edward, Lord
Ilinton and Say, was appointed for life lord
nigh admiral and chief commander of the
leets and seas, and was endowed with numer-
ous other estates and manors. On April 24,
[551, he was elected a knight of the Garter
vith Henry II., king of France, and about the
;ame time he was appointed, with the Earl of
Jutland, lord lieutenant of Lincolnshire and
Nottinghamshire. Being designated to receive
he embassy (1552) which came to propose a
narriage between Edward and the Lady Eliza-
beth of France, he personally conducted the
imbassadors to the king. Afterward he was
:ent on a special mission to France, bearing
ostly presents, and concluded the negotiations
or the marriage. Other honors which he en-
oyed under Edward were those of sole lord
: lieutenant of the County of Lincoln and gov-
ernor of the Tower of London During the
; reign of Mary I. he also rendered conspicuous
■ervices, retaining his previous dignities. He
ifvas present at the marriage of that sovereign
(lo Philip of Spain. Upon the breaking out of
: par in 1557 he was appointed general of the
.rniv, and subsequently was lieutenant-general
iknd chief commander of the fleet and forces
against France and Scotland. He was in chief
command of the military and naval expedition
against Brest in 1558. During the same year,
becoming involved with Lord Stafford in a
dispute as to precedence, the matter was re-
ferred to the peers, and after an exhaustive
examination of all the records it was decided
"that the Lord Clinton had place next above
the Lord Audley and next to Lord Abergave-
ney, and that he was the second lord of the
realm because of the long continuance of the
Lords Clinton and of the great antiquity of
the family, and that the Lord Stafford was
eleventh in rank or order of precedence."
When Elizabeth came to the throne in 1558
she appointed him privy councillor and' con-
tinued him as lord high admiral. In the sixth
year of her reign he attended her to the Uni-
versity of Cambridge, and there received the
degree of master of arts as a person of the
highest rank. With other lords he was ap-
pointed during the eleventh Elizabeth to "hear
and examine matters brought against the
Queen of Scots by the Earl of Murray, regent
of Scotland." In conjunction with the Earl
of Warwick he marched against the rebellious
Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland
(1569) and dispersed their forces. In recog-
nition of his prolonged and eminent services
he was elevated by Elizabeth to the peerage,
May 4, 1572, as Earl of Lincoln. The next
year, "attended by a great train of noblemen,"
he was sent to France to receive from Charles
IX. the ratification of the treaty of Bloise.
He was one of the commissioners named by
the queen to treat of her proposed marriage
to the Duke of Anjou. He died January 16,
1585. "Always of unspotted report, specially
for allegiance," says Hollinshead, "and there-
fore singularly beloved in his life, so accord-
ingly he was bemoaned in his death." He was
buried in the south isle of the Chapel of St.
George in Windsor. The tomb is a sumptuous
monument of alabaster, with pillars of por-
phyry. The Earl "lies in armor with his lady
by him, in full proportions, their heads on a
pillow and their hands uplifted as praying;
on one side three sons in armor kneeling, and
on the other five daughters in the same atti-
tude." There is an elaborate Latin inscrip-
He married (first) Elizabeth, daughter of
John Blount and widow of Gilbert, Lord Tal-
boys. She was known as "the beautiful Eliza-
beth Blount." Children: I. Bridget, married
Robert Dymock, Esq., of Scrivelby, County
Lincoln. 2. Catharine, married William, Lord
Brough. 3. Margaret, married Charles, Lord
Willoughby of Parham. The Earl married
(second) Ursula, daughter of William, Lord
Stourton. Children : 4. Sir Henry Clinton,
tenth Lord Clinton and second Earl of Lin-
coln. He married (first) Catherine, daughter
of Francis Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon.
Two sons, of whom the elder. Thomas, suc-
ceeded as third earl ; but owing to ultimate
failure of male issue in the line ef this Thomas
the succession to the earldom finally reverted
to the descendants of his younger brother, Sir
Edward, who married Mary, daughter of Sir
Thomas Dighton, Esq., of Stourton, county
Lincoln. A descendant of this Sir Edward
was Henry Clinton, ninth Earl of Lincoln ;
married, 1744. Catherine, eldest daughter and
heir of Rt. Hon. Henry Pelham. Her uncle.
Thomas Pelham Holies, was created duke of
Newcastle-under-Lyme on the 17th of No-
vember, 175'', with special remainder to the
Earl of Lincoln ; and upon the death of this
Thomas, first duke, in 1768, Henry Clinton,
ninth Earl of Lincoln, succeeded as secon 1
Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyme, assuming by
royal license the surname of Pelham — whence
the present family name, Pelham-CHnton. The
head of this house is now Henry Pelham
Archibald Douglas Pelham-Clinton. seventh
Duke of Newcastle and fourteenth Earl of
Lincoln, born September ?8, 1864. Another
present representative is Mr. Charles Staple-
ton Pelham-Clinton, of Moor St. Stoud, Eng-
land, born 1857. giandson of the fourth duke.
who married, in 1886, Lizzie, only daughter
of Louis di Zerega, of New York City. Re-
curring to the Clinton line previous to the
merging of the earldom of Lincoln in the
dukedom of Newcastle, we find that Francis
Clinton, sixth Earl of Lincoln, died [693,
aged fifty-eight, was the father, by his sec-
ond countess, Susan, daughter of Anthony
Penniston, Esq.. of Hon. George Clinton,
royal governor of the province of New York
from 174^ to 1753. This provincial governor,
George Clinton, who died July 10, 1761, mar-
ried Anne, daughter and heir of Hon. Peter
Carle, major-general, their onlv surviving son
being the distinguished Sir Henry Clinton,
born 1738, died Decemher 23, 1705. who was
Knight of the Bath, member of parliament.
lieutenant-general, and commander-in-chief
his majesty's forces in America during t
revolutionary war, with headquarters in Ni
York City. It was he who led the brillia
and successful expedition against Forts CI:
ton and Montgomery on the Hudson (177;
defended by his American kinsmen, Gene:
James Clinton and General George Clint
(then governor of the State of New Yorl
Sir Henry left descendants in England.
Edward, unmarried. 6. Thomas, mention
below. 7. Anne, married William Ascouj
son and heir of Sir Francis Ascough, knij;
of Kclsy, county Lincoln. 8 Frances, m;
ried Gvles Bruges, third Lord Chandos. E
ward Clinton, first Earl of Lincoln, marri
(third) Elizabeth, daughter of Gerald Fi
gerald, ninth Earl of Kildare, and widow
Sir Anthony Browne, knight. This was 1
iady celebrated by Henry. Earl of Surrey,
the Fair Geraldine. No issue.
(XVI) Sir Thomas Clinton, third son
Edward, ninth Baron Clinton and first E
of Lincoln, and Ursula Stourton. inheril
estates in Ireland; in 1618 was seated
Dowdston in'that country. He married Ma
daughter of John Tirrell, Esq., of Warley,
county Essex. England. Children : Willia
mentioned below ; Margery, married Jan
Crelie, of the Newry, Ireland, who w
drowned at Ringshead, April 2, 1618.
(XVII) Sir William Clinton, son of !
Thomas and Mary (Tirrell) Clinton, like
father, resided in Ireland. In the civil w;
he supported the fortunes of Charles I. a
was an officer in the royalist armies. It rr
he remarked that the head of the Clinton hoi
at that period, Theophilus, fourth Earl
1 incoln, was also a royalist, and for his 1
tivity in the cause his estates were seiz
.After the triumph of Cromwell. Sir Willi;
Clinton went into exile on the continent, 1
ing in France and Spain. Later he was i
some time in Scotland, where he married,
died in Glenwharry, Ireland. He marr:
Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Kennei
Earl of Cassilis in the Scotch peerage, kno'
as "the grave and solemn earl.'' Kennei
and the Earls of Cassilis, were descended fn
Duncan de Carrick, who lived in the reign
Malcolm TV. of Scotland (beginning ab<
it 50). The grandson of Duncan, Roland
Carrick, had a grant of the country of C
rick from Neil. Earl of Carrick, and was 1
clared chief of his name, this grant being
confirmed by Alexander III. Sixth in descent
from Roland was Sir John Kennedy (desig-
nated as son of Sir Gilbert de Carrick in many
writs), who had a confirmatory charter from
David II. of the lands of Castlys, county Ayr,
with other lands which came to him from
his wife, Mary, daughter of Sir Neil Mont-
gomery. Descended from him in a distin-
guished line was Lord David Kennedy, who
was created Earl of Cassilis by James IV.,
1509. The earldom of Cassilis is now sub-
ordinate to the marquisate of Ailsa, Archi-
bald Kennedy, twelfth Earl of Cassilis, having
been created, 1831, marquis of Ailsa. This
Archibald, twelfth earl, was the son of Archi-
bald, eleventh earl, who married (first) Cath-
erine Schuyler, daughter of Peter Schuyler
of New Jersey, and (second) Anne Watts,
daughter of Hon. John Watts of New York
(the descent being through the second mar-
riage). Children of Sir William Clinton and
Elizabeth Kennedy: 1. Margaret, married John
Parks ; children : John Parks ; Jane Parks,
married John Young ; Barbara Parks, married
John Crawford. 2. James, mentioned below.
(Willi James Clinton, son of Sir Wil-
iam and Elizabeth (Kennedy) Clinton, was
an infant at his father's death. He was born
in Ireland and continued there, residing in
county Longford, where he had considerable
estates. A portion of his life was passed,
however, as an officer in the military service
under Queen Anne in England, where he made
an effort to recover patrimonial lands, in which
he was unsuccessful on account of the limita-
tion of an act of parliament. He died in
county Longford, Ireland, January 24, 1718.
[He married Elizabeth Smith, of an English
family, daughter of William Smith, a Crom-
wellian officer. She died December 5, 1728.
'Issue: Christina, Mary, Charles, mentioned
(The Family in America.)
(I) Charles Clinton, son of James and Eliza-
beth (Smith) Clinton, the founder of the
family in America, was born in Ireland about
|i6go. According to a letter brought by him
to America from Rev. James Bond, pastor
of the dissenting (Presbyterian) congregation
at Corbay, county Longford, both he and his
wife lived "within the bounds" of that con-
gregation "from their infancy." He was active
and prominent in the affairs of the church,
occupying the position of ruling elder. After
his mother's death (1728) he made prepara-
tions for removal to the colonies and was the
leading spirit in organizing a company hav-
ing for its object the founding of a settlement.
On the 20th of May, 1729, with his wife and
three young children, his two sisters, and his
associates, he sailed from Dublin on the ship
"George and Ann," bound for Philadelphia.
The party numbered ninety-four persons, in
whose behalf he paid the passage money. The
voyage, chronicled in his diary, which is now
preserved in the New York State Library in
Albany, was one of the most unfortunate and
distressing in colonial records. There was a
shortage of supplies, the vessel was over-
crowded, and many died of disease and
famine, including two of Clinton's children.
It was not until October 4, four and a half
months, that land was seen, and instead of
Philadelphia, whither the emigrants were
destined, they were put ashore on Cape Cod,
the master, who appears to have been a man
of the greatest barbarity, positively refusing
to carry them further. The Clintons passed
the winter in Massachusetts. After due in-
vestigation land for a settlement was selected
in the province of New York some six miles
southwest of the present city of Newburgh.
The tract, about four miles square, received
the name of Little Britain, also being called
the "precinct of the Highlands." Though
within a short distance of the Hudson river
and only sixty or seventy miles from New
York City, it was wholly unsettled, "border
land to the Indians " In a petition asking
for protection, which was addressed to the
colonial legislature after this period by some
inhabitants of Ulster county, it was stated
that they were bounded on the west by the
desert, where only the wild Indian made his
home and grave. Here Clinton and his com-
panions from Ireland built their homes, and
the country being fertile and salubrious, grad-
ually advanced to prosperity. His house was
very strongly constructed as a frontier post
and fortification for security against the
Indians, and was often called "the fort." From
an early period of his settlement Clinton,
known for energy and ability, exercised a
marked influence. Being a proficient surveyor
and mathematical scholar, he was employed in
various important matters in this connection
and so came into association with the officials
of the provincial government. In November,
[736, In- joined with a son of Governor Cosby
in petitioning for ;i grant of land extending
on both sides of the Mohawk river around
Fort Stanwix. He was appointed in 1738
clerk <>f a military organization in the pre-
cinct of the Highlands. During the admin-
istration <if his relative, George Clinton, royal
governor of New York from 1743 to 1753. he
formed an acquaintance with him which rip-
ened into intimacy Continuing his identifica-
tion with the militia, he was promoted to lieu-
i(ii, mi colonel ami colonel, and in 175S he led
in person a regiment againsl the French, which
marched to the Mohawk Valley and was sta-
tioned at Fort Herkimer, where he was for a
time in command. Soon afterward he joined
with liis forces the main army under General
Bradstreet and participated in the taking of
Fort Frontenac on Lake Ontario, one of the
most brilliant and important events of the
war. In this campaign he was near seventy.
Two of his sons, James and George, were of-
ficers under him, the former as captain, the
latter as lieutenant. For nianv years he OC
cupied the position of justice of the peace
In 17(1,1 he was one of the commissioners
named to settle the controversies as to the
New Jersey boundary line and similar vexed
mailers resulting from the confusion of the
old Dutch grants. I I is last public employment
was thai of county judge of Ulster county
(17'xit. lie died at his residence. Little
Britain, New York, November 19, 177;*,. In
his will he directed that he he buried in the
graveyard on his farm beside his daughtet
Catherine, and added the following request:
"That my executors procure a suitable stone
to lay over my grave, whereon T would have
the lime of my death, my age, and coat-of-
arms cut I hope they will indulge me in
(his last piece of vanity." Charles Clinton
was distinguished for dignity and refinement
nf manners, purity and elevation of character.
sincere devotion to the interests of religion,
and earnest attachment to his adopted country,
lie lived to witness the events which fore-
shadowed the conflict with Great Britain, and
his dying injunction to his sons was to main-
tain the liberties of America.
lie married, in Ireland, Elizabeth Dennis-
ton, born about 1705. died December 25, 177Q.
She was of the very ancient Scottish family
of Dennistoun, from which Robert II. was
descended; over the mantel in the hall of tl
ancestral castle were inscribed the word
"Kings came of us, not we of kings." A
exceptionally accomplished and intellige;
lady, she gave every encouragement to hi
husband and sons in their various activitie
and shared in their patriotic ardor. Issue:
Catherine, Ik nn in Ireland, .August 11, 172
died in Little Britain, New York, Novembi
28, 17(12 ; she married, June 22, 174'J, Capta
James McClaughry, who came to Amerii
with the Clinton party in 1721;; no issue.
James, horn in 172''. died on the passage 1
America, .August 28, 1721). 3. Mary, born :
Ireland, July 11, 1728, died on the passag
August 2, 1721). 4. Alexander, born in Litt
Britain, New York, April 28, 1732, died i
Shawangunk, New York, March 11, 1758; 1
was graduated from Princeton College in 175
studied medicine under Dr Peter Middletc
111 New York City, and practiced his profe
sion in his native neighborhood; no issue.
Charles, horn in Little Britain, July 20, 173,
died April 3, [791, unmarried. 6. James, mei
tinned below. 7. George, born in Little Britai:
July 26, [739, lied in Washington, D. C
April 20, 1812.
(II) James, sixth child of Charles an
Elizabeth (Denniston) Clinton, was boi
August 9, 173(1, in Little Britain, Ulster coui
ty (now Orange county), New York. Durir
his entire life he resided in his native localit'
"With a hardy and vigorous constitution, a<
customed to alarms and Indian incursions, X
became in early life attached to the professio
of arms," and it is as a soldier that he :
chiefly remembered. In 1757, at the age c
twenty-one, he was commissioned ensign, an
the following year was made first lieutenai
with power to enlist troops in the war wit
France. He commanded a company of hi
father's regiment in the expedition again:
Fort Frontenac ( 175X1, and with his brothe:
George, exhibited an intrepidity in the resuli
ing attack which gained him great credit. O
the same occasion the brothers further di<
tinguished themselves by the capture of
French vessel on Lake Ontario, (ontinuin
in the army until the peace of 7763, he wa
variously employed throughout these fiv
years as an officer at frontier posts, in borde
skirmishes, and in enlisting new recruits unde
orders from the colonial governors, achievin:
a high reputation for soldierly qualities, ii
1763 he organized and commanded a corps
of two hundred frontier guards. After the
war he resumed the duties of peaceful life
at his native place, but, retaining his military
enthusiasm, was active in promoting the effi-
ciency of the local militia, in which he was
advanced to lieutenant-colonel. In the devel-
opments which led up to the separation of the
colonies from the mother country he took an
intense interest, and his name appears prom-
inently in the early movements both for mili-
tary and civil preparation Afier the battle
of Lexington, April 19, 1/75 he, with his
brothers, Dr. Charles and George, and brother
in-law, Captain McClaughry, was instrumental
in the formation of the committees which met
at New Paltz on May 11. He was one of the
delegates from Ulster county to the first
provincial convention, held in New York City,
and signed the strong document promulgated
by that body on May 26. Later he was
conspicuous in circulating the "association"
agreements for support of the continental
congress and in organizing forces. On
June 30, 1775, he was unanimously ap-
pointed by the provincial congress colonel of
the Third New York Regiment ; and in the
fall he was made colonel of one of the new
regiments which had been raised in Ulster
county. With a portion of his command he
accompanied General Montgomery to Canada,
and he was with the army before the walls of
Quebec when that heroic leader fell. In June,
1776, Colonel Clinton was stationed at Fort
Montgomery on the Hudson. Under his
supervision the works there and at the neigh-
boring Fort Clinton were completed, and with
great energy he labored to put them and their
garrisons in readiness for defense. Only
scanty munitions being sent him, he manufac-
tured his own powder and ball. He was pro-
moted to brigadier-general in the army of the
United States in August. Possessing the
especial confidence of General Washington,
who regarded the security of the Hudson as of
the verv highest importance, he was continued
in the command at Fort Montgomery.
The next year occurred the memorable
descent of Burgoyne's army from Canada,
the prime object of this invasion being
the mastery of the Hudson, which if realized
would have isolated New England and
have prevented all future conjunction be-
tween the eastern and western colonies. At
the same time that Burgoyne advanced from
Canada, Howe, the British commander in New
York, sailed with a formidable expedition for
Philadelphia, thus engaging the main Ameri-
can army under Washington in that quarter.
Thereupon Sir Henry Clinton, Howe's suc-
cessor in New York, proceeded to carry out
that very vital part of the British plans which
involved forcing the defenses of the lower
Hudson and effecting a junction with Bur-
goyne. On the 4th of October, 1777, Sir
Henry embarked his forces, some four
thousand men, at New York, sailed up the
Hudson, and landed at Verplanck's Point be-
low Peekskill in Westchester county. Peeks-
kill was at that time the headquarters of the
military district of the Highlands, which com-
prehended Forts Montgomery and Clinton.
The command of the district was held by
General Israel Putnam at Peekskill, subor-
dinate to him being the brothers, General
(Governor) George Clinton at Fort Mont-
gomery and General James Clinton at Fort
Clinton. (In the very grave military situation
Governor George Clinton had deemed it his
duty to take the field in person, and had come
to the support of his brother in the Highland
forts.) General Putnam, at Peekskill, mis-
apprehended Sir Henry's object, supposing it
was to attack his main position in force, and
he not only neglected to strengthen the Clinton
brothers in the forts, but even sent to them
for troops. In the night the British com-
mander transferred some three thousand of
his men to the west bank of the river, leaving
the remainder of Verplanck's Point to con-
tinue the ruse. Everything worked to his sat-
isfaction : Putnam still thought the objective
of the enemy was Peekskill, and it is said that
though he received early intelligence of the
passage of a body of the British to the other
:-ide, he concluded this was only a detachment ;
certain it is he took no measure to reinforce
the brothers, for which he had ample time after
hearing of the new movement. On the morn-
ing of October 5, the three thousand British
who had landed on the west side took up the
difficult march northward through the moun-
tain passes. About five o'clock in the after-
noon they arrived in the vicinity of the forts,
and, surrender being refused, divided into two
columns and stormed them from the rear. The
forces under the brothers did not exceed five
hundred, but a terrific resistance was made
which lasted till after nightfall, when the
overwhelming power of numbers prevailed. In
the fight General James Clinton suffered a
severe bayonet wound. The last to leave Fort
Clinton, he escaped down a precipice, one
hundred feet high, fronting the river, and
made his way to his home at Little Britain.
The governor crossed in a rowboat to the op-
posite shore. The taking of the Highland
fcirts was one of the most sensational events
of the revolution, standing as much to the
credit of the British general who planned and
executed the enterprise as did the subsequent
capture of Stony Point, a few miles below,
to that of the American General Wayne. Sir
Henry Clinton, having an unobstructed path
before him (West Point had not then been
built.) immediately marched to assist Bur-
goyne, but was too late, and so, after burning
Kingston and committing other ravages, re-
turned to New York. Forts Montgomery and
Clinton were demolished and never recon-
structed. For this disastrous affair Putnam
was sharply criticised but the conduct of the
Clinton brothers was regarded by both Wash-
ington and congress with unmixed approba-
tion. Against odds of six to one their situation
was hopeless unless reinforced; but as help
might still come from Putnam, and as in any
case it was their duty to maintain the honor of
the American arms, they made a desperate
defense, prolonging it in sheer heroism until
further fighting could have had no other issue
than the mere massacre of their little remnant
After recovering from his wounds. Genera!
James Clinton returned to the army and was
stationed at the new post of West Point on
the Hudson. As a result of the Wyoming
and Cherry Valley massacres it was decided to
dispatch a strong expedition against the
Indians. To the details of this matter Wash-
ington gave very particular attention, and the
preservation among lames Clinton's papers of
the original letter of the commander-in-chief
shows that it was referred to him General
Sullivan was placed at the head of the expedi-
tion, with Clinton second in command. Tn
June. 1770, Clinton moved with his division
of two thousand from Albany, proceeded up
the Mohawk Valley, crossed to Lake Otsego,
and there embarked in two hundred and
eighteen boats which had been carried over-
land with great labor. At the lower extremity
of the lake, where it has its outlet in the east-
ern branch of the Susquehanna river — ordin-
arily an unnavigable stream — he built a dam,
elevating the water several feet. Men were
sent ahead to clear the river of driftwood, the
flood was released, and the troops rode quickly
and safely down, reaching the point of ren-
dezvous in the Susquehanna Valley before
the main army. On the 29th of August, Sul-
livan having arrived, the united forces en-
countered the Indians at Newtown (now El-
mira, New York), and completely defeated
them. The object of the campaign being re-
tributive, an extensive march was then made
through the country of the ' (nondagas, Cayu-
gas and Senecas, which was thoroughly laid
waste, villages, stores and crops being de-
stroyed. This was one of the most comprehen-
sive and successful expeditions ever under-
taken against the savages. Years afterward
General Clinton, revisiting the scene, was re-
membered by the chiefs of the tribes and was
offered large donations of land ( which he
declined ) because of their admiration for him
as a brave man. In 17S0, after the treason of
Arnold, Washington wrote to Clinton, then at
West Point: "As it is necessary there should
be an officer in whom the state has confidence
to take the general direction of affairs at Al-
bany and on the frontier, I have fixed upon
you for this purpose, and request you will
proceed to Albany without delay and assume
command." He administered this post — the
northern department — ver\ efficiently until
August. 1781, when, with his troops, he joined
Washington and accompanied him in the York-
town campaign. It was his brigade which
received the colors of the British army at the
surrender of Cornwallis. Afterwards he was
for several months in command of the Ameri-
can forces at Pompton, New Jersey. He was
one of the distinguished officers present at the
evacuation of New York in November, 1783.
LJpon bis retirement from the army he held the
rani-: of major-general.
The remainder of his life was for the most
part passed in the privacy of his home, al-
though on several occasions he was summoned
to the public service in honorable position.
Tn T784 he was appointed regent of the Uni-
versity of the State of New York. He was
a delegate to the famous Poughkeepsie con-
vention of 178S. held to consider the United
States constitution, and strongly supported his
brother in opposition to that instrument ; but
after its ratification he defended it with his
accustomed sincerity and energy. At various
times he was a member of the assembly and
state senate, and he also was a commissioner
on the New Jersey boundary and sat in the
convention of 1S01 which revised the state
constitution. He died in Little Britain, New
York, December 22, 181 2.
In person General Clinton was one of the
most striking individualities of his times — of
commanding stature and powerful physique,
finely proportioned, and with features of re-
markable beauty, indicative of the greatest
dignity, resolution and candor. As a military
leader he was above all distinguished by ef-
ficiency— self-possessed amid the most serious
dangers, a firm disciplinarian, and absolutely
loyal to every trust. These qualities led to
his constant employment by Washington in
responsible commands on the Hudson river,
where unquestionable reliability, incessant
alertness, and administrative vigor were the
prime requirements. On the other hand, his
campaign of I/7Q to the Indian country, in-
'olving an extraordinarily toilsome march and
a delicate engineering feat, executed with pre-
cision of detail and surprising dispatch, dem-
onstrates that as a field commander he also
possessed exceptional abilities. His son. Gov-
ernor De Witt Clinton, in a tribute to his
character said : "He was a rood man and a
sincere patriot, performing in the most ex-
emplary manner, all the duties of life, and lie
died as he had lived, without fear and without
He married ( first) February r8, 1765, Marv
(baptized Maria) De Witt, only daughter of
Egbert De Witt, of Naponach, Ulster county.
New York, and Mary (Nottingham) De Witt.
Her ancestry was as follows : Tjerck Claesen
De Witt, from the Netherlands : married, in
the Reformed Dutch Church, New Amster-
dam. April 24, 1656, Barbara Andriessen ;
fourteen children, of whom the eldest was
Andries De Witt, born in New Amsterdam,
1657. died July 22, 1710; lived for some years
in Marbleton, New York, later removing to
Kingston ; married, March 7, 1682. Jannetje
Eghertsen. daughter of Egbert Meindertse and
Jaepe Tans ; twelve children, the tenth of whom
was Egbert De Witt, born March 18. ifioq;
lived in Naponach. Ulster county, married,
November a. 1726. Marv Nottingham, daugh-
ter, of William and Margaret (Rutsen) Not-
tingham ; nine sons and one daughter, Mary
De Witt, married James Clinton, mentioned
above. Issue of James and Mary (De
Witt) Clinton : 1. Alexander, born in Deer-
park, Orange county, New York, 1765,
drowned in the Hudson river, March 15, 1787;
he served as lieutenant in Colonel Lamb's regi-
ment of artillery during the revolution, and
was for a time private secretary to his Uncle
George ; unmarried. 2. Charles, mentioned be-
low. 3. De Witt, governor of New York, etc.,
born in Little Britain, March 2, 1769, died in
Albany, New York, February 11, 1828. 4.
George, born July 6, 1771. 5. Mary, born
July 20, 1773; married (first) Robert Burrage
"Norton, (second) Judge Ambrose Spencer; no
issue. 6. Elizabeth, born January 15, 1776;
married Lieutenant William Stuart, who
served in the revolutionary army ; seven chil-
dren. 7. Katherine. born September 24, 1778.
died 1837; married (first) Samuel Lake Nor-
ton, brother of Robert Burrage Norton, her
sister Mary's first husband ; no issue ; married
(second) Judge Ambrose Spencer, her sister's
widower. General James Clinton married
(second) Mrs. Mary (Little) Gray, widow
of Alexander Gray. She was born in county
Longford, Ireland. August 22, 1768, died in
Newburgh, Orange county, New York, June
22. 1835. Issue: 8. James, died young. 9.
Caroline H., born March 27. 1800; married
Tudge Charles A. Dewey, of Northampton,
Massachusetts, to. Emma L., born February,
1802, died July 6, 1823 ; unmarried. 11. James
Graham, born January 2, 1804, died May 28,
1S49, "Honored, loved, lamented." 12. Leti-
tia, born April 12, 1806. died April 23. 1842,
aged thirty-six ; married Dr. Francis Bolton ;
children: Thomas Bolton, died young; James
Clinton Bolton, lawyer in New York ; married
Laura Tallmadge. 13. Anna, born July 26,
1809, died December 11, 1833. aged twenty-
four ; married Lieutenant Edward Ross, of
the United States army.
(Ill) Charles (2), second son of James and
Mary (De Witt) Clinton, was born February
18, 1767, in Little Britain, and died in New
York City, April 20, 1829. He prepared for
the practice of law, was admitted to the bar,
and gave much of his time to his profession.
He had a particular taste for surveying, in
which he was very skillful and devoted consid-
erable time to that occupation. His home was
in Newburgh, New York, where he filled vari-
ous pos ■ trust and n y. In
strict in th<
ily. He married, in 17110. Eli; .
daughter of William and Mary (Dennis
• Little Britain, born there April
27, 177 5, 186- N'ew York
Iren : Maria, born Mare':; 26, 1791,
. Jr. ; Alexander, men-
tioned below.
( 1 \
(.diaries (2) and. Mullmeri Clin-
ton, v ;. in Xewburgh,
and died February 16, 1878, in Xew York
City. He studied medicine and engaged in
ice. He joined the Uniti ? - army
: lieutenant
1 le married \d( I lamihon. .
ter of Captain Jar Ham-
ilton, native-; of Scotland. Captain Hamilton
descendant of the ancient family of
that rwick.
Elizabeth, married John
ander, oi Rleecker; Adi ' n, wife
of Thomas E. Brov ' ?. many
Company, of Xew York 1 Eliza.
Mrs Thomas A. Wilmerding; Charles Wil-
liam. I tti ' i Xew York Cit)
Do V tied below .
De Witt, third son of Dr. Alexander
and AdeliiK . was
born July 5. 1835, in Xow York City He re-
ceived hi- education in
native 8
member oi the Xew x - iiange
and is now retired from active business, re-
siding in Ri
affiliated with any religious bod\
the first thirty three years of his life his home
S6!3 Sq7
whence he removed to Ridgewood. Polit
ed a term
listmenl in the Seventh Regiment National
Guard. State of Xew York during the period
of the civil war a ft riots, lie was
hurch, Xew York City
iber 25, 18
Bumham, born Kugusl ? New York
Cit> . died a( Rids N ■■ Tanu-
of Michael and lane
(Cart. •
- born August 1 1.
Xew York, died at Xorwalk. Connecti-
cut. July 23, 18(14: De Witt, mentioned below;
Sig urney, born September 14. - 7
in Xew York: Roland Burnham, mentioned
. Elizabeth Sigourney born December 13,
1880. at South Orange. Xew Jersey.
(YI) De Witt (2), second son of De Witt
and Elizabeth Sigourney ( Burnham)
Clinton, was born October 23, 1804. in Xew
He attended private schools in
South Orange. Xew Jersey He is connected
in business with the firm of Clinton & Russell,
■ :th offices in Liberty street. New
Vork City, practicing architecture. He is also
al musician and church organist,
of various choruses and
church choirs, tin . s nnected otherwise
with any religious organization. He is a 111cm-
the Architectural League of New York,
e Manhattan Single Tax Club and Sun-
lub oi the same city. He has long cn-
actively in the single tax propaganda,
and other economic ami social reform work,
and i- politically ir I He was reared
ge, Nev , resides
at Ridgewood. same -'.ate.
of De
Witt ( 1 ) and Eli; - nicy ( Burnham)
v~^ South
._ . Xew Jersey. He attended public and
that place. Since attaining
manhood his time has been devoted principally
to literary work. IL nected with
any r< tion, and i- politically
v is now at Ridgewood,
Xew Jersey/, where be was married. November
8. Kin. to Pauline 1. Provi Novem-
ber 2. 1887, in Xew \ g\ :er of
- Edwin and S ' ' tes") Pro-
They have one son ■ De Witt Provine
bom October 18. 10.12. in Brooklyn.
Xew York.
In preparing the gene-
FLOYD-JONES alogy of 'the F
Jones family it becomes
necessary to take into consideration two fam-
ilies which for centuries have been of forc-
inl in the State oi Xew York, and
with an influence much wider. For genera-
tions the Jones family, settled on Long Island,
ntributed a line of distinguished legisla
tors and jurists, and has maintained promin-
nee in political life under both British and
Lmerican rule. The Floyd family was among
lose of this state which were held in esteem
efore the revolution, gained distinction at
lat period, and since then its members have
ivariably been worthy.
The line of descent to he considered here
traced separately through the Floyd and
ones families. In the year 1757 they were
nited by an important intermarriage, and the
nited strains became known as Floyd-Jones
y the legislative enactment of 1788. which
nabled Colonel David Richard Floyd to add
tie name of Jones to his surname, hence he
nd all of his descent since then to the present
ay have borne the name Floyd-Jones. As
be male line was that of the Floyd family, at
ntion will first be paid to it.
(I) Colonel Richard Floyd was the first of
his family in America. He was born about
620. and was a native of Brecknockshire,
Vales. He came to this country in 1656, set-
; in Setauket, Long Island. There he be-
ame one of the fifty-five original proprietors
f Brookhaven, was made a justice, and ap-
lointed a colonel of the Suffolk militia com-
>anv. His wife. Susanna . was born in
626. and died in 1700. They had one child,
imo bore the name of its father.
(II) Colonel Richard (2) Floyd, son of
Colonel Richard (1) Floyd and his wife Sus-
nna. was born May 12. 1661. and died Febru-
ry 28, 1737. He was appointed county colonel
n the days when King William's war made
roubled times, and by the grace of Anne be-
■ame a judge of the court of common pleas.
-Ie married, September in. 1686, Margaret,
laughter of Colone' Matthias Nicoll, secre-
ary of New York colony, and many years
udge of Suffolk county, and his wife Abigail,
vlarsjaret Nicoll was horn in 1662 and died
n 1718 The inscription upon Colonel Floyd's
ombstone. still in a state of preservation at
Setauket. Long Inland, reads : "Here lies ye
>ody of Richard Floyd. Esqre.. late Collone!
)f this County, and n Judge of ye Court of
Common Pleas, who deed. Febrv 28, 1737, in
re 73 year of his age." Chil Iren : 1. Susannah.
>orn 1688 ; married Edmund Smith, son of
\dam, son of Richard, of the "Bull" Smith
family of Smithtown. 2. Margaret, born 1690;
narried Rev. John Thomas, of Hempstead. 3.
Zharity. born 1692, died in 1758; married
(first) Benjamin Nicoll; (second) Dr. Samuel
Johnson. 4. Eunice, born 1694; married Wil-
liam Stephens. 5. Ruth, born 1699; married
Walter Dongan. 6. Richard, born 1703 (see
forward"). 7. Nicoll, born 1705, died 1752;
married Tabitha Smith.
(III) Colonel Richard (3) Floyd, son of
Colonel Richard (2) Floyd and Margaret
Nicoll, was born December 29, 1703, and died
April 21, 1 77 1. He married Elizabeth Hut-
chinson, born in 1709, died in 1778, daughter
of Benjamin and Martha Hutchinson, large
property owners bordering on Long Island
sound. Children : Richard, of whom further ;
Elizabeth ; John ; Margaret ; Benjamin ; Gil-
bert ; William ; Samuel ; Mary ; Anna.
(IV) Colonel Richard (4) Floyd, son of
Colonel Richard (3) and Elizabeth (Hutchin-
son) Floyd, was born February 26, 1731, and
died February 6, 1791. He settled upon the
estate left to him by his father at Mastic, Suf
folk county. Long Island, where he was re
garded by all as the most generous man who
had ever resided within that county. He en-
tertained all ranks of neighbors not only
courteously but cordially, and sustained the
reputation of keeping the most hospitable table
on the entire island. Needless to say. these
characteristics of his nature made him num-
erous friends and precluded enemies. To the
poor he likewise extended unstinted generosity,
and all those in distress lived to revere his
memory as their best friend. He was a Tory
of the deepest dye throughout the revolution,
and became one of the proscribed individuals
who came under the Act of Attainder. For
this reason he was obliged to leave the country
in order to save any portion of his valuable
property. The remainder, including the fine
family place at Mastic, Long Island, was con-
fiscated, and his wife fortunately succeeded
to the property bequeathed bv her father
Colonel Richard Floyd was also related to
General Nathaniel Woodhull, of the American
army, who married Ruth Floyd, first cousin of
Richard, and they were near neighbors at
Mastic. The battle of Long Island was fought
August 27, 1776. in which the British arms
were victorious. Nathaniel Woodhull was ap-
pointed brigadier-general and commander-in-
chief of all the militia on Long Island. Before
he reached Jamaica, with less than one hun-
dred men. the battle was decided, so he re-
mained there at an inn kept by a man named
Carpenter, about two miles east of the village.
for reinforcements, which he could not get, as
the American army had escaped from Long
Island, leaving the enemy in possession. The
British received information where he was,
and surrounded the house, making him and all
his party prisoners. This happened on the
night of August 28, 1776, and not a gun was
fired. The general, favored by darkness, at-
tempted to escape; but being discovered by
sentries while attempting to get over a fence,
he received a number of strokes from their
swords, particularly a severe one upon the
arm. He was carried aboard a man-of-war,
and treated with hospitality. The surgeons
advised amputation, but he would not give his
consent, and heme the wound mortified, caus-
ing his death, which occurred September 20,
Colonel Richard Floyd married, November
2, 1757, Arabella Jones, born December 7,
1734, died May 2<), 1785. daughter of Judge
David Junes and Anna Willett. The judge
amassed a fortune of considerable size, being
;i large property owner on Long Island. His
daughter Arabella thus became wealthy by
inheritance, and through her issue the property
was to descend provided a child of hers would
carry down the name of Jones. In order to
take the best of care of the will of her father,
in 1783 she desired Ruth Woodhull, widow
of the general, to take care of it. The will was
delivered to her by Mrs. Floyd sealed in a
paper, with the declaration that it was the will
of Judge David Jones. This was placed in a
sealskin trunk by Mrs. Woodhull -for safe-
keeping with the will of General Woodhull ; but
on April 5, 1784, Mrs. Woodhull's house
caught fire and the trunk, with its valued con-
tents, was destroved. Colonel Richard Floyd
left his home on Long Island in 1783, for Con-
necticut, and from there went to Nova Scotia.
He died at Maugerville, New Brunswick, June
30, 1791, where he was buried. His wife was
buried at Mastic, Long Island. Children: 1.
Elizabeth, born August 8, 1758, died May 7,
1820; married, September 28, 1785, John P.
De Lancey. 2. David Richard, born November
14, T7'>4, later known as David Richard Floyd-
Jones (see forward). 3 Anne Willett, born
August 17, 1767, died June 8, 1813; married,
December 3, 1784, Samuel Benjamin Nicoll.
As David Richard Floyd, son of Colonel
Richard Floyd and Arabella Jones, became
known as David Richard Floyd-Jones by Act
of Legislature of New York State in 1788, th
Jones line will be considered.
(The Jones Line.)
By its very name, the family proclaims itse'
of the country of Wales. Johnes is the sty;
of the primitive orthography, although tl"
contracted form of Johns is equally corre<
and Jones the modern form, now in commo
use in America. Besides consideration of th
name, students of the family history ass&
that traits and characteristics of the Welsh 1
a race stand out in succeeding generations eve
since the arrival of the first of the name i
this country, and they even go so far as t
point out the transmission of these traits i
the female line, when reflecting on the qual
ties of allied families Edward F. de Lance
has defined them. "The distinguishing cha:
acteristics of the family are penetration, judj
ment, independence, resolution, clearness c
intellect, strength of memory, coolness, di
termination of action and high honor, unite
with a temperament sanguine and choleri
great fearlessness, and a disposition extreme!
social and hospitable " Another has saic
"Other characteristics of the family, those n<
based upon the ideas of any one individua
are its longevity, the excellence of its matr
monial alliances, the great eminence whic
many of its members have obtained in leg;
jurisprudence, and the continuance of tl'
latter through successive generations." Wei
either of these views half right, one would ha\
abundant reason to be proud if a member c
the family, which for righteous reason finds i
name recorded on numerous pages of Amer
can history. In substantiation of this a sing-
paragraph will make the matter perfect!
clear. Commencing with Major Thorn?
Jones, the first of the name in this countr
one finds that shortly after his arrival on Lon
Island, about 1695, he held the official positio
of high sheriff, and in 1710 was justice of th
peace for Queens county. After his decea;
his eldest son David became judge of Queer
county, in 1734, and was made the secon
justice of the Supreme Court of New Yor
in 17^3, sitting for ten years, when he wa
succeeded by his son Thomas, who filled th
offices of recorder of the City of New Yor
and judge of the Supreme Court, holding th
latter office until the end of the revolutio:
when, because of his adherence to the Crowi
he was forced to leave the country for Enc
land, where he wrote his v/ell-known history,
"New York During the Revolutionary War."
These facts not alone seem to. but actually
do prove, the previous declaration regarding
this family's standing in the community.
(I) Major Thomas Jones was the progenitor
of this family in America. It is a matter of
tradition that the family was descended in
remote times from a good family resident of
Ireland who intermarried with another of
Wales, supposed to have originated in Merion-
etshire or Glamorganshire. But, as previously
stated, the blood of the Welsh family seems to
have been predominant and has given the
Thomas Jones, after the king's defeat at
the battle of the Boyne, fought between the
English under William ITI. and the Irish
under James II., 1690, emigrated to America
from Straubane, Ireland, in 1692, his title
of major having been bestowed when he was
an officer in the army of the dethroned mon-
arch. He was a Protestant gentleman of
Straubane, in county Tyrone, Province of
Ulster, Ireland, some one hundred and fifty
or more miles to the northwest of Dublin,
where he was born about the year 1665 The
family had come there, the north of Ireland,
from England. He landed at Port Royal, in
the island of Jamaica, where he was at the
time of the great earthquake in June of that
year. It is unverified tradition that he com-
manded one of the vessels in the harbor
whither the people then flocked for safety — the
"Swan" and the "Siam Merchant." Thomas
Jones figures in history as a regularly com-
missioned privateer under King James II.,
for there is record of a trial for being a pirate,
whereas his business differed essentially as
may be shown. In his testimony he avers :
"We accepted the King's commission and acted
under it, and for which we were condemned as
traitors, and we never received any protection from
King William; but served all along as subjects to
King James II., etc., etc., and that after the sur-
render of Limerick we (and thousands more) were
conveyed as enemies into France, with our arms,
brass guns and ammunition, and that being thus
conveyed to France, continued to act under King
James II., as our King, and he all along, while we
were in Ireland and after, commissioned us as his
subjects, and that the ship and goods we took by
virtue of a commission as privateers, etc., etc., and
that thereafter we ought to be treated as only ene-
mies and prisoners of war, etc. Some of these
men were executed, not all."
The above shows the activity of the man in
adventure and a portion of his life in following
the sea. When he arrived in Rhode Island
he held a commission as captain. This was
in 1692. The governor of New York colony
from 1692 to 1698 was Colonel Fletcher, and
he it was most likely who allowed him the com-
mission or recognized him as a captain to
cruise against Spain while that country was
at war with England. While in Rhode
Island he became associated with Captain
Thomas Townsend, who was an active trader.
He participated in his numerous enterprises
and married his daughter Freelove. Captain
Townsend was son of John Townsend and
his wife Elizabeth, and had come to Rhode
Island from their place on Long Island. The
latter colony had proved a refuge for the
Ouakers when persecuted, and there Thomas
Townsend, his father-in-law, died in or about
1712. Thomas Townsend gave to Major
Thomas Jones and Freelove Townsend Jones,
his wife, in 1695, a large tract of land which
bad formerly belonged to the Massapequa
Indians at Fort Neck, on the south side of
Long Island. He had previously offered it
to his son. John Townsend ; but the land
seemed so distant from other built-up places
that the son refused it, saying: "Does father
want me to go out of the world?"
Seven Indians from this place had come
on November 27. 1655, to deal with Peter
Stuvvesant, the Dutch governor at New Am-
sterdam, representing the Marsepain, or Mar-
sepingh tribes, whose chief was Tachpausaan,
alias Meautinnemin, Fort Neck, Queens coun-
ty, Indians. To this vast estate Major Thomas
Tones and his wife removed in 1696 There
he built a substantial house of brick, at the
head of the creek, on the portion now known
as the Massapequa Farm. Many relics of the
tribes have been dug up at this locality, and
it is believed by what has been discovered that
the Indian cemetery was on the north side of
the turnpike, just west of Little Massapequa
creek. Lord Cornbury, governor of the
province of New York, commissioned Thomas
Jones a captain of militia in Queens county,
October 20, 1702. On October 14, 1704, he
was appointed high sheriff of Queens county,
and on April 3, 1706, he was made major
of the Queens county regiment. Governor
Hunter of New York appointed him ranger
general of the Island of Nassau. The last-
named commission bears date September 4,
1710. Rangers general were sworn officers of
the Crown, to whom were granted by the
sovereign or his representative the royal rights
or franchises, of waifs, estrays, bunting royal
fish, treasure trove, mines, deodands, forfei-
tures and the like. This particular office gave
Major Junes the monopoly of the whale and
other fisheries from both the north and south
shores of Long Island Subsequent to Thomas
Junes' settlement upon this domain, he ac-
quired from the Indians and other owners, as
well as by inheritance by bis wife from her
father, various tracts which included the West
Neck and Umqua properties. By accumula-
tion he was eventually the possessor of about
6,000 acres of land, all contiguous, which at
a later date was designated as follows: "That
part extending from or near (be Jerusalem
South ('reek', later called 'Yerrity's,' or At-
ianticville creek, now designated as Seaford
creek, to the Little West Massapequa creek,
was denominated 'West Neck From the
West Massapequa creek to the east branch of
Fori Neck creek was called Fort Neck, and
from there cast to Carman's creek, running
south to Umqua Point, was designated as
Umqua. The northern boundary of the es-
tate ran very close to the village of Ilard-
scrable. now Farmingdale." The dwelling
which be erected was for many years the
wonder of the age. its cognomen being the
"( »lil Brick I louse." Many strange and weird
stories are told about it, one to the effect that
after the death of Major Jones, strange noises
were heard there, and that a small, cir-
cular window, seen in the gable, could newer
be closed, for sashes, boards and even bricks
held by mortar, placed over or in it, were in-
stantly removed by an invisible power. This
house was demolished in 1837, and for a long
time afterward any negro passing by would
shrink with terror, expecting the appearance
of a ghost. The inlet from the Great South
Bay into the ocean has for a long time been
known as Jones' Inlet, and the long sand dune
as Jones' Beach, taking the name directly
from the progenitor of the family and original
owner. Freelove Townsend Jones also re-
ceived from her father a house and two lots
in Oyster Bay, which Major Jones sold to
George Townsend in 1712.
When Major Thomas Jones died, Decem-
ber 13, 1713, he was buried in a small grave-
yard on the bank of what was then called
Brick House Creek, now known as Massa-
pequa Creek. A brownstone headpiece marks
the spot, on which was carved the inscription
which he wrote: "Here Lyes Interd The
Body of Major Thomas Jones, Who Came
From Straubane, In the Kingdom of Ireland,
Settled Mere and Died December, 1713" Be-
neath that :
"From Distant Lands to This Wild Waste He Came,
This Seat He Choose, And Here He Fixed His
Long May His Sons This Peace Full Spot Injoy,
And No 111 Fate his Offspring Here Annoy."
On May 21, \~o<>. Major Thomas Jones,
Colonel Henry Smith, and Colonel Richard
Floyd were ordered by Lieutenant-Governor
[ngoldesby "to engage the Long Island In-
dians to join the expedition into Canada." In
1711 lie subscribed £2 English towards build-
ing Trinity Church steeple in New York City.
As early as 1710 be held the office of super-
visor of ( lyster Bay, and was annually re-
elected until be died. September 2, 17011, he
was appointed assistant justice of court of
common pleas for Queens county. His wi-
dow, who was born December 29, 1674, mar-
ried Major Timothy Bagley (no issue), and
died July, 172(1. Children: 1. Sarah L., born
[695, died August iS, [696. 2. David, of
whom further. 3. Freelove. born 1700, died
before 17(18. 4. Thomas, born 1701, died
November 13, 1741. 5. Sarah, born 1703. 6.
Margaret, born about 170(1, died before 1768.
7. William, born April 25, 1708, died August
29, 17711 8. Elizabeth, born about 1710, (lied
after 1768.
(II) Judge David Jones, son of Major
Thomas [ones and Freelove Townsend, was
born at Fort Neck, Long Island, September
id. [699, and died there, in the "Old Brick
House," October 11, 1775. As early as 1734
he had from Coventor Cosby, of New York,
the appointment of judge of Queens county,
sitting in the court of common pleas. On
June 2, 1737, at an election for members of
assembly, be bad 390 votes and Colonel Isaac-
Hicks 432. the latter supported by the Quak-
ers, who were of course numerous. From
l7?,7 to 1758 he was member of assem-
bly and also in 1761. For thirteen years
lie presided as speaker of the house. It
was here he made a decided mark in his-
tory. On December 15, 1737, he introduced
a bill to repeal so much of the law of this
colony concerning the Quakers as required
them to produce certificates. This bill was
lost, Chief Justice de Lancey dissenting. Oc-
tober 20, 1737, he introduced a bill "to restrain
tavern keepers from selling strong liquors to
servants and apprentices." It was passed.
September 14, 1738. he, with Colonel Isaac
Hicks and others, were appointed by the legis-
lature as a committee to prepare an address
of condolence to His Majesty on the lamented
death of her late Majesty Queen Charlotte.
November, 1739, a bill was introduced by him
and passed, to prevent setting fire or burning
the old grass on Hempstead Plains. October
4, 1752, he was chosen speaker. July 4, 1753,
he and John Townsend and others were ap-
pointed commissioners to examine the en-
croachments made on this province by neigh-
boring colonies.
Although Judge David Jones was an Epis-
copalian, he was not of the high church party
favored by his son, Thomas, and it is inferred
that he inclined somewhat to the Presbyte-
rians, because they were so largely his con-
stituents. In 1754, while speaker of assembly,
he had much to do in procuring the charter
for King's College in the city of New York,
now Columbia University. A clause in this
charter provided that its president should al-
ways be a member of the Church of England.
This created a serious storm of opposition, and
he was roundly abused for favoring it. His
son lias left a statement regarding the incident
in these words : "It threw the whole Province
into a ferment, and Presbyterian pulpits thun-
dered sedition." In the election for Assembly,
February 24, 1761, David Jones received 382
votes ; Thomas Cornell 363 ; Thomas Hicks
342; and Zebulon Seaman 217. He was first
appointed judge in T758, and although the
rule that an office-holder went out on the death
of the monarch, he was reappointed in 176T,
and he continued to hold the position until,
wishing to resign in 1773, his son Thomas took
his place.
He built a large house on his estate at Fort
Neck, which he called Tryon Hall, in honor
of the governor. He possessed the clearness
of mind and incisiveness of character which
is so marked a characteristic of his race, never
hesitating in doing anything he believed to be
right, reeardless of consequences, and alwavs
commanded the confidence of the public
throughout his career. While speaker of as-
sembly, he had the firmness to order the doors
of the chamber closed against the governor
until a bill, then under discussion, was acted
upon, it being known that the governor was
opposed and had determined to prevent action.
Throughout his life he was an unyielding ad-
vocate of the rights of the people against every
species of royal encroachment
To Judge David Jones and his heirs in taile
was devised the greater portion of his father's
large estate located, at South Oyster Bay, who
by suffering a common recovery the life estate
thus devised to him was changed into a fee,
which he devised to his son Thomas during
his life, with remainder on failure of issue,
to his daughter Arabella and her issue in-
tail-male. The entailment of the property by
Judge David Jones saved it from being for-
feited, as he adhered to the royal cause during
the revolution, and on the restoration of peace
was "attainted" and forced to leave the coun-
try for England, where he died without issue.
The estate thus devised him under his father's
will was by a provision in that will vested in
the testator's daughter, Arabella, and her heirs
in-taile-male. An abstract of this important
will states:
"All his beaches, lands, marshes and grounds cov-
ered with water in Queens County, he gives to his
son, Thomas, for his use during his life, and after
his death to the use of the first son of his said son
Thomas, and the heirs male of such first son, etc..
and in failure of such issue to the use of the second
son. and sons of his said son Thomas during their
lives. On the failure of heirs male of his son,
Thomas, he gives all the said real estate to and for
the use of the oldest daughter of his said son,
Thomas, during life. etc. In case of a total failure
of issue of his son Thomas, he gives the same to
and for use of" his grandson. David Richard Floyd,
the oldest son of his daughter Arabella, for his life,
and after his death to and for the use of the first
son of his said grandson, in-tail forever, they taking
the surname of Jones."
Judge Jones made further provision, in case
there was no male heir and no one of his fam-
ily took the name of Jones. In either event
the said lands were to go to King's College.
New York ; the rents and issues to be applied
yearly to the maintenance of charity schools,
two of such schools always to be in Queens
county — one at Tamaica and the other in the
town of Oyster Bay.
Judge David Jones married, November 22,
1722. Anna, then aged eighteen years, called
the second daughter of Colonel William Wil-
lett. of Willett's Point. Westchester county,
New York, great-granddaughter of the settler,
Thomas Willett, of Bristol, England, who
married Sarah Cornell, of New York, in 1643.
She died January 31, 1750, and he later mar-
ried Margaret, widow of John Treadwell, by
whom no issue. She was a daughter of
Colonel William Willett and his wife Alice.
daughter of Governor Colden, therefore a
niece (if his fust wife. Children: 1. Anna,
born May 11, 1724. 2. Sarah, born February
12, 1728, died April, 1828. 3. Thomas, born
April 20, 1731, -lied July 25, 1792. 4. Ara-
bella, born December 7, 1734, died May 29,
1785; married, November 2, 1757. Colonel
Richard Floyd (see foward). 5. David, born
April 30, 1737, died September 9, 1758. 6.
Mary, born April 2n, 1743.
(The Floyd-Jones Line.)
(Y) David Richard Floyd-Jones (formerly
David Richard Floyd), son of Colonel Rich-
ard Floyd and Arabella bines, was born No-
vember 14. 1704, and died February 10, 1826.
He took possession of the Fort Neck estate
about 1782 to 1783, it being with his mother's
consent, and that of his uncle. Judge Thomas
Jones, when the latter became civilly dead by
reason of the Act of Attainder. As his grand-
father, Judge David Jones, by his will entailed
his Fort Neck property in-tail male upon his
only son, Judge Thomas Jones, and in default
of issue to his daughter Arabella in-tail male.
by reason of such default David Richard
Floyd inherited. But there was another pro-
vision in the will, and that was to the effect
that the son inheriting must take the surname
of Jones or annex it. He therefore appealed
to the legislature to be allowed to affix the
name of Jones to his own The Act of the
Legislature reads :
"Chap. 75 of the New York Laws of 1788; an Act
to enable David Richard Floyd to add the name of
Jones to his surname, passed March 14, 1788:
Whereas. David Richard Flovd by his petition to
the Legislature has prayed that the surname Tones
may be added to his present name. Therefore, Be
it enacted by the People of the State of New York,
represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the same, that the sur-
name of Jones be and the same is hereby added to
the name of David Richard Floyd and "that at all
times hereafter he shall and mav'take upon himself
the name David Richard Floyd-Jones, and by the
same name be known and called in all cases what-
Shortly after his succeeding to the estate, he
was admonished by his uncle, Judge Thomas
Jones, as follows: "Behave with caution ar
prudence, and let me beg of you by your coi
duct never to disgrace the families of yoi
two grandfathers. Always remember one w;
first m Queens, the other in Suffolk." Thei
is every evidence that he regarded this a<
vice, and lived with probity and honor, ;
had his ancestors. It is known that he w;
a most faithful churchman, never failing 1
drive on Sunday mornings ten miles to S
George's Church at Hempstead, which w;
the nearest in the parish.
David Richard Floyd-Jones married, Sej
temlier 20, 1785, Sarah Onderdonk, bor
March 2(>, 1758, died February 29, 184,
daughter of Hendrick and Phoebe (Treac
well ) ( (nderdonk. Her father-in-law was c
the third generation in this country, being tli
son of Andries and his wife, Gertrude Lot
He was born December 11, 1724; died Marc
31, 1809; married May 20, 1750: and she wa
born July 12. 1730. died December 19, 180]
Children: 1. David Thomas, born April 2'
1787, died June 12, 1787. 2. Thomas, 0
whom further. 3. Arabella, born February (
1700. died May 5, 1790. 4. Henry Onderdont
born January 3, 1792, died December 20. 1862
became a major-general ; married Heler
daughter of Charles Watts, of South Caro
Una, who was born November 24, 1792, am
died July 18, 1872; seven children. 5.' An
drew Onderdonk, born January 9. 1794, die<
February n, 1704.
(VI) Brigadier-General Thomas Floyd
Jones, son of David Richard Floyd-Jones ant
Sarah Onderdonk, was born Tilly "23, 1788
and died August 2^. 1851. On the death o:
his father he succeeded to the estate at For
Neck, which was in 1826. and was the las'
owner under the entail created by his great-
grandfather. Judge David Jones.' When th<
law of entail was abolished in 1830 he be-
came possessor of the entire estate in fee
simple. When he died in 185 1, intestate, his
estate was divided among his four children sc
that each was the recipient of about 1.200 acres
of the land which had been left from father
to son since the time of the Indians. He was
one of those contributing to the erection of
Grace Church, at Massapeoua. Long Island;
in fact, he was the one to give the land there-
for and was one of the two comprising the
building committee. Because of his love and
affection for his brother, Henry Onderdonk
loyd-Jones, he deeded to him a good farm
>n the eastern part of the Fort Neck property,
letween the two branches of Fort Neck creek,
m which a house of some size then stood,
vhich was rebuilt and the place named "Rose-
lale." This brother was a member of assem-
bly in 1829-30, and a member of the State
enate in 1836-40, besides which he held the
>osition of major-general of Queens county
nilitia. Both the brothers received exceed-
ngly long and interesting epistles from James
enimore Cooper, which were published in a
jook entitled "England by an American."
jeneral Floyd-Jones commanded a company
)f detached militia in the Second Regiment
)f New York State Infantry, commanded by
olonel Daniel Bedell, at Fort Green, Brook-
yn, in the war with England, 1812-1815. He
vas regarded as a thoroughly representative
nan of the gentry of Queens county, and was
esteemed by his neighbors. In 1837, he re-
reived the letters mentioned from his friend
Zooper, who was making an extensive tour
ibroad and was a connection by marriage,
general Thomas Floyd-Jones married January
?8, 1812, Cornelia Haring Jones, born April
22, 1796, died December 29, 1839, daughter of
Major William and Kezia (Youngs) Jones, of
3old Spring Harbor, Long Island, and thus a
hird cousin of her husband. Children: I.
David Richard, of whom further. 2. William,
Dorn March 10, 1815, died February 7, 1896;
narried Caroline Amelia, daughter of Robert
Blackwell, of New York, and who was born
[uly 37, 1822, died December 9, 1886. 3. El-
Dert, born February 7, 1817, died February
iy, 1901 ; married (first) June 5, 1838, Emily,
born 181 5, died April 29, 1845, daughter of
Plunket F. Glentworth, M.D., of Philadelphia,
ind Harriet Bostock, his wife. 4. Sarah Ma-
ria, born December 10, 1818, died January 2,
1892 ; married, 1854, Coleman Williams, born
1805, died December 27, 1891, and formerly
resided in Halifax Court House, Virginia.
(VII) Lieutenant-Governor David Richard
Floyd-Jones, son of Brigadier-General Thomas
Floyd-Jones and Cornelia Haring Jones, was
born at Fort Neck, Long Island, April 6, 1813,
and died at the old homestead, January 8, 1871.
He was buried in the ancient family burial-
ground at Massapequa. Long Island.
He received his early education at a public
school near his father's residence at Fort Neck,
and commenced his classical studies in Christ
Church School at Manhasset. He then entered
the sophomore class of Union College, gradu-
ating in 1832. After that he studied law in
the office of Judge Samuel W. Jones, of
Schenectady, and began practice in 1835, with
James P. Howard, in New York City. He
started his political career in 1840, and identi-
fied himself with the Democratic party. In
1840 he was chosen a member of assembly of
New York, and was re-elected in 1841, and
again the following year. In 1843 he was
elected to the senate from the first district,
which then comprised the counties of New
York, Kings and Richmond. He was a prom-
inent and influential member of the constitu-
tional convention of 1846 from New York-
City. On the close of his senatorial term,
1847, and following the death of Jesse Oakley,
he was appointed clerk of the superior court
of New York City, by Chief Justice Oakley,
Judges Sandford and Van der Poel, which
office he filled faithfully until the death of his
father, 1852, when he returned to his native
place. Through 1858-59 he held the position
of president of the Queens County Agricul-
tural Society, for he had been as successful as
a country gentleman as in politics.
In 1856 he was lured from a pleasant retire-
ment to be assemblyman and in the subse-
quent session filled the speaker's chair. He
was nominated with great unanimity of senti-
ment for secretary of state by both wings of
the Democratic party in the fall of 1859, and
was triumphantly elected, holding the position
at the breaking out of the civil war. He co-
operated with Governor Morgan in enlisting
and sending forward troops, and was a pa-
triotic figure along these lines. He took a
most decided stand against the dissolution of
the Union, and made a ringing speech July 4,
1862, which attracted wide attention and was
published. It brought him more into the
limelight of public life, and in the fall of that
year he was elected lieutenant-governor on the
ticket with Horatio Seymour heading it for
governor. His oration upon assuming office,
January 5, 1863, when he was the acting ex-
oificio president of the senate, was a burst of
patriotism which stirred the souls of listeners.
One who had known him intimately and had
been his political opponent, spoke of him in this
strain after his death :
"He passed through life from the beginning to
the end of it, I believe, without a single blemish
upon his reputation or standing before the entire
community of this State. No man in the heat of
party strife or conflict, no man in the heat of debate
upon lb.' floor in either branch of the Legislature,
was ever heard to saj aught against his pure and
upright character, and no man who watched him
can saj aught than that he worked with his whole
heart and soul for the benefit of those who had
placed him in position."
In the work of the Episcopal church lie- was
a devout and consistent helper. The ( hutch
Journal of 1871 has this to say:
"His influence and usefulness in the councils of
the church need no other record than the important
positions which he tilled in the Diocese of New
York previous to its recent division, and subse-
quently in the Diocese of Long Island. Tn the new
diocese his important services were immediately rec-
ognized and acknowledged at its primary convention
by his being elected a member of the standing com-
mittee, a deputy to the General Convention, and also
a deputy to the Federal Council. He was appointed
on the Special Committees on Canons, and on the
Revision of the Constitution and Canons, in both of
which he served with marked ability."
Lieutenant-Governor David Richard Floyd-
Jones married, at Albany, New York, June 25,
1845, Mary Louisa Stanton, horn August 14.
1818, died at Massapequa, Long Island, July
22, 1906, daughter of George W. Stanton, of
Albany, and his wife Sally, daughter of Theo
philus Morgan, of Killingworth, Connecticut
Children: 1. Stanton, horn June II, 1846,
died February 17, 1848. 2. George Stanton,
of whom further. 3. Thomas Richard, horn
December 15, 185 1, died February 4, 1857. 4.
Mary Louisa, horn September 29, 1853. 5
Henrietta, born < >ctober 22, 1855, died No-
vember 13, 1897; graduate of St. Mary's Hall,
Burlington, New Jersey; joined Sisterhood of
St. John the Baptist. 6. Sarah Hall, horn Sep-
tember [8, 1857; married, June 28, 1892, Cap-
tain Nathaniel \\ . Barnardiston, an officer in
the Duke of Cambridge's "1 Iwn Middlesex
Regiment," England, eldest son of Colonel
Nathaniel, of the Ryes, Sudbury, Suffolk
county, England, and Lady Florence Barnard-
iston. daughter of the fourth Earl of Dart-
mouth ; by whom: Joan, born January 31, [897,
at Colchester, England. 7. Thomas Langley,
born October 7, 1859, died August 30, 1861.
(VIII) George Stanton Floyd-Jones, son of
Lieutenant-Governor David Richard Floyd-
Jones and Mary Louisa Stanton, was born at
Albany, New York, December 25, 1848. He
received his early education at the Albany
Academy, then at the Walnut Hill Academy
in ( ieneva, New York, and followed this coursi
with studies in the Oak Hill Academy a
Yonkers. He became associated with the At
lantic Mutual Insurance Company, Septembei
_>5, 1S113, and in 1013 was secretary of tha
corporation, having succeeded Mr. J. II. Chap
man in [902. He is a member of the Demo
cratic party, and was an attendant of St. Igna
tins Episcopal Church in New York City am
of Grace Church, Massapequa, and was ;
member of the vestries of each until 1894
when he and his wife joined the Roman Cath
olic church, attending St. Martin's Church
Long Island, and the Church of the Blessec
Sacrament in New York City. His summe
home is at Massapequa, Long Island, and i;
called "Seawan," and his city residence is a
No. 207 West Seventieth Street. New Yorl
City. He is a member of several clubs anc
societies, among them the Imion Club, Cath
olic Club, Automobile Club, Society Sons o
the Revolution, Union Society of the Civi
War. Society for the Protection of Game, etc
George Stanton Floyd-Jones married, a
Christ Church, New York City, February 4
1880, Anita < )wen. She was born in Nev
York City, May 3, 1855, and was the daughte
of Thomas Jefferson Owen and Emilie Ket
chain Piatt, of New York City.
(VI) Henry Onderdonk Floyd-Jones, son o
David Richard and Sarah (Onderdonk'
Floyd-Jones was horn January 3, 1792, an<
died at his home in South Oyster Bay, Lonj
Island, New York, December 20, 1862. H
was member of assembly from Queens count;
in 1821) and 1830, and from 1836 to 1840 wa
State senator for the First District, compris
ing then Long Island, Staten Island and Nev
York City. He was major-general of th>
Queens county militia.
( ieneral Henry O. Floyd-Jones marriei
Helen, daughter of Charles Watts, of Charles
ton, South Carolina, who was born Novembe
24, 1792, and died at South Oyster Bay, Jul;
18. 1872. Children: 1. Charles, born 1817
died 1874; married Isabella M. Semple, wh<
died November 3, 1888, by whom : Robert
Semple and Edgar. 2. Sarah, born October 1
[818, died August 10, 1000: unmarried. 3
Henry, horn March 10, 1820, died Februar;
20, 1840; unmarried. 4. Edward, of whon
further. 5. De Lancey, born January 2C
1826, died January 19, 1902, New York City
married, June 24, 1852, Laura Jeannie Whit
ney, daughter of Warcham Whitney, of Ro-
chester, New York ; no issue. He was a West
Point graduate, June, 1846, when twenty years
old, and commissioned second lieutenant in
the Seventh U. S. Regiment of Infantry,
served under General Zachary Taylor in Mex-
ico; in 1848 was made lieutenant because oi
his gallantry in the battle of Molino del Rey,
and July 31, 1854, was commissioned cap-
tain ; was sent to California in 1856 to serve
against the Kalmath Indians, and May 14.
1861, was commissioned major of the Eleventh
Infantry, serving in the battle of Yorktown,
Gaines Mill and Malvern Hill. In 1863 he be-
came lieutenant-colonel of the Nineteenth In-
fantry, and on June 2j, 1867, was made colonel
of the Third Regiment Infantry, serving
against the Indians during the period of terri-
torial expansion, 1868 to 1879, when the red-
man was supreme the breadth of the western
prairies. In the latter year he retired, and
living in New York City the remainder of his
life was held in highest esteem. 6. Helen
Watts, born December 9, 1827, died July 25,
1855 ; unmarried. 7. Josephine K., born Au-
gust, 1832, died November 15, 1905; married
John D. Jones.
(VII) Edward Floyd-Jones, son of Major-
General Henry Onderdonk and Helen (Watts)
Floyd-Jones, was born at South Oyster Bay,
Long Island, New York, January 26, 1823,
and died at New York City, January 23, 1901.
He was buried in the ancient family burial-
place at Massapequa, Long Island.
He was educated at Easthampton and at
the Union Academy, Jamaica, Long Island.
Civil engineering was adopted for his profes-
sion, and he followed this calling some years,
being engaged in building railroads. In 1849,
when the gold fever possessed so many and
the people of the Eastern States were flock-
ing in numbers to the gold lands of the Pacific
coast, he made the trip by vessel around Cape-
Horn and landing in California engaged first
in engineering work and afterward in the sale
Df agricultural implements and general mer-
ihandise. The firm was known as Jones &
Hewlett, and was located at Stockton, Califor-
nia. Later on Mr. Hewlett became president
Df the Bank of Stockton. Returning to the
East in 1862 Mr. Floyd- Jones lived for a few
years at Hempstead, Long Island, returned to
Stockton in 1869 and came East permanently
n 1872, living at Greenport till the death of
his wife in 1874, when he settled in the old
homestead at South Oyster Bay. He was
chosen supervisor of the town of Oyster Bay
in 1886, and in 1891 was elected State senator,
receiving in Queens county 1 1,537 votes, while
Roswell P. Flower, who was elected governor,
received 11,543 votes. His district comprised
Queens and Suffolk counties.
Edward Floyd-Jones married, at Greenport,
Long Island, December 10, 1862, Mary Smith
Lord, of Greenport, Long Island. She was
born at Sag Harbor, Long Island, December
14, 1839, died at San Francisco, California,
May 23, 1874, and was daughter of Dr. Fre-
derick W. Lord and Louisa Ackerley.
( VIII) Edward Henry Floyd-Jones, son of
Edward Floyd-Jones and Mary Smith Lord,
was born at Hempstead, Long Island, New
York, January 2, 1869, and resides at Massa-
pequa, Long Island, on the old estate of his
He received his preparatory education at
St. Paul's School, in Garden City, Long Island.
1878-1883, and at St. Paul's School, Concord,
New Hampshire, 1883-1888. He then at-
tended Yale University, 1888-1892, and gradu-
ating, entered the New York Law School,
where he studied, 1892-1894, and entered the
practice of law in New York City, with office
at No. 49 Wall Street. He entered Squadron
A, National Guard, New York, serving from
[895 to 1897. He has usually voted the Demo-
cratic ticket : is a member of the Protestant
church, and a vestryman of Grace Church.
South Oyster Bay, New York. Before resid-
ing in Massapequa he had lived some time in
Hempstead, Long Island, Stockton, California,
and at Greenport, Long Island. He is a mem-
ber of several clubs in New York City, among
them the University, Yale. Graduates Club ( of
New Haven), City Midday, New York Bar
Association, Automobile Club of America and
the Aztec Club of 1847. He is also a member
of the South Side Sportsmen's Club of Long
Edward H. Floyd-Jones married, November
22, 1905. at the home of the bride's father,
No. ^^ West Forty-sixth Street, New York
City, Miss Edith Carpender, who was born
at No. 16 East Forty-second Street, April i,
1880, and was the daughter of William Car-
pender and Ella Floyd-Jones, daughter of
William Floyd-Jones.
This name is of English origin, and
FISH was very early identified with Long
Island. Little trace of it is found
in New England, but it has long been well
known in New York.
Nathaniel, John and Jonathan Fish were, as
early as 1637, among the founders of Sand
wich, on Cape Cod, coming there from Lynn,
(I) Jonathan, the youngest of them, later
moved to ( >yster Bay on Long Island. He
again appears in Middelburg, or Newtown,
Long Island, as early as [659, and was evi-
dently a man of worth and standing. The
records of that town show frequent mention of
his name in official capacities as a magistrate.
He was owner of a twenty-shilling right in the
town lands, which secured him a share in the
various divisions of the common lands. I le died
about 1663, leaving a widow, Mary, and three
sons (John, Samuel and Nathan), all of whom
were among the patentees of Newtown in
1686. Samuel died in 1700 without issue, and
John removed to New Jersey.
(II) Nathan, son of Jonathan and Mary
Fish, inherited from his father a right in the
undivided lands of Newtown and continued to
reside there, where he died August 1, 1734.
( III ) Jonathan (2), eldest child of Nathan
Fish, was born October 11, 1680, in Newtown,
and died there in November, 1723. He in-
herited the ancestral homestead and other
lands in the village of Newtown, where he re-
sided. I le occupied, and perhaps built, the
house afterwards kept as an inn by his son,
and long known as the "Corner House." In
1715 he gave to the "Dissenting Presbyterian
Congregation of Newtown" the land on which
the old Presbyterian church stood until the
present church was built in 1805 He served
fifteen years as town clerk. He was survived
by his wife Mary, but only two of his seven
children appear to have reached maturity:
Samuel, mentioned below, and Jane, born May
26, 1 72 1, married Charles Palmer.
(IV) Captain Samuel Fish, only surviving
son of Jonathan (2) and Mary Fish, was born
November 24, 1704, in the village of New-
town, and inherited from his father the "Cor-
ner House," which became noted as an inn
during his lifetime. He seems to have been a
useful citizen in various ways, and died Au-
gust zy, 1767. He married (first) June 21,
1727, Agnes, daughter of John Berrien ; (sec-
ond ) April 22, 1748, Abigail, daughter of Ed-
ward Howard; (third) November 19, 1752.
Anna Betts, who survived him. Of his fifteen
children the following appear in the records:
Jonathan, mentioned below ; Ruth, born May
7, 1730; Samuel, April 13, 1734; Mary, July
9, 1736; Sarah, February 24, 1739; Richard,
August 9, 1743; Abigail, August 2j, 1749;
Elizabeth, August 24, 1753.
(V) Jonathan (3), eldest child of Samuel
and Agnes (Berrien) Fish, was born May 11,
1728, in Newtown, where he died December
26, 1779. He owned the homestead in New-
town, on which he dwelt, with the exception
of some years when he was a merchant in
New York City and there resided. He mar-
ried (first) October 5. 1750, Elizabeth,
daughter of Joseph Sackett, who died April 9,
1778; and (second) Elizabeth, daughter of
Thomas Whitehead, who died October 26,
1798. There were two children, both of the
first marriage: Sarah, born October 22, 1755.
married Terence Reilly ; and Nicholas, men-
tioned below.
(VI) Nicholas, only son of Jonathan (3)
and Elizabeth (Sackett) Fish, was born Au-
gust 28, 1758, in New York City, and died
there in his house. No. 21 Stuyvesant street, on
June 20, 1833. He studied law in the office
of John Morin Scott On the breaking out
of the Revolutionary War he entered the ser-
vice of the Colonies as a lieutenant in the
First .Yew York Regiment. On November 21,
1 77'), he was appointed by Congress major of
the Second New York Regiment of the Con-
tinental army, and served with that rank
throughout the war. At its close he was. by
a resolution of Congress, commissioned as
lieutenant-colonel. He participated in the bat-
tle of Long Island, the battle of Monmouth,
and Ceneral Sullivan's expedition against the
Indians. He took an active part in the battles
which led to the capture of Burgoyne at Sara-
toga, and the surrender of Cornwallis, and
with his lifelong friend, Hamilton, was in the
final assault at Yorktown. He enjoyed the
confidence of General Washington and of all
his contemporaries, and was by him appointed
a division inspector of the army in 1778 under
General Steuben, who was inspector-general.
He continued in the regular army for a few
years after the close of the Revolutionary
War, commanding a regiment of infantry at
Fort Mcintosh and other points on the ( >hio
river in 1785-6. He was one of the original
members of the Society of the Cincinnati, and
assistant treasurer of the New York State So-
ciety at its organization, and president thereof
from 1797 to 1804. In 1786 he was appointed
as the first adjutant-general of the State of
New York, serving in that capacity until 1793-
He was appointed Supervisor of the Revenue
by President Washington in 1794, and served
for several years. He was alderman of the
Ninth Ward of the City of New York, 1806 to
1817, serving on the committee of defense dur-
ing the War of 1812 with Great Britain. He
was chairman of the board of trustees of Col-
umbia College from 1824 to 1832, and in 1831
was the last president of the Butchers and
Drovers Bank. He was a devout communi-
cant of the Protestant Episcopal church,
and for some years a member of the
standing committee of the Diocese of New
York. As Colonel Fish's epitaph in St.
Mark's Church in the Bowerie aptly rec-
ords: "He was the faithful soldier of Christ
and of his Country." He married, April 30,
1803, Elizabeth, daughter of Petrus Stuyve-
sant, a great-grandson of the last Dutch Gov-
ernor of New Netherlands. Children : Susan
Elizabeth, born July 25, 1805, married Daniel
Le Roy, of New York ; Margaret Ann, Febru-
ary 11, 1807, married John (2) Neilson, of
New York; Hamilton, mentioned below;
Elizabeth Sarah, May 25, 1810. married Dr.
Richard L. Morris ; Petrus Stuyvesant, May
13, 1813, died unmarried, November 1, 1834.
(VII) Hon. Hamilton Fish, eldest son of
Colonel Nicholas and Elizabeth (Stuyvesant)
Fish, was born August 3, 1808, in New York,
arid graduated from Columbia College in 1827.
He was admitted to the bar in 1830. but early
turned his attention to political affairs. He
became prominent in the Whig party. In
1842 he was elected to the National Congress
from the Sixth New York District. In 1846
he was the nominee of his party for the office
of lieutenant-governor, with the Hon John
Young as candidate for governor. Although
the head of the ticket was elected, the oppo-
sition of the anti-renters, whose plans Mr.
Fish emphatically condemned, prevented his
election. His successful competitor, Addison
Gardner, soon resigned the office to accept the
position of judge of the Court of Appeals, and
Mr. Fish was elected in 1847 m his place. In
1848 Mr. Fish was elected governor of the
State by a plurality of nearly 100,000, and in
185 1 was chosen United States Senator and
served for six years, following which he made
an extended tour of Europe. While he was
in the Senate, the Republican party was or-
ganized, and Governor Fish, as he was always
called, became one of its loyal supporters. On
the outbreak of the Civil War he took a de-
cided stand in defense of the Union and at-
tained a commanding influence. In 1862
President Lincoln appointed him a member of
the Commission to visit the Union prisoners
confined in Richmond, with a view to obtain-
ing an exchange, which was eventually ef-
fected. He also was chairman of the Union
Defense Committee. In 1869 he was called
to the cabinet of President Grant, hold-
ing the high position of Secretary of
State for eight years. Through his skill-
ful and untiring efforts a peaceful settle-
ment of the Alabama claims was made,
through the Treaty of Washington in 1871 and
the subsequent Geneva Arbitration in 1872.
He became president general of the Order of
the Cincinnati in 1854, and so continued until
his death. He was also president of the New
York Historical Society, of the Union League
Club, and of the United Railroad and Canal
Company (if New Jersey, and from 1859 ur>til
1803 chairman of the board of trustees of
Columbia College. Governor Fish served re-
peatedly as a delegate from the Diocese of
New York to the Triennial Conventions of the
Protestant Episcopal Church and devoted
much of his time to the study of and became
an authority in respect to the canon law of the
church. After a long, extremely active, and
useful life, Mr. Fish passed away at the age of
eighty-five years, on September 7. 1893, at his
country seat, "Glenclyffe," near Garrison, in
Putnam county, New York. . leaving behind
him the memory of a patriotic citizen and
an upright, able and honorable man. Mr. Fish
built and for more than forty years lived in
a house at the corner of Second avenue and
Seventeenth street, fronting on Stuyvesant
Square, the land occupied by which public
park had been given to the city by his uncle,
Mr. Peter G Stuyvesant. The site of Mr.
Fish's house and garden is now that of the
Maternity Hospital. His country seat. "Glen-
clyffe." embraced the famous "Beverley
House," which had been the headquarters of
General Benedict Arnold at the time of the
5< K »
detection of his treason and from which he
had fled to the British.
Hamilton Fish married, December 17, 1836,
Julia, daughter of 1'eter Kean, of Ursino, near
Elizabeth, New Jersey. Children: Sarah
Morris, married Sidney Webster; Elizabeth
Stuyvesant, married Frederic S. < i. d'Haute-
ville; Julia Kean, married Colonel S. N. Ben-
jamin, of the United States army; Susan Le-
Roy, married William E. Rogers; Nicholas;
Hamilton ; Stuyvesant, and Edith Livingston,
married ( diver Northcote.
(VIII) Tlie eldest son, Nicholas, born in
New York, February 19, 1846, graduated from
Columbia College in 1867 and from the Dane
Law School of Harvard in [869. In 1871 he
was second secretary of the United States
legation in Berlin, and first secretary in 1874
From 1877 to 1881 he was charge d'aft'airs to
the Swiss Confederation, and Minister to Bel-
gium, [882-86. He was subsequently engaged
in banking and financial affairs in New York.
He married Clemence S. I'.ryce, and had chil-
dren : Elizabeth S. Claire, who was married
to Robert Burnside Potter; and Hamilton.
( VIII) The second son, Hamilton (2) Fish,
was born April 17, 1849, in Albany, while his
father was governor, and graduated from Col-
umbia College in 1869. For two years he
served as secretary to his father, who was then
Secretary of State. In 1873 he graduated
from the law school of Columbia College, and
served several terms as member of assembly
from Putnam county. New York. He was
aide-de-camp on the staff of Governor John
A. Dix, and was a leader in the Republican
party, serving repeatedly as chairman of im-
portant committees of the legislature, and in
1895 and 1896 as speaker. In 1884 he was a
delegate to the National Republican Conven-
tion. He was United States Assistant Treas-
urer at New York from 1903 to 1908, and
Member of Congress from 1909 to 191 1. He
married ( first ) in 1XX0, Emily M., daughter
of Hon. Francis N. Mann, of Troy, New
York, and they had five children, lie married
(secondly) in [912, Florence Delaplaine, the
widow of Gustav Amsinck.
(VIII) The youngest son, Stuyvesant, was
born June 24, 1851, in New York, and gradu-
ated from Columbia College in 187 1. In Oc-
tober, 1871, he became a clerk in the New
York office of the Illinois Central railroad,
serving as private secretary to W. II. Osborn,
chairman, and later in Chicago to John Newell
president of that company. From 1872 tc
1876 he was connected with the banking house
of Morton, Bliss & Company in New York
and Morton, Rose & Company, in London
From 1877 onward he devoted himself chief!)
to railroad affairs. He became a director oi
the Illinois Central railroad, March 16, 1877
vice-president in 1883, and advanced to th<
presidency May 18, 1887, and continuing ir
that position until November 7, 1906. He i;
now interested in other railroads. Like hii
father, he has long been a trustee of th<
New York Life Insurance and Trust Cum
pany. He is a director of the National Pari
Bank and other financial corporations Hi
was a member of the Monetary Commissioi
created by the Indianapolis Monetary Con
ference in 1897; was president of the Ameri
can Railway Association in 1904-6, and chair
man of the Seventh International Railwa;
Congress, held at Washington in 1905. Mr
Fish is identified with many clubs, includinf
the Union, Metropolitan, Downtown, and i:
a member of the St. Nicholas Society of Nev
York, of which his father was one of thi
He married. June 1, 1876, Marian G. An
thon, and they have three children. Mrs. Fisl
is the daughter of William Henry Anthon, om
of the prominent members of the New Yorl
bar, born 1827, in New York, died in 1875
In 1851 Mr. Anthon was a member of the Nev
York Assembly, and during the Civil War
judge advocate general on the staff of Gov
ernor Edwin D. Morgan. His grandfather
Dr. George Christian Anthon, was a native 0
Germany, who entered the British army am
attained the rank of surgeon-general, serving
from the commencement of the French Wa
until after the close of the Revolutionary War
In 1784 he resigned from the British servie
and settled in New York. His son. Join
Anthon, was born in 1784, in Detroit, Michi
gan, and died in New York in 1863. Graduat
ing from Columbia College in 1801, he studiei
law, and was one of the founders of the Nev
York Law Institute, which he served as presi
dent, and was author of numerous law re
ports and treatises. It was largelv through hi
efforts that the Supreme Court of New Yorl
City was established. During the War o
1812 he commanded a comnany of militia an<
served in defense of the city. His son, Wil
liam Henry, was father of Mrs. Stuyvesant
Fish, as above noted.
George Sullivan Ludlow was
LUDLOW born at Neshanic, Somerset
county, New Jersey, Septem-
ber 16, 1873. His family removed to New
Brunswick, New Jersey, in 1888, where
he prepared for college and entered Rutgers
in 1891. In college he won distinction in
athletics, particularly in football, and also in
his studies, and graduated with honors in 1895,
taking the degree of A.B. He entered the
New York Law School in the fall of 1895,
and was graduated therefrom in 1897 with the
degree of LL.B., and was admitted to the bar
of New York State shortly thereafter. In
1898 he received the degree of A.M. from
Rutgers College. Since his admission to the
bar Mr. Ludlow has devoted himself to the
practice of law in all the New York State
and United States Courts. He married, De-
cember 1, 1908, Grace D. Fackler, daughter
of George W. and Fanny ( Trimble ) Fackler.
and has one daughter, Hope Ludlow, born
January 4, 1913. Mr. Ludlow is an enthus-
iastic golfer and is a member of the Engle-
wood Country Club and the Deal Golf and
Country Club. He is also a member of the
Bar Association of the City of New York
and of the Manhattan Club. Mr. Ludlow
comes of a very old and distinguished English
family, which first came to New York City
in 1694, and he is the first of his direct line
'to return to New York City as a place of resi-
dence since his ancestor, John Ludlow, re-
moved to New Jersey in 1734. Few families
in the United States, certoinlv none in this
state, can trace their descent back to noble
and even royal ancestors with more certainty
than the Ludlows. The genealogy, descending
from King Edward III. of England, is clear
and exact.
The name "Lude-lawe" in Saxon means
"lude," a ford, and "lawe" or "lowe," low
ground. In the reign of Edward the Confes-
sor "Ludelawe" was held by "Saisi the Sax-
on," and at Domesday Survey it was held by
Roger de Laci from Osberne Fitz Richard,
who held it in chief from the crown. Lude-
lawe Castle was built by Roger de Laci about
the year 1086, and stands on a hill just above
the old town of Ludelawe, which is clustered
on low ground just around the ford from
which it derives its name. The present family
of Ludlow appears to owe its origin to (I)
Simon de Ludelawe, who flourished in the
reign of Stephen, 1135-1154, and was father
of (II) Turstino (Thurstan), filius Simonis,
castellan of Ludelawe Castle in 1177. His
successors, and, presumably his eldest male
line, as the office appears to have been heredi-
tary, were (III) Willelmus, (IV) Rogerius,
(V) Rogerius Tunerius, (VI) Willelmus,
(VII) Henricus^ and (VIII) Matthew de
Ludelawe, castellan of Ludelawe Castle in
1229, who married Petronilla, daughter of
Norman de Swineton and Matilda de Misec,
feudal lords of Ludelawe Castle at that time
(IX) Nicholas de Ludelawe, son of Mat-
thew de Ludelawe, was a merchant and a man
of great wealth. He was much thought of by
Edward I. who, in 1276, appointed him one
of the special proctors to receive the sum of
£4755 17s. sterling from Margaret, Countess
of Flanders, due to merchants of England for
wool exported into Holland. His son, John,
was burgess of Shrewsbury and Coventry, and
Chancellor of the University of Oxford. His
son, Thomas, was knighted by Edward I. for
distinguished services in the Welch and Scot-
tish wars.
(X) Lawrence de Ludelawe, son of Nicho-
las de Ludelawe, succeeded his father in busi-
ness as a wool merchant. He became very
wealthy, and in 1281 purchased the manor of
Stoke Say, County Salop. He was appointed
one of the three commissioners to take 4,000
marks to France to Henry, Count de Bar,
brother-in-law of Edward I.
(XI) William de Ludelawe, son of Law
rence de Ludelawe, was a member of Parlia-
ment from Salop in 1307, assessor for the
counties of Hereford and Salop, burgess of
Shrewsbury, justice of the peace for Salop,
and a judge of Oyer and Terminer from 1313
to his death in 1316. His son, Thomas, was
appointed recorder of the City of London,
November 20, 1362, and Baron of the Ex-
chequer, May 7, 1378.
(XII) Sir Lawrence de Ludeiawe of Stoke
Say, Hodnet and Great Merkeley, son of Wil-
liam de Ludelawe, was born March 2, 1301.
He was appointed one of the commissioners of
the wool trade by Edward III In 1349 he
founded the House of St. Mary's of the
White (Carmelite) Friars. He died October
5« >-'
14, 1353. His son and heir. Sir John de Lude-
lawe, was born May 6, 1320, and died Febru-
ary 17, 1382. He was high sheriff of Salop,
justice of the peace for Worcester, one of
the assessors and commissioners of array for
Salop and was knighted by Edward III. for
long and faithful service to the king.
(XIII ) Roger, or Robert, de Ludelawe, sec-
ond son of Sir Lawrence de I udelawe, was
high sheriff of Salop in 1379 and 1388, and
justice of the peace in 1389
(XIV) Sir William de Ludelawe, son of
Roger or Robert dc Ludelawe, was one of the
deputy butlers to Henry IV., 1 399-1412. His
son, Richard, was made a Knight of the Bath
by Henry VI.
(XV) William de Ludlowe, son of Sir Wil-
liam de Ludelawe, was one of the "Servitors
of the Cellar" to Henry V. in 1414. and "Yeo-
man of the Cellar" to Henry VI. in 1427. He
acquired the estate of Hill Deverell, which
remained in the family for over two centuries.
He was parker of the Royal Park at Ludgers-
hall, and represented that borough in Parlia-
ment. He also occupied many other positions
of honor and trust.
(XVI) John Ludlowe, of Hill Deverell, son
of William de Ludlowe, was constable of
Carrisbroke Castle, parker of the Isle of
Wight, assistant parker of Ludgershall, and
mayor of Southampton in 1478.
('XVII) John Ludlowe. of Hill Deverell,
son of John Ludlowe, married Philippa,
daughter of William Bulstrode, of London,
and died in 151Q.
(XVIII) William Ludlowe, of Hill
Deverell, son of John Ludlowe, married Joane,
daughter of Nicholas Moore, of Withford,
County Hants, and died in 1533.
(XIX) George Ludlowe, of Hill Deverell.
son of William Ludlowe. was high sheriff
of Wilts in 155') He married Edith, third
daughter of Andrew, first Lord Windsor, who
through her mother could trace a lineal descent
from Edward III. and Philippa of Hainault.
Their third son, Lionel, Duke of Clarence,
married Elizabeth, daughter of William de
Burgh, Earl of Ulster, and had Philippa Plan-
tagenet who married Edmund Mortimer, Earl
of March. Thev had Elizabeth Mortimer,
who married Sir Henry Percy, surnamed
Hotspur," whose son Henrv, second Earl of
Northumberland, married Eleanor, daughter
of Ralph Neville, first Earl of Westmoreland,
and had Henry, third Earl of Northumber-
land, who married Eleanor, daughter of
Richard, Lord Poynings, and had Eleanor
Percy who married Sir Reginald, fourth Lord
West and seventh Lord De la Warr. Lord
West was also of royal descent in the direct
line from Edward I. and Margaret, daughter
of Philip IV. of France. Their daughter.
Margaret West, married Thomas, Lord Ech-
ingham, and had Margaret Echingham. who
married William Blount and had Elizabeth
Blount, who married Andrew, first Lord
Windsor, and had Edith who married, as
stated above, George Ludlowe, who died in
1580. His eldest son was Sir Edmund Lud-
lowe from whom descended the Earls of Lud-
low, and the famous Lieutenant-General Ed-
mund Ludlow, who was one of the judges whe
tried and condemned Charles I., and Lieuten-
ant Philip Ludlow, who served in Admira!
Blake's fleet and was buried in Westminstei
(XX) Thomas Ludlowe, the younger sor
of George Ludlowe. acquired the estate ol
Baycliffe in the parish of Dinton, Count)
Wilts. He married Jane, daughter of Thomas
and sister of Sir Gabriel Pyle. He died ir
1607. His third son, Roger, came to New
England with his youngest brother, George
in the "Mary and John" in May, 1630. H<
was assistant to Governor Winthrop, 1630-
34, deputy governor of Massachusetts Baj
Colony. 1634-35, first deputy governor of Con-
necticut, 1636, and member of Council o:
United Colonies of New England, 1651-53
He married Mary, daughter of t iovernor Johr
Endicott. lie was the ancestor of Israel am
John Ludlow, the founders of Cincinnati
Ohio, and of Governor and Supreme Cour
Justice. George C. Ludlow, of New lersey
His youngest brother, George, went to Yir
ginia, where he was a member of the Gov
ernor's Council from 1642 until his death ii
1656. He owned 17,000 acres in York anc
( iloucester counties, and in his will he be
queathed his sixteenth part of the ship "May
flower" to his nephew, Thomas Ludlow, anc
ten pounds to captain Augustine Warner
great-grandfather of George Washington.
(XXI) Thomas Ludlow, son of Thoma:
Ludlowe, married Jane, daughter of Johr
Bennett, of Steeple Ashton and Smallbrooke
County Wilts, and died in 1646.
(XXII) Gabriel Ludlow, son of Thomas
Ludlow, married Martha Gary at Castle Cary,
County Somerset, in 1662.
(XXIII) Gabriel Ludlow, son of Gabriel
Ludlow, was born at Castle Cary, November
2, 1663, and came to New York, November
24, 1694. He was a merchant and also clerk
in Governor Bellomont's office in 1698. He
was clerk of the Assembly in 1699, a vestry-
man of Trinity Parish, 1696-98, and a revenue
officer of the Port of New York in 1722. He
married, in Old Trinity, on April 5, 1697,
Sarah Hanmer, daughter of Rev Joseph Han-
mer, D.D., the first Episcopal minister in New
York. This lady was also of royal lineage
by direct descent from Humphrey, fourth son
of Henry IV.
(XXIV) John Ludlow, third son of Gabriel
Ludlow, was born January 20, 1706. He mar-
ried Susannah, daughter of Cornelius Brad-
bury. In 1734 he removed to New Jersey,
and in 1739 Governor Lewis Morris appointed
him one of the justices of the peace and
quarter sessions for Essex county. He died
November 4, 1775.
(XXV) Richard Ludlow, fifth son of John
Ludlow, was born August 17, 1745. He served
during the Revolutionary War as Major and
Commissary of Issues, Commissary General's
Department, New Jersey Militia. He mar-
ried (first) Jane, daughter of John Van Nos-
trand. He married (second) Elizabeth Van
Camp, and died November 20, 1820.
(XXVI) John Richard Ludlow, eldest child
of Richard Ludlow, was born August 5, 1769.
He married (first) Elizabeth Vreeland. He
married (second) Catalina Ditmars, and died
April 14, 1849.
(XXVII) Gabriel Ludlow, third son of
John Richard Ludlow, was born April 23,
1797. He was graduated from Union College
in 1817, and later from the New Brunswick-
Theological Seminary, which conferred on him
the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1850. He
was ordained and installed as pastor of the
Dutch Reformed Church at Neshanic, New
Jersey, September 5, 1821, and held the pas-
torate until his death, February 19, 1878. It
is one of the record pastorates of the Dutch
Reformed Church and it is remarkable that he
ministered to the children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren of those who were present
at his ordination. He married Susan Rapelyea,
June 22, 1820, and had the following children:
Elizabeth Vreeland Ludlow, Dr. Jacob Rapel-
yea Ludlow, Mary Rapelyea Ludlow, Dr. John
Richard, Anna Phoebe, Susan, Dr. Richard
Gabriel Ludlow, and Caroline. His brother,
John Ludlow, was also a celebrated divine
in the same church. He was graduated from
Union College in 1814 and from the New
Brunswick Theological Seminary in 1817. He
was professor of Biblical Literature and Ec-
clesiastical History in the New Brunswick
Theological Seminary, 1819-23, and Provost of
the University of Pennsylvania from 1834 to
1854, and later again professor in the New
Brunswick Theological Seminary and in Rut-
gers College. Union College gave him the de-
gree of D.D. in 1827, and LL.D. later on.
James Reily Ludlow, son of John Ludlow, was
graduated from University of Pennsylvania in
1843, which institution gave him the degree
of LL.D. in 1870. He was admitted to the
Philadelphia Bar in 1846, and in 1857 was
chosen Judge of the Court of Common Pleas,
serving until 1875. Although a Democrat he
was twice elected by votes of all parties. In
1875, under the new constitution, he was trans-
ferred to the President Judgeship of the Court
of Common Pleas, serving until his death in
(XXVIII) Richard Gabriel Ludlow, third
son of Gabriel Ludlow, was born May 29,
1840. He entered Rutgers College in the class
of 1862 but left before graduat'on to take up
the study of medicine at the University of
Pennsylvania, from which he received the de-
gree of Doctor of Medicine in 1863. After
graduation he served as resident physician at
the Blockley Hospital in Philadelphia for a
year, and thereafter served the Union cause
in the Civil War as surgeon for over a year.
After the war he settled at his old home in
Neshanic, New Jersey, where he practiced his
profession until his untimely death by accident
on December 5, 1879. He married Jeannette
Rapelyea Van Camp, daughter of Tunis and
Ida (Schenck) Van Camp, in 1868, and had
the following three sons: John Van Camp
Ludlow, born April 29, 1870, and died just
after he had entered Rutgers College in 1889;
Gabriel Ludlow was born May 29, 1872, and
was graduated from Rutgers College in 1895.
He married Louise Richards, daughter of Wil-
lard and Anna (Randolph) Richards, in 1900,
and has two sons, Willard Richards Ludlow,
born March 15, 1902, and Richard Gabriel
3" I
Ludlow, burn May 23, 1912. He resides at
Mai mi, ( ieorgia.
( XXIX ) < ieorge Sullivan Ludlow, third son
of Richard Gabriel Ludlow, the subject of
the above sketch.
Hon. Alphonso T.
CLEARWATER Clearwater, of King-
stem, New York, prom-
inent as a lawyer and jurist, historian and an-
tiquarian, is descended from ancestors long
prominent in the annals of Holland and
France, who were noted for their patriotism
and liberal contributions to the cause of re-
ligion and learning.
The present form of the name ( Clearwater,
was adopted in this country about the begin
ning of the nineteenth century, being angli-
cised from the original form of Klaarwater, as
it exists in Holland at this day There are as
well changes in the spelling of the family
names of his other ancestors. In France, Deyo
was spelled Doiau, and the American patentee
used the latter form. The original form of
Tromper is yet in use in Holland, though there
it frequently appears as Tromp : it was angli-
cised to Trumpbour about the time that
Klaarwater became Clearwater. The original
French name of Boudouin is retained in
France; here it was anglicised to Bowdoin in
the eighteenth century. There are many vari-
ant spellings of these names, there being
twenty-seven different ways of spelling Deyo,
and almost as many of spelling Clearwater,
Bi iudoin and Tromper.
In the fifteenth century the Clear,waters had
large and valuable possessions in the vicinity
of llattem, Holland, where a. d. 1414 they
built a cattle, and with it a cloister which was
dedicated by Roedericus, Bishop of Utrecht,
and devoted to the Sisters of the < >rder of St
Benedict. It was known as the Kloster Klaar-
water, and was the home of the Benedictines
until late in the seventeenth century. At the
time of the Reformation in Holland it was
the only cloister the inmates of which escaped
the censure of the Reformed Church. An in-
teresting historical account of it has been
published in Holland.
Theunis Jacobson Klaarwater, a member of
this ancient family, left Holland in the latter
half of the seventeenth century and with his
son Jacob came to America, settling in LHster
county, New York. On May 24. 1701), with
Colonel William Peartree, Governor Rip Vai
Dam, Adolphus Philipse, Dr. Gerardus Beek
man, Hendrick Vernooye and Abraham Deyo
he and his son Jacob obtained from Oueer
Anne the grant cf a patent of four thousanc
acres of land in what was then the town o
Shawangunk. Jacob married Marie, daughtei
of Pierre Deyo, one of the Huguenot patentee:
of New Paltz, he being the first Dutchman t(
marry into the Huguenot families of that set
tlement. Their son Abraham, who was bap
tized by the pastor of the Huguenot Churcl
of New Paltz, July 3, 1699 wa- Judge Clear
water's great-great-grandfather
On his mother's side. Judge Clearwater i:
descended from Jacob Tromper, who was ;
great Dutch ship owner, and a city counselloi
of Rotterdam, Holland, from 1524 to 1540
schepen, 1527-29-32; city treasurer from 153;
to 1539; and burgomaster of that city fron
1527 to 1532. In 1533 he was unanimous!}
chosen head of the Orphans Commission o'
Rotterdam, which looked after its still famoui
orphan asylums, the homes of the orphar
children of the soldiers and sailors of Holland
He discharged these public and official duties
without compensation, quietly, and quaintl}
saying, "Heaven and Holland have done mucr
for me. and I must do a little bit ( kleyi
beetje) to help pay back." The Tromper;
were regarded as among the most public spir-
ited and enterprising citizens of the Nether-
Nicolas Tromper came to America late ir
the seventeenth century, and married Jeanne
Boudouin, a descendant of Pierre Boudouin
the distinguished Huguenot whose estates wen
confiscated and who was exiled from France
at the time of the revocation of the Edict oi
Nantes in 1685, and from them Judge Clear-
water's mother, Emily Boudouin. daughter ol
Peter Tromper and Jeanne Corquet, was de-
scended. Among other descendants of Pierre
Boudouin were James Boudouin, founder oi
Bowdoin College ; and Robert C. Winthrop of
Judge Clearwater was born at West Point
New York. September 11. 1848, his father.
Isaac Clearwater, being there under designa-
tion by the Secretary of War to superintend
the buildings then being constructed at the
Military Academy under the Act of Congress.
He was educated at the famous old Anthon
Latin Grammar School in the City of New
York, and at the Kingston (New York)
Academy. He studied law at Kingston, with
Senator Jacob Hardenburgh and Judge Au-
gustus Schoonmaker, and was admitted to the
bar in November, 1871. His notable public
career began in 1877, when he was elected dis-
trict attorney of Ulster county ; he was re-
elected in 1880 and a third time in 1883. In
1884 and 1886 he declined the nomination for
congress in the Ulster-Greene-Delaware dis-
trict. In 1889 he was elected county judge of
Ulster county, and re-elected in 1895. In
)8, Alton B. Parker, having been elected
chief judge of the Court of Appeals, Judge
Clearwater was appointed by Governor Black-
to be justice of the Supreme Court in Judge
Parker's stead. In 1909 he was appointed by
Governor Hughes a member of the New York
State Probation Commission to fill the va-
cancy created by the resignation of Felix
Warburg, was reappointed by Governor
Hughes for the full term, and subsequently
appointed for another full term by Governor
Sulzer in 1913.
Judge Clearwater has been notably active
in public affairs aside from his professional
and official career. He is a trustee of Rutgers
College, and chairman of the library commit-
tee of the board ; he was a delegate of the
New York State Bar Association to the Uni-
versal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, held
in connection with the Louisiana Purchase Ex-
position at St. Louis in 1904; he is and has
been for several years chairman of the law
reform committee of that association ; is
chairman of its committee to suggest reform in
the introduction of medical expert testimony
in civil and criminal trials ; and at the request
of the editor of the North American Review
wrote an article upon "Medical Expert Tes-
timony," which appeared in the June, 1909,
number of that publication. He is chairman
of the joint committees of the New York
State Bar Association, the New State Medical
Society, the Homoeopathic Medical Society of
New York, the Academy of Medicine of New
York City, and the Society of Medical Juris-
prudence, to urge the passage by the legisla-
ture of New York of a law regulating the in-
troduction of such testimony in courts of jus-
tice; is chairman of the committee of the
New York State Bar Association, to suggest
matters to be brought to the attention and for
the consideration of the aproaching Constitu-
tional Convention to be held in 1916 to re-
vise the Constitution of the State of New
York ; and is a member of the committee upon
workmen's compensation of the Association.
To the subject of workmen's compensation.
he has devoted much time and thought, fami-
liarizing himself with the workmen's compen-
sation acts of the different states of the Union,
and of Great Britain and the countries of con-
tinental Europe. He made strong addresses
upon this subject at the annual meetings of
the New York State Bar Association in 1912
and 1913.
Judge Clearwater was appointed by the gov-
ernor of New York a member of the Hudson-
Fulton Celebration Commission in 1906, and
in 1907 edited an authoritative history of Ul-
ster County. At the request of David Dudley
Field, he prepared many of the provisions of
the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal
Procedure of New York. In 1895 he was ap-
pointed commissioner to supenise the trans-
lation from Dutch into English of the Dutch
records of Ulster county (1664-84). and
completed the work in 1898. He was one of
the founders and the first vice-president for
Ulster county of the Holland Society, was
president of that society in 191 1, and now is
one of its trustees. He was one of the found-
ers and since its formation has been a vice-
president of the Huguenot Society of America ;
is president of the following organizations:
The Farm Bureau of Ulster County, the Old
Senate House Association of Kingston, the
Ulster Historical Society, the Ulster County
Bar Association, the Ulster County Bible So-
ciety, and the Wi'twyck Rural Cemetery Asso-
ciation. He is a member and one of the man-
agers of the St. Nicholas Society of the City
of New York; member of the American Bar
Association, and of the Society of the Sons of
the Revolution ; an honorary member of the
St. Andrew's Society of Charleston, South
Carolina ; a life member of the Huguenot So-
ciety of South Carolina, and in 191 1, at the
request of that society, delivered at Charles-
ton the commemorative address on the occa-
sion of the celebration of the two hundredth
anniversary of the founding of civic govern-
ment by the Huguenots in South Carolina ; is
a member of the Huguenot Society of New
Paltz ; a member of the Ex Libris Society of
London ; a member of the American Peace
Society, the New York Peace Society, the
American Scenic and Historic Preservation
Society, the Historical Society of Newburgh
Bay and the Highlands, the Minnisink His-
torical Society ; and is a corresponding member
of the historical societies of many states. In
191 1, he was made an honorary fellow for life
of the Metropolitan Museum of Art of the
City of New York, in recognition of his loans
of old American silver to that museum, and a
like member of the American Numismatic
He has delivered and is the author of many
valuable monographs He delivered the ad-
dress at the opening of the great Protestant
Mission at Menilmontant, Paris, France, in
June, 1888; and the response to the address
of welcome to the Holland Society made by
the burgomaster of Rotterdam, Holland, on
the occasion of the visit of the Holland So-
ciety to that country in the same year. He
is a contributor to the North American Re-
view, and is and has been an extensive con-
tributor to the historical literature of New
York. I te is author of : "The Influence of the
Dutch and Huguenots in the Formation of the
American Republic," "Louis XIV. and the
Revocation of the Edict of Nantes," "The
Huguenot Settlement at New Paltz, in Ulster
County," "Huguenot Medals in the British
Museum," "Founders of New Amsterdam,"
"The Dutchmen of Albany and the Iroquois,"
"Dutch Governors of New York," "The Jur-
ists of Holland," "Lord North and the Ameri-
can Colonists," "Ulster in the War of the
Revolution," "The Adoption of the First Con-
stitution of New York, at Kingston. 1777."
"The Struggle for the Highlands During the
War of the Revolution," "The Inaugural of
George Clinton, the First Constitutional Gov-
ernor of New York, at Kingston." He has
delivered notable memorial addresses upon the
life and services of Abraham Lincoln, General
Ulysses S. Grant, and William McKinley ; an
address upon "Ulster in the War of the Re-
bellion," "Protest Against the Destruction of
the City Hall of New York," "The Significance
of Dutch Local Names," "Antiquity of Free
Masonry," "The Trial of Christ From the
Standpoint of a Roman Lawyer of the Time
of Tiberius." He has written extensively on
criminological, legal and public matters, includ-
ing "Heredity and Criminal Propensity."
"Lombroso, and the Danger of Sentimental
Criminology," "Moral Accountability of Crim-
inals," "Goethe and the Sentimentalists," "The
1 >isregard of Law," "The Deterioration of the
Trial Jury." At the request of the New
York Historical Association he prepared and
in September, 1913, delivered the annual ad-
dress at its fifteenth annual meeting at Os-
wego, the subject being "The Undervaluation
of American Citizenship." He was one of the
founders and has been president of the King-
ston Club ; was one of the founders and is
president of the Twaalfskill Golf Club ; is a
member of the Union League, Metropolitan
and Grolier Clubs of New York City, and of
the Automobile Club of America. He is and
for many years has been a collector of early
American silver; much of his collection he
has loaned to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
of the City of New York, and to the Museum
of Fine Arts of the City of Boston. He has
repeatedly been a delegate to national, state,
judicial, congressional and senatorial conven-
tions of the Republican party, with which he
has always been identified.
Judge Clearwater has twice been invited by
Presidents of the United States to accept
diplomatic positions abroad, and frequently
asked by the Republican party to become a
candidate for political office. He always has
declined to accept any position not connected
with the administration of justice, having fully
determined when he entered the bar never
to embark upon a political career. It is at
the bar, and upon the bench, therefore, thai
his most important work has been done, the
record of which appears in the annals of the
Ulster Bar, in the records of the courts, and
in the volumes published by the state oi
New York, which contain the decisions of the
old, general term, the Appellate Divisions ol
the Supreme Court and of the Court of Ap
peals. In 1903 he received the honorary de
gree of Doctor of Laws from Rutgers College
for distinction in the public service
He married, in 1875, Anna Houghtaling
Farrand, daughter of Colonel William D. Far-
rand, of San Francisco, California, and grand-
daughter of Henry Houghtaling of Kingston
New York.
This is one of the early Dutcl
CRUM names of this State and is now
spelled differently from the forrr
used in the early church records, where il
occurs first as Krom and Crom. There are
numerous descendants bearing the name now
living in this State and New Jersey, who have
done credit to a worthy ancestry.
(I) According to the church records of Tap-
pan, New York, Floris Willemsen Krom lived
at one time in Flatbush. His wife was Cata-
lyntie Ariaens and they had baptized at the
Dutch church in New Amsterdam (New
York) May 3, 1685, a daughter, Willemyntie.
Their son Dirck (Richard) was baptized No-
vember 14, 1694. It is evident that they lived
somewhere outside of New York at this time.
A record at Hackensack shows that their son,
Willem Florisse Crom, was married there in
(II) Dirck Crum, son of Floris Willemsen
and Catalyntie (Ariaens) Krom, baptized as
above noted in New York, resided at Tappan,
New York. His wife, Catriena Kuyper
(Cooper) Crum, was a daughter of Cornelius
Kuyper and his wife, Aeltie (Bogert) Kuyper
of Tappan and Schraalenburg. Cornelius
Kuyper was a son of Claes Jansen, who came
in 1647 from Permerond, a village near the
Zuyder Zee, between Amsterdam and Hoorn,
Holland, and settled at Brooklyn, where he
married (first) Pietartie Brack Hoengie, of
Gowanus. She died soon after and he re-
moved to Bergen, New Jersey, where he mar-
ried (second) November 11, 1656, Anna Van
Vorst. He received a patent, January 1, 1662,
for a tract of land near Harsemus, New Jer-
sey, on which he settled and remained until
his death, November 20, 1688. His widow
survived him many years, dying January 12.
1726. He was an active and prominent citi-
zen, a cooper by trade, hence is often referred
to in the records as Kuyper, and from this
time on the family adopted the surname now
rendered Cooper. On April 10. 1671, he re-
ceived a deed of two hundred and forty acres
of land on the Hudson River, where the village
of Nyack now stands. Subsequently he pur-
chased four hundred and sixty-eight acres of
meadow north of Nyack, being a partner in
part of these lands with the Tallmans. He had
fifteen children. The eldest son Cornelius set-
tled at Tappan in 1689, but soon sold to Tall-
man, and removed to Schraalenburg, New
Jersey, where he bought two hundred and
sixty-six acres on the Hackensack River. His
daughter Catriena became the wife of Dirck
Crum. as above noted. Children : Helena, born
October 12, 1718; Katharyna, August 15,
1723; Willemyntie, October 9, 1725; Dirck,
December 16, 1728; Cornelius, mentioned be-
low; Maria, December 26, 1735; Johannes,
January 5, 1740.
(III) Cornelius, second son of Dirck and
Catriena (Kuyper) Crum, was born April 27,
1 73 1, and baptized May 30, of the same year,
at Tappan, where all of his father's children
were baptized, and settled at Haverstraw,
New York.
(IV) Richard, son of Cornelius Crum,
was born February 4, 1763, in Haverstraw,
New York, where he grew to manhood. He
was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, serv-
ing first as a drummer boy and later becoming
a matross in the Continental artillery, New
York line, throughout that struggle. He was
a member of Captain John Doughty's com-
pany, under Colonel John Lamb, and saw many
hardships. At one time he was stationed witli
a force at Fort Herkimer, during a severe
winter, with the snow attaining a depth of
more than four feet. The soldiers were forced
to carry wood on their shoulders from the
timber a half mile distant to keep from freez-
ing. Because of the great depth of snow their
food supply was very much reduced and many
were glad to get a crust of bread. After the
winter had somewhat moderated a supply of
cattle was driven in and the soldiers fared bet-
ter. Their clothing was ragged and filthy and
when warmer weather came every one engaged
in washing. Two members of his squad, Jacob
Van Wart and John Paulding, were members
of the party which captured Major Andre, and
Richard Crum was present at the execution of
that unfortunate officer. He witnessed the de-
parture of General Arnold in his boat when
he went on board the English frigate on the
Hudson. He was a member of the party of
ten men which defended a fort on the bank of
the Hudson from an attack of Hessian soldiers,
during which two field pieces in the fort
mowed down the assaulting party with grape
shot and successfully repulsed two attacks in
this manner. Their fire was held until the
Hessians were so close that they could see
them wink their eyes, and the suddenness and
deadly character of the fire caused a panic and
compelled a retreat. After darkness came on
the cannons were spiked and the little garrison
fled up the river. At the same time the sol-
diers were frequently attacked by Indian allies
and British, and Mr. Crum was wont to say
that they were "between the devil and the
deep sea," with red coats on one side and In-
dians on the other. He often engaged in
friendly conversation with Indian girls, who
passed the fort, and on one occasion one of
these gave him an implement used by the In-
dians for skinning deer and preparing the
hides for tanning. This implement is now in
possession of his son, and no one to whom it
has been shown has been able to name the ma-
terial of which it is made. The powder horn
in which he carried his priming material for
the artillery is also preserved by bis son. After
the men were discharged a barrel of whiskey
was rolled out for their use, the head kno< ked
out and the men helped themselves with their
cups. This resulted in much fist fighting and
General Lamb remarked that he "thought the
war was over, but the bard fighting seemed to
have just begun." After the war Richard
Crum returned to bis father's home at Haver-
straw, but soon after went to New York
There he boarded a schooner for Eatontown,
New Jersey, whence he proceeded to what was
at that time called the Liberty Pole in Shrews-
bury township, Monmouth county, now the
city of Long Branch.
There he settled and married Elizabeth ( iard-
ner, born September 14. 1768, died 1827. He
died in 1847. Children: 1. Deborah, married
Joseph West, a farmer and fisherman of Long
Branch. 2. Nancy, married a Throckmorton.
3. Hannah, became the wife of Joseph Brown,
and resided in Long Branch. 4. John, a very
powerful man, standing six feet, four and a
half inches in his stockings. 5. Catherine, wife
of Hugh Read, lived in Long Branch. 6.
Gardner, was for some time a clergyman of
the Methodist Episcopal church and later en-
gaged in the practice of law. 7. Jacob. 8.
Susannah, married a Baldwin. 9. Richard, men-
tioned below, to. Elizabeth, married Hugh
Managhan. 11. William W., mentioned below.
12. Sarah, married Barnabas Clark, who was
a fish dealer in New York City. 13. Rebecca,
wife of Isaac Emmons, a sailor, was the
mother of Edward Emmons, of Long Branch.
( V ) Richard (2), fourth son of Richard
( 1 ) and Elizabeth (Gardner) Crum, was born
March 31, 1803, at Long Branch, New Jer-
sey, died September 19, 1847. He married, at
Long Branch, July 26, 1831, Mary Brooks,
born at Doylestown, Bucks county, Pennsyl-
vania, died .April 23, 1873. daughter of Ben-
jamin and Rebecca (Harkins) Brooks.
( VI ) Richard Benjamin Brooks, only child
of Richard (2) and Mary (Brooks) Crum,
was burn November 23, 1832, at Long Branch,
New Jersey, where he remained until he came
of age. He then removed to Pennsylvania,
where he was employed in the lumber woods
for several years and settled in Gibson town-
ship, Cameron county, Pennsylvania. Through
successive changes in boundaries, although
remaining on the same farm, he has lived suc-
cessivelv in Lycoming, Elk and Cameron coun-
ties. He has been quite active in public affairs,
serving as school director, three years as con-
stable, four years as supervisor, and also as
justice of the peace. For several years he
travelled in the interest of the nursery busi-
ness. He married, August 11, 1853, Sarah
Jane Miller, born April 25, [836, at Sinema-
honing, Pennsylvania, daughter of John and
Elizabeth (Loque) Miller. Children: 1. Mary
Elizabeth, widow of George II. Boardman. 2.
Martin Luther, a real estate broker in Chicago,
Illinois. 3. Charles Washington, a railroad
engineer. 4. Victor Emanuel, resides in Si-
nemahoning, Pennsylvania, where he is as-
sistant superintendent of the Keystone Tire
Company. 5. Richard McClelland, an exten-
sive farmer, and state forestry warden of
Pennsylvania. 6. Martha Rebecca Victoria
Lucinda, wife of James W. Montgomery, a
Pennsylvania railroad engineer. 7. Nancy
Jane, married Abel Dent, a merchant and hotel
proprietor. 8. John Calvin 9. Roscoe Al-
bert, a railroad conductor. 10. Melancthon
Vespasius, engaged in business at Sinemahon-
ing. 11. James Harrison, was accidentally
killed at Butte City, Montana, August 1, 1002.
(V) Rev. William W. Crum, fifth son of
Richard (1) and Elizabeth (Gardner) Crum,
was born January 24, 1807, at Long Branch,
New Jersey, where he grew up and learned
the blacksmith's trade. Having adopted the
religion taught by the Methodist Episcopal
church, he became a clergyman, and thus con-
tinued until the end of his life. He was a
pioneer minister in Western New York, es-
tablishing many churches, and was later con-
nected with the Michigan Conference. Dur-
ing the civil war he served on the Christian
Commission, bringing comfort to many soldiers
of the Union army. He died September 16,
1866. He married Sarah, daughter of Henry
Latham, who was an earnest religious worker
in co-operation with her husband, and held in
high esteem on account of her excellent
Christian character and earnest labors in every
enterprise of the church. She was born Feb-
ruary 13, 1808, in New York City, died Oc-
tober 16, 1891. Her father was commander
of the brig "Delia," and was lost at sea. Chil-
dren: 1. John, born November 26, 1828; was
a soldier in the First Michigan Cavalry during
the civil war, and served five years, dying as
a result of that service ; he married, Decem-
ber 22, 1855, Harriet Johnson. 2. Richard
Donly, mentioned below. 3. William Henry,
born November 23, 1832 ; has a large stock
farm in Missouri, and is an honored citizen ;
married, December 18, 1857, Ann Totten.
4. Delia, born October 1, 1834; married, Sep-
tember 11, 1851, William Hibbard, and was
the mother of four children. Mr. Hibbard
was a Union soldier, and died from wounds
received in battle. 5. Sarah Elizabeth, born
December 11, 1837; married, December 30,
1855, George Sherman, and died without is-
sue. 6. Ruth, born January 23, 1843; was a
member of the Methodist Episcopal church,
and a devoted Christian woman ; married, July
31, 1858, Jerome Biteley, who was an officer in
the First Michigan Cavalry, and served with
distinction through the civil war; he established
the town of Biteley in Michigan, where he
operated large lumber mills. 7. Hannah B.,
born January 17, 1845; married, January 22,
1863, Rev. M. H. McMahon, and now resides
in Portland, Oregon, where in 19 13 was cele-
brated the golden anniversary of their mar-
riage. Mr. McMahon is a veteran of the civil
war, having served in Company G, Fifth New
York Duryea Zouaves, one of the famous
fighting regiments ; he was severely wounded
at the second battle of Bull Run ; was dis-
charged from the army at the age of twenty,
and entered the ministry in 1878. Their daugh-
ter, an accomplished artist, is the wife of Hon.
Elisha A. Baker, formerly prominent in In-
diana, and now residing in Portland, Oregon.
8. George Latham, mentioned below.
(VI) Richard Donly, second son of Rev.
William W. and Sarah (Latham) Crum, was
born February 11, 1831, in New York City,
and was a small child when his parents settled
in Schuyler county, New York. It was diffi-
cult for a struggling clergyman in a pioneer
region to sustain his increasing family, and
Richard D. was bound out to a Methodist
brother by the name of Archibald Tilford.
Here he was reared in the fear of God, with
plenty of work and little schooling thrown in,
the latter consisting mainly of the double rule
of three and the multiplication table. At the
age of fifteen years he determined to learn a
trade, and going to Watkins, the county seat,
he served an apprenticeship for several years
as wheelwright. In time he constructed a
buggy, which he thought good enough for a
bride, and with it drove back over the hills to
a cross road named Oak Hill, where lived
Mariah R. Du Vail, who was a descendant of
the Mohawk Valley Dutch. On December 22,
1852, they were married, and have dwelt in
peace and harmony over sixty years. In 1853,
on account of precarious health, Mr. Crum
abandoned his trade, and engaged in photo-
graphing. This business he followed for more
than fifty years, when he retired. He was
one of the pioneer photographers of views in
and about Watkins Glen, in the days when
the developing outfit must be carried to the
scene of operations. He very greatly aided
in making that section the popular resort which
it is today. In the spring of 1898 he removed
with his family to Long Branch, New Jersey,
where he now resides. Children: 1. Adelaide,
born January 31, 1854; a talented musician
and gifted artist in oils ; she married, Febru-
ary 25, 1892, Levi H. Bower, formerly of
Watkins, now of Long Branch ; they have one
son, Richard Crum Bower. 2. Fred, born
July 21, 1858, in Watkins; is a photographer
in Syracuse, New York; he married, in 1879,
Sadie Bedient. 3. Ellen Gertrude, born March
16. 1865 ; graduated, 1886, from the Woman's
College of New York City ; died August 3,
1898, at Long Branch. 4. Delia, born Decem-
ber 12, 1873; now the wife of John Henry-
Brown, a merchant of Long Branch ; children :
Joseph, Duvale, Helen Gertrude.
(VI) George Latham, youngest child of
Rev. William W. and Sarah (Latham) Crum,
was born February 28, 1847, in Beaver Dam,
Schuyler county, New York.
He attended the public schools at Watkins,
Schuyler county, New York, up to the age
of twelve years, at which time his school days
ended and he became a workman in the Fall
Brook Company shipyard at Watkins, engaged
in making coal barges for carrying coal down
Seneca lake and Erie canal. He was employed
at this until he was fifteen years and six months
of age, when at the breaking ont of the civil
war he enlisted in Company B, < >ne Hundred
and Sixty-first New York infantry Regiment,
and served for three years ami two months.
His regiment was in the First Division, Third
Brigade, Nineteenth Army Corps, under Gen-
era] Banks, commander of the Department of
the Mississippi Valley, and served through all
the operations below Vicksburg, including the
siege of Port Hudson, which continued forty-
five days. ( )n July 13, 1863, he participated
in the battle id" Donaldsonville, Louisiana, in
which he lost a brother-in-law, William Hib-
bard, husband of his sister Delia. After that
battle he returned to Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
and in the spring of 1864, when the Red River
campaign was organized and troops assembled
at Algiers, he was among the sharpshooters
assigned to gunboats, attached to the gunboat
"Arizona," and took part in the engagement
of Sabine Pass, where the gunboats, "Sachem"
and "Clifton" were destroyed. As soon as the
tide permitted, the gunboats withdrew, and the
"Arizona" returned to Algiers, whence all the
forces organized for the Red River campaign,
marched about four hundred miles up and
back. They came back to Morganza Bend, and
at this point word was brought that the enemy
was driving cattle across the river by the
thousands for supplies for their army, and a
detachment was sent out against them by Gen
eral < hippy of the Twenty-third Wisconsin
Regiment, its brigade commander. When
some fourteen miles from headquarters. Gen-
eral < iuppy found it necessary to make another
dav's march into the interior to reconnoiter.
Finding it necessary to send a messenger back
to headquarters through an enemy-infi ted
country, with orders for the wagon-train to
come up with supplies, and after others re-
fused to undertake the errand without an es-
cort, which was practically impossible, young
Crum was recommended by Colonel Kinsey
of the One Hundred and Sixty-first New York-
State Volunteers. Readily accepting the com-
mission, lie made the dangerous trip, without
mishap. This feat of courage was widely
spoken of and commended in army circles.
After leaving Morganza Bend, his regiment,
the < >ne Hundred and Sixty-first New York
State Volunteers, was ordered to Vicksburg,
and being largely made up of mechanics, was
set to work repairing the rolling stock on the
Jackson & Eastern Mississippi railroad. Her
Mr. Crum was detailed on the staff of Majo
Alexander Shaler, who was put in charge c
the Department of Arkansas, with headquai
ters at Duvall's Bluff. In the spring of 186;
the Mobile campaign being organized, he wa
directed to return to Carlton to his own reg:
ment, and there was placed on the staff 0
Major-general Steele, in which capacity he n
mained until after the fall of Fort Blakley. Th
army was then ordered to Spanish Fort, thenc
to Mobile, Alabama. While on the marc
news of General Lee's surrender readied th
troops. Finding that the fort had been evj
cuated, the troops moved against the city c
Mobile, and after its evacuation marched int
the city at night and went into camp in th
suburbs. After several weeks his regimet
was sent to Apalachicola, Florida, with othe
troops, to take care of the cotton which ha
accumulated there during the war, in hope
that the blockade runners might get in to carr
it away, but which had not been done. Th
cotton was seized in the name of the goverr
ment. Colonel B. Kinsey being detailed 1
judge advocate, under Major-general Ashbotl
Mr. Crum assisted in trying cases again:
delinquent soldiers and officers. Here he spet
two months, when he came home and wj
mustered out of service, October 25, 1865. H
participated in thirty-three engagements dui
ing the war; was on the staffs of Major-gei
eral Shaler, Major-general Steele, Brigadie:
general Guppy and Colonel Kinsey; was coi
tinuouslv under fire for forty-five days at tr
siege of Port Hudson. He fervently believ<
that his life was spared in answer to the fe:
vent prayers of his righteous parents.
After the war. he entered the New Yoi
Fire Department, and became a member c
Engine Company No. 35, with which he n
mained nearly three years, when he becan
assistant foreman of Engine Company No. \
and four months later was made foreman i
command of Engine Company No. 4, at }
Liberty Street, New York City, with whic
he served fourteen years and seven month
He then became connected with the Mutu;
Life Insurance Company as assistant supe
intendent of the real estate department of Ne
York City, holding this position for two year
when he was sent to Boston to take charge c
the real estate department of the same compar
in that city. He remained there three year
/hen failing health caused him to retire from
ctive business for some time. When he re-
igned his position with the Mutual Life, the
ompany accepted his resignation and pre-
ented to him a check amounting to three
housand dollars in evidence of appreciation
if his long services. After regaining his health
ie became connected with the Equitable Life
Assurance Society as a solicitor, and for the
last twenty-four years has been acting in the
apacity of agency manager. During this time
ie has probably written some twelve million
iollars worth of policies. His offices are in
he Singer Building, Broadway, New York,
ind he is a well-known figure in the insurance
ine, and most highly esteemed by every ex-
:cutive officer of the company. This is evi-
lenced by the following letter :
June 17, 1913.
My Dear Financier :
I have followed your career with interest and
>ride for a quarter of a century or more. At one
ime I see you breaking into politics and making an
jfipress on affairs of State — at another time, as the
)resent. I see you breaking into the financial affairs
>f the world, vide your interest in the Long Branch
3anking Company, "the pioneer concern along the
fersey coast." and all the while I know your heart
s true to your first love, the Equitable, and I see
/ou continuous in your endeavors to give your fellow
nen "protection that protects" by insuring them in
;he greatest company in the world.
So here's to you! and long life, happiness and
;ontent to you !
Sincerelv yours,
(Signed) Geo. T. Wilson-.
i L. Crum, Esq. Second Vice-President.
Mr. Crum is a man of strong force of char-
acter ; is a director in several large corpora-
:ions and banks. He is a member of A. E.
Kimball Post, Grand Army of the Republic,
jf New York, and of the Board of Trade at
Long Branch, which is his home, and where
ie was candidate for mayor in 1910. In pol-
itics he is a Republican. He has been a mem-
Der of Harlem Lodge, No. 201, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, since 1868, and is also
a member of what is known as the Half Mil-
lion Club in insurance circles. He and his
family attend the Methodist Episcopal church.
He married (first) in 1866, Mary Lanzer,
daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth (Mar-
jory) Lanzer; she was born in New York City.
Of this marriage two children were born: 1.
William K., born in New York City, August
11, 1868; married Mamie Pasterelle, and they
have four children: John, William, Patrice,
George L. ; his residence is at College Point,
Long Island ; he is a machinist, and employed
by the Auto-Press Company there. 2. Ella
Frances, married William G. Colling, of
Brooklyn, New York; they have a daughter,
Marion. Mr. Crum married (second) Fannie
L. Rabb, of New York City, a native of Aus-
tria, who came to this country when a child.
She is the mother of three children : 3. Maurice
R., born in Boston, April 16, 1888, died at the
age of two years. 4. Mercedee Latham, born
November 11, 1S90. in New York City; she
was educated in the Long Branch high school,
and was selected by the Long Branch Board
of Trade as Queen of the Carnival of 1912,
she is an ardent student of music. 5. Ortrude
Latham, born in New York City, October 7,
1893; she is a graduate of the Long Branch
high school, andis an ardent student of music,
and an elocutionist and vocalist of high order.
Willem Florisse Crum, son of
CRUM Floris Willemsen (q. v.) and
Catalyntie (Ariaens) Krom, was
probably baptized somewhere on Long Island,
born about 1677-78. He was a small child
when his father removed to Tappan, and there
resided. He married, at Hackensack, Sep-
tember 29, 1699, Geritje Van Houte, and the
marriage record at Tappan describes him as
a native of Flatbush, and his wife as a native
of Harsamus. They had children baptized at
Tappan: Floris Willemse, mentioned below,
Theunis, April 14, 1703; Willem, July 4. 1705-
Willem F. Crum died before October 15, 1707,
on which date his widow married Jan Hogen-
(III) Floris Willemse, eldest child of Wil-
lem Florisse and Geritje (Van Houte) Crum,
was born October 16, 1701, at Tappan, New
York, and resided in that vicinity. He mar-
ried Cytie (Seitje) Brouwer, and they had
children baptized at Tappan: Johannes, men-
tioned below; Samuel, born May 14, 1731 ;
Geritje, July 24, 1733: Willem, March 9,
1739; Margrietje. March 17, 1741; Theunis,
November 27, 1743-
(IV) Tohannes, eldest child of Floris Wil-
lemse and Cytie (Brouwer) Crum. was born
July 31. 1728. baptized August 23, same year,
at Tappan, New York, and resided in Upper
Nyack. He married, at Clarkstown, Lena
Benson, daughter of Johannes and Lena Ben-
son, and was described at the time of his mar-
riage as a resident of Clarkstown. Only one
of his children is recorded there and he evi-
dently moved up the river in 1751-52.
(V) Johannes (John) Benson, son of Jo-
hannes and Lena (Benson) Crum, was bap-
tized March 1, 1751, in Clarkstown, New
York, and resided at Spring Valley, in the
town of Ramapo. lie was probably twice
married. The family records show that he
married Katee Sarvent, December 31, 1782.
All of his children were born previous to that
date. No record of the former marriage has
been discovered. The Sarvent family is of
French origin and the name appears on the
Dutch records of Tappan in various forms, the
most usual being Server. It is also found as
Sarven. Philip Sarvent, born about 1720-21,
is described as coming from Holland at the age
of thirteen years, lie worked thirteen years
for Cornelius Cooper in Clarkstown, whose
farm of fifty-five acres he purchased in 1747
This is in Upper Nyack, and the stone house
on the farm contains a chimney made of bricks
brought from Holland. He died August 15,
17X11. His wife was Maria ( Onderdonck)
Crum, and they had children: Philip, Adrian,
Garret, Abraham, born May 22, 1752, and
probably Katee, wife of Johannes B. Crum
The birth of the oldest son is recorded at
Clarkstown, August 5, 1748. Katee was prob-
ably born about 1752-53. Jacob Sarvent and
Catrina De Beer had a son Abraham, born
November 25. 1760, baptized December 7, at
Clarkstown. Katee may have been their
daughter. Children of Johannes B. Crum:
Elizabeth, born February 22, 1767: James,
December 2^, 1768: Thomas, January 27,
1771 ; Katie, March 20, 1773; Jacob. January
18, i/~f>; Henry, January 17, 1778: John, Jan-
uary T2, 1781 ; Abram, mentioned below.
These records are supplied by the family and
cannot be found in any of the Rockland county
or New Jersey churches. The family may
have crossed the river for church privileges.
(VI) Abram. son of Johannes (John) Ben-
son and Katee ( Sarvent) Crum. was born
September 29, tt8^, in Nyack. New York,
died March 24, 1858. He probably resided in
the town of Ramapo, as his marriage was per-
formed by Rev. Georce Rrinkerhoff. pastoi
of the Kakiat Dutch Church of that town.
He was born just at the close of the revolu-
tionary war, was imbued with the patriot]
spirit of his ancestors, and served as a soldie
from Rockland county in the war of 1812. H
married, September 11, 1808, Peggv (Mai
garet ) Sarven. They had children: 1. Man
born August 30, 1810, married Levi Spring
steen, November 3, 1829: their children were
Theodore and Levi Jr. 2. John Abram, met
tioned below. 3. Abram Sarven, born Decetr
ber 12, 1814; married, January 2, 184c
Uphemia Sickles; they had one child. Marth
Blanch, born December 28, 1840: married Di
Alonzo C. Rembaugh in 1874, and has on
child, Bertha, born in 1870, unmarried. .
rheodore, born < >ctober 26, 182''), died in h
fancy. 5. Cyrus Mason, born September 2c
183 1 ; married (first) Laura Ann Dickej
September 2<i, 1857; married (second) Edit
Mathilda Hope; his children by first marriag
were: Margaret and Florence. Children 0
second marriage: Margaret, Elizabeth, Heler
Louise, Harold.
(YIIi John Abram, eldest son of Abrar
and Peggy (Margaret) (Sarven) Crum, wa
born June 16, 1812, and baptized July 10, fol
lowing, at the Kakiat Church. He reside'
for many years in New York City, where h
was a dry goods merchant, and retired upoi
a competence. Religiously he was a Presby
terian, and in politics acted with the Republi
can party. He married, October 2^, 1870, a
the Brick Church, New York City. Janet Mac
donald Rait, born March 22, 1836. died Apri
23. l%77- daughter of James and Margare
( Dean ) Rait. They had two children : Emma
born March 2~, 1874; John Egbert, mentionei
(VIII) John Egbert, only son of Join
Abram and Janet Macdonald (Rait) Crura
was born in Nyack, Rockland county, Nev
York, March 26, 1876 When quite younj
he received private tuition in Nyack and wa
prepared to enter the public school. He finall;
attended the high school and in 1889 he grad
uated with his class with honors. He wa:
then thirteen years old. Immediately upoi
his graduation he entered the employ of th<
Rochester Lamp Company in New York Citi
as a clerk and salesman, and remained wit!
them for about six years, when he resignec
and accepted a position in the Shoe & Leathei
National Bank in New York City. Upon th<
consolidation of the bank with the Metropolf
tan Bank in 190^), he became its jreneral audi
tor and is still connected with it, and is highly
respected. John Egbert Crum is a Republican
in politics, but has never held any public of-
fice. He is a notary public and a commissioner
of deeds of New York county. He is a mem-
iber of Doric Lodge, No. 280, Free and Ac-
:epted Masons, New York City ; Phoenix
Chapter, No. 2, New York City ; Sons of the
Revolution; and is also an honorary member
of the Orangetown Fire Company, No. 1,
Nyack, New York. He is a member of the
First Presbyterian Church of Nyack. He
married, June 12, 1906, in Tacoma, Wash-
ington, Marie Agnes, born November 27,
1874, in Coldwater, Mercer county, Ohio,
daughter of George Rosenbeck. George Ro-
senbeck was born August 19, 1836, in Ham
burg, Germany. He emigrated when young
to America and finally became a prominent
dry goods merchant in Coldwater, and also
Dwned a large farm in the same place. He
has now disposed of all his interest in Cold-
water and leads a retired life in Los Angeles,
California. He married Marie Elizabeth, burn
in Bantzen, Germany, daughter of Frederick
Kalkhoff . Their children were : Catherine,
Dorn in 1872; Marie Agnes, mentioned above;
Elizabeth, born in 1876; Josephine, born in
Gysbert Crum appeared in New
CRUM York City when it was under
English rule. The first mention
jf him is found in the land records at Albany,
showing that he received a deed of confirma-
ion of thirty acres at Marbletown, Esopus,
October 11, 1 67 1. He appears to have been
iving in New York in 1677, when he had a
:hild baptized there. Possibly he may have
Deen living at Marbletown at this time and
Drought the child to New York for baptism.
The survey of one hundred and fifty-eight
icres on the south side of Esopus Creek, in
Marbletown, for him, was recorded April 13.
1686. No record of his marriage is found in
New York or Kingston but his wife was
Ciertie (Van Vliet) Crum. Their oldest child,
Mayken, was baptized in New^ York, October
|j, 1677. Others, recorded in Kingston, are:
Cysbert, *orn February 9, 1679 ; Henric. De
:ember 9, 1683; Archie, January 31. 1686;
Zacharias and Elizabeth (twins) March ?,
(II) Dirck, or Richard, undoubtedlv the
son of Gysbert and Giertie (Van Vliet ) Crum,
born about 1681, resided in the vicinity of
Marbletown or Rochester, near Kingston.
New York, where the baptisms of his chil-
dren are recorded. No record of his own birth
or baptism appears, or of his marriage. He
married Eva de la Montanjen, baptized March
23, 1683, in New York, daughter of William
and Leonora (de Hooges ) de la Montanjen.
Children: Willem, baptized September 1, 1709;
Gysbert, mentioned below ; Geertjen, March
1, 1713; Johannes, March 13, 1 7 1 5 ; Elehonora,
June 3, 1716; Henderick, January 12, 1718;
Abraham, February 5, 1721 ; Elizabeth, March
10, 1723; Lydia, January 1, 1727.
(III) Gysbert (2), second son of Dirck
or Richard and Eva (de la Montanjen) Crum,
was baptized at Kingston, New York, No-
vember 12, 1710, and appears to have been
baptized a second time at Rochester, October
18, 1724. He married, at Kingston, October
21, 1737, Zara Bogaard, both being residents
of Marbletown, where she was born. They
had children baptized at Kingston: Marthen,
February 26, 1738; Dyne, April 6, 1740;
Henry, mentioned below ; Anneke, December
17, 1749; Marte, February 11, 1759.
(IV) Henry, eldest son of Gysbert (2) and
Zara (Bogaard) Crum, was born at Marble-
town, New York, baptized September 4, 1743.
at Kingston, and made his home in Marble-
town. He married, at Kingston church, May
4, 1777. Janneke Phoenix, a native and resi-
dent of Hurley, baptized September 3, 1758,
at Kingston, daughter of Matthew and Mary
Phoenix. He was a soldier of the revolution,
was shot in the legs and always a cripple there-
after. He resided in the vicinity of Kingston
until 1785, or later, and had children baptized
at Kingston: Mathias, October 3, 1779; Re-
becca, September 29, 1782; Willem, May 1,
1785. Tradition says he resided in Kingston
or Saugerties. He brought no more children
to Kingston for baptism.
(V) Henry (2), son of Henry (1) and
Janneke (Phoenix) Crum, was born in the
vicinity of Kingston, New York, and died
August 20. 1834, in Bergen county, New Jer-
sey, where he was a farmer For a time he
lived in New York City. He was a Democrat
politically, and affiliated with the Dutch Re-
formed church. He married, March 5, 1814.
Maria Becker, who married (second), in 1839,
William Wyley. She died May 20. 1881.
Children: Henry, mentioned below; Mary
Ann, married George Bloomer; Peter James,
horn May 17, 1822; John William, February
22, 1828; Theophilus Hanford, August 12,
1830; Andrew Jackson, June 26, 1834.
(VI) Henry (3), eldest child of Henry (2)
and Maria (Becker) Crum, was born July
2~, 1815, in New York City, died there July
19, [849. He married, November 3, 1846, in
New York City, Henrietta Frances Cams
burn April 23, 1827, died February 11, 1906,
daughter of Henry and Fliza (Herring)
( iarns. The last named was a daughter of
Benjamin Herring, who was an officer under
Washington and one of the Cincinnati Society.
His wife, Catherine (Myers) Herring, was a
daughter of Benjamin Myers, who was put
aboard the prison ship "Jersey," and nevet
heard of after. Children: Frederick Henry.
mentioned below; Emma Frances, born May
4. '84'), unmarried.
( VII ) Frederick I lenry, only son of Henry
(3) and Henrietta F. (Cams) Crum, was
bom September 27. 1847, at No. 83 Charlton
Street, Now York City. In 1862 he graduated
at the Dutch Collegiate Institute of New York.
In his sixteenth year, on March 0, 1863, he
entered the employ of the North River Fire
Insurance Company as a clerk and has risen
through various positions in that establish-
ment, being now its vice-president and secre-
tary. He is also president of Crum & Forster
fire underwriters; vice-president of the Hut
chins Security Company ; director of the Nas-
sau Fire Insurance Company; the United
States Fire Insurance Company; the Williams-
burg City Fire Insurance Company; and of
the People's National Bank of Hackensack.
New Tersev. Mr. Crum is a life member of
the New York Historical Society, a member
of the Economic Club of New York, and of
the Episcopal church at Oradell, New Jersey
He is active in the local councils of the Dem-
ocratic party, and is an esteemed and useful
citizen of his home town
He married (first) February 1=;, 1871, Mary
Laura Petrowitch, born in 1844, in New York
City, died April 6. 1883, daughter of Chris-
tian Petrowitch. He married (second) Feb-
ruary 11. 1003, Louise Maltbie Wortendyke,
born June 0. 1869. Children of first wife:
1. Frederick Henry, born November 3, 1871,
died December 15, 1R82. 2. Mary Laura,
born June 3, 1873. 3. Helen Louise, born
January 15, 1878; married, June, 1903, S. A
Van Der Water, M.D., of Oradell, and ha
a daughter Helen, born September 2J, 1904
4. Hubert, born August 20, 1882; marriec
February 28, 1906, Lucy Sparks, and the
have one child, Edith Lueile, born Januar
22, 1907. Child of second wife: 5. Frederic
Davenport, born August 20, 1904.
Rev. William Leverich, th
LEYFRICH founder of this family, firs
appears as a student a
Emanuel College, Cambridge, England, wher
he graduated in 1625. He died in Newtowr
Long Island, before June 10. 1677, when letter
of administration on bis estate were grante
to his son Eleazer. He came over to Americ
in the ship "James," as minister to the churc
in Dover, New Hampshire, arriving at Salen
Massachusetts, October 10, 1633. Two year
later he removed to Boston, and about 163;
he became assistant to the Rev. Mr. Partridgf
at Duxbury, Massachusetts. Three year
later, he accepted the charge of the church a
Sandwich, on Cape Cod, and in 1653 he be
came a purchaser and settler of Oyster Ba}
Long Island, the inhabitants agreeing to giv
him .£ 15 a year as their minister among then
Here and at Huntington and Newtown, Lon
Island, he spent the remainder of his lif<
His wife's name is unknown. Children, s
far as known : Caleb, referred to below
Eleazer. married Rebecca Wright.
(IT) Caleb, son of Rev. William Levericl
came with his father to Newtown, Lon
Island, where he acquired much land and wa
one of the original members of the Presby
terian church. He died in 1717. aged sevent)
nine years. He married Martha , wh
survived him. Children: John, referred t
below; Alary, married Job Wright; Eleanoi
married Joseph Reeder.
(III) John, son of Caleb and Marth
Wright, was born in Newtown, Long Islanc
died there about 1705. He married Hanna
. Children: John, born about 1606, die
in 1780, married (first) December 14. 172c
Amy Moore, (second) Susanna, widow 0
John Sackett, and (third) Sarah (Titus
Cornish : William, died March 25, 17.S4, mat
ried, July 23. 1722. Martha Way ; Reniamir
referred to below; Hannah, married lame
Wav ; Martha, married John Way.
(IV) Benjamin, son of Tohn and Hanna
Leverich, was born in Newtown, Long Island,
died there about 1732. He married Mary
. Children: Caleb, referred to below.
(V) Caleb (2), son of Benjamin and Mary
Leverich, was born at Newtown, Long Island,
died July 6, 1758, at Sabbath Day Point, on
Lake George, while accompanying the ill-fated
expedition of General Abercrombie. He be-
gan business life early as a painter in New
York City, but was induced to enlist for the
French and Indian wars. He married Sus-
anna, died September 11, 1814, aged eighty-
eight years, daughter of William Burch. Chil-
dren: Benjamin, referred to below; John, born
September 4, 1758, died July 28, 1812, mar-
ried Ann Chase.
(VI) Benjamin (2), son of Caleb (2) and
Susanna (Burch) Leverich, was born in New
York City, and died in Cortlandtown, near
Peekskill. Westchester county, New York,
after 1790, in which year the census of the
township, gives him three white males over
sixteen years, including heads of families,
three free white males under sixteen years,
and four free white females over sixteen
years, including heads of families. He is the
only Leverich in Westchester county at that
time except his third cousin John, who at that
time was living at North Castle, but later went
back to his paternal home in Newtown.
(VII) John (2), son of Benjamin (2) Leve-
rich, of Cortlandtown, Westchester county.
New York, was a farmer in that county. His
ife's name is unknown. Children : Benjamin,
referred to below ; Caleb : a daughter.
(VIII) Benjamin (3). son of John (2)
Leverich, was born in Cortlandtown, West-
chester county. New York, January 22, 1793,
died there April 14, 1878. He was a carpenter
by trade and had a shop in Cortlandtown. He
was somewhat of a lawyer and was looked up
to by his neighbors, who would ask his advice
as to the settling of their disputes. He was
a Whig in politics, and served as justice of
the peace and also as poormaster of the town.
He served on Long Island in the war of 1S12
He married (first) August 27, 1814, Eunice
Outhout, who was born May 6, 1791 : married
(second) in 1856, Hannah Purdy. Children,
all by first marriage: Hattie Ann, married
George Cruger ; John W., born in [819, died
about 1880. married Elizabeth Ryder; Caleb;
Mary Jane, married Gilbert Treadwell ; W'il
Ham, referred to below ; Benjamin ; George.
(IX) William, son of Benjamin (3) and
Eunice (Outhout) Leverich, was born in
Cortlandtown, Westchester county, New York,
October 26, 1822, and is now living in Kings-
ton, Ulster county, New York. He received
his education in the country schools of Cort-
landtown, and learned the trade of mason,
which he followed in that section of the
country until 1848, when he removed to Tomp-
kins Cove, Rockland county. New York, to
set up an engine and boiler for the Tompkins
Cove Stove Company, and to do other work
for them. He remained here until 1850, when
he went to Rondout, Ulster county, New York,
where he did all the mason work for the
Newark Lime and Cement Company, building
all of their kilns, which are still standing. He
also did numerous other masonry jobs, among
them being the school house at Tompkins
Cove, the Children's Church and the district
school at Rondout, and for fifty-six years he
was the boss mason of the town. He was a
Republican in politics, and cast his first vote
for Harrison and Tyler. He married, in
Peekskill, Westchester county, New York, in
1842, Catharine, daughter of [anus Gale, of
Oregon, Westchester county, New York. Chil-
dren : Minnie D., born in 1864; William H.,
referred to below.
( X 1 William II.. son of William and Cath-
arine (Gale) Leverich, was born in Kingston,
I'Ktcr county, Xew York, May 9, [866, and
is now living with his father at Kingston.
Captain John Seaman, the
SEAMAN founder of this family, wa^
with six of his sons one of the
patentees of the town of Hempstead, Long
Island. He was born about 1610, and died
after August 5, 1694, the date of the writing
of his will. He married (first) Elizabeth,
daughter of John Stricland, and ( second)
Martha, daughter of Thomas and Martha
(Youngs) Moore. Children by first marriage :
John, married Hannah Williams : Jonathan,
married Jane ; Benjamin, married
Martha Titus; Solomon, died in 1743, married
Elizabeth Linnington ; Elizabeth, married
Colonel John Jackson ; Samuel, married Phebe
Hicks: Thomas, married Mary ; Na-
thaniel, mentioned below; Richard, horn in
[673, married Jane Mott; Sarah, married
John Mott ; Martha, married Nathaniel Pear-
sail : Deborah, married Kirk ; Hannah,
married - - Carman; Mary, married
Pearsall; daughter, died before [694,
married Carman ; daughter died un-
(II) Nathaniel, son of Captain John and
Martha ( Moore) Seaman, was born in Hemp-
stead, Long Island, and died there ( Ictober 9,
[759. lie married there, 9th mo., 8, [695,
Rachel, daughter of Henry and Mary
(I'earee) Willis, who died August 20, 175')
Children: Rachel, born 5th mo. 26, 1696, died
unmarried; Nathaniel, born nth mo. 18, [699,
died June 14. 1774, married, in 1722, Sarah
Powell; Hester, born <;th mo. 8, 1701, mar-
ried John Whitson ; Jacob, born 8th mo. 10,
1703, died April 4. 1750, married, in 1726,,
Mercy Powell; Abraham, born nth mo. ro,
1706, married Deborah Townsend; Rachel.
born 1st mo. 9, 170X, married, in 1738, Jere-
miah Elfreth; Hezekiah, horn 3rd mo 11.
1711. married a daughter of Isaac Doughty;
Thomas, hum 1 ith mo. 2. 1713. married, in
1741, Hannah Willets ; Samuel, mentioned be-
(III) Samuel, son of Nathaniel and Rachel
(Willis) Seaman, was horn in Hempstead,
Long Island. 4th mo. 13, 1715. He married
Martha, daughter of Obadiah and Martha
(Willets) Valentine. Children: Willet, mar-
ried Mary Searing; Valentine; Obadiah, mar-
ried Deborah Valentine; Rachel, horn in 1742,
died in 1707, married. February 3, 1762, Silas
Hicks; Martha, married Henry Titus; Phebe
married Samuel Hicks; Miriam, married
Stephen Robbins ; Samuel, mentioned below;
Esther, married Samuel Sand-; Abigail, mar-
ried Richard Willets ; Marmaduke.
(IV) Samuel (2), sen of Samuel (1) and
Martha (Valentine) Seaman, was horn in
Hempstead, Long Island, and died in Corn-
wall. ( (range county. New York. He married
daughter of Thomas and Martha
(Powell) Titus, who was horn in 17;-. Chil-
1 rhomas, mentioned below; Silas, mar-
ried Hannah Green; Martha, married Josiah
Hazard; John, married Amy Pearsall: Wil-
liam; r?aac; Rachel, married Joseph Marshall;
Samuel married (first") Anna Pearsall, (sec-
ond) Phebe Pearsall. daughters of Wait and
Hannah Pearsall.
1 V) Thomas, son of Samuel (2) and Kezia
(Titus) Seaman, was horn in 1780, died in the
town of Monroe, Orange county. New York,
February 23, 1848. He married Sarah Brown.
who was born in 1780, died in May, [86,
Children: Jacob, mentioned below; Kezi
married Daniel Cornell ; Martha ; Ketural
married Peter S. Titus.
(VI) Jacob, son of Thomas and Sara
(Brown) Seaman, was born in Cornwa!
< »range county. New York, in 1803, died i
1888. He married, in 1820, Hannah Cock
who was horn in 1804, died in 1889. Chi
dren : Sarah Brown, horn in 1827; Thoma;
died in infancy; Edmund, horn in 1832, die
in [888, married Alary Willets; Thomas, bor
August 17, 1835, died in November, 188c
Jacob T., November 26, 1X38, died in 1864
Elizabeth K., September 24, 1841 ; Jame:
referred to below; Hannah Townsend, Jam
ary 20, 1848.
(VII) James, son of Jacob and Ilanna
(Cocks) Seaman, was born in Cornwal
Orange county. New York, June 30, 1844, an
is now living at Woodbury Falls, New Yorl
He was born on a farm which was owned b
his grandfather and part of which is still i
his own possession. He received his educa
tion in the district and private schools 0
Mountainville, New York, and has been
successful farmer all his life. He is a Repub
liean in politics, and for six years, from 190
to 1902, and from 1904 to 1906, served a
supervisor of the town of Woodbury. At on
time he was postmaster at Woodbury Fall;
He is a justice of the peace for Woodbury
a member and trustee in the Religious Societ
of Friends. He married, January 14, 1874
Elizabeth, born November 10, 1848, daughte
of Charles Townsend and Martha ( Weyant'
Ford. Children: 1. Charles Ford, born Tan
nary 29, 1875 ; married Lulu M. Viele, of Har
riman, New York; children: James and Mil
dred. 2. Jacob Townsend, born January 30
1877; married Mae L. Greenleaf; children
Melissa G., Elizabeth and Elaine. 3. Mari
anna, born October 12, 1879; living" at home
unmarried. 4. Edmund, born May 20, 1883
married Edna Smith, of Harriman ; child
Elizabeth Meta, born August 4, 1913. 5
James Pierre, born March 6, 1885 ; a civil en
gineer in New York City.
Under the fierce per-
GIRAUD-GEROW secution following the
Revocation of the
Edict of Nantes, October, 1685, many of the
nobility, and over three hundred thousand of
the most skillful artizans and leaders in indus-
tries found refuge in America, which was
benefited by what was lost to France. From
the folk lore of this family we learn they fled,
leaving all possessions behind them, some com-
ing in slippers and laces. Candles were left
burning in silver candle-sticks, and food left
untouched on the table.
At New Rochelle, New York, the two hun-
dredth and twenty-fifth anniversay of the land-
ing of the French Huguenots in America was
celebrated. By pageant the scene was repro-
duced, an exact replica of the caravel in which
they came floated in the harbor, realistic In-
dians surrounded the strange ship as when
she appeared in the waters years ago. Among
the invited guests were the President and Vice-
President of the United States, Secretary of
War Garrison, Secretary of Navy Daniels, the
French Ambassador Jusserand and M. Chato-
net, delegate from France to the celebration.
In one of the addresses on "The Huguenot
in America," it was said in closing: "The
Huguenot was one of the most valuable agents
God ever furnished for American Liberty and
American Independence." In Hudson Park.
New Rochelle, a granite monument has been
erected by descendants of these early settlers,
and on the bronze tablet are to be found the
names of Giraud. Coutant. Chadeyane and
others. From available records we have :
(I) Etienne Giraud, of whom we have no
(II) Daniel Giraud, who came from La
Rochelle, France, in 1688, to New Rochelle.
New York. He married and had three sons :
Daniel, of whom further : Andrew, of Fish-
kill, New York ; Benjamin.
(III) Daniel (2), son of Daniel (1) Giraud,
born in 1724, was a resident of Cortland
Manor. During the revolutionary war he ob-
tained a pass to go through the lines and pur-
chased a large tract of land from King
George's agent, which is now known as Platte -
kill, Ulster county, New York. The tract was
then known as the "Ten Stone Meadow." The
"Pass" and deed for the land is now in pos-
session of a descendant. The deed was signed
by "John Lake, Agent." Daniel Giraud mar-
ried Elizabeth Coutant, sister of Jacob, Gilbert
and Henry Coutant, and settled in Westchester
county, New York. Children : Elias, of
whom further; William, married Esther Cha-
deyane ; John, married Elizabeth Palmer ;
James went to St. John's, New Brunswick;
Daniel went to St. John's, New Brunswick;
Catharine married Yerksie; Deborah
married James Denton; Esther, married Wil-
liam Clark; Betsy married James McCallum ;
Sarah married Jacob Russell; Jane married
(first j Isaac Brown (second; Coutant;
Mary married Adolphus Shuart.
(IV) Elias Gerow, son of Daniel (2) and
Elizabeth (Coutant) Giraud, was born April
9, 1765, died 1838. He married Elizabeth,
born May, 176S, daughter of Jacob Coutant.
Children: Gilbert, of whom further; Annie
married Ebenezer Cooley; Daniel married
Lucy Haviland; Phebe, deceased; Hannah
married Samuel P. Birdsall; Catherine mar-
ried Smith Pine ; Deborah married Daniel
Birdsall, cousin of Samuel P. Birdsall; Wil-
liam, deceased; Jacob married Jane Thorn;
Lydia H.. married Samuel Heaton; Elias mar-
ried Sally Ann Barber ; Isaac married Cornelia
Ann, daughter of Adolphus and Alary
(Giraud) Shuart. Elias Gerow had twelve
children and sixty-four grandchildren, whose
descendants are many, scattered far and wide,
many of them living in the Hudson river
towns, as also do the descendants of William,
John, Sarah and Mary. The French Hugue-
not name, Giraud, is still held with pride by
many, others have accepted the name as pro-
nounced, Gerow. At an early period the
Christian fellowship of this family was with
the Society of Friends (often called Quakers)
and their influence for righteousness has left
a benediction on succeeding generations.
(V) Gilbert, son of Efias and Elizabeth
(Coutant 1 Gerow. married Anna, daughter of
Justus and Mehetable Cooley. Children:
Louise married Harry Seeley; Emma Jane
married John Jackson ; Elias.' mentioned be-
low: Justus married Phebe Young; Asahel
married Mary Townsend ; John C, deceased ;
Mehetable married John Deming, of Cali-
(VI) Elias (2), son of Gilbert and Anna
(Cooley) Gerow. married Sarah Cooper.
Children : Charles Cooley, married Margaret
Culbert; Gilbert Haviland, mentioned below;
Henrietta Van Cleft, married Charles Hull;
Mary, died in early life; Emma Jane, married
William V. Many; Joseph Cooper, married
Jennie Hathaway, and occupies the homestead
at Blooming Grove, Orange county. New
(VII) Gilbert Haviland, son of Elias (2)
and Sarah (Cooper) Gerow, was born in the
town of Blooming ( Irove, < >range county, New
York, August 12, 1844, died at Washington-
ville, < )range county, New York, March 10,
I'M 1. I ie was educated in the district schools
of Blooming Grove and at Antioch College,
Ohio. With his brother, Charles C. Gerow,
and William Beattie, he was engaged in mill-
ing and coal business at Salisbury Mills, New
York. I. .iter he purchased property at Vail's
Gate, New York, where for about twenty-five
years he conducted a general store, coal yard,
and lumber and feed business. After this he
formed a partnership under the name of
Gerow & King, and continued the business for
several years, and this was followed by the
firms of ( ierow & Sun, Gerow & Stone, Stone
Brothers, the latter for a term of ten years.
Mr. Gerow was one of the organizers of the
Newburgh Carpet Company, of Newburgh,
New York, of which he was treasurer. He was
an honorary member of the Tenth Separate
Company of New York State, having served
the required term of years, also honorary-
member of the Fire Department. Washii
ville. Me was early a member of
gational church of Blooming Grove, and later
of the First Presbyterian Church of Wash-
He married, < >ctober 23, 1872, Alletta Rem-
sen, daughter of the Rev. James Rapelye and
Catherine ( White ) Rente, who was born at
Napanoch, Ulster county, New York ( see
Rente \ III.). Children: 1. Charles Halcott,
born December 31, [873, died March [6, 1875.
2. James Frank, born May 6, [876, died May
[9, 1878. 3. Arthur Riker, burn April S, 1879;
now with the Newburgh Carpet Company,
Newburgh, New York. 4. Ryman Abbott,
burn < ictober 4, 1880; graduate of Rutgers
, 1906. 5. Waller Haviland, born July
-'4; now at Young Men's Christian \s
sociatiun at Poughkeepsie, New York. 6. < '.il-
licit Westcott, born April 2j, 1886; now en-
gaged in coal and feed business at the original
Vail's Rate stand which was established in
. the late Gilbert H. Gerow.
(The Riker-Lent Lines.)
From European genealogy we learn that the
Rykers were located at a very remote period
in Lower Saxony, where they enjoyed a state
of allodial independence, at that day constitut-
ing nubility. 1 here they possessed the estat
or Manor of Ryken, from which they too
their name, written von Ryken. Subsequent]
the name suffered changes; de Ryke, de Ryl
Rieche, etc., von Lentum, von Lent, Len'
1 l.nis von Ryken, with his cousin, Mel
choir von Ryken, a valiant knight, wh
lived in Holland, went in the First Crusade t
the Holy Land in 1096, heading eight hundre
crusaders in the army of Walter the Penniless
i- von Ryken lived to return, but Han
von Ryken perished in that ill-fated expedi
tion. The coat-of-arms borne by the famil
is thus explained: The shield azure, em
blematic of knighthood; the horns, indicatini
physical strength; the gulden stars, a strivini
for glory, and the white roses, symbol of dis
cretion and fidelity. In time the descendant
of Melchoir von Ryken extended from Hoi
land to Switzerland and America. Before th
family is mentioned in America we learn the"
occupied places of public trust for two cen
turies, until the Spanish war occasioned grea
reverses in their fortunes. Captain Jacobu
Simonsz de Ryken, of Amsterdam, a warn
partisan of the Prince of Orange, distin
! himself by military services when tha
Prince defended Dutch liberty, and the famil]
for successive generations during the strugglt
with Spain followed a military career. I Rik
\nnals of Newtown. )
( I ) Gysbert ur Guisbert Rycken. founder ol
the family in America, emigrated to New Am
sterdam from Holland about 1630. Prac-
tically all that is known about him is the in-
tion on the gravestone of his grandson
Abraham, son of Abraham and Margarel
Riker, which reads: "The grave of Abraharr
son of Wiraham ami Margaret Riker
born 1655, died August 20, 1746, in the 91st
year of his age: and in memory of his grand-
sire, Guisbert Riker, a native of Holland, whe
came to America in 1630, obtained a patent
for land at the Bowery bearing date 1632."
(II) Abraham, son of Gysbert or Guisbert
Rycken, was born in 1619, died in 1689. He
married Grietje Hendrickse, daughter of Hen-
drick Harmensen. In 1642 he purchased prop-
erty on the Heeren Gracht, now Broad street.
Rlis children were baptized in the church at
Fort Amsterdam. Children : Ryck Abraham-
sen, mentioned below; Jacobus, born 7640,
died in infancy; Jacobus, born 1643; Hen-
drick, born in 1646, died young; Marytje, born
in [649, married Sibout Krankheyt; Jan, born
in 1651, married Sara Schouten ; Alletta, born
in 1653, married Captain John Harmensen;
Abraham, born in 1655, died August 20, 1746,
married Grietje Janse van Buytenhuysen ;
Hendrick, born in 1662, joined his brothers,
Ryck A. and Jacobus, in Westchester county,
New York, and changed his name to Lent
(III) Ryck Abrahamsen, son of Abra-
ham Gysbrechtsen and ( irictjc (Hendrickse)
Rycken, was born on Long Island, died in
hester county. New York. He changed
his name to Lent, and with his brother Hen-
drick became the ancestors of the family of
that name. In 1685 he bought from the In-
n extensive tract of land, eighteen hun-
dred acres, in Westchester county, which sub-
tly became famous under the name of
"Ryek's Patent." He was an elder in the
Dutch Church at Sleepy Hollow, and died
1 1 March 30, 1720, and March 28, 1723,
the dates of the writing and proving of his
will. He married Catrina, daughter of Harck
Sibotitsen and Wyntje Tenuis. Children:
1 eth, married Thomas Hyers ; Abraham,
mentions! below; Ryck, born in 1678, married
Marytje Blauvelt ; Harck 01
in [681, died in 1766, married Cornelia Van
Wart ; Margaret, married Thomas Benson ;
Catharine, married Joseph Jones.
(IV) Abraham Lent, son of Ryck Abra-
hamsen and Catrina Lent, was born in West-
chester county, New York, March 10, 1674,
Sled in Newtown, Long Island, February 5.
1741'. He lived for some years in Westchester
county, and in 1729 settled in Newtown. He
married, late in 1698, Anna Catrina, daughter
of Adolph and Maria (Verveelen) Meyer,
who died July 21, 1762, aged eighty-six years.
Her father was a deacon in the church at
Sleepy Hollow. Children: Ryck, died in
1732. married, December 26. 1722, Cornelia
Waldron ; Adolph, born in 1703 ; Isaac, mar-
ried Sara Luyster; Abraham, married Mar-
garet Snediker ; Jacob ; Jacobus, mentioned be-
low ; Catrina, married Elbert Herring ; Eliza-
beth, married Jacob Brinckerhoff ; Maria, mar-
ried John Rapelye; Wyntje, married Jeromus
Rapelye ; Ann, married Jan Brinckerhoff.
( V ) Jacobus, son of Abraham and Catrina
(Meyer) Lent, was born in Westchester
county. New York, July 3, 1714, died in New-
town, Long Island, December 13, 1779. He
married Margaret, daughter of Daniel Rape-
lye, who died September 11, 1794, in her
seventy-fourth year. Children: Abraham,
born February 15, 1745, died April 13, 1816,
married Diana Lawrence ; Alletta, born April
24, 1747, married George Rapelye; Daniel,
mentioned below.
(VI) Daniel, son of Jacobus and Margaret
lye) Lent, was borri in Newtown, Long
May 31, 1754. died there, April 20,
1797. He was the last of the family to live on
the original Rycken-Lent estate at Armen
Bouwerie. He married, December 9, 1792.
Rensie, daughter of Martin Rapelye. Child:
Daniel, mentioned below. Four children died
in infancy.
(VII) Daniel (2). son of Daniel (1) and
Rensie (Rapelye) Lent, was born in Newtown,
Long Island, August 30. 1707. died in Flush-
ing Bay, Long Island. He was a merchant in
New York City, and in later life bought a
farm at Flushing Bay. lie married, June 6,
1821, Jane Catharine, daughter of Cornelius
Rapelye Remsen. Children : James Rapelye,
mentioned below ; Cornelius Remsen, married
Ama Nafis : Charles Henry, married Ama
Thorborn ; Elizabeth Catharine, married
Charles Halcott, deceased ; Theodore, died in
The name of van Lente was retained
by si me of the family until the last century,
1 n it was dropped and the plain Lent was
A few also spelled their name with a
final "e," Lente, as the best abbreviation of the
name at one time taken, van Lenten, from a
maternal inheritance. The Rev. James Ra-
pelye Lente, of Washingtonville, of more than
ninety years of age, and his son, Edward
Prime Lente, are probably the only ones bear-
ing this rendering at the present time. It is
recorded that the Lents lived friendly with
the native Indians, no record of any trouble
arising between them having been found. The
Lents were numerous in the Continental army
They voluntarily took up arms and fought
bravely for freedom from the yoke of Great
Britain. Sir Henry Clinton said he could
neither ''buy nor conquer these Dutchmen."
( Y1TI ) The Rev. James Rapelye Lente, son
of Daniel (2) and Jane Catharine (Remsen)
Lent, was born in Flushing, Long Island,
April 18, 1822, and is now living at Washing-
tonville, Orange county. New York. After
being tutored by Rev. Garrett J. Gar-
retson, pastor of the Reformed Dutch
Church of Newtown, Long Island, he-
prepared for college at Erasmus Hall
and graduated from Rutgers College in
1842. After teaching at Erasmus Hall ( Pre-
paratory School) for three years, he entered
the New Brunswick Theological Seminary and
graduated in [850. lie took charge for a few
months of the Reformed Dutch Church at
Coxsackie Landing. Greene county, New
York, in the absence of the pastor, then be-
came pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church
at Napanoch, New York. Two years later he
became pastor of the Collegiate churches at
Bloomingdale and Rosendale, New York, and
ten years later, in 1X114, he retired on account
of ill health and has since lived at Washing
tonville, New York. lie married Catherine.
daughter of Colonel John White, who was
horn January 22, [825, died May 27, 1SS7
Children: Alletta Remsen, born September
23. '853, married, October 23, 1872, Gilbert
Haviland Gerow (see Gerow VII); Edward
Prime, born November 5. 1X57, unmarried.
The name Thornton is
THORNTON said to have been derived
from Thor, the ancient
northern deity. A different origin C, however,
suggested by the coats-of-arms of two of the
oldest Thornton families of England, the
Thorntons of Yorkshire, and the Thorntons
of Tiersall, which hear upon them three haw
thorn trees or bushes which suggest the com-
bination of the "thorn" and "town." The
name de Thornton also appears in the early
annals, indicating a possible Norman ancestry.
There are many families in Ireland and Scot-
land hearing the name of Thornton, hut in
these cases it is said that the patronymic is
usually an English rendering of the Gaelic
Mac Skenaghan or Mac Sceinaghan, the root
of the name being from the Gaelic word
"seeine," a knife. Lower derives the English
name in some cases from parishes and places
in the counties in England of Buckingham-
shire, Durham, and adjacent districts. York-
shire abounds with places so-called. Thorne
appears to have been an old Anglo-Saxon per-
sonal name; and hence Thornton may have
been in some cases the homestead of Thorne.
There are numerous families hearing the
name of Thornton in the United States. One
of the earliest Thornton emigrants to America
was William Thornton, who came from York-
shire. England, prior to 1646, and settled in
York county, Virginia. This William Thorn-
ton was the ancestor of a large number of
prominent descendants, some of whom became
connected by marriage with the family of
< ieorge Washington, and some with the family
of President Zachary Taylor. Dr. John N. F.
Thornton, who married Mary, daughter of
President William Henry Harrison, was prob-
ably of this family. Another early immigrant
to America was John Thornton, who was one
of the founders of the hirst Baptist Church
of Newport, Rhode Island, in 1648. The Rev,
Thomas 'Thornton, who came from England
in [663, and settled at Yarmouth, Massachu-
setts, was the ancestor of descendants of emi-
nence. James Thornton, father of the lion
Matthew Thornton, one of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence, emigrated frorr
Ireland t<> America in [718. There were othei
Thornton families that settled in Massachu-
setts. Connecticut, New York, PennsylvaniE
and Virginia.
( I) James Thornton, the immigrant ances-
tor in America of the Thornton family hen
dealt with, was horn near Londonderry, Ire-
land, in 1684, died November 7, 1754. at Easl
Derry, New Hampshire. 'The family of James
Thornton lived on a farm about a mile fron
the city of Londonderry ami were subject tc
frequent visits from King (ames's troops.
James and his family is said to have been oik
of one hundred ami twenty families, who ir
five small ships arrived at Boston, Massachu-
setts, August 5, 171s, and in the fall of tha'
year went to Falmouth, now Portland, Maine
where they spent the winter on shipboard, en
during great hardships. 'They then went tc
Wiscasset, Maine, and after a stay there of 1
few years they moved to Worcester, Massa
chusetts. In Worcester they lived on a farn
near Tactknuck Hill, adjoining the town o:
Leicester. The only record that has beer
found of the wife of James Thornton is it
the deed of the Worcester family, dated Feb
ruary 14. 1739-40, in which "Keturah" Thorn
ton joins. In 1740 James Thornton movec
from Worcester to Pelham, Massachusetts
of which town he was one of the founder;
and principal proprietors. He remained ir
Pelham, where he held various town offices
until 1748, when he moved to Londonderry
New Llampshire, where he r -sided until hi;
death, November 7, 1754. He is buried in
Forest Hills cemetery, East Derry, New
Hampshire, beside his daughter, Hannah Wal-
lace. He married Nancy Smith. Children:
1. James. 2. Andrew. 3. Matthew, born near
Londonderry, Ireland, in 1714, died June 24,
1803 ; he was the most prominent member of
the Thornton family ; he settled in New
Hampshire, where he became distinguished a?
a physician, judge, statesman, and patriot in
the revolution; he was one of the signers of
the Declaration of Independence for the State
of New Hampshire, and the history of his life
is to be found among the Lives of the Signers.
He was buried at Thornton's Ferry, New
Hampshire, where a monument to his memory
was erected in 1872 by the State of New
Hampshire. 4. Agnes. 5. William, mentioned
below. 6. Samuel. 7. Hannah. 8. Esther.
(II) William, fourth son of James and
Nancy (Smith) Thornton, was with his father
one of the settlers of Pelham, Massachusetts,
in 1740, and as a surveyor he assisted in the
laying out of the town. In 1744 he left Pel-
ham and moved to Kingsfield (now Palmer),
Massachusetts, where he had a farm on the
east side of Dumplin Hill. Here his sons,
William, Matthew and James, were probably
born. In March, 1748, William sold his farm
at Palmer and became the first settler of Dub-
lin, New Hampshire, which town was granted
in 1749 to the Hon. Matthew Thornton and
others. The farm in Dublin on which William
Thornton, settled was owned by the Hon.
Matthew Thornton and was subsequently sold
by him to Deacon Isaac Appleton. A small
monument has been erected on this farm to
mark the settlement of the town. Two chil-
dren were born to William Thornton during
'his residence in Dublin, a daughter. Molly, in
1741 >, said to have been the first white child
born in the town, and a son, Thomas. William
Thornton remained in Dublin until about 1753,
when he left on account of the Indians, and
with his family moved to Schenectady, New
York, where his son John was born in 1753.
William Thornton and his sons, Matthew and
James, served in the border warfare, their
names appearing on the muster roll of Captain
Daniel Campbell's company, of Schenectady,
on May 12, 1767. From a deed dated Febru-
ary 3. l77°, ^ appears that William Thornton
was then of Curry's Brook or Bush, near
Princeton, Albany county, New York. He re-
turned to New Hampshire, and after living in
Londonderry in 1773 and 1774, he went to
Thornton, New Hampshire, where he re-
mained until his death. Children: 1. William,
born in 1745, married Dolly Bayley, of Can-
dia, New Hampshire ; they had seven children
born between 1784 and 1799. 2. Matthew, born
December 6, 1746, undoubtedly at Palmer,
Massachusetts, where his father then lived ; he
was probably with his father when the latter
became the first settler of Dublin, New Hamp-
shire, about the year 1748. and moved with
him to Schenectady, New York, in 1753 ; he
married, March 30, 1768, Mary Crawford, and
their first child, Dorcas, born March 12, 1770,
was baptized at Schenectady, New York, June
12, 1770. 3. James, born about 1747, probably
at Palmer, Massachusetts, went with his
father's family to Dublin, New Hampshire,
about the year 1748, and moved with them to
Schenectady, New York, in 1753; the muster
roll of Captain Dan Campbell's company, of
Schenectady, May 12, 1767, gives the names of
James Thornton and of his father and brother,
Matthew; James also served in the war of the
revolution in the Second Regiment, Albany
county; he married Antje Schermerhorn and
had three children, May, William, Margarieta.
4. Molly, born in Dublin, New Hampshire,
about the year 1749. 5. Thomas, bom in 1751,
probably in Dublin, New Hampshire; he
moved to Schenectady, New York, with his
father in 1753; he was a school teacher and
served in the war of revolution in the Second
Regiment, Albany county ; he married Eliza-
beth Richardson, sister of Paris Richardson,
aide to General Washington ; they had seven
children, William, Euretta, Elizabeth, Thomas,
Charles, Wallace, George. 6. John, mentioned
(Ill) Major John Thornton, youngest son
of William Thornton, was born at Schenec-
tady, New York, in 1753. He served with dis-
tinction in the war of the revolution. He was
first lieutenant in Captain Thomas Wasson's
company in the Second Regiment, Schenec-
tady division. His brothers, James and
Thomas, served in the same war. Captain,
later Major, John Thornton served with
Colonel Willets along the Mohawk Valley, and
as major he commanded the escort to General
Washington and General Clinton from Fort
Plain to Cherry Valley and Otsego Lake and
return, during the summer of 1783 On Jan-
uary 25, 1786, Major Thornton purchased 3
farm of one hundred acres at Curry's Bush
(or Brook) in the town of Princeton, Albany
county. New York, which farm had been
owned by Daniel Clyde in 1 77 1 . Jlc married
Ann (Adelia) Clyde, daughter of Colonel
Samuel Clyde, born October 25, 1764. Chil-
dren: William A., mentioned below; George,
died young; Adelia, married Volney Freeman,
of Schenectady; Catherine, who died un-
(IV) William A., eldest son of Major John
and Ann or Adelia (Clyde) Thornton, was
born August 29, [802, at Albany, New York,
died April (1, [866, on Governor's Island. He
attended the public schools ol and wa=
appinted cadet at West Point in [821, gradu-
ating in 1825. lie was appointed lieutenant of
artillery on the Mali" of General Scott in the
Black Hawk campaign, and later served in the
Seminole Indian war, Florida. When the
■ e coi ps wa • 1 reated
was assigned to that corps, where lie remained
until the time of his death I I wa made
, ice in the
Mexican war and brevet-brigadier general for
distinguished service in the civil war. His
rank was colonel of ordnance. United States
Army. At different times It. wa tii ned at
Watervliet, New York, Watertown, M
tts, and on Governor's Bland, New York
1 [arbor. I [e married, in 1833, 1 Men, daughter
of I >r. ( iilbert Smith, of New York ( lit)
Thornton's mother was Helena De Witt, and
connected with the De Witt family of revolu-
tionary fame along the Hudson. Children:
Adelia, married Colonel James S. Casey
Cnited States Army, died in 1S75 ; William A .
who was a paymaster during the war and died
in 1872; George De Witt, who died in 1883;
Nora, who married John H. Walsh, died in
1004: Howard, mentioned below.
(V) Howard, son of William A. and Helen
(Smith) Thornton, was horn on Governor's
Bland, Yew York, February 25, 1849 He
was educated in the public schools of New
York City, and fur a time was a student of the
j ge of the City of Xew York, later of
Union College, Schenectady, where he gradu-
ated in the class of 1872 with the degree of
A.B. He then settled in Newburgh, where he
read law in the office of Eugene A. Brewster,
and in 1874 graduated from the Albany Law
S.ln, nl with degree of LL.B. He continued
in his profession for a number of years ii
Newburgh, where he still retains an office, Ii
1892-93-94 he was a member of the New Yorl
State assembly and chairman of the judician
committee in 1894. lie is a member of thi
Military < >rder of the Loyal Legion, Sons o
the American Revolution, University ant
Transportation chilis, of New York City, o
the City and Powelton clubs of Newburgh
lie was a member of the board of educatioi
of the city of Newburgh from 1906 for fou:
years. In 1909 he was elected president o
the National Bank of Newburgh, a positioi
he still holds. He was trustee of the Washing
i' 'ii Headquarters, and part of the time presi
dent of the board. lie is a past master o
Hudson River Lodge, No. '107, Free and Ac
cepted Masons.. He married, October 19
1807, Julia B. Sterling, daughter of Charles H
Burr, of Astoria, Lung Island.
Colonel Samuel Clyde was born at Wind
ham. Rockingham county. Yew Hampshire
April ii, ij.1,2. The family of Clyde wer<
originally from the banks of that river in Scot
land, whose name they bore. They had set
tied in Ireland in the time of Cromwell and :
branch came to this country in that large emi
gration from Londonderry in Ireland, whicl
settled the town of the same name in Nev
Hampshire. They were mostly farmers. Tin
father of Colonel Clyde owned and cultivate!
a small farm on which the son labored unti
nearly twenty years of age. He wa:
well educated for a farmer's son in those times
and being of an enterprising character sough
a wider field of labor, lie first engaged it
the trade of shipbuilder and later joined it
the war in this country between England an;
France. Captain Clyde was in the disastroui
attack on Ticonderoga. In 17(11 he marriec
Catherine Wasson at Schenectady. He wa
prominent in the war of the revolution, an<
one of the small forts in the Mohawk Valle]
was named Fort Clyde in his honor. He wa:
appointed high sheriff of the county of Mont
gomery in 1785 and this office he held fo:
several years. The county seat was at John
ston, and the office of sheriff of such an ex
tensive county was one of great labor anc
responsibility. He was greatly beloved by hi:
fellow-officers and soldiers and a vacancy hav
ing happened in the office of brigadier, in th<
brigade to which his regiment was attached
he was earnestly urged by those under his im
mediate command to accept the appointment,
but he declined, giving the honor to men hold-
ing older commissions. He was from the
commencement to the close of the war chair-
man for the committee of safety for the
county, anil he was also elected a member of
the legislature from the county of Tryon.
Colonel Clyde died on his farm at Cherry Val-
ley, November 30, 1790, in his fifty-eighth
The surname, Seeger, is ( ler-
SEEGER man in origin. It is pronounced
*'Sager" in that language. The
name is well known in Germany, but it is not
what could be called a popular name. There
is also an English form of the name derived
from Segar and Seager. This name is derived
from the Anglo-Saxon word, akin to that of
German, namely, "sigora," meaning a "con-
queror," or "sigor," meaning "victorious."
In this form it was an ancient personal name
before surnames came into use, and occurs in
the Domesday Book under the forms of Segar,
Sigar and Sigarus. Another derivation of the
English name is from the northern counties,
pronunciation of or rather provincialism for
"sawyer," from the Anglo-Saxon "saga,"
meaning "a saw." In Poiton, moreover, there
is a local surname — De Segur. From this
Norman surname it is possible that the English
form or variation may be derived. Of course
it is not contended that there is any relation-
ship between the bearers of this surname.
They have in all cases come by it by chance
and there is no more connection between them,
beyond similarity of the name, than if one
had fallen into the name of Baker, and the
other had taken that of Butcher. This may be
said of nearly all occupational names. They
were assumed in an entirely independent and
arbitrary manner, and there is consequently no
sense whatever in such phrases, common
among those who try their hand at genealogy,
as "the Smith family" or the "Tanner family,"
and so on. The German Seegers were of good
social standing in the old country, and many
of them had the right to bear arms.
(J) Louis Seeger, M.D., the ancestor in Ger-
many of the Seeger family in America here
dealt with, was a practising physician in his
own country, but died early in life in the village
of Feldrennach on the borders of the Schwarz •■
wald, or Black Forest. Among his children
was John, mentioned below.
(II) John, son of Louis Seeger, M.D., was
born in the kingdom of Wurtemberg, Ger-
many, in the year 1835. and died at Newburgh,
Orange county, New York, in 1888. lie was
a cabinetmaker by trade, and he was a member
of a sharpshooter corps in Germany before
coming to the United States. He came to
America in the year i860, and he was engaged
at his trade in Goshen, and later at Newburgh,
Orange county, New York, where he became a
stair builder for Charles Volckmer. In reli-
gious faith he was a Lutheran. He married
Louise Hammer, who was born at Laufen, on
the Neckar, in the kingdom of Wurtemberg,
Germany. Children: Albert H. F., mentioned
below, and several daughters.
(III ) Albert H. F., son of John and Louise
(Hammer) Seeger, was born at Stuttgart, in
the kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, Feb-
ruary 20, 1859. He came to the United States
in April, [861, at the age of two years, with
his mother, his father having come over from
Germany six months previously. Young See-
ger and his mother made the trip from Bremen
to Baltimore, Maryland, in a sailing vessel
The ship encountered calm weather, and the
trip occupied seventy-two days. For some
time Mrs. Seeger and one of her daughters,
Catherine M. Seeger, made their home at No.
247 First street, Newburgh, Orange county.
New York, where Albert H. F. Seeger also
at one time resided.
The Seeger family first resided in Goshen,
Orange county, New York, but came to New-
burgh in 1867. Young Seeger saw the founda-
tion of the third ward grammar school (now
the South Street school) laid, living near the
site of the building, which he saw erected, and
where he afterwards attended school, starting
the first day the school was opened. After his
graduation from there he attended the New-
burgh Academy, from which he was graduated
in 1875. The same year he entered the law
office of Colonel William D. Dickey in the
Stern Building at Water and Third streets,
in Newburgh. He was clerk for Colonel
Dickey until 1886, and was admitted to the
bar. May 14, 1880. In 1886 he entered into
partnership with the late L. W. Y. McCrosk-
ery, a son of former Mayor John J. S. Mc-
Croskery. This partnership continued two
years, and after that Mr. Seeger and the late
Frank H. Cassedy became partners in the prac-
tice of the law, the partnership continuing for
six months. Since that time Judge Seeger lias
practiced alone. One of Judge Seeger's stu-
dents was Henry Kohl, a prominent and suc-
cessful lawyer of Newburgh, later its corpora-
tion counsel. Another was Addison C. Orms-
bee, a graduate of Cornell University, who
after leaving Judge Seeger's office entered into
partnership with Mr. Kohl. They practiced
law for some years together, and then Mr.
Ormsbee went to New York, where he prac-
tii ed until his death in 1908. Another student
of his was Edward J. Collins, formerly of Port
Jervis, who is a successful practicing lawyer
in Newburgh. Still another was Peter Can-
tine, a rising lawyer of the cits of Newburgh,
and at present its recorder.
Dining these years Judge Seeger did not
make specialties, but engaged in all branches
of the law. both civil and criminal, lie has
been counsel for a number of towns in i (range
county, also for Newburgh City and Town
Home and the Board of Education of the - ame
city. Judge Seeger was admitted to practice
in the district court of the United Stales and
the United States circuit court in 1886. lie
has been engaged in the trial of many impor-
tant cases, in [886 he tried the case of Town-
send versus George in the United States cir-
cuit court in New York City. This was stub-
bornly contested and he was successful in re-
covering some mining leases on the Townsend
farm, in the town of Cornwall. In 1888 the
failure of the firm of John R. Willsie & Son
occurred in Newburgh. John M. Pollock, of
the firm, had been a schoolmate of Judge
Seeger, and appealed to him for assistance,
and Judge Seeger defended him. Although
Pollock was at first convicted ami sentenced to
five years' imprisonment in Sing Sing prison,
Judge Seeger took an appeal and succeeded in
securing a reversal of judgment and the dis-
missal of several indictments against Pollock.
Since that time Judge Seeger has had numer-
ous important cases. One of his most cele-
brated cases was that of Quackenbush versus
the Hon. William P. Richardson, who was
formerly state senator from the district of
Newburgh. This was an action to recover for
alleged malicious prosecution. The plaintiff,
who was a debtor of the defendant, on account
of the illness of his wife, left the state with
her, the impression following that he had ab-
sconded. Senator Richardson, who was a res
dent of the town of Goshen, subsequently ha
Quackenbush arrested. Judge Seeger, who u
to that time had not held any public office, s<
cured the release of Quackenbush, and the
had what proved to be a clear case again;
Senator Richardson. He conducted the cas
to a speedy finish and secured a judgment fo
his client against the senator for a considerabl
amount, in fact for the largest sum ever rea
ized in a similar ease in that county up to ths
Judge Seeger has always been a Republicar
He has held elective office but twice, bavin
been chosen district attorney to succeed A. \
N. Powelson, in 1003, he having been Mi
Powelson's .assistant for seven years previousl
by appointment. While the number of cor
vieiions secured by District Attorney Seege
was large, he takes pride in the fact that h
has never procured the conviction of an innc
cent person. As district attorney he gave sue
satisfaction that he was elected county judg
in 10,00 by a large majority for a term of si:
years. He is making a fine record in the posi
Judge Seeger is a member of Hudson Rive
Lodge, No. 607, Free and Accepted Mason
( "raised" in 1895 ) ; also of Highland Chaptei
No. 52, Royal Arch Masons, and of Hudso'
River 1 iommandery, No. 3^, Knights Templai
and Mecca Temple, Ancient Arabic Orde
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He is a membe
of Bismarck Lodge, No. 420, Independen
Order of Odd Fellows (of which his fathe
was a charter member, besides being
D.D.G.M. of that Odd Fellows district)
and a member Newburgh Lodge, No. 247
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Among the other organizations in which Judg'
Seeger holds membership is the Republicai
(lull of the City of New York, the Newburgl
Mannerchor, the Newburgh Turn Verein. tin
Newburgh City Club, the Newburgh Wheel
men, the Newburgh Canoe and Boating Asso
ciation, the Ringgold Hose Company, the Nev
burgh Volunteer Firemen's Association anc
Brookside Grange, Patrons of Husbandry
Judge Seeger is one of the most genial anc
approachable of men. He is affable and plea
sant to everybody. He is not only learned ir
the law and successful, but he is a man amonf
men, whom it is a delight to know and on<
whom his fellow citizens are likely to honor
to an extent still greater than they have al-
ready done.
He married, in Newburgh, Orange county,
New York, in 1884, May E. Riker, of New-
burgh, a former resident of Chester, where she
was born. They have one son, John Albert,
who has been studying law with his father.
The original name of the Ryker (Riker)
family was Rycken. In the first crusade in
the Holy Land Hans Von Rycken, Lord of
the Manor of Rycken in Saxony, was accre-
dited the honor of being the first to establish
a perfunctory form of emancipation. His
coat-of-arms was a shield, horns, stars and
roses. As the family name was changed to
De Ryck, the insignia was changed to a heap
of bears. In 1329 Louis the Fifth, Emperor
of Germany, presented the family with a new
coat-of-arms, bearing crossed spears and a
fish. Jacob Simonez de Rycke, grandfather of
Abraham de Rycke, is accredited with being
the head of the family in America. Passing
on down to 1614, we find four brothers of
the de Ryckes in New Netherlands: Abraham,
Geysbert, Rynier, and Hendrick, bringing with
them much wealth and honor. Abraham de
Rycke was the progenitor of the family in
America ; and they assumed the name of Riker
and were the first owners of Ricker's Island.
His son, Abraham, married Elizabeth Conklin ;
their issue being John, Sophia, Abraham, Mar-
garet, Mathias, Gerardus, Maria, James,
Henry, Peter, Samuel, Tunis. Tunis was born
August 10, 1770. He married Ellen Moore.
He was commissioned as major in the United
States militia under James Madison, and
served as such in the war of the United States
and Great Britain at Mexico in the years 181 2
and 1813. At the close of that war he was
honorably discharged, then retiring with a life
pension of three hundred dollars annually.
The issue of his marriage was Abraham.
Thomas, Samuel, Anthony, Perry, lames,
Maria, Jane, Eliza, all of Spencer, New'Yorkj
where he died in 1863. His son, Abraham!
married Ellen Sackett and their issue was
Jane, Wesley, Ellen, Eliza, Jackson. Wesley
married Hannah Ackly, and their issue was
Catharine, Robert, Augustus, Wheeler and
May E., mentioned above, who married Judge
Albert H. F. Seeger.
Allan Ainsworth was
AINSWORTH born in Denton, Lan-
cashire, England, in 1841.
The Ainsworth family undoubtedly takes its
name from the chapelry Ainsworth (i. e.,
Aynes or Haynes enclosure) commonly called
Cockey Moor, situated in the parish of Mid-
dleton, Salford hundred, in the county pala-
tine of Lancaster, England. So long ago as
1639 a.d., John Ainsworth was of that ilk and
owned lands there, but "Bayne's Directory"
for 1825 gave no one of the name as an in-
habitant ; there were then no Ainsworths or
Ainsworth. The place was always small, and
the census of 1881 states its population as only
1,729 and its area as 1,309 acres. Burke's
"General Armory" gives four coats-of-arms as
those of Lancashire Ainsworths that are prob-
ably ancient, two of these differ only as to
their tincture (i. e., colors). The description
given by Burke in the technical language of
heraldry is as follows: 1. Gules, three battle
ko argent: Crest — two battle axes in saltire
proper. Motto — Courage Sans Pair. 2.
Azure, three spades argent, another within a
border. Crest — two battle axes in saltire
proper. 3. Azure, on a bend sable three cres-
cents of the first. 4. Sable, on a bend argent
three crescents of the field. In view of the
later American history of the family, these
coats-of-arms are not inappropriate; spades
are emblematic of the agricultural occupation
of the great majority of the individuals repre-
senting the name, the battle axes symbolizing
their aptness and devotion to military service.
Every war here has seen the name of Ains-
worth repeated on its muster rolls, and the
number who died in the French and Indian
war and in the revolutionary war seems out of
proportion to the number who have borne the
name. The motto, "Fearless Courage." has
evidently been sustained by the family in
Allan Ainsworth received a common school
education in Denton, and afterward learned
the manufacturing of hats as a trade. He was
a very young man when he came to this coun-
try and established himself in Yonkers, later
in Newburgh, and subsequently in Matteawan,
New York, continuing the hat manufacturing
trade. He married Delia Carey, in New
York City, about 1870; Delia Carey was born
in New York City, about 1850 There were
six children to this union : Lena, Arthur,
Edith, Ida, Walter F. and Harry. They be-
longed to the Episcopal church.
Walter Francis, fifth child of Allan and
Delia Ainsworth, was born July 31, [878, in
Newburgh, < Irange enmity, New York. He
went to public school and later to high school
in Matteawan. After graduating he entered
De Garmo Institute, and subsequently Silen-
cer's Business College, Newburgh, from
which he duated in iiS'j.S- He
was employed by the West Shore Rail-
road Company at Newburgh as a clerk
for three years: later he was transferred
to the superintendent's office, where he
remained about one year; after that he was
employed by the New York. New Haven &
Hartford Railroad Company at Fishkib
where he remained for one year. After that
he entered in the coal business for himself for
four years at Fishkill Landing. He sold out
his business and accepted a position with the
Matteawan Savings Bank as assistant treas-
urer for two years, when he came to New
York and re-entered in the coal business with
Whitney & Kemmerer, and finally entered the
firm of W. A. Marshell & Co. as secretary,
and was also secretary and treasurer of the
Lincoln Coal Company and the Maple Ridge
Coal Company. Mr. Ainsworth is owner and
operator of the Belmont Quemahoning Coal
Company. He is founding a settlement at
Acosta, Pennsylvania, near one of his proper-
ties. Mr. Ainsworth lives in New York City
He married Beatrice Martin, in New York
City, in 1892; she was (he daughter of Charles
Martin and Minnie Raynor. Mr. Martin was
a wholesale produce merchant.
There has been much specula-
ODELL tion concerning this surname,
which first appears in American
records as borne by William < >dell, who came
to New England in the early part of the sev-
enteenth century. Some genealogists give the
name an English origin. According to these
the name is said to have been variously writ-
ten in the public records of England as Wade-
helle, Wahulle, de Wahul. Wodhull, Wood-
hull, Wodell, Odell, Odill and Odle. The
parish registers of Bedfordshire, England,
show a very extensive settlement of the family
in that county and the name appears to have
undergone many variations in spelling, such
a, Wodell, Woddell, Woodell, Woddle, Odil
( )dell and ( >dle. The seat of the familie
bearing these variegated surnames was origir
ally the ancient castle and barony of Wahul
also called Wodhull, Woodhull, Woodhil
etc. This place is now described as Odell o
the maps of the county, this being a late
orthography. In the parish registers of Ther
ford. Northamptonshire, and Mollington, Os
fordshire, the common spelling of the nam
is Wodhull and Woodhull; in Mollingto
Church, however, is a tomb to the memory 0
.Mr.. Elizabeth (Merse) Woodhull, late wif
of Richard Woodhull, of Mollington. I
America the families of Woodhull have nc
traced any relationship, though Richar
Woodhull, born about 1(120, who is considere
the progenitor of most of the Woodhulls i
this country, was sometimes described on th
public records as Richard < ►dell, and Williai
< Idell, ]r., of Rye, New York, signed as Wi
Ham Woodhull in 1668.
The 0 ' 'dells of Ireland are a we
n Milesian family of the race of Hebe:
a brail' b of the family of Ring or O'Villrii
The surname is derived from Dall ( "dall" i
Gaelic meaning "blind"), the christian nam
of a military- commander who is the hundre
and second on the O'Villrin or Ring pedigrei
It has been variously anglicised O'Dalh
• I'] >ell, » >dell and Dale.' The family is of di;
tinguished ancestry, Dall, win.' appears t
have been present at the battle of Clontar
( 1014 .\. o.l, having been a descendant in th
fourteenth generation of Daire Cearb
brother of Lughaidh, son of < )lioll Flann-bea<
king of Minister for thirty years, and greal
grandson of the celebrated Olioll Glum, kin
of both Ministers in the third century, frot
whom were descended all the Heberian nobi'
ity and gentry of Thomond and Desmond.
(I) William Odell, the founder and fir;
immigrant ancestor of the Odell family her
dealt with, was born either in Britain or In
land, died in Fairfield, Connecticut, in \6jt
He came to New England in the early part 0
the seventeenth century, and he is first trace
at Concord, Massachusetts, where his nam
appears in the town records as early as 163c
lie removed to Fairfield, Connecticut, abov
1644, and became the owner of a large estat<
His name appears there in the probate record
with the comparatively rare prefix of "Mr.,
W. &. *yfai4wartA
which in those early days was a distinctive
md honorable title. His will, recorded at
Fairfield, Connecticut, and dated June 6, 1676,
nentions his sons William and John, his
laughter Rebecca, who had married Thomas
VIoorehouse, his daughter-in-law, Mary
Ddell, and others. In this will he bequeathed
ands in Concord and Fairfield and makes
lis son, John Odell, and his son-in-law, Sam-
iel Moorehouse, his executors. William
Ddell married before coming to America, it
s thought, but the name of his wife has re-
named unknown. There is no trace of Airs.
Ddell's residence in Concord, the first book
)f the records of that town having been lost.
n the early records of Boston, however, may
<ie found "A Register of the births and burials
n Concord for the years 1639 until the first
nonth of [644, according to Or account." In
his register are the following entries :
'James the sonne of William Odle was born
he 2 of the 11 month 1639, and was buried
. ( J 1 1 641 ." "Rebecca, the daughter of Wil-
iam Odle was borne the 17 (5) 1642." It is
upposed that Mrs. Odell died before 1044,
he year of her husband's removal to Fair-
ield, Connecticut, as the records of the town
nake no mention of her name, nor does Mr.
Ddell's will, made in 1676, refer to her. Chil-
lren : William, mentioned below ; James,
>orn in 1639, died in 1641 ; John, married
\bigail Walker ; Rebecca, married Thomas
(II) William (2), eldest son of William
i 1 ( 'dell, was born about 1634, died about
700 at Rye. New York. In 1659 he pur-
hased land in Fairfield from Thomas Moore-
louse, and in 1668, when he appears to have
>een residing at Rye, he signed a petition as
^William Woodhull." such a name appearing
m the record and considered to have been
igned by him. In 1681 he owned about four
mndred acres in Fairfield, and in 1^84 he
:ave a deed of land in Rye. New York, to his
on Samuel. There is also a record of his
giving a deed of land to his eldest son, John
)dell, in 1693. He married a daughter of
\lchard Yowles, Esq., of Rye, New York,
vho was of Fairfield, in 1650. and was a Free-
nan in 1662. Children: 1. John, mentioned
lelow. 2. Samuel, who lived at Rye, New
fork, and in 1700, gave Abraham Smith a
leed of land which formerly belonged to his
ather. 3. Jonathan, who was of White Plains
in 1697 and signed the oath of allegiance to
King William. 4. Sarah, married, in 1686,
John Archer, Esq., lord of the manor of Ford-
hani. New York, and had issue. 5. Hackahal,
who is mentioned in Rye town records as wit-
nessing Robert Bloomer's deed. 6. Isaac, lived
at Eastchester, New York, and gave to Misses
Hoit a deed of land in Eastchester. 7.
Stephen, who is said to have removed to
Dutchess county, New York. 8. Michael, who
is said to have married one Bussing.
(Ill) John, eldest son of William (2) and
(Yowles) Odell, was probably burn at
Fairfield, Connecticut, died at Fordham, New
York. There is a record of his signing as a
witness in 1683, and in 1706 he sold to George
Kniffen, of Rye, New York, his interest in
the undivided lands "below the marked trees
which belong to the eighteenth," being a thirty-
sixth part of the land which belonged to his
deceased father, William I >dell. He married
Joanna Turner, who in 1688 was mentioned
as Hannah, wife of John Odle, in an account
of the attempt of Nicholas Bayard to take pos-
session of the Dutch church of New York.
Lawrence Turner was the founder of this
family in Westchester county ; his estate was
administered by his widow Martha and her
children in 1688. Children: 1. Johannes,
mentioned below. 2. Michael, of whom no
trace has been found beyond the mention of
his name as an executor of the will of Johan-
nes Odell, of Fordham, New York, in which
instrument he is called by the testator "My
brother, Michael Odell."
(IY) Joannes, eldest son of John and
Joanna (Turner) Odell, was born probably at
Rye. New York, and died about 1738. He
lived at Fordham Manor, New York. His
will in New York City dated September 25,
I735, a°d proved July 27, 1738, mentions his
"honored father" John Odell, and appoints
his wife, his brother Michael, and his son John
as executors. He married Joanna, daughter
of Joannes and Altien (Waldron) Vermelje
(Vermilye) of Harlem. Joannes Yermelje
was in 1670 magistrate and in 1689 member of
the committee of safety and of Leisler's coun-
cil. Isaac Vermeille, the founder of the fam-
ily in this country, was the son of Jean and
Marie (Roubley) Yermeille, who were among
the Walloon refugees in London in the latter
part of the sixteenth century. Children of
Mr. and Mrs. Odell: 1. Tohn, married Anne,
daughter of Benjamin and Mary Benson, of
Harlem. 2. Isaac, married Lena Devaux and
had three sons: Isaac, who served in the revo-
lutionary war; John, Jonathan. 3. Abraham,
born April 22, 1725, died 1819; married Re-
becca, daughter of Joseph and Jannetje ( Kier-
sen) Dyckman. 4. Jonathan, mentioned be-
low. 5. I lannah. 6. Altien.
( V ) Jonathan, son of Joannes and Joanna
(Vermilye) Odell, was born Decembei
1730, died September 23, 1818, at Tarrytown,
New York, being buried in Sleep}' Hollow
cemetery in that neighborhood, tie lived at
Tarrytown, New York, and owned a large
estate in Westchester county. New York. He
served in the revolutionary war and was im-
prisoned by the British for loyalty to the
American cause. His will is dated May 29,
[812, and mentions his sons and daughters.
He married Margaret, daughter of Jacob and
Jannetie (Kiersen) Dyckman. She was born
in 173(1, died March 20, 1783, granddaughter
of Jan Dyckman, the founder of the family,
who came from Bentheim, Westphalia, and
was a landholder in Harlem as early as [666
Children: 1. Jacob, born February 26, 1752,
died October 15, 1798; married Hannah,
daughter of Jasper and Auly Stymus, of
Greenburg, New York. 2. Lieutenant John.
bom ( Vtobcr 25, [756, died < tctober 26, 1835 ;
was an officer in Colonel Morris Graham's
regiment and mounted guide to the American
army during the war of the revolution; mar-
ried Hannah, daughter of John and Ann Mac-
Chain, of Cortlandt, Westchester county,
New York. 3. Abraham, born January 4.
1760, died February 26, 1820; married Anne,
daughter of Cornelis and Rachel (Horton)
Mandeville, of Cortlandt Manor, New York;
he served in the American army in Colonel
Van Bergen's regiment during the war of the
revolution. 4. William, mentioned below
( VI ) William, youngest son of Jonathan and
Margaret (Dyckman) Odell, was born in New
December iS, 1762, died at Kendall,
( )rleans county, New York, February 14,
1856. He served in Colonel Van Bergen's
regiment during the war of the revolution and
later held a colonel's commission in a West-
chester county regiment. In 1812 he was
named in his father's will with a bequest of
an estate called the Homestead. He was for
some years proprietor of the Bull's Head
Tavern. Tn 1835 he settled at Kendall.
• Irleans county, New York, buying a tract of
land for the purpose of improving it. He
married Johanna, born December 30, 1769,
daughter of Daniel S. and Rebecca (Brown)
Willsea, of Greenburg. Children: 1. Isaac,
mentioned below. 2. Abram, who settled in
Little Britain, near New Windsor, Orange
county, New York.
(VII) Isaac, eldest son of William and
Johanna (Willsea) Odell, was born in New
York City, about 1799, died at Newburgh,
Orange county, New York. He went with his
father to (irleans county, New York
and afterwards settled in Little Britain, near
New Windsor, Orange county, New York,
where they settled on the De Witt Clinton
farm. He married Mary Ann Barker, born
in Westchester county, New York, died in
New York City at the age of eighty-one.
Children: 1. Benjamin, mentioned below. 2.
Caleb, born at New Windsor, Orange county,
New York, June 28, 1827, died on Thanks-
giving Day. 1881.
1 \ III) Benjamin, eldest son of Isaac and
Mary Ann ( Barker) Odell, was born at New
Windsor, Orange county, New York, Septem-
ber to, 1825, in the same house in which
Governor Clinton was born. He attendee
school as a boy, and at the age of fifteer
was bound out to Abram Weller of th<
town of Montgomery, as a farm hand. He
remained with Mr. Weller three years, and ir
the meantime attended school part of the tim<
at the Clineman school house, near Walden
Mr < >dell went to Newburgh in 1843 and en-
tered the employ of Benjamin W. Wan Nort
with whom he remained four years, when h<
began business for himself. In 1863 he bougl
from J. R. Dickson the Muchattoes Lake ic(
property. In 1886 he organized the Muchal
toes Lake Ice Company, of which he is stil
president. He was a trustee of the formet
village of Newburgh and has been an alder-
man in the third ward of Newburgh and :
supervisor of New Windsor. He was sherifl
of Orange county in 1880-83, and has servec
six terms of two years each as mayor of New-
burgh. He has alwavs faithfully fulfillec
every trust reposed in him. He is a stauncl
Republican, and has been ever since the open
ing of the rebellion in 1861. He has alway:
been a farseeing and capable politician. Ai
regards religion Mr. Odell belongs to thi
American Reformed church, of which he i
an elder. He married, in 1850, Ophelia,
{daughter of Hiram Bookstaver, of Newburgh,
New York. Children: 1. Benjamin B., men-
tioned below. 2. Hiram B., mentioned below.
3. George C. D. 4. Clara. 5. Ophelia.
(IX) Benjamin B., eldest son of Benjamin
and Ophelia (Bookstaver) Odell, was born at
Newburgh, Orange county, New York, Janu-
ary 14, 1854. He was educated in the public
schools of Newburgh and at Bethany College,
West Virginia. From 1873 to 1875 he was a
student at Columbia College. He engaged for
a number of years in banking, electric light-
ing and other commercial enterprises in New-
burgh with his father. He was a member of
the Republican State committee from 1884 to
1900, and chairman of the Republican state
executive committee from 1898 to 1900. He
was a member of congress from the seven-
teenth district of New York from 1895 to
1899, but declined renomination. He earned
considerable distinction as governor of New
York from 1901 to 1905. He married (first)
in 1877, Estelle Crist, who died in 1888; (sec-
ond) in 1891, Mrs. Linda (Crist) Traphagen,
widow of Mr. Traphagen, and sister of the
first Mrs. Odell.
(IX) Hiram B., second son of Benjamin
and Ophelia (Bookstaver) Odell, was born in
Newburgh, < (range county, New York, Au-
gust 21, 1856. He was educated in the public
schools of his native city. Soon after leaving
school in 1871 he began work with his father
in the ice business, the elder Odell being presi-
dent of the Muchattoes Lake Ice Company.
He has remained in that business and has long
been an officer in the company. In 1880 he
was appointed under sheriff in charge of the
Goshen court house and jail by his father, who
had been elected sheriff of Orange county the
previous November. He served in that office
during a term of three years and his work
gave general satisfaction. On March 7, 1893,
Mr. Odell was elected alderman in the New-
burgh common council to represent the third
ward. He served in that office one term of
two years and declined re-election. The next
office held by Mr. Odell was that of postmas-
ter of Newburgh, in which he served his third
term of four years. He was first appointed
in March, 1900, by President McKinley and
was reappointed by President Roosevelt in
1904 and again in 1908. Mr. Odell, it is said
locally, has made an admirable postmas-
ter and there have been many improve-
ments made in the postal system of the
city since he began to hold the position.
He has been connected with the fire
department for seven years, and was secre-
tary of the Ringgold Hose Company sev-
eral years. He was a charter member of Com-
pany E, Seventeenth Battalion (now the
Tenth Separate Company) in 1878. He was
appointed first corporal by Captain Joseph M.
Dickey, and took rank as second lieutenant,
February 8, 1884, and as first lieutenant, May
22, 1885. He served seven years in the Na-
tional Guard, and left the company August 10,
1886. He married, in April, 1886, Edith,
daughter of James Ashley and Catherine
Booth, of Wilbur, a suburb of Kingston,
Ulster county, New York. Children : Mil-
dred, Edith, Hiram B., Jr.
(VIII) Caleb Odell, second son
ODELL of Isaac (q. v.) and Mary Ann
(Barker) Odell, was born at New
Windsor, Orange county, New York, June 28,
1827, and died on Thanksgiving Day in 1881,
at Newburg, Orange county, New York. He
attended the district schools in the vicinity of
New Windsor and later in life settled in New
burg, where, with his brother, Benjamin B.
Odell, he conducted a restaurant. Later he
was proprietor of the old Van Ort House,
one of the leading hotels of that day. He
managed the Van Ort Hotel for a number of
years, and when it was torn down he engaged
again in the restaurant business, though he did
not continue very long in this second venture.
He was a very genial man and his jovial
character and conversation had much to do
with his success in his catering business. Gay
as he was he retained a firm belief in the value
of practical religion and was a regular at-
tendant with his family at the Old Dutch
church. He married, June 25, 1849, Jane,
daughter of Joseph and Ann (Dunning) Cas-
telline (see Castelline VI). Children: Mary
Ann. who married William Ernest ; George
W. ; Ophelia, who died in infancy ; Caleb ; Wil-
liam ; Adelaide, who married William Corn-
wall; Katherine, who married H. E. Limmer;
Laura V., mentioned below ; Harriet E., who
married (first) Clarence Whitehill, and (sec-
ond) Dr. J. L. Rathburn ; and Cora, who died
in infancy.
i 1a i Laura V., daughter of Caleb and Jane
(LastellineJ Odell, was burn in Newburg,
< (range county, New York. She married, No-
vember 23, 1898, Samuel L. Carlisle, who was
born at Newburg, Orange county, New York,
June 30, 1832, and died at Newburgh, Novem-
ber i), [911. Beginning life in Newburgh in
obscurity, he died one of the most honored
citizens of the district, having been a represen-
tative in the stale legislature, where lie served
on important committees during the term of
1W4-5. Air. Carlisle's early education was
seemed in public schools and while attending
school he was employed as a newsboy by
Stephen Hoyt. After leaving school he started
a brush factory ami later went to New York
City to learn the dry goods business, but left
it to enter the service of the Singer Sewing
Machine Company, at their works in Brook
lyn, Xew York. lie entered the establish-
ment a:- an office boy, worked through the sev-
eral grades to that of buyer, and then became
a stockholder and director, holding a position
on the board of directors at the time of his
After becoming associated with the Singer
( ompany in an official capacity Mr. Carlisle
organized in Brooklyn what was fur years
Known the country round as the "Carlisle Bat-
tery," an organization used exclusively for
political purposes. After Mr. Carlisle went to
Newburg tn live a retired life in 1881, the
■. was reorganized and is now known as
the "Francis William Battery." In [884 when
the Blaine and Logan campaign was on Mr.
Carlisle entered tlie political held locally, and
one of the largest demonstrations ever given
in the district was brought about at his sug-
gestion and with his assistance. This was the
occasion of visits from chilis representing all
river cities and towns. The closing years oi
Mr. Carlisle's life were somewhat over-
shadowed by illness. He was a member of
Newburg Lodge, No. 308, Free and Accepted
Masons, and of Hudson River Commandery,
No. 35, Knights Templar. Mr. Samuel Lud-
low Carlisle, by hi-, first marriage, had one son,
William, who died in December, 1010. Wil-
liam married Anna P. Daly, of Brooklyn, and
had three children: Avrill, who has been pri-
on of Mr. William Randolph
. the newspaper proprietor; Samuel Car-
lisle, who i- with the Remington Typewriter
Company, and Emilie, who married Martin C.
Stewart, professor of Cerman at Uni
( The Castelline Line. )
The name Castelline is manifestly Latin
origin, and particularly French. In Ameri
it has appeared in various forms, the chief 1
ing the ordinary and probably correct form
Castelline, and the still prevalent form of C;
terline, which is simply an anglicised form
the other. The tradition is that the fam
arrived on the coast of New Jersey fn
France at an early period in the seventeer
century. The name Castelline has referer
to some castle or stronghold apparently cc
nected wdth the original family. This was
very common form for French or Norm
names to assume, surnames in France bei
usually taken from the appellation of soi
town or territory or district or feature of t
landscape, more particularly in the case
families having pretensions to wealth a
social position.
( I ) Francis Castelline or Casterline, 1
founder of the family in America bearing 1
name and its variations, was born in Fran
probably about 1672, and died at Rockaw;
Morris county, New Jersey, December
1 71 18, aged ninety-six. According to the tra
tion handed down in the family he arm
in New Jersey from France and settled n<
Union or Franklin in that state, about 1
year [690. His son Francis is said to h«
been a mere babe at the time and had to
carried in his mother's arms. There is
record as to the name of the mother. Fran
was probably a farmer and he seems to hi
owned some land in the place where he s
tied, near Rockaway, Morris county, N
(II) Francis (2), son of Francis (1) C
telline, was probably born in France abi
1 and died in 1796 at Rockaway. Mor
county, New Jersey, at the age of one hundi
and six. He married three times and 1
twenty-six children. The records as far
known give: Abraham. Amariah, Jac
Step!. en, Benjamin, Samuel, Franci . Phe
fames, and Joseph, mentioned below.
( III ) Joseph, son of Francis (2) Castelli
was born at Rockaway, Morris county, N
Jersey, June 10. 1736, and died at the sa
place April 18, 1832. He lived at Rockaw
and was a farmer. He married (first) M
16, 1772, Susannah Lyon, by whom he r
eleven children; and he married (second)
Penniah Searing, March 24, 1799 ; by this
marriage he had ten children. Children: 1.
Daniel, mentioned below. 2. Sarah. 3. Susan,
who married Stephen Freeman. 4. Hannah,
who married (first) one Tompkins, (second)
one Harris. 5. Phebe. 6. Huldah. 7. Simeon,
who died March 14, 1888, married (first) Re-
becca Duly, of Minkey, (second) Eveline
Atno of Succasunna, and (third) Susan
Sharf of Madison, born September 25, 1799,
died April 1, 1879. 8. Jane, died July 7, 1875 ;
married ! first ) Hiram Henry Baxter, August
2, 1822, and had two children, one of whom
died young, and the other, William Henry,
born June 10, 1825, died in California; mar
ried (second) a Mr. Harrison of Caldwell.
Penniah Searing, the second wife of Joseph
Castelline, was the daughter of William and
Penniah ( Burnett ) Searing, the seventh
daughter of a seventh daughter, and was pos-
sessed, according to the belief of some, of
great healing powers by the "laying on of
i hands."
((IV) Daniel, son of Joseph and Susannah
(Lyon) Castelline, was born at Rockaway.
Morris county, New Jersey, in 1774. He mar-
ried a lady whose first name was Elizabeth,
but whose maiden surname remains unknown.
They had several children, but the records
contain the name of only one of them. There
(is no means of surmising the probable date
Df the death of Daniel or his wife, or of any
special incidents in their lives.
(V) Joseph, son of Daniel and Elizabeth
Castelline. was born in Rockaway, Morris
:ounty, New Jersey, May 26, 1798, and died
it Dover, November 26, 1852, being buried
in Berkshire Valley. He settled fn Orange
xmnty, New York, and married Ann Dunning.
Dne of their children was Jane, mentioned
(VI) Jane, daughter of Joseph and Ann
(Dunning) Castelline, was born November
[9, 1827, and died February 11, 1903, at New-
)urg. Orange county, New York. She mar-
ked. Tune 25, 1840, Caleb Odell. son of Isaac
ind Marv Ann (Barker) Odell, (see Odel!
It is claimed that the surname
HOPPER Hopper is of French origin and
was originally spelled Hoppe.
There are in America three distinct Hopper
families. One is of Irish descent, another
came from the county of Durham, England,
and the third, by far the most numerous, is
of Dutch ancestry. The immigrant ancestor
of the Holland Hoppers was Andries Hopper,
and the New Jersey and New York Hoppers
are descended from him. Members of the
family have represented their districts in the
legislature, others have worn the judicial
ermine with dignity and respectability, still
others have held from time to time county and
township offices, and some have become fam-
ous as physicians, clergymen, lawyers, mayors
of cities, publicists, mechanics, sailors, soldiers
and agriculturists.
( I ) Andries Hopper came from Amster-
dam, Holland, in 1652, accompanied by his
wife and two or three children, and settled in
New Amsterdam (now New York City). In
1657 he. was granted the privileges of a small
burgher. He acquired considerable property
but did not live long to enjoy it, as he died in
1659. He had entered into an agreement with
one Jacob Stol to purchase the Bronx lands.
but owing to the death of both, the trans-
action was not completed. The maiden name
of his wife was Giertie Hendricks, and she
bore him several children. Those born in
America were: 1. William. 1654; 2. Hendrick,
mentioned below. 3. Matthew Adolphus.
(N. B. The Hoppers of Saddle River, Ridge-
wood and Midland townships, Bergen countv.
are all descended from these brothers.) In
1660 Andries Hopper's widow married (sec-
ond) Dirck Gerritsen Van Tricht, thereby
securing to each of her three children the sum
of two hundred guilders.
(II) Hendrick, second son of Andries and
Giertie (Hendricks) Hopper, was born in New
Amsterdam, New Netherland, in 1656, re-
moved to Bergen, East Jersey, with his
parents in 1680, and was married, March 14,
1680, in the Dutch church in New Nether-
lands, to Maria Johns Van Barkum (or
Maria Jans, as the name is written in the mar-
riage record). They removed to Hackensack,
North Bergen, in 1687. Children: 1. Andrew,
born 168 1 ; married, July, 1707, Abigail Ack-
erman and had three daughters. 2. Johannes,
born 1682; married, July, 1707, Rachel Ter-
hune. 3. William, born 1684. 4. Catherine,
1685. 5. Garret, mentioned below. 6. Ger-
trude, 1699. 7. Lea.
(III) Garret, fourth son of Hendrick and
Maria (Jans Van Barkum) Hopper, was bap-
tized December 25, 1696, in Hackensack, New
Jersey, and was an elder of the church there
in 1748 and 1758. He married (first) about
1725, Catherine Kejoyne, who left one son,
Jacob < i., mentioned below. He married
(second) in Hackensack, October 31, 1741,
Hendrickjen Terhuen, both described as resi-
dents of Paramus. A careful search of the
church records of New York, Hackensack,
Schraalenburg and Tappan, discovers record
of only two children of this marriage, namely .
Andries, baptized November 19, 1742, and
Lidea, August 5, 1744, at Hackensack. There
were undoubtedly several others, not recorded
in any of the records just mentioned.
(IV) Jacob Garretson, only son of Garret
and Catherine (Kejoyne) Hopper, was born
in 1727, on his father's farm near Saddle
River, and died in 1815. He married, at
Hackensack, September 22, 1750, Cornelia
Ackerman. The following children are men-
tioned in his will: Catrina, Cornelius, Garret,
Elizabeth, Henry and John J. Four of these
are recorded as baptized in Hackensack. It
is presumable that his eldest son, Jacob, left
home in early life and so was not named in
the will.
(V) Jacob, son of Jacob Garretson Hopper,
born about 1768, resided in New York City,
where his children were born. He married,
in 1795, Lydia Manwaring, born March 31,
1768, daughter of John and Lydia (Plumb)
Manwaring, of New London, Connecticut.
Their children, born in New York, were: Ja-
cob Mulford, March 7, 1797; James Manwar-
ing, mentioned below ; Lydia Ann, June 4,
1804; Daniel Manwaring, March 10, 1807.
Lydia Plumb was born June 10, 1732, and was
married at New London, February 4, 1762,
to John Manwaring. She was descended from
Tohn Plumb, of county Essex, England (see
Plumb VIII).
(VI) James Manwaring, second son of
Jacob and Lydia ( Manwaring) Hopper, was
born March 26, 1798, in New York, where
he resided. He superintended the loading and
unloading of ships along the North river docks
in New York City. He was a member of the
Dutch Reformed church, and lived to see the
organization of the Republican party, which
he supported to the time of his death. He
married, September 5, 1820, Mary Faulkner,
a native of New York City, and they had
children : Jacob Manwaring, born July
1822, died May 17, 1890; George Faulki
April 26, 1824; Mary Faulkner, January
1826; Eliza Parker, May 17, 1828; Jai
Alexander, mentioned below.
(VII) James Alexander, third son of Jai
M. and Mary (Faulkner) Hopper, was b
July 17, 1831, in New York City, and c
December 11, 1900, in San Francisco, C
fornia. He became a brass turner, locksn
and gunsmith, and was highly skilled a
mechanic. In 1855-56 he was engaged on
famous "Hobb's Lock," which was sent
London in 1856 and successfully competec
the great World's Fair. His employers w
Day & Newell, who finally secured a nun
of contracts. Following this Mr. Hopper
his family sailed from Boston, Massachus<
in 1859, to Honolulu, via Cape Horn,
voyage taking one hundred and fourteen d;
where he established a brass and macl
foundry and began manufacturing wha
guns and general ship work. After the
of the Arctic licet he turned his attentior
the production of sugar and rice milling
chinery and was very successful in that lini
industry. Me invested in rice fields and p
tations, and by his thrift and energy built
a successful business as a rice merchant,
political principles he was a Republican.
married, ( >ctober 4, 1853, in New York C
Ellen Lewers, born April 12, 1832, in >
York, died August 5, 1910, in San Franci
Children: I. William Lewers, mentioned
low. 2. Mary Jane, born August 9, 1859, n
ried Elisha Wells Peterson and had childi
Margaret Lewers, James Hopper, Dorc
Faulkner, Ernest Wells and Lewers CI;
3. Margaret Lewers, born December 19, ii
in Honolulu, resides in Honolulu; unmarr
4 Ellen Reaney. born February 3, 1873
Honolulu ; married Willard Elias Brown
had children : Willard Everett and Winii
(VIII) William Lewers, eldest child
James A. and Ellen (Lewers) Hopper, j
born February 20, 1856, at his parents' r
dence on Elizabeth street, New York C
and was a small child when his parents loc£
in Honolulu. There he continued under
instruction of public tutors until 1869, w
he entered in the Oahu College at Honol
and remained until 1871. Following this
was a student in grammar school num
ithirty-five of New York City, and passed a
Isuccessful examination in 1872 for entry in
(the College of the City of New York. He
then pursued a course in Bryant, Stratton &
jClark's Business College, of Brooklyn, grad-
uating April 18, 1873, receiving a diploma as
an accountant. Upon leaving school he went
to Honolulu and was employed in his father's
business as a clerk of the machine shop and
foundry. He was admitted into partnership
with his father in the rice business, and con-
tinued actively engaged in this business until
1 1907, when it was discontinued. He is now
president of the James Alexander Hopper Es-
[tate, Limited, and is chiefly engaged in the
[care of his properties. Politically, he has al-
ways been a Republican, but has never sought
any connection with public affairs. He is a
member of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' As-
! He married, September 14, 1882, in Os-
borne, Osborne county, Kansas, May Temple-
ton, born September 16, 1862, in West Middle-
[ton, Washington county, Pennsylvania. Chil-
dren: 1. Elizabeth Templeton, born Decem-
ber 25, 1883, graduated at Washington ( D.
C. ) Seminary in May, 1904. 2. Katherine
Matthews, October 6, 1886, graduated at < »ahu
[College, Honolulu ; became the wife of Chester
Gilbert Livingston and is the mother of one
child, William Hopper. 3. Mary Ellen, April
24, 1888, died two weeks old. 4 Alice Lewers,
June 20, 1890.
(The Plumb Line.)
1 The origin of the surname Plumb (Plume,
'Plumbe and its other variations) is unknown,
put it was in use in England among the earliest
(family names. The American family of Plumb
ris descended from the English family of
(county Essex. There are numerous coats-of-
jarms of this family, but that to which the
lEssex branch has claim is described : Ermine
>a bend vaire or and gules cottised vert. Crest:
[Out of a ducal coronet or a plume of ostrich
feathers argent. The name of Robertus
Plunime appears in the Great Roll of Nor-
mandy, in A. D. 1 180; also Robert Plome
John Plume was in Hertfordshire in 1240,
and in 1274 the surname is found in Somerset-
1 shire, Cambridge and Norfolk. One branch
of the Connecticut Plumbs traces its ancestry
'direct to John Plumb, or Plume, of Toppes-
field, county Essex, England, born about 1505 ;
of this line, John Plumb, of Wethersfield,
was the immigrant and progenitor of a widely
dispersed line.
(I) John Plumb, of Terling, county Essex,
was born about 15 10, and was doubtless closely
related to the other John. He married Johana
, and he was buried January 25, 1548-49.
Children: Elizabeth; Jane, baptized February
23, 1538-39; Margaret, baptized May 18, 1540;
Philip, May 4, 1542; Johana, May 22, 1543;
Thomasin, April\i. 1545; George, mentioned
(II) George, son of John Plumb, was bap-
tized at Terling, April 2^, 1547; was buried
there October 11, 1586, aged thirty-nine years,
five months and eighteen days. The names of
his children are not known, but there is good
reason to believe that he and his sons lived at
Inworth, the register of which is lost.
(IV) George Plumb (or Plume), grandson,
it appears to be proved, of George Plumb,
was born about 1607. His will, dated July
25, 1667, bequeathing to wife Grace and sons
John and Timothy, was proved July 18, 1670,
and shows that he was father of Timothy, of
Hartford and Wethersfield, and of John, men-
tioned below. He had a second wife Sarah,
who proved the will. George was buried in
June, 1670, at Inworth, Essex, England,
where he lived.
(V) John (2), son of George Plumb, was
born in Essex, England, in 1634, and died
about 1696. He deposed at Hartford, Con-
necticut, July 11, 1666, that he was about
thirty-two years old. He lived many years
at Hartford, but moved to New London,
Connecticut ; was constable there in 1680 and
also inn-holder there. His wife joined the
church in 1691. He was a shipowner and
master and owned the ketch "Hartford." His
wife was fined for selling liquor to the
Indians. He was a bearer of dispatches from
New London to the governor at Hartford,
in January, 1675-76, in King Philip's war, and
was afterward granted land for service in this
war. He was given power of attorney, when
he was of Hartford, to collect debts at Charles-
town, Massachusetts, for creditors in England,
and was named a son of George Plumb, of
Inworth, Essex. He married Elizabeth
Green. Children : John, mentioned below ;
Samuel, born about 1670; Joseph, about 1671 ;
Green, about 1673; Mercy, 1677; George,
1679; Sarah, 1682.
(VI) John (3), eldest son of John (2) and
Elizabeth (Green) Plumb, was born about
[666, and resided in New London, where he
died in the latter part of the year 1732, his
will being proved December 4, of that year.
With his wife he joined the New London
church in 1693, was judge of the county
court in 1710-12, and had long been probate
judge at the time of his death. He married,
December 13, 1689, Elizabeth Hempstead,
who died in September, 1733. Children: Eliza-
beth, burn February 27, 1691 ; John, Novembei
21, 1692; Abigail, January 1. 1695; Joshua,
August 3, 1697; Sarah, Decembei 22, [699;
Peter, mentioned below; Lydia, April 24,
1703; Hannah, July 10, 1705; Daniel, June
12, [708; Patience, March 4. 1710; Llisha,
March 10, 171 2.
(VII) J'eter, third son of John (3) and
Elizabeth (Hempstead) Plumb, was born De-
cember 26, 1701, in New London, and there
resided, where the inventory of bis estate was
made, February 21, 1749. In 1732 he was
associated with others in forming a stock com-
pany to engage in trade by sea. He married,
about 1729, Hannah Morgan, born December
17, 1706, daughter of Captain John (2) and
Ruth ( Shapley ) Morgan, of New London
(see Morgan IV). Children: Lucretia ; Ly-
dia, mentioned below; Peter, born about 1733-
34; (been, about 1735-36.
(VIII) Lydia, second daughter of Peter
and Hannah (Morgan) Plumb, became the
wife of John Manwaring. Their daughter,
Lydia, married [acob Hopper (see Hopper
(The Morgan Line.)
( J ) James Morgan, immigrant ancestor.
was born in Wales, probably at Llandaif,
Glamorgan county, but the family appears to
have removed to Bristol, England, before
1030. The name of his father is unknown,
but there is some traditionary evidence that it
was William. In March, 1636, he and two
younger brothers, John and Mdes, sailed from
Bristol and arrived in Boston, Massachusetts,
in April. John Morgan, who appears to have
been a High churchman, soon left Boston for
the more congenial society of Virginia. Miles
Morgan settled in Springfield. James Mor-
gan settled at Roxbury before 1640 and lived
there for ten years or more. He was admitted
a freeman May 10, 1643. Early in 1650 he
was granted land at Pequot, later called New
London, Connecticut, and soon occupied by
him as a homestead, on the path to New street
(now Ashcraft street), near the present third
burial ground in the western suburbs of the
present city. He continued to occupy this
homestead on the path to New street, or Cape
Ann Lane (as it was called, in honor of the
Cape Ann Company, who chiefly settled there)
until about March, 1657. He sold his home-
stead, however, in December, 1656, and re-
moved with others across the river to sites
granted them in the present town of Groton.
That town and Ledyard, set off in 1836, have
been the places of residence of his descendants
to the present time. He was a large owner
and dealer in land and distinguished in public
enterprises; he was often employed by the
public in land surveys, establishing highways,
determining boundaries, adjusting civil diffi-
culties as a magistrate, and ecclesiastical diffi-
culties as a good neighbor and Christian. He
was one of the townsmen, or selectmen, of
New London, and one of the first deputies to
the general court at Hartford ( May, [657 ) and
was nine times afterward elected a deputy.
In [66] lie was one of a committee to seat
the meeting house, a difficult task, because the
seating determined the social standing of all
the people. The spot where be built his house
in Groton in [657 and ever afterward resided,
and where be died, is a few rods southeast
of tlie Elijah S. Morgan house, three miles
from the Groton ferry, on the road to Po-
quonoc bridge, and this homestead has de-
scended down to the present generation by in-
, ice. He died in 1685, aged seventy-eighj
years, and his estate was soon after divided
among his four surviving children.
He married, August 6, 1640, Margery Hill,
of Roxbury. Children, born in Roxbury, ex-
cept perhaps the youngest: 1. Hannah, born
May [8, 1642; married, November 20, 1660,
Henehiam Royce. 2. James, March 3, 1644;
married, in November, 1666, Mary Vine. 3.
John, mentioned below. 4. Joseph, Novem-
ber 29, 1646. 5. Abraham, September 3, 1648,
died August, 1649. 6. Daughter, November
17, 1650, died young.
(II) Captain John Morgan, son of James
Morgan, was born March 30, 1645. He was
a prominent man and served as Indian com-
missioner or advisor. He was deputy to the
general court from New London in 1689-90,
and from Preston in 1693-94. He removed
to Preston about 1692. His will was dated
August 23, 1711, proved February 12, 1712.
The probate of the will was appealed from,
as he made no mention of his son Joseph, who
appeared as a party in the proceedings. He
married (first) November 16, 1665, Rachel,
daughter of John Dymond. He married (sec-
ond) Elizabeth (Jones) Williams, widow,
daughter of Lieutenant Governor William
Jones, of New Haven, and granddaughter of
Governor Theophilus Eaton. Children ot
first wife : John, mentioned below ; Samuel,
born September 9, 1669; Isaac, October 24.
1670; Hannah, January 8, 1674; Mercy, May.
1675; Sarah, April 13, 1678; James, about
1680. Children of second wife: Elizabeth,
born about 1690, died young; William, 1693;
Rachel, baptized April 19, 1697; Audrea, bap-
tized same day ; Margery, baptized July 9,
1699; Joseph, April 27, 1701 ; Theophilus.
May 16, 1703; Mary, married John Norton.
(III) Captain John (2) Morgan, eldest son
of Captain John (1) and Rachel (Dymond)
Morgan, was born June 10. 1667, in Groton,
and died about the age of seventy-nine years,
between May 30, 1744, and March 1, 1746,
the respective dates of making and proving his
will. He was lieutenant of the first train band
or militia company of Groton, being commis-
sioned April 30, 1692, at the same time that
his uncle, James Morgan, was made captain of
the company. The nephew succeeded the lat-
ter, October 8, 1714, as captain, and continued
in that office until October 12, 1730. He left
a large estate in both real and personal prop-
erty. The latter was bequeathed to his daugh-
ters, while the lands descended to his only
son. He married Ruth, daughter of Benjamin
and Mary (Rickett) Shapley, of Groton, whom
he survived. Children : Ruth, born August
29, 1697; Mary, December 18, 1698; John.
January 4, 1700; Sarah, February 24, 1702;
Experience, March 24, 1704; Hannah, men-
tioned below; Rachel, July 5, 1709; Martha,
December 12, 171 1; Elizabeth, June 12, 1713,
Jemima, May 5, 1715.
(IV) Hannah, fifth daughter of Captain
John (2) and Ruth (Shapley) Morgan, was
born December 17, 1706, in Groton, and be
came the wife of Peter Plumb, of that town
(see Plumb VII).
This family is one of the old-
DOLSON est in Manhattan, coming to
New Amsterdam from Holland
before 1648. Riker's History gives space to
the family and has something to say of the
Dutch town in Holland of similar name where
the family came from.
By chance Captain Dolson, progenitor of
the family in America, came from Workum
on the coast of Friesland instead of direct
from the home town in Holland. At New
Amsterdam, in 1667, ne built the first vessel
of size put upon the stocks here; it was a
merchant yacht for Captain Thomas Bradley.
Captain Dolson married the daughter of
Tennis Kray (Grey), who returned to New
Amsterdam in 1658, where he had already
lived for several years. Tennis Kray went
over to bring back his family, and in 1660,
at New Amsterdam, his daughter, Gerritee.
and Captain Dolson were married. They
lived in New Amsterdam until the Dutch lost
New York, and then for a time in New Eng-
land where their daughter Gerritee was bom,
later returning to New Amsterdam and the
adjoining town of New Harlem. Their chil-
dren, omitting the first two who died young,
were: Teunis, born 1664, married, in 1696,
Sarah Vermilie ; Gerritee, born 1667, married,
in 1685, Jans Kiersen ; Annetie, born 1669,
married, in 1690, Johannas Waldron ; Peter,
born 1671 ; Tryntie, born 1674, married John
Meyer; Jacob, born 1679; Lyabet, born 1682;
Jannetie, born 1685.
In 1670 Captain Dolson sold his residence
to Resolved Waldron, but subsequently owned
another and appears among the feofholders,
1681-83, having his home here and sailing an
open boat out of New York. It is recorded
in the council's minutes of January 28, 1684,
that he desired some land at Harlem, where
he formerly had owned land. It was agreed
by those of Harlem to give him a piece of
ground for him and his heirs provided he
would not sell it, but for want of heirs it
should relapse to the township. After this he
and his son-in-law, Jans Kiersen, got a lease
of the Great Maize Land, an Indian clearing
not far from Fort Washington, on March 30,
1686. These lands were laid out and allotted
in 1691, and Kiersen on July 2, 1694, bought
for 1,000 guilders in money the lots Nos. 16
and 18 from Thomas Tourneur as purchased
by him from Holmes and Waldron, the
original drawers. In .March, 1696, Kiersen
obtained the signature of every inhabitant of
the town to a paper granting him a half mor-
gen of land from the common woods, lying
at the southeast hook of the land that Samuel
Waldron has drawn out of the common woods,
which half morgen of land he ( Kiersen) may
build upon, thereon setting a house, barn and
garden, for which he promises to let lie a
morgen of land upon the northeast hook of
the aforesaid lot, leaving a suitable road or
King's way between his house and the lot of
Samuel Waldron. Kiersen built his house,
and on March 7, 1700, the town officer gave
him a deed. Mere Kiersen and his wife, who
was Gerritee Dolson, lived. This was the
first settlement on the now well known Jume!
Homestead and believed to be the first spot
permanently occupied on these heights.
In 1690 Johannes Waldron, son of Resolved
Waldron, married Annetie, daughter of Cap-
tain Dolson. To begin housekeeping he bought
from his brother, Samuel Waldron, the new
house the latter had just completed west of
the road. This modest home was just north
of One Hundred and Thirty-third Street.
Johannes Waldron added to this property by
purchasing more ground, from the town, run-
ning back to the Hills. From this fact he and
his wife became known, as they prospered,
as the Waldrons of the Hill, and in 1748 sold
all their lands to their son Samuel for £400.
Samuel Waldron's daughter. Angel, the wife
of Samuel Myer, sold the farm in July, 177'',
to John De Lancey for £1,720. He was a
grandson of the great Huguenot merchant
who built and occupied the old building known
as Fraunce's Tavern at the corner of Pearl
and Broad streets. This property passed into
the hands of Archibald Watts in 1820, and has
become well known as the Watts-Pickney es-
tate. Thus it will be seen that two of Captain
Dolson's children were the original residen-
tees on two estates destined to become of the
best known of the old estates of New York.
As proof of the high esteem that his fellow
citizens had for Captain Dolson it is interest-
ing to note that Lubbert Gerritsen who de-
parted this life on November 21. 1673, and
who had held several public offices in the
town, being chosen adelborst in 1663, and serv-
ing as overseer the year before he died, chose
Captain Dolson as guardian of his children's
Captain Dolson appears in the tax list o
February 14, 1682, and in 1683 he with Jo
hannes Vermilye and Jan Dyckman and other
paid a total of 608 guilders for the estate o
the deceased Thomas Hedding.
Captain Dolson's son Teunis received th
appointment of constable, September 29 169;
He is credited with being the first male chil
born in this city ( New York ) after it wa
ceded to the English by the 1 hitch. He mar
ried Sarah Vermilye, daughter of Captai
John Vermilye, in New Amsterdam ( Ne\
York) in 1696 and later lived in Westcheste
county and advancing to different localitie
up the Hudson river, finally locating in art'
about Goshen, New York, where is establishe
the town of Dolsontown. He resided her
until his death, August 30, 1766, at the age o
one hundred and two years. The Dolsons o
Orange county, New York, are his descend
Some of his children were baptized a
Poughkeepsie and others at Fishkill. Th
first house at Dolsontown was a log hous
loopholed for musketry and this was followe
by a stone house which was used as a forti
fication as well as the block house when th
Indians were troublesome and during th
French and Indian war of 1756. Near thi
fortification the Indians had had an apple 01
chard, one of the very old trees of which wa
still standing in 1846. At times travel betwree
Goshen, Dolsontown and Napanoch was onl
possible under an escort of soldiers on accour
of the lurking savages.
Teunis Dolson had several children anion
whom were: I. Johannas, who married Eliza
beth Buys; children: Maria, burn 1731; Jo!
amiis, born 1735; Isaac, born 1739; Abrahan
born 1741 ; Samuel, born 1744: Peter, Sail)
Betsey 2. Jacob, married Maria Buys, Jam:
ary 12, 1734, having children: Teunis, bor
October 6, 1735: Johannas. born May 1;
1737; Isaac, born May 2~, 1730; Aeltie, bor
April 28, 1743. 3. Abraham, marrie
Marytje Slot, having children: Jannetje, bor
1739; Margaret, born 1740: Abraham, bor
1741 ; Aeltje, born 1743; Marytje, born 174;
4. Daac. married Polly Hussey, having clu
dren: lames, married Phoebe Meeker; Isaai
said to have never married. James, son 0
Isaac, was living in 1846. aged eighty-tw
Of Jacob Dolson's sons, Teunis and Johr
we are now chiefly interested ; they lived in
md about the vicinity of Newburg-Marlboro,
where they signed the revolutionary pledge
n 1767. They and their children served in
:he American army during the revolution.
Teunis Dolson, after the war was over, took
lp lot No. 118, three hundred and ninety acres
'. n town of Chemung-Big Hats, 1788, his son
John accompanying him. This John also
served in the revolution and also in the war
af 1812. He was born in 1752, married, in
11811, and lived at Big Hats, moving in 1837-
38 to Battle Creek, Michigan, and in 1913 his
daughter, a Mrs. Andrews, still resides in Des
Moines, Iowa, aged eighty-four years ; she
says her father, John Dolson, son of Teunis
Dolson, died at age of eighty-six years; that
there were nine children by his last wife, in-
cluding herself, and that her mother died in
November, 1849.
j John Dolson, born 1737, brother of Teunis,
born 1735, and uncle of the younger John,
born 1752, continued after his service in the
revolutionary army to live in the Newburg-
Marlboro vicinity. His last wife was named
Sarah and outlived him. His son, Teunis, born
1783, married twice and had a total of ten
children, one of them, James, born 1812, liv-
ing to very old age at Tuttletown, Ulster coun-
ty, New York; he remembered his step-grand-
mother, Sarah Dolson. Teunis, born 1783,
had half-brothers, Jacob, born 1791, and Wil-
liam, born October 28, 1794. William mar-
ried Lydia Polhemus, born June 29, 1804, died
March 4. 1869, and buried at Haverstraw,
New York, in the J W. Dolson plot. She
was the daughter of Cornelius Polhemus, who
had a brother, Josiah Webb Polhemus. Their
children were: Hiram, born July ir, 1819;
Sarah, born March 18. 1821 ; Anna, born
March 22, 1823; Dorcas, born May 13, 1825;
Josiah W., born July 27, 1827, died January
81, 1890; Catherine M., born February 13,
1830; Margaret, born June 30, 1832; Charles
M., born September 23, 184^. Sarah, who
was named after her grandmother, remem-
bered her very well and told Josiah's sons
many facts of interest about her grandparents.
Josiah W. and his brother, Charles M. Dol
son, could not both go to the civil war and
they arranged for the younger brother, Charles
M., to go, Josiah W. endeavoring to support
the families of each. Charles M. served from
start to finish, was a prisoner in Libby Prison
and when freed through an exchange of
prisoners he re-enlisted at Haverstraw, New
lork, the Edward Pye Post Company. Josiah
W. later paid draft money as an operation on
his jaw made him unfit for army service, and
supported the two families through the means
of the brick business in which he was then
engaged. The last brick manufacturing ven-
ture of Josiah W. Dolson was at Haverstraw,
New York, about 1890, in partnership with
his brother-in-law, Hon. Samuel Carlisle, of
Newburg, New York. To get their brick to
New York they built what was at that time the
largest brick barge sailing on the Hudson
river, a boat capable of carrying about 300,000
bricks as one load. This boat was named
"Josiah W. Dolson" and is still in service.
Josiah W. Dolson married several times, his
first wife being Phoebe Ann Loveless, born
May 7, 1832; they were married December 5,
1849; she died May 27, 1856. Their children
were: Cornelius, born July 7, 1850, died De-
cember 4, 1853 ; Josiah W., born December
7, 1851, died September 6, 1859; Samuel Car-
lisle, born September 28, 1853, stu' living in
1913; Frederick B., born May 8, 1856, died
August 8, 1856; Lucy C, twin of Frederick
B., died October 13, 1856. Mr. Dolson mar-
ried (second) Jane Constant, born October
31, 1821, died November 25, 1867. He mar-
ried (third) Cornelia M. Constant, born April
13, 1840, died February 16, 1873. Children
by these marriages : Anthony Constant, born
June 4, i860, died same day; Lewis Constant,
born May 2^, 1861, died April 27, 1865;
Frank, born July 26, 1863, died August 10,
1863. He married ( fourth ) Anna Hamilton
Conklin, born October 17, 1845, died Novem-
ber 9, 1895, daughter of Mannings Conklin
and the widow of Alfred Conklin, who was
also her second cousin. She was the mother
of two children by her first husband, namely
Abram J., born January 31, 1865. living at
the present time, and Alfreta, born June 10,
1868, died July 1, 1903. On July 19, 1874,
she married Josiah W. Dolson, and their chil-
dren are : Josiah W., Florence Jones, William
Hamilton, Esther Phoebe Carlisle, all born
at Haverstraw, New York. These children are
all living at the present time and reside in
New York City with the exception of Florence
J., who is married to Walter Rauscher and
resides in Bloomfield, New Jersey. William
H. Dolson is the founder of the Rockland
County Society and Josiah W. is at present
the secretary of that organization.
This is a Dutch name con-
SIMONS< IN forming to the usual custom
of adding "son" to the bap-
tismal name of the father for a surname. 1:
was of French origin, and begins with one
who fled from persecution in France to Fries-
land in Holland. His son, Simon La Blau
(also written Elan and Blant), was born about
1590 in Friesland, and went to Amsterdam,
win. re he settled and married.
(1) Willem, son of Simon La Blau, born
in [632, in Amsterdam, was the ancestor of
a very large progeny, now scattered ovei
America, lie wa^ entered on the passenger
li-t of the ship "Fox," Captain Jacob Jans
Huys, master, which sailed from Amsterdam,
August 31, [662, and lived in and about New
Amsterdam, finally settling on Staten Island.
He first wrote his name William Simon's sun,
which soon came to be written Simonson, and
thus the name has remained in this country.
But few records concerning him can now be
found. lie married, in 1662, Janneken Bar-
entsen, widow of Jan Quistout, and accord-
ing to the records of the Dutch church in New
York died in 1664. The Dutch church record i
of New Amsterdam show that he bad a daugh-
ter, Lysbeth, baptized June id. 1663. Records
furnished by the family indicate that he had
a son, Aert, born 1664.
(IF) The records of Long Island show that
Aert Simonson took the oath of allegiance as
a native of Brooklyn, in 1687. Nothing fur-
ther concerning him has been discovered. From
die next generation forward the line seems
to be clearly established. Aert Simonson bail
four sons: Barnt, Aert, Simon and Isaac. An
original tract of land of one hundred and
sixty acres was granted to Aert ( 1 ) Simonson
in 1 72 1, by Queen Anne, at Carls Neck, now
known as New Springville, Staten Island.
(Ill) Isaac, son of Aert Simonson, was
born about 1690. He appears to have had two
wives; married (tirst) Antje Van Der Vliet,
daughter of Jacob Janse and Marrctje ( Der-
ickse) Van Der Vliet, who was the mothei
of Jeremias, baptized June 12, 1720, and Mari
Simonson, July 8, 1722. The Dutch church
records of New Amsterdam show that Isaac
Simonson's wife, in 1712. was Neeltie Cortel-
you, a granddaughter of Jacques Cortelyou,
who came to America about 1652, died 169
Ilis son, I'eter Cortelyou, born about 166
died April 10, 1757, married Deborah De Wit
and they were the parents of Neeltje Corte
you. who became the wife of Isaac Simoi
( IV) Isaac (2), son of Isaac (1) and Nee
tje (Cortelyou) Simonson, was born Augu
4 1732, and baptized December 17. 1732, ;
the church in New Amsterdam. He was s
officer of the old Dutch Reformed church, ;
Port Richmond, and in 1795 signed the call (
the Rev. Thomas Kirby as pastor. He ma
ried. July 28, 1757. Elizabeth Wood.
( Y ) Joseph, son of Isaac 121 and Eliz;
beth (Wood) Simonson, was born on State
Island, and purchased forty-one acres of lar
at what is now New Springville, State
Island. He probably owned other lands :
that vicinity. He married Elizabeth Winan
born July 2't. 1774. daughter of John ar
Hannah Winant. They bad children: Job
David; Abraham; Joseph: Jacob, of who:
further; Eliza: Joanna, married John B. Hil
yer, born t8o8, died [908, aged over one hui
dred years, their marriage taking place ;
1829, at New Springville, Staten Island, ar
they became the parents of lames Hillyer, c
Port Richmond; Mary; Jemima.
( VI 1 Jacob, son of Joseph and Elizabel
(Winant) Simonson, was born in 1798, c
Staten Island, and settled on the original hom<
stead of his father at New Springville, whet
the records show he purchased twenty-thn
acres of land. He was supervisor of the tow
of Northfield from 1833 to 1840, again in 184
and was elected sheriff of Richmond count
in [840. He located at New Springville, St;
ten Island, where he died April 4, 1883. H
was a member of the Methodist Episcop;
church, and was a Republican in politics, aft<
the organization of the party of that nam
He married ( first i Ann Eliza Bedell, daugl
ter of Israel and Lena (Crocheron) Bedel
and (second") Caroline Jacques. By the fir:
marriage he had a son, John William, of whoi
further. By the second marriage he had chi
dren : Isaac Jacques, Joseph, Eliza Jane, lacol
the daughter married Philip Waters, of Ne-
( YII ) John William, son of Jacob and An
E. (Bedell) Simonson, was born Decembe
23, 1826. died December 28, 1882, at We:
New Brighton. He became agent of the Cor
tinental Fire Insurance Company in 18O0, and
;oon after was made secretary of the old New
York & Yonkers Fire Insurance Company. He
was afterward president of the New York City
Fire Insurance Company, which was ulti-
mately absorbed by the Standard In-
surance Company, of London, England.
, Following this he was resident manager
jf this concern until his death. He filled
I various offices of trust in political affairs, was
in ardent Republican in politics, and a mem-
ber of the Episcopal church. He married,
January 18, 185 1, Charlotte Ann Stephens,
3orn February 24, 1832, daughter of Stephen
I Dover and Elizabeth (Johnson) Stephens. The
after was born January 28, 181 1, daughter of
William and Elizabeth (Latourette) Johnson.
Stephen D. Stephens was a great-grandson of
fohn Stephens, born about 1714. married
April 26, 1736, Mary Harding. Their son,
fohn 1 2 ) Stephens, born 1743, married, De-
cember 8, 1763, Elizabeth DeBow. They were
:he parents of Stephen, born December 31,
[774, married, March 5, 1803, Ann Dover,
iorn Actober 17, 1781. Stephen Dover
Stephens, their son, was the father of Char
otte Ann, wife of John W. Simonson, as above
loted. They had children: Stephen Dover,
jorn August 20, 1853, died unmarried, Octo-
>er 4, 1905; John William, July 14, i860, died
n his fifth year; Ann Eliza, July 20, 1862, died
jnmarried at the age of thirty-seven years;
Charles Edgar, of whom further.
(VIII) Charles Edgar, youngest child of
lohn William and Charlotte A. (Stephens)
-Mtiionson, was born July 7, 1 871, in Richmond.
rle early received private tuition at West New
Brighton and entered Trinity School, New
Brighton, where he graduated, after which ho
'eceived private instruction of Rev. Dr. Al-
fred Demarest, minister of the Dutch Re-
formed church of Port Richmond. At the
ige of seventeen years he entered the employ
>f Miller & Simonson, who succeeded John
William Simonson, in the agency of the Con-
:inental Insurance Company. By close ap-
ilication and industry he built up a large busi
less, and after several changes in the person-
lel, became its sole owner in 1908. Conduct-
ng the business under the title of C. E. Simon-
ion & Company. Owing to the great increase
}f business a corporation seemed advisable
ind in 191 1 this was accomplished under the
:itle of C. E. Simonson & Company, In-
corporated. It is now the largest insurance
brokerage and agency on Staten Island, repre-
senting twenty-nine fire insurance companies
and several casualty companies and having
five offices, the home office located at 1595
Richmond Terrace, West New Brighton. An
extensive real estate business is conducted, and
the concern acts as appraiser for several title
and trust companies. In 1904 Mr. Simonson
was elected a vestryman and treasurer of the
Church of the Ascension (Protestant Episco
pal ) , in which position he continued several
years. He is a trustee of the Richmond
County Savings Bank, and a director of the
Staten Island Building, Loan et Savings As-
sociation, a member of the Holland Society of
New York, and the Staten Island Club. Poli-
tically he is a Democrat, but has never aspired
to or accepted any political office.
He married, January 19. 1899, in New York
City, May Sexton, born May 20, 1870, in
Brooklyn, New York, daughter of William
Libby and Mary (Ladd) Sexton. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles E. Simonson have a son, Cortel-
you William, born December 15, 1902, in West
New Brighton. His early instruction was pro-
vided by private tutors and he is now a student
of the Staten Island Academy at St. George
Robert R. Livingston.
LIVINGSTON jurist, son of Robert and
Margaret (Howerden)
Livingston, was born in New York City, in
August, 1718. died at his country seat, Cler-
mont. New York, December 9, 1775. He ac-
quired an excellent education which thor-
oughly prepared him for the active duties of
life, and he devoted his attention to the prac-
tice of law in New York City. He was a
member of the provincial assembly, 1759-68,
and also served in the capacity of judge of the
admiralty court. 1760-63; justice of the co-
lonial supreme court. 1763; a delegate to the
stamp act con.o-res-. of 1765; commissioner to
decide upon the boundary line between New
York and Massachusetts. 1767. and again in
1773, and a member of the committee of one
hundred in 1775. He married Margaret,
daughter of Colonel Henry and Janet (Living-
ston) Beekman.
Robert R. (2), son of Robert R. ( 1) and
Margaret (Beekman) Livingston, was born
in New York City, November 27, 1746, died
suddenly at Clermont, New York, February 26,.
1813. He was a student at King's College,
which institution conferred upon him the de-
grees of A.B., 1765. and A.M., [768, after
which he pursued the study of law under the
preceptorship of William Smith and William
Livingston. He was admitted to the bar in
1773, and formed a partnership with John Jay,
with whom he practiced in New York City, and
upon his retirement from public life removed
to Clermont, New York, where he engaged in
agriculture and stock raising, being the first
to introduce gypsum in agriculture, ami also
introduced Merino sheep west of the Hudson
river. Being a man of scholarly attainment
and wide influence, he was chosen for posi-
tions of public trust and responsibility, fulfill-
ing the duties thereof with ability and credit.
He served as recorder of the city of New
York by appointment of Governor Tryon,
1773-75, hut was obliged to relinquish the posi-
tion on account of his outspoken espousal of
the patriot cause in the latter-named year, lie
wa^ a member of the provincial assembly in
1775: was a delegate to the continental con-
gress, \J7S~77 :m'l 1 779-8l. and was a mem-
ber of the committee of five, comprised of
Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Livingston and
Sherman, appointed to draw up the Declara-
tion of Independence, hut was obliged to re-
turn to his duties in the provincial assembly
without signing the instrument. lie was a
member of the committee that drafted the
state constitution adopted at the Kingston
convention in 1777; he was chancellor of the
state under the new constitution, 1785-1801,
and in that capacity he administered the oath
of office to President Washington, April 30,
17X11; he was secretary of foreign affairs for
the United States, 1781-83, ami was chair-
man of (lie siafe convention at Poughkeepsie
in 1788, to consider the adoption of the United
States constitution. He declined the office of
United States minister to France proffered by
President Washington in 1704, and in 7801
the portfolio of the navy from President Tef-
ferson, who also offered him the mission to
France, which latter he accepted, resigning
his chancellorship. While in France he formed
a strong friendship with Napoleon Bonaparte;
he also made the initial movement that re-
sulted in the purchase of Louisiana from the
French in 1803. He resigned from the office
of United States minister to France in 1803,
after which he spent some time in traveling
through Europe, and while in I'aris becan
interested in the invention of the steamboat <
Robert Fulton, whom he assisted in his ei
terprise with his counsel and money, event
ally becoming his partner. The first steambo;
owned by Livingston and Fulton, was built
France and was launched upon the Seine, b
was a failure, and on returning to Amerii
they built and launched on the Hudson a
other steamboat, the "Clermont." in 18c
which was named in honor of the Livingstc
home in New York.
The honorary degree id' LL.D. was co
ferred on Mr. Livingston be the regents of tl
University of the State of New York in 17c
He was a founder of the American Acaden
of Fine Arts in New York in 1801, and w
its first president ; was president of the Nc
York Society for the Promotion of L'sef
Arts, and upon the reorganization of the Nc
York Society library in 1788, he was a
pointed a trustee lie published many essa
and addresses on fine arts and agricultui
His statue, with that of George Clinton, fori
ing the group of the most eminent citizens
New York, was placer! in the capitol at Was
ington by act of congress. In the selection
names for a place in the Hall of Fame f
( ireat Americans, New York Universal
made in October, 1900, his was one of t
thirty-seven names in "Class M, Rulers a:
Statesmen," and received only three voti
hi- votes in the class equalling those f
Richard Henry Lee ami Stephen A. Dougli
and exceeding those for Martin Van Burt
Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, John J. Cr
tenden and I lenry Wilson.
Mr. Livingston married Mary, daughter
John Stevens, of New Jersey. Childre
Elizabeth S., married Edward P. Livingstc
Margaret M., married Robert L. Livingstc
This name is supposed to ha
DeBAUN been originally DeBaen, and
be derived from Baen, a villa
in France. In the Dutch records, the spellir
ings DeBaen and DeBaan are of frequent c
currence. The family is undoubtedly
French origin, and from this it is natural
suppose that they were Huguenots. It is r
at all out of accord with this that the nat
should be found in the Netherlands, especia
on the north side of the river Rhine, in t
ower Palatinate, and thence following the
ourse of immigration that built up New
tetherland and New Amsterdam. Although
hese passed into the possession of the English
a the year 1664, this change of proprietor-
hip did not stop the flow of immigration from
•"ranee to Holland, Belgium and England, and
nd from these countries to America. The
)eBauns were among the later Huguenots,
• nd came to New York or its vicinity about
683. They may have lived before that time,
or two generations, in Holland, and had,
loubtless, acquired the habits and language of
he Dutch.
I The following is a probable account of the
lescent from the immigrant to certain of the
>resent Rockland county, New York, De-
iauns. It has a background of careful and
xtensive searching in the printed Dutch
hurch records of Hackensack and Schraalen-
lurg, New Jersey ; the printed baptismal rec-
irds of Tappan and Clarkstown, in Rockland
ounty, and in the manuscript copies of the
narriage records of Tappan and Clarkstown.
The records of Kakiat, Rockland county,
tarrytown, Westchester county, and Flatbush,
^ong Island, have also been consulted, but in
hese little or nothing has been found. The
:ntries are mostly in the Tappan, Clarkstown,
hackensack, and Schraalenburg records, but
listributed among these in a bewildering man-
ler Conjecture has been used only when cer-
ain fact was not accessible. Former printed
iccounts of the family, of which there are
several, have furnished some guidance, but the
iccount given herewith supplies a number of
leficiencies in these accounts, and casts doubt
m some of their statements, so that we are
•onfident that this is the fullest and most ac-
:urate account of the family history in the
:arly generations which has yet been published.
( I ) Joost DeBaun, the founder of this fam-
ly, is said to have been a native of Brussels,
n Flanders (Belgium), and to have come to
New Amsterdam in 1683. He was clerk of
:he town of Bushwick. Long Island, in 1684.
ind in 1685 was the schoolmaster and clerk of
:he town of New Utrecht, Kings county, New
York, south of the Wallabout. The position
}f schoolmaster was, in those times and places,
second only to that of the minister. Evidently
ie was a supporter of the policy of the lieu-
tenant governor, Nicholson, for when the
iemocratic colonists, under the lead of Cap-
tain Jacob Leisler, took possession of the state
house in the name of William of Orange, and
Captain Leisler was appointed lieutenant gov-
ernor by the committee of safety, Joost De-
Baun was deposed from his offices as clerk
and schoolmaster. Afterward, having taken
the oath of allegiance to the new rule, he was
reinstated in these positions, and continued to
reside at New Utrecht. He probably resided
at that village until early in the eighteenth
century. Early in the year 1704 he sold his
lands and removed to Bergen county, New
Jersey, where he joined the Kinderkamack
settlement, near Hackensack. In November
of that year his name appears as witness of a
baptism in his new home. From May. 1708,
to May, 1 710, he was one of the churchmas-
ters of Hackensack ; according to the church
records, he and the other churchmaster of the
time (in 1708) "in this year caused the steeple
to be built upon the Ackinsack church, which
has here been recorded in their praise." He was
an elder, from 1716 to 1718. Thus we have
a fair picture of the personality of this man;
he was an educated man, for the time, a leader
in the community, though hardly to be deemed
aggressive, and strongly attached to the Dutch
Reformed church. From him, it is natural to
suppose, all the DeBauns of Bergen county,
New Jersey, and of Rockland county. New
York, are descended. His death seems to have
occurred about 1718 or 1719. It is just possi-
ble that he once returned to Holland after his
settlement in America, for against the mar-
riage record of his son Jacobus, in the Tappan
register, is set a note that this son was born
in Middleburg, a place in Holland. Yet the
Dutch dominies, with all their painstaking care,
were certainly human, and liable to make oc-
casional mistakes ; their records are of hieh
value as evidence, but this statement is prob-
ably erroneous. He married, probably in Hol-
land, Elizabeth Drabba. Children: Matie,
married, registered November 10. 1705, David
Samuelse DeMaree ; Christian, baptized May
15, 1687. died before January 21. 1711, mar-
ried, registered January 29, 1709, Judith Sam-
uelse DeMaree ; Meyke, baptized May 4, 1690 ;
Carel, of whom further ; Christina ; Jacobus,
married (date probably that of registration),
January 12, 1709, Antje Cenneff (this is the
spelling in the Tappan register, in the Hacken-
sack records the name appears as Kennis ; our
conjecture is Kenneth) ; Margarietje, married
(date probably that of registration), June 2$,
1738, Theodorus Remsen.
(Ill Carel, son of Joust and Elizabeth
(Drabba) DeBaun, removed with his family
lu Hackensack. Perhaps, however, he lived
for a time in Rockland county. New York,
near Rockland Lake. The baptisms of his
children are scattered among the three regis-
ters, Hackensack, Schraalenburg and Tappan.
He is named in the list of the original mem-
bers rif the church at Schraalenburg and those
transferred from Hackensack before 1733. In
1748 he was an elder of the Dutch Reformed
church at Schraalenburg. His marriage is re-
corded at Tappan, and the date, February 14,
1714, is probably the date of registration
rather than of the actual marriage. He mar-
lied Jannetje Haringh, who was born at Tap-
pan. Children: Joost, baptized February 6,
1715; Margritie, baptized August 18, 1 7 1 7 ;
Petrus. baptized October 9, 1719; Elisabeth.
baptized November 19, 1721 ; Jan, baptized
April 5, 17-4; Jacob, baptized October 9,
1726; Isak, baptized February 14, 1720: Abra-
ham, baptized December 12, 1731 ; Christiaen,
of whom further ; Cornelia, baptized August
14. 1737; Maria, baptized April 6 1740.
(Ill) Christian, whose name is noted above
as spelled in the baptismal record, son of Carel
and Jannetje ( Haringh) DeBaun, was burn at
Schraalenburg; his baptism is recorded at
Hackensack. under date of January 26, 1735.
He married, registered November 7. [761,
Rachel Helm who was born at Paramus, Ber-
gen county, New Jersey. Children: Jannetie,
baptizeil October 19, 1762; Fransytie, born
March 8, 17^4: Fransvtei. born January 9,
1766; Abraham, baptized May 10, 1767, died
voting; Samuel, baptizeil December 18, 1768;
Elisabet, born October 11, 1771 ; Abraham
Christian, born August 20, 177,1: Rachel, burn
May o. 1775: Petrus, born May 5. 1770: Cor-
neles, baptized November 25, 1781 ; Maria,
born August 1, 1783; Christian (21. of whom
(TV) Christian (2). son of Christian (1)
and Rachel (Helm) DeBaun, was born March
22, 1787. Although his baptism is record* d in
Bergen countv, New Jersey, he may have been
born in Rockland county, New York, and was
living there by the time of his marriage, for
in the entrv of his marriage in the Tappan
register he is said to be of Clarkstown. He
was a farmer, and in politics followed the
principles "f the Democratic party. In r
ligion he adhered to the True Reforme
church. He married ( date probably being th;
of registration) December 4, 1806, Elizabei
Mutton, of Clarkstown. Children: Corneli;
Sarah; Christian C, of whom further; Join
Henry ; Mary ; Cornelius.
(V) Christian C, son of Christian (2) ar
Elizabeth (Hutton) DeBaun, was born
Clarkstown, January 31, 1812. He was
builder and contractor. After the formatic
of the Republican party he followed its pri'
ciples. In religion he was a member of tl
Dutch Reformed church. He married at Ne
City, Rockland county. New York, Catharii
Maria, daughter of Henry Resolvert ar
Maria ( Tallman ) Stephens, who was born
New City, March 1. 1815. Her father was
farmer, born January in, 1789, died March
1868; her mother was born in 1787, died
October, 1868. Children of Christian C. at
Catharine Maria (Stephens) DeBaun: Eliz
beth, born August 3, 1835 ; Matthew Watso
of whom further: John, born July 5, 184
died in 1887; Henry, born July 12. 184
served throughout the civil war; Margar
Jane, born November 18, 1846; Charles, bo
June 20, 1857.
(VI) Matthew Watson, son of Christian
and Catharine Maria ( Stephens ) DeBau
was born at Nyack, Rockland county, Ne
York, November 3, 1838. At the age of nil
he went to live with his grandfather. Hen
Resolvert Stephens, at New City. His schoc
ing was received at the public schools of N
ack and New City, and he then learned tl
trade of a carpenter. In 1850 he returned
Nyack and entered into business with r
brother Henry, and this partnership has co
tinued to the present day. Under the fir
name of Matthew Watson & Henry DeBat
they are builders and contractors on a lar
scale and have built up a profitable busine
and gained a high standing in the communil
They have erected about two thousand buil
ings of main- kinds and sizes. Their place
business is at No. 28 Jackson avenue. Nyac
Matthew Watson DeBaun is one of the c
rectors of the Nyack Board of Trade, and
a trustee of the Oakland cemetery. He is
member of Rockland Lodge, No. yz^,, Fr
and Accepted Masons, and of Rockland Cha
ter. No. 204. Royal Arch Masons, both
Nyack. He is a Republican, and from i8i
:o 1887 was trustee of the village ; he has also
jeen president of the school board for two
:erms, and is a trustee of the Nyack public
schools. The family are members of the Pres-
oyterian church at Nyack, of which Mr. De-
Baun has been a trustee for over thirty years,
ind is also an elder of the church. He mar-
ried, at Nyack, April 23. 1862, Catharine
Amelia, daughter of Edward and Marion
(House) Perry, who was born at Nyack. in
August, 1842. Her father was a captain of
freight and passenger vessels, and navigated
the Hudson river. Children of Edward and
Marion (House) Perry: Iona ; Catharine
Amelia, married Matthew Watson DeBaun.
Children of Matthew Watson and Catharine
Amelia (Perry) DeBaun: Annie, born Feb-
ruary 4, 1863; Ella, born October 12, 1864;
Alice, born December 4, 1867; Florence, born
March n, 1875, married Rev. George John-
son, now a professor in Lincoln University,
(IV) Abraham Christian De-
DeBAUN Baun, son of Christian (q. v.)
and Rachel (Helm) DeBaun.
was born August 20, 1773. He was a farmer
at Nanuet, Rockland county, New York, and
a member of the Dutch Reformed church. He
married, it is said at Saddle River. Bergen
county, New Jersey, but the marriaee is re-
corded in the register of Tappan, Rockland
county. New York, with the date, probablv
that of registration rather than of the actual
marriage, March 18. 1708. Anna Van Buskirk,
of Clarkstown, Rockland county. New York.
Children: Christian Abram. of whom fur-
ther : Rachel ; Christiana.
(V) Christian Abram, son of Abraham
Christian and Anna (Van Buskirk) DeBaun,
was born at Nanuet, New York, about 1804.
After the formation of the Republican party he
adhered to its policies. He was a member of
the Dutch Reformed church. He married
(first) (date probably of registration) October
15. 1825, Hannah, daughter of James D. and
Hannah Blauvelt, who was born at Clarks-
town, Rockland county, New York, Tune 1,
1808, died December 17, 1846; (second) Tanu-
ary 1. 1850, Sally Ackerman. Children, all by
first marriage: Abram, of whom further:
Rachel, born December 19. 183 1, died August
28, 1849; Christian, born December 20. 1834.
(VI) Abram, son of Christian Abram and
Hannah (Blauvelt J DeBaun, was born at
Nanuet, New York, January 21, 1827, died at
Wyandotte City, Kansas, May 21, 1857. Hav-
ing first attended public school at Nyack,
Rockland county, New York, he entered the
normal college at Albany, New York, and
from this he graduated in the class of 1848.
Later he taught school at Haverstraw, and
was finally made principal of the school. Also
at Haverstraw he learned the business of mak-
ing brick, and in 1852 he went into the busi-
ness of brick manufacture, and also built an
iron foundry, wherein he made the castings
for brick forms and molds. This grew into a
very large business, and so continued until his
death at Wyandotte City. He was a member
of Seguel Lodge, No. 542, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, lie was a Republican, and
one of the founders of this party, which came
into existence only a few years before his
death. In 1855 he was elected county clerk
of Rockland county, and he served for one
term, but he refused a second election. A
member of the Presbyterian church, be was
for many years the leader of its choir. He
married, at Haverstraw, Jane, born at Middle-
hope, Orange county, New York, January 15,
1828, daughter of Levi Quimby and Lucretia
(Purdy) Fowler. Her father was a manu-
facturer of brick and a merchant ; he was burn
December 22, 1790, died December 13, 1853.
Children of Levi Quimby and Lucretia
(Purdy) Fowler: David, died in Baltimore,
Maryland, November 10, 1873: Mordecai,
born in 1821, died August 28. 1847: Denton,
born December 6, 1825, died January 5. 1904;
Louisa, married John W. Gilles ; Jane, born
January 15, 1828, married Abram DeBaun, of
whom herein; Sarah, married Uriah F. Wash-
burn; Charlotte, married, October 26. 1856,
Daniel Q. Lake Children of Abram and Jane
(Fowler) DeBaun: Ruth, married Rodney
Winans Milburn; Abram Melville, married
Carrie Fort, cousin of Franklin Fort, formerly
governor of New Jersey; Anna, married Wil-
son Perkins Foss.
The name Stoddard is de-
STODDARD rived from the office of
standard bearer, and was
anciently written De La Standard. The coat-
of-arms is thus heraldically described : Sable
three estoiles and bordure gules. Crest : Out
a ducal coronet a demi horse salient, ermine.
Motto: Festina lente. William Stoddard, a
knight, came from Normandy to England,
1066, A. 1>.. with William the Conqueror, who
was his cousin. Among his possible descend-
ants appears the name of Rukard Stoddard,
of Nottingham, Kent, near Elthan, about
seven miles from London Bridge, where the
family estate of about four hundred acres was
located. This came into possession of the
family in 141)0 and continued until the death
of Richard Stoddard, a bachelor, in 1765.
Other descendants are Thomas Stoddard of
Royston ; John Stoddard of Gundon ; William
Stoddard of Royston; Anthony Stoddard of
London; Gideon Stoddard of London; An-
thony Stoddard of London, and William Stod-
dard of London. The derivation of the name
Stoddard from the phrase De La Standard
does not seem impossible or very far fetched,
as the name is known under a variety of
forms, such as Stodard and Stodart. In
Wethersfield (Connecticut) records the name
frequently appears as Stodder, Stoder, Stod-
ker, Studder and Stoddard. John Stoddard,
born about [620, was an early settler in
Wethersfield, and was a juror in 1(43. He
figures in the court records both as plaintiff
and defendant. He married Mary Foote, was
a well-to-do farmer, and left an estate of four
hundred pounds. There may have been a con-
nection between the family of John Stoddard
and that of Anthony Stoddard of Boston, but
the links have not been found.
( I ) Anthony Stoddard, immigrant ancestor
of this Stoddard family, came from England
to Boston about 1639 He was admitted a
freeman in 1640, a representative in 1650-
1659-1660, and during twenty successive years
from 1665 to 1685. He married (first) Mary,
daughter of the Honorable Emmanuel Down-
ing, of Salem, Massachusetts, and his wife
Lucy, daughter of George Downing, and sister
of Sir George, afterwards Lord Downing.
The Honorable Emmanuel Downing and his
wife were admitted to the church in Salem,
November 4, 1638. Anthony Stoddard mar-
ried (second) Barbara, widow of Captain Jo-
seph Weld of Roxbury; she died April 15,
1654. He married ( third ). about 1655, Chris-
tian . He died March 16, 1686-1687. Chil-
dren by first marriage: Solomon, mentioned
below; Samson. December 3, 1645; Simeon,
1650. Children by the second marriage:
Sarah, October 21. 1652; Stephen, January 6,
[654. Children by the third marriage : Chris-
tian. March 22, 1657; Anthony, June [6, 1658;
Lydia, May 2j, 1660; Joseph, Dei ember 1,
iU>i ; John. April 22. 1663; Ebenezer, July 1,
1664; Dorothy, November 24. 1665; Mary,
March 25, 1668; Jane (twin), July 29, 1669;.
and Grace (twin), July 29, 1669; all horn at
(II) Rev. Solomon Stoddard, eldest son of
Anthony and Mary (Downing) Stoddard, was
born October 4. [643, and died February 11,
[7Z9. He graduated at Harvard in the year
1662 and was afterwards elected "Fellow of
the House," and was first librarian of the col-
lege, which office he held from 1667 to 1674.
About this time, on account of ill health, he
accompanied the governor of Massachusetts to
the Barbadoes, in the capacity of chaplain, and
remained nearly two years, preaching to the
dissenters. In 1669 he received a call to the
church in Northampton ami settled there as
minister. September 11, 1672. In 1726 hisi
grandson, Jonathan Edwards, was elected his
colleague. Among his publications are the fol-l
lowing: "The Trial of Assurance," 1696;
"The Doctrine of Instituted Churches," 1700,
written in answer to the work of the Rev. In-
crease Mather, entitled "The Order of thei
Gospel," which occasioned exciting contro-
versy. Other works were ''The Danger of
Degeneracy," 1702; "Election Sermon." 1703;;
"Sermon on the Lord's Supper," 1707; "Ser-r
mon, < Irdination of the Rev. Joseph Willard,
Swampfield," 170S; "Inexcusableness of Ne-:
glecting the Worship of God," 1708; "False-
ness of the Hopes of Many Professors," 1708;'-
"An Appeal to the Learned on the Lord's Sup-:
per," 1709; "A Plea for Tithes"; "Divine
Teachings Render Persons Blessed," 1712; "A-
Guide to Christ." 1713; three sermons: "Thei
Virtue of Christ's Blood," "Natural Men Un-
der the Government of Self Love," "The Gos-
pel a Means of Conversion," and a fourth. "To
Stir up Young Men and Maidens." 17 17
"Sermon at the Ordination of Mr Thomas
Chenev." 1718; "Treatise Concerning Conver-
sion," 1719: "Answer to Cases of Conscience,"
1722: "Inquiry whether God is not Angry
with this Country," 1723; and "Safetv of Ap-
pearing in Christ's Righteousness," 1724.
Solomon Stoddard married, March S, 1670,
Mrs. Esther Mather, widow of Rev. Eleazar
Mather, and originally Esther Warham of
Windsor. Connecticut. She died February 10,
y////trf/-j ■ //?/■///'//>/■/
1736, aged ninety-two. Children: Mary, born
January 9, 1671 ; Esther. June 2, 1672; Sam-
uel, February 5, 1674; Anthony, June 6, 1675,
died the following day ; Aaron ( twin ) , August
J23, 1676, died the same day; Christian (twin),
August 2^, 1676; Anthony, mentioned below;
Sarah, April 1, 16S0; John, February 17,
J16S2; Israel, April io, 1684; Rebecca, 1686;
(Hannah, April 21, 1688.
(III) Rev. Anthony (2) Stoddard, son of
■Rev. Solomon and Esther (Warham-Mather)
: Stoddard, was born August 9, 1678, and died
September 6, 1760. He graduated at Harvard,
i 1697, and settled as minister in Woodbury,
Connecticut, where he continued sixty years.
He married (first) Rev. Stephen Mix, offici-
ating, October 20, 1700, Prudence Wells, of
Wethersfield, who died May, 1714. He mar-
ried (second) January 31, 1715, Mary Sher-
i man, who died January 12, 1720. Children
by the first marriage: Mary. June 19, 1702;
Solomon, October 12, 1703: Eliakim. April 3,
1705 ; Elisha, mentioned below ; Israel, August
7, 1708; John, March 2, 1710; Prudence, Oc-
i tober 12. 171 1 ; Gideon, May 27, 1714. Chil-
dren by the second marriage : Esther, Octo-
ber 11, 1716; Abijah, bom February 28, 1718;
Elizabeth. November 15, 1719; all at Wood-
(IV) Elisha, son of Rev. Anthony (2) and
Prudence (Wells) Stoddard, was born at
Woodbury. Connecticut, November 24, 1706,
and died in 1766. He resided at Woodbury,
where also lived his brother Eliakim, whose
death preceded his by sixteen years. Elisha
Stoddard married Rebecca Sherman.
(V) Elisha (2), son of Elisha (1) and Re-
becca (Sherman) Stoddard, was born Novem-
ber 4. 1735, at Woodbury. Connecticut. He
married Anna Hunt, May 29, 1760.
(VI) Elisha (3). son of Elisha (2) and
Anna (Hunt) Stoddard, was born Mav I,
1765. and died February 8, 1833. He married
Mary Crane, November 22, 1701. She was
born August 7. 1767, and died September 11,
( VII) Phineas, son of Elisha (3) and Mary
(Crane) Stoddard, was born July 7. 1797. and
died in 1879. He spent his younger days in
Massachusetts, and in early manhood went to
Greenfield. Ulster county. New York, where
he assisted his uncle in agricultural pursuits.
After his marriage in 1815 he purchased a
farm of his own. where he followed farming
all his life, while engaging in various other in-
terests. He worked a good deal in the lumber
business, buying and selling timber property
on the land he bought while clearing it, and
became a large land owner in Sullivan and
Ulster counties. On his land he built first a
log house of the old type, and later a structure
of the modern style. He was a strong mem-
ber of the Friends Society, and took a great
interest in all the public movements of the
day, though usually too busily engaged in his
own business affairs to have an active partici-
pation in them. Mr. Stoddard was a citizen
greatly honored in the community in which he
resided. Courtesy and gentleness were habit-
ual characteristics of his deportment in the
bosom of his family and in his dealings with
other men in the conduct of his affairs. He
was a man of considerable and varied ability,
but he put the larger part of it into the energy
he expended in building up a suitable prop-
erty for himself and his family. He married,
October 18, 1815, Marilda Fair, born October
20, 1798, and died October 30, 1848, at Green-
field, Ulster county. New York. Children:
1. Mary Eliza, born October 29, 1819, died
May 29, 1839. 2. Elisha, born June 2, 1823;
married, March 2. 1844. Mary Frear; chil-
dren: i. Mary E., born July 15, 1845. ii.
Phineas, Jr., born January 24, 1847, died in
1882, married Gertrude E. O'Neil ; children:
Floyd J., Nellie Marilda, Edith, Lizzie M.,
Frank P. 3. John F., born in Greenfield, New
York, July 20, 1825 ; married, October 18,
1865, Eliza A. Piatt ; one daughter died at the
age of seventeen. He was noted as the author
of Stoddard's "Arithmetic." 4. Perrv C, born
October 30, 1827 ; a successful farmer ; mar-
ried July 15, 1850. Hannah W. Southwick;
children: Stephen W., born October 14, 185 1 ;
Zadoc S , born February 18, 1858. married
Dora M. Winters, one child. Mildred Nor-
bury. 5. Henry, born March 5, 1831, died
June 19, 1852; a teacher. 6. Sarah, born Oc-
tober 26, 1835, at Greenfield, New York ; mar-
ried October 23, 1856, John F. Norbury, M.
D., of New York City; one child, Fannie Stod-
dard Norbury, born May 4. 1866. died Janu-
ary 22, 1882.
This name is English and
WHEELER appears to be a name of oc-
cupation, the word being
equivalent in meaning to wheelwright. It is
curious to note that, reversing the common
procedure, the name seems to liave passed
from England into Normandy, and the form
which it has assumed in France is also curious
to English eyes — Houelleur. In England,
county Kent and Hertfordshire have been
special abodes of Wheelers, and persons of
this name haw been numerous in London for
the last four hundred years. The name in
England is sometimes spelled Wheler, and in
this way it was spelled in the early days in
America. Kent county, England, is suppo ed
to be the place of origin of many of the
American Wheelers. The number of Ameri-
can families of this surname was very great
at an early day. Thirty families of the name
of Wheeler are said to have resided at Con-
cord, Massachusetts, between 1050 and
Although Wheelers arc found very early in
Virginia, and the name has been handed on in
that state, it is, in America, distinctively a
Connecticut and Massachusetts name. His-
torically, the best known of this name has been
Major General Joseph Wheeler of Alabama.
the distinguished Confederate cavalry officer!
who was afterward a patriotic member of the
house of representatives of the reunited coun-
try, and finally was made an officer in the
regular army. Yet his case does not even
modify die statement that the nam- i- distinct-
ly a New England name, for lie was de-
scended from M,,.,- Wheeler, who lived in
the . olony of New Haven in 1641 ; the family
has continued in Connecticut, and General
Wheeler's father was born in Connecticut.
From about 1700 Wheelers (with various
Dutch spellings of the name), some of them
marrying Dutch women, and some of them
bearing Dutch Christian names, have been
found in Albany. New York, but they were
also oi Xew England descent. In the present
family similarity of names suggests a con-
nection with the Fairfield (Connecticut)
Wheelers, but a very strong argument cannot
be built on this. A Daniel Wheeler was in
Rockland county. New York, by the year 1781.
( I ) Isaac Wheeler, the first member of this
family about whom we have definite informa-
tion, was a Democrat, and his religion was the
Presbyterian. He married Sarah Remsen.
Among their children was Aaron Remsen of
whom further.
( H ) Aaron Remsen, son of Isaac and Sarah
( Remsen) Wheeler, was born about 1S20, and'
died about 1889. For many years he was a;
steamboat engineer. He long hail in charge'
the "Isaac P. Smith," one of the swiftest
steamers then plying between New York City
and Albany. After giving up steamboat en-
gineering he became, in iSii;, chief engineer
and master mechanic of the Hoppe sugar re-
finery, at Hastings, Westchester county, New
York. Here he remained for about twenty
years; in 1S85 he retired, continuing to live at
Hastings, where he died at the age of sixty-
nine. He was a Democrat in political belief,
and was also active in church and Sunday
school work, where he had a special sphere of
service and usefulness, by reason of his mu-
sical ability. He was a thorough musician,
had a line tenor voice, and for many years was
leader of the choir of the Reformed church at
Nyack, Rockland count)-, Xew York. His
own denomination, however, was the Presby-
terian. He married, in Nyack, Eliza TayloJ
who was born at Clarkstown, Rockland county,'
New York; she survived him several years.
Children: Jacob Taylor; Alonzo, of whom
further; William Francis; ddieodore Freling-
(Ill) Alonzo, son of Aaron Remsen and
Eliza (Taylor) Wheeler, was born at Nyack,
April 29, 1844. He attended the public school
at the place of his birth, and also the Ruther-
ford Military Institute at the same place. From
his youth he was striving to enter the legal pro-
fession, and availed himself of every means
omplish his purpose, often under most 1
discouraging circumstances. For a time he
was a student in the law office of Van Worst
& Beardsley, at the corner id" Broadway and
Pine street, in Xew York City. Afterward he
studied at Nyack with Marcena M. Dickinson.
He was admitted to the bar from this office:
December 16, 1S08, at the general term of the
supreme court, in Brooklyn, Xew York. He
.11 once opened an office at Nyack, and soon
went into partnership with his preceptor, un-
der the firm name of Dickinson & Wheeler, at
Nyack. This partnership was dissolved in
[870, and Mr. Wheeler removed to Haver-
straw, Rockland county. Xew York, where he
began practice on the second of March. Five
years later he formed a partnership at Haver-
straw with Irving Brown, which continued
until 1883; from the latter year Mr. Wheeler
las practiced alone, living continuously at
.iaverstraw. He was the first president of
he Rockland County Bar Association. When
Stony Point was finally dedicated and set apart
is a state reservation, and turned over by Gov-
ernor Odell to the National Scenic and His-
oric Preservation Society, Mr. Wheeler de-
ivered the address of welcome. He was ap-
Dointed by Governor Odell one of the com-
mittee of fifteen "to examine into the condi-
:ion of the statutes and laws of the state," of
which committee Alton Brooks Parker was
:hairman. He is a member of Stony Point
Lodge, No. 313, Free and Accepted Masons,
and in 1876, 1877 and iqoi he was master of
this lodge, which is at Haverstraw ; he is also
a member of Haverstraw Lodge, No. 877,
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. In
politics he is a Republican, and has been active
in public affairs. In 1878 he was the inde-
pendent candidate for the district attorneyship
and was endorsed by the Republican party.
He was elected and on the expiration of this
term was re-elected as a strictly independent
candidate, over the nominees of both the par-
ties. In 1880 and 1881 he served as surrogate
of Rockland county, by appointment of the
general term of the supreme court. In 1896
he was again elected district attorney, being on
this occasion the Republican nominee ; but he
resigned in 1898 and accepted the office of
county judge, to which he was appointed by
Governor Black. As district attorney he tried
several homicide indictments, and in four-
fifths of all criminal cases he obtained convic-
tions. He has been one of the counsel for the
village of Haverstraw. Judge Wheeler and
his family are members of the Central Presby-
terian Church at Haverstraw. For many years
he has been a ruling elder and an active
worker in the Sunday school. He married, at
Grassy Point, Rockland county, New York,
May 9, 1876, Mary Serena, daughter of Wil-
liam Henry and Mary Elizabeth (Fredericks)
Wiles, who was born at Haverstraw, April 8,
1856. Her father was a manufacturer of brick
machines and moulds. Children of William
Henry and Mary Elizabeth (Fredericks)
Wiles : Mary Serena, mentioned above ; John
Jacob. Frederick J., Lydia A., Martha L.,
Frank E., Emma L. Children of Alonzo and
Mary Serena (Wiles) Wheeler: Jeanie Suf-
fern, Jessie Louise, Ethel May.
Like most of the old Dutch
TALLMAN names founded at New Am-
sterdam and now located in
many sections of the state, this was adopted
some time after the location of the family in
this country, and its origin is hidden in the
mysteries of early days. The family is today
conspicuous in northern New Jersey and
southern New York, and is contributing to the
progress and development of the nation. The
name appears on the church records of New
York, Hackensack and Tappan as Taelman,
Talema, Taelma and Tallman. The last form
has been adopted generally by recent genera-
(I) The first of this family of whom any
definite knowledge can be obtained was Har-
man Douwenszen, who was early in what is
now New York City, and probably came with
his children to the new world when he was
well advanced in life. It is apparent from his
name that his father's Christian name was
Douwe ; beyond that it is impossible at this
time to learn anything.
(II) Douwe Harmsen (Harmanszen, etc.),
born about 1625, in the province of Friesland,
Holland, came in the ship "Brown Fish," in
June, 1658, with his wife, Dierckje Theunis,
and four children to New Amsterdam. After
his arrival he had baptized in New York, Jan-
netie, February 5, 1662; Anthony, February
8, 1665 ; Douwen, September 29, 1669. About
167 1 he settled at Bergen, New Jersey, and at
the same time was owner of a patent at Nyack
in what is now Rockland county, New York.
He died at Bergen, March 25, 1678, or May
9, 1678, according to one authority. Another
authority states that he was buried at Bergen,
June 19, 1687, being the eleventh buried in
the church and the thirty-fifth in the "Pall,"
showing that his funeral was among the most
costly at that time. His sons, Theunis and
Douwe, removed to Nyack after his death and
were the progenitors of all the name in Rock-
land and Bergen counties. They received his
property in Bergen by will and sold it in 1705.
(III) Theunis Douwese Talema, son of
Douwe and Dierckje (Theunis) Harmsen,
may have been born about 1672 at Bergen, and
resided at Nyack until his death, July 17, 1739.
He was the first high sheriff of Orange county,
which then included the present Rockland
county, New York, serving as such until 1702,
and owned about thirty-six hundred acres of
land at Nyack. He married (first), in [694,
Breehtje Haring, and had children: Dirck,
born April 11, 1695; Grietje, January 13,
1697; Dierckje, April 13. 1700; Douwe, Feb-
ruary 13, 1703; Marytie. April 17, 1706;
Breckje, Harman and Jan (triplets), January
12. i/ix), all baptized at Tappan. He married
(second) January 11, 1710, Margritie Hogan-
kamp, born in New York, and they had chil-
dren baptized at Tappan; Brechie, born July 6,
1711; Jannetie, August 30, 1712; Theunis,
September 16, 1714; Harne, November 25,
1716; Antje.
(IV) Jan Tallman. son of Theunis Douwese
and Breehtje (Haring) Talema, was born
January 12, 1709, at Nyack, and resided in
(Jrangetown, Orange county. New York,
where he was a farmer, described in the rec-
ords as a yeoman. lie married, about 1735,
Helena Blauvelt, born June 2J, 171 5, and bap-
tized on the twenty-eighth of the same month,
daughter of Garret and Marytie ( Krom)
Blauvelt, Children: Theunis, burn May 22,
1737: Gerret, November 23, 1740; Breckje,
October X, 1745; Jan, mentioned below.
I V ) Jan ( 2 ). youngest son of Jan ( 1 ) and
Helena (Blauvelt) Tallman, was born Sep-
tember 3, 1 75 1, in Orangetown, died February
7. [839, at Tallman's. in the town of Ramapo,
same county, his body being deposited in Sad-
dle River cemetery. He resided at Greenbush.
a small settlement near Tappan, during the
revolutionary war, and afterwards settled at
what is now called Tallman's, a station on the
Erie railroad, and by occupation was a farmer.
During the revolutionary war he was a scout
in the service of the American army and a
reward of thirty-five guineas was offered by
the British authorities for his capture. He is
recorded as a private soldier in Captain Wil-
liam Sickel's company, belonging to the
Orange County Regiment, from the Haver-
straw precinct, under the command of Colonel
A. H. Hay. This was a portion of the New
York state militia which was employed in ac-
tive service during the war. He received a
commission from Governor George Clinton,
dated September 28, 1786, as ensign. No. 2,
in Captain Cornelius J. Blauvelt's company of
the corps of state militia of the precinct of
Tappan. Jan, or John Tallman, purchased a
farm of one hundred and fifty-seven acres, re-
ceiving a deed March 2^, 1797, at Tallman's.
for which he paid one thousand five hundred
and twenty-five pounds. Immediately he
erected thereon a dwelling house, which is still 1
standing. The homestead farm and house arc
now in the possession of two of his lineal de-
scendants, James Cornell Tallman and Mrs.
Harry Sutherland. At the time of this pur-
chase the neighborhood was known as Masoni-
cus. and the new name Tallman's was prob-
ably received on his locating there. He was
the progenitor of all bearing the name now liv-
ing in that vicinity. He married Frinckye
( Fanny 1 Mabie, born March 2J, 1757. bap-
tized April 2, of the same year, at Tappan,
daughter of Abraham and Maria (Van Are-
lant ) Mabie, and granddaughter of Peter and
Callyntie ( Bogart ) Mabie. Children : Brid-
get, born August 9, 1778: Mary, February 13,
1781 : John, ( )ctober 16. 1783; Tunis, May 17,
1790; Abraham J., mentioned below.
( VI) Abraham J., youngest son of Jan (2)
I John 1 and Fanny ( Mabie) Tallman. was
born July 14. 1793, at Tallman's, and died
there June 4, 1884. He lived in the house built
by his father, and like him was a farmer.
September 3, 18 14, he was appointed a cor-
poral in the Fifth Company, Eighty-third
Regiment, Twenty-Ninth Brigade of the In-
fantry Militia of the State of New York, un-
der Lieutenant Colonel G. A. Blauvelt. He
married. September 14, 1814, Maria Deronde,
born February 18, 1794. died April 3, 1878, at!
Tallman's. daughter of Henry and Heleche
( Van Nostrand ) Deronde. Among their chil-
dren was John Abraham, mentioned below.
( VII ) John Abraham, only son of Abraham
J. and Maria ( Deronde ) Tallman, was born
May 16, 1815, at Tallman's, and died there
April 1 6, 1888. He was a farmer and drover. r
He married. December 8, 1842, Caroline Conk->
lin, born March 26, 1824, died June 15, 1886,
at Tallman's. daughter of William and Ann
(Wilson) Conklin. William Conklin was a
son of William Conklin, born February 21,
1 75 1, who resided at Tappan, where he died
May 19, 1825, being a tailor and farmer by.
occupation. He married, in 1773, Elizabeth
Hunt, of Hunt's Point on Long Island, and
they were the parents of Margaret, William,
Mary, Ann, Abraham, John, David, Elizabeth,
Benjamin, Rachel. William (2) Conklin, born
August 2~, 1775, was a farmer at Ramsey's,
New Jersey, where he died October 25, 1859.
He married, July 4. 1802, at New Prospect,
Ann Wilson, born November 23, 1783, died
October 12, 1870, at Ramsey's, New Jersey,
laughter of Albert Wilson, born February 14,
755, at Woodbridge, New Jersey, and died
November 13, 1834. His wife, Mary, died
September 18, 1818. Ann, their fourth
laughter, became the wife of William Conklin,
lS above noted. Children of John A. Tallman :
ohn Harvey, born October 3, 1843; Abram,
nentioned below; William Henry, February
15, 1851 ; Anna Maria, February 23, 1855;
ames Cornell, March 29, i860; Caroline
^ouise, May 16, 1866.
(VIII) Abram, second son of John Abra-
1am and Caroline (Conklin) Tallman, was
10m May 6, 1846, at Tallman's. He resided
.t Englewood, New Jersey, where he was a
arpenter and builder. His early life was
pent on the paternal farm at Tallman's, and
le attended school at Suffern, New York. In
862, when sixteen years old, he taught school
or a few months at Tallman's. his first ven-
ure in life on his own account. In 1863 and
864 he was employed in a photograph gallery
n New York City, but this work proved in-
urious to his health, and he returned to his
lative place and spent six months on the farm,
following this he was employed for two years
n the shops of the Erie Railroad Company at
iamapo, where he learned the building trade.
Afterwards he worked as a carpenter in Suf-
ern and Middletown, New York, and Pater-
on, New Jersey, and in 1867 settled in Engle-
vood, New Jersey, where for many years he
vas engaged in business as a builder, con-
tructing many of the finest residences in the
ity. He has always taken an active interest
n the welfare of Englewood and saw it grow
rom a village of about fifteen hundred peo-
)le, when he settled there, to nearly two thou-
and inhabitants in 1913. From 1889 to 1893
ie was a member of the township committee,
ind was also a member of the citizen's com-
nittee formed in 1895, t0 promote the move-
nent for the incorporation of the city, and
vhen this was accomplished in the following
'ear he was elected a member of the first com-
non council, and served as chairman of that
>ody from 1896 to 1898. He was regarded as
1 faithful municipal officer, who gave strict
egard to the public interest in the perform-
ince of his duties. Since his retirement from
ictive business, several years ago, Mr. Tallman
las devoted his attention to the development
if his real estate interests in Englewood, being
the owner of several acres of land, upon which
he has erected a number of houses, and
through which a street has been opened, which
has been named Tallman Place by the Engle-
wood common council in recognition of his
services to the community. He married, Sep-
tember 2~, 1870, at Englewood, New Jersey,
Maria Zabriskie, born February 26, 1849, near
New Milford, Bergen county, New Jersey,
daughter of William Henry and Effie (De-
marest) Zabriskie. descended from one of the
oldest families of Bergen county, New Jersey
(see Zabriskie VII). Children: Abram Zab-
riskie, born April 3, 1872; William, mentioned
below; Margaretta, December 20, 1877; John,
February 1, 1885. died April 20, 1893: James
Albert, March 19, 1892.
(IX) William, second child of Abram and
Maria (Zabriskie) Tallman, was born March
3. 1875, in Englewood, New Jersey. He
graduated from the public schools of that
city in 189 1. Following this he graduated
from Drake's Business College of Jersey City,
in 1892, and entering the New York Law
School was graduated in 1897 with the de-
gree of LL.B., being admitted to the bar
in the same year in New York City. From
1897 t0 1902 he practiced law in New York
City. On November 12, 1912, Mr. Tallman
was appointed by the four judges of the
United States district court for the southern
district of New York in New York City, first
deputy clerk of that court, which position he
now holds. He is also a standing examiner in
equity and has served as special commissioner
in bankruptcy of that court. He is a past mas-
ter and also historian of Tuscan Lodge, No.
115, Free and Accepted Masons, of Engle-
wood; a thirty-second degree and Royal Arch
Mason, and a member of the Mystic Shrine.
He was one of the organizers of the City Club
of Englewood, of which he is historian, and
has served several times as a member of its
executive committee. He is also a member of
the shade tree committee of the City Club of
Englewood and one of the organizers and sec-
retary and treasurer of the Shade Tree Fed-
eration of New Jersey. In this connection he
has been active in movements leading to the
preservation of shade trees in Englewood.
He married, August 8, 1907, in Whitehall,
New York, Isabelle Jean Sleight, born Janu-
ary 3, 1876, in Dresden, Washington county.
New York, daughter of David and Jean
6 1 o
( Stuart ) Sleight. David Sleight came from
Northumberlandshire, England, about i860,
and was a prominent farmer of Dresden.
(The Zabriskie Line.)
John Sobieski, John III., king of Poland,
1674-96, was one of the greatest warriors of
the seventeenth century. His father, James
Sobieski, castillion of Cracow, was a man of
virtuous character, and in behalf of his fellow
countrymen he developed a warlike spirit
which secured to him the throne of Poland.
He brought up his sons, Mark and John, born
between 1O24 and 1629, with the utmost care,
and they completed their education by travel
and observation in France, England, Germany
and Italy. On the death of their father, in
1648, they were recalled home, and after the
defeat of the Polish army by the Russians in
the battle of Pilawieez, the brothers Sobieski
took up arms to restore the fortunes of their
countrymen, and Mark fell in the battle on
the banks of the Bog. This spurred John to
greater valor, and he became the admiration
of the Poles and the dread of the Tartans and
Cossacks. He received the highest military
rank in the army, and on November 11, 1673,
in the great battle of Choezin, he defeated the
Turks, who left twenty-eight thousand men
dead and wounded on the battlefield. This led
to his unanimous election of king of Poland,
May 21, 1674, and he was crowned at Cracow.
In [683 the Turks beseiged Vienna, and King
John III , with twenty thousand Poles, aided
by the German auxiliary, raised the siege by
the victory of September 12, 1683, in which
battle he took the banner of Mohammed and
sent it as a trophy to the pope. His entry into
Vienna was that of a conqueror, and the citi-
zen- of the besieged city showed every demon-
stration of joy and thanksgiving their ingenu-
ity could devise or their glad hearts express.
John Sobieski was not only a warrior and
ruler, but a lover of science and a man of
gentle disposition and agreeable manner. His
constant wars did not allow him, however, to
attend to the industrial needs of the citizens at
home, and the want of such fostering care
hastened the downfall of Poland. He died of
apoplexy June 17, 1696. His ancestors had
been for two centuries Palatine nobles of Po-
land and famous soldiers and statesmen. It
is from such ancestors with such records of
military and executive greatness that the Zab-
riskies of New Tersey and New York are de-
scended, and the cognomen has, through the
German, Holland and English spellings,
evolved from Zobrieski, Saboroweski, So-
brisco, Zabrioski to Zabriskie.
(I) Albert Saboriski, son of a brother of
James Sobieski, and cousin of King John III.,
of Poland, who, like his nephew, was a fa-
mous soldier, was born in Zolkwa, Poland
(or Enghsburg, Prussia), probably in 1638.
He was given a liberal education, being sent
by his father to Amsterdam, Holland, with
the hope that he would enter the ministry, and
he directed his studies to that end for a time,
but the preparation proved distasteful and he
abandoned theology ; subsequently he was
pressed into the Prussian army. To fight for
the old enemy of Poland was far more dis-
tasteful, and he determined to seek his for-
tune in the new world and join his friends
who had gone from Upper Palatinate to New
Amsterdam and made homes there and in New
Jersey. He took passage in the Dutch ship
"D'Vos" (the "Fox"), Captain Jacob Hansz
Huys, at Amsterdam, Holland, August 31,
1662, and landed in New Amsterdam, where
he lived for ten or more years without set-
tling in any one place or engaging in any set-
tled business. We find him in Bergen (now
Jersey City) about the time of his marriage,
which is registered in the books of the Dutch
Reformed church of Bergen, December 17,
1676, and the marriage certificate recorded as
issued January 8, 1677. He married Mach-I
telt (Matilda), daughter of Joost Van den
Linde, whose brother, Roloff Van der Linde.
became one of the largest land holders in Ber-
gen. Upon his marriage he took title to a
tract of land, patent 20, 21, 22. In 1682 ht<
obtained patents from Lady Carteret of sev-<
eral adjacent tracts, thus extending his estate'
from the Hudson river on the east to thet
Hackensack river on the west. The Indiansi
also bargained with him for land at Tappan.
higher up the river, which, in 1702, he nomin-
ally exchanged for twenty-one hundred acre?'
owned by the Indians adjoining his original
purchases, and this second purchase became
known as the New Paramus Patent. (See-
map of Perth Amboy.) He erected a house
at Old Ackensack ( now near Ridgefield Park)
and his eldest sons. Jacob and" Jan (John)
and probably all his children, were born there
He helped to organize the church on the greer
at < )ld Hackensack in 1696, his name appear
ng on stone in present church wall, and was
:he leading member and supporter of that
phurch for over twenty-five years. He was
ilso the first justice of the peace of Upper
Bergen county (his original signature appear-
I' ng on deed held by Wesley Van Emburgh of
Ridgewood, New Jersey), his commission
laving been signed by Governor Hamilton in
1682. He died in Hackensack, and is sup-
posed to have been buried there September
11, 171 1, according to the record of the Luth-
jeran churches in and about New York, and
jnis age is stated as between seventy-two and
J seventy-three years. His widow, born in 1656,
•died in 1725. In the record of his death his
J name is written "Albert Saboriski."
Children of Albert and Matilda ( Van der
? Linde) Saboriski, born in or near Hackensack,
1 Bergen county. New Jersey: 1. Jacob A.,
April 12, 1679. 2. Jan (John), born in Hack-
tensack, about 1682; married (first) Septem-
Iber 20. 1706, Elizabeth Cloes Romeyn. of
iGravesend, Long Island, New York, born
',1683, died in Hackensack, in 1712; he married
|;(second) December 6. 1712, Marguaretta du
Rij (Durie), and lived on the old homestead
facing the green alongside the church in Hack-
ensack, which he inherited, and besides being
a farmer he was active in public affairs ; he
had four children by his first wife and nine
by his second. 3. Yost. 4. Christian. 5.
Hendrick. There is a tradition in the family
that Jacob A., eldest son of Albert, was stolen
! by the Indian sachem when seven years old and
carried to the Indian village nearby, and that
fsome time elapsed before his whereabouts be-
came known. As his father was a true friend
I to the Indians, the sachem at last disclosed the
secret of taking the child, and he expressed
the wish that he be allowed to keep the boy
until he became versed in the Indian lan-
guage, that he might be able to maintain the
friendship established by the father, and like
him, act as an arbitrator and interpreter in
any trouble that might come up between the
Indians and their white neighbors. The boy
consented and when he had returned to his
father"s home he had acquired the language,
and his friendship for the Indians was a fixed
principle of his life. The tradition adds that
in consideration of allowing the boy to re-
main, the second grant of Upper Paramus was
secured. The fact, however, remained that
valuable merchandise, wampum and money
was paid the Indians by Albert Saboriski for
the land.
(II) Christian Zabriskie, fourth son of Al-
bert and Machtelt or Matilda (Van der Linde)
Saboriski, was born in Hackensack, Upper
Bergen, New Jersey, was baptized in the
church at Hackensack, Upper Bergen, July 3,
1696, and died 1774. He married, May 28,
1714, Lea Hendricksje Hoope (Hooper). He
lived in Lower Paramus, and was received in
the church at Hackensack, as a member, July
13, 1723, when he appears to have spelled his
name "Zabbroski." He was probably a far-
mer, as his father had large estates in New
Jersey, which afforded the best of land for
carrying on the business of cultivating the soil,
and in fact the early Hollanders and Palatin-
ates were farmers and both men and women
were accustomed to working in the fields, and
the women universally were the chief depen-
dence in milking and caring for the butter and
cheese. Children of Christian and Lea Hen-
dricksje (Hooper) Zabriskie, born in Lower
Paramus. New Jersey: 1. Albert, baptized
September 2, 1716; married, October 26, 1739,
Aeltje, daughter of Abraham and Aeltje
(VanLeer) Ackerman ; her parents removed
from New York City to Bergen, New Jersey,
in 1694, and settled on a large tract of land
lying between the Hackensack and Saddle
rivers in Bergen county. (The chart of the
Zabriskies, prepared by Chandler Zabriskie
gives Tjilletji Ackerman to this Albert : but the
record of baptism of Jacob, son of Tjilletji,
has the father's name "Albert Hen." and not
"Albert Christ." She must therefore have
been the wife of Albert, son of Henry and
Gertrude H. (Hooper) Zabriskie. 2. Hen-
drick, baptized May 22, 1718. 3. Jacob, bap-
tized January 22, 1721 ; died young. 4. Jacob,
baptized January 20, 1725; married, August
7. 1747, Lena Ackerman. 5. Andries, men-
tioned below.
(III) Andries (Andrew), fifth son and
youngest child of Christian and Lea Hen-
dricksje (Hooper) Zabriskie, was born in
Lower Paramus, January 3. 1729, according
to records of the Schraalenburg church. He
was a farmer. He married, in 1750. Eliza-
beth Ackerman, of Paramus: 1. Christian A.,
born in Paramus, and baptized in the church
there. February 24, 1751. 2. John A., men-
tioned below. 3. Jane, January 1, 1761 ; mar-
ried Corponas Bogert ; children : Cornelius C.
Bogert, Elizabeth Bogert, who married Will-
iam Pell and had six children.
(IV) John A., son of Andrew and Eliza-
beth (Ackerman) Zabriskie, was horn about
1752 in Lower Paramus, and died in 1824.
He was a farmer, residing on the west side
of the road in what was known as the Flats,
near New Milford, New Jersey, lie married
Christina Zabriskie, born November 5, 1752,
died January 13, [831. They had sons. John
and I lenry J.
(V) Henry J., son of John and Christina
Zabriskie, was born January 29, 17K7, at the
Flats, where he lived, engaged in farming until
his death, January 7, t86l. He married,
March 9, 1811, Anna Sickels, born November
15, 171)0, died February iS, 1876, daughter of
William N. and Elizabeth Sickels of Sickel-
town, Rockland county. New York. They had
sons, John II. and William Henry.
1 VI) William Henry, son of Henry J. and
Anna (Sickels) Zabriskie, was born August
9, [820, .it the Flats, where lie lived until his
death, December 6, [859. lie was an exten-
sive dealer in timber and also a farmer. He
married, November 3, 1841, at Schraalenburg,
Effie Demarest, born September 7, [821, ,u
Schraalenburg, died July 2. [860, at the Flats,
daughter of Abraham J. and Rachael ( Blau-
velt ) Demarest, of Schraalenburg. Children:
Henry, Eliza, Ann, Rachel, Maria, Abraham,
Margareta, Euphemia.
(VII) Maria, third daughter of William
Henry and Effie (Demarest) Zabriskie, born
February 26, [849, in New Milford, became the
wife of Abram Tallman (see Tallman Will).
There were numerous immigrants
PECK of this name in the early days of
Connecticut, and Massachusetts.
and their progeny is now widely scattered
throughout the nation. The first in America
of the line traced below was a direct descend-
ant in the twenty-first generation of John
Peck, of Belton, Yorkshire, England. This
family is often referred to as the "Massachu-
setts Pecks," to distinguish it from descend-
ants of settlers at Hartford and New Haven,
Connecticut. They have been distinguished
for their sound sense anil keen business abil-
ity, ami are nearly always found in good finan-
cial circumstances.
(I) Joseph Peck was the son of Robert.
born 154(1. died 151)3. and Helen (Babbs)
Peck, of Beccles, Suffolk county, England,
and was baptized there April 30, 1587. He
settled in Hingham, Norfolk county, England,
and in 1638 he and other Puritans, with his
brother, Robert Peck, their pastor, tied from
the persecutions of the church to this country.
They came in the ship "Diligent," and settled
in Hingham. Massachusetts, where Joseph
Peck received a grant of land in [638. He
remained there about seven years, and was
justice of the peace, assessor, selectman, repre-
sentative to the general court four terms. In
1641 he became one of the principal purchas-
ers of that tract of land called by them
Seekonk, afterwards incorporated as Reho-
both, and removed there in 1645. and became
one of its prominent men, as well as one of its
wealthiest. He died December 23, 1663. He
married ( first 1 in Hingham. England, May 21,
1 1 n 7. Rebecca Clark, who died and was buried
there, ( >ctober 24. 1637. The name of his
second wife is unknown. The marriage was
probably in another parish, wdiere the records
were not preserved. The records of the town
clerk at Hingham, Massachusetts, show that
"Mr. Joseph Peck, his wife, three sons and
a daughter settled there." so it is known he
married a second time before leaving Eng-
land. His children were: Anna, baptized in
Hingham, England. March 12. 1618, buried
there, July 2~, [636; Rebecca, baptized in
Hingham, May 25, 1620, married
Hubbert : Joseph, August 23, 1623; John, bap-
tized about [626; Nicholas, mentioned be-
low; Samuel, baptized in Hingham, Massa-
chusetts, February 3, [639; Nathaniel, < )cto-
ber 31, 1(141 : Israel, March 4, 1644.
(II) Nicholas, third son of Joseph Peck,
was baptized April 9, [630, in Hingham. Eng-
land, and was about eight years of age when
he came with his parents to America. He set-
tled in the southeastern part of Seekonk, and
there died May 2J. 1710. He was often one
of the raters, or assessors, and selectmen of
the town. In [669 he was elected deputy to
the general court, and also served from 1677
to 1690, with exception of 1687-8, when the
town elected no representative. From 1677 t0
1684 lie- is called Ensign Nicholas Peck, later
lieutenant, and finally captain. He married,
about 1655, Mary, eldest daughter of Alexan-
der Winchester. He had a second wife, Re-
becca, who died November 2, 1704. Children:
Joseph, born October 2j, 1656; John. August
Resident of Rockland Count'
!, 1660; Hezekiah, April 1, 1662; Mary, Sep-
ember 15, 1664; Jonathan, November 5, 1666;
Nicholas, June 6, 1669 ; Elisha, mentioned be-
(III) Elisha, youngest child of Nicholas
Liul Mary (Winchester) Peck, was born
\pril 11, 1673, in Rehoboth, and resided for
1 time on the homestead there, and subse-
[uently in Attleboro, Massachusetts, and
Providence, Rhode Island. He removed from
Rehoboth to Attleboro about 1718. He mar-
led, December 24, 1703, in Rehoboth, Martha
_ake, "both of Rehoboth." Children :
vlartha, died young; Joel, born June I, 1707;
erusha, January 1, 1709; Eunice, March 12,
711; Inspection, March 22. 1713 : Constan-
ine, mentioned below; Martha, April 8, 17 1 7 ;
Nicholas, April 30, 1719; Mary, August 31,
724; Elijah, September 7, 1729. All except
he last two are recorded in Rehoboth, and
he last three in Attleboro.
(IV) Constantine, second son of Elisha and
vlartha (Lake) Peck, was born May 26, 171 5.
n Rehoboth, and resided for a time in that
own, later removing to Providence. He mar-
ied Priscilla Peck, of that town. Children :
oel, born September 1, 1735; Susannah, May
3, 1738; Benoni, November 25, 1739; Abra-
lam. May 30, 1742; Inspection, July 6. 1745:
Nicholas, October 2, 1746; Elisha, mentioned
>elow; Eleazer, March 7. 1750: Martha, Au-
gust 8, 1752; Abiah, December 18, 1755;
vfary, May 19, 1758; Gershom, July 20. 1760;
^.nne, January 10, 1762.
(V) Elisha (2), sixth son of Constantine
tnd Priscilla (Peck) Peck, was born Novem-
>er 25, 1747. He resided for a time in Pro-
idence ; soon after 1773 he settled in Lenox.
Vlassachusetts, where he was a farmer. He
inarried. in Providence, March 11, 1773. Free-
ove Knight, of Cranston, Rhode Island. No
ecord of children is available beyond that
urni^hed by the family records.
( VI ) Elisha (3). son of Elisha (21 and
"reelove (Knight) Peck, was born March 4.
789, in Lenox, and died in 1851, at his resi-
lence on Fourth street. New York City. He
vas reared upon the farm, and early in life
vent to Berlin, Connecticut, where he became
nterested in the manufacture of metal ware,
^ater he removed to New York City and there
termed an association with Anson G. Phelps,
) inder the firm name of Peck & Phelps, for
lealing in metals. He immediatelv proceeded
to Liverpool, where he opened a foreign
branch of the business and continued four-
teen years. In August, 1830, he returned to
America, bringing with him the machinery for
a rolling mill. Mr. Phelps had already pur-
chased land and a water privilege on Minis-
ceongo creek, in Rockland county, New York,
where they established a rolling mill wire
works and kindred industries. A village
sprang up about these mills, which was named
Samsondale by Mr. Peck, in honor of the ves-
sel which brought him from Liverpool in
1830. Here was manufactured what was
known as the E. P. brand sheet iron, which
had a high reputation among dealers. The
partnership between Messrs. Peck and Phelps
was dissolved and Mr. Peck retained the shops
at Samsondale. while Mr. Phelps took the mer-
cantile business in New York. About this
time Mr. Peck erected a screw factory and
chemical works, where was carried on chiefly
the production of sulphuric acid. In 1833 he
opened a new road, which is now the thor-
oughfare from Minisceongo creek to the rail-
road station at Haverstraw. The new plants
were established on what was known as the
Allison farm, which Mr. Peck purchased for
that purpose, and removed the old mansion,
in whose place he erected a handsome resi-
dence. His eldest son, Shubael. who possessed
an inventive mind and was of much assistance
to his father, was killed by l he explosion of
a boiler in a vessel which he was navigating
on the Hudson. After this a younger son,
John Peck, became his father's partner.
About 1842 the industries began to feel the
injurious effects of changes in the tariff, and
the mills were closed. They were reopened
during the civil war and did a prosperous
business for a time, and have since been occu-
pied by various industries. Mr. Peck was a
man of keen foresight and great executive
ability, and became interested in various large
enterprises. He was one of the original pro-
moters of the Somerville & Easton railroad,
and of the Elizabeth & Easton, both of which
became part of the New Jersey Central sys-
tem, in which Mr. Peck was a large stock-
holder and director. At one time he was the
principal owner of the Providence railroad,
which under his direction as president proved
to be one of the most profitable enterprises of
the kind in this section of the Union. He was
a director of the Hudson River railroad, and
Ml 4
when he retired from the hoard resolutions
of regret were passed by his contemporaries.
He was interested in various other industries,
and it is a remarkable fact that none of those
in which he invested ever proved unprofitable.
Mr. Peck was a man of genial nature and
very liberal, and when the Presbyterian church
established at Samsondale, he donated the lot
upon which its house of worship was located.
and also contributed generously in cash to-
ward its completion.
He married. June 30, 1814, Chloe, daughter
of Shubael Pattison, of Berlin, Connecticut
Children : Shubael, born April 10, 181 5 ; Har-
riet, fanuary 22, 1X17; John, born No-
vember 12. [818; Edward, June 3, 1822;
Mary Ann. December 16, 1823. The
youngest son was born in Liverpool. England,
and the youngest daughter in West Darby,
England. The others were born in Berlin,
Connecticut. ' )f these only the second son
and youngest daughter survived their father.
The Jatter became the wife of George Gordon.
Alexander Hamilton, dis-
HAMILTON tinguished soldier and
statesman, was born in the
Island of Nevis. West Indies, and was of a
Scotch family. He was instructed under the
tutorship of a Scotch Presbyterian minister,
and in young manhood was in charge of a
mercantile business in his native place. In
1772 friends induced him to go to Boston,
whence he went to Elizabethtown, New
Jersey, where he attended a preparatory
school, thence entering King's College. New
York, but after two years his education was
interrupted by the occupation of the college
buildings by the British troops. At the open-
ing of difficulties he took an emotional part,
and at the early age of seventeen, voluntarily
ascended a platform in New York City and
delivered a fiery phillipic against British op-
pression. Subsequently he issued a couple of
pamphlets, which were of such force and
literary merit that they marked him as a
revolutionary leader. Early in 1776. when
not nineteen years old, he had command of
an artillery company, which he made the
model of its kind in General Greene's com-
mand. His military behavior in the battles
of Long Island and White Plains brought him
a commission as lieutenant-colonel in the Con-
tinental army, and assignment to the staff
of Washington as military secretary. Taking
offence at a reproof from his chief, he re-
signed his position and entered the field as
lieutenant-colonel of New York artillery. At
Yorktown he led a successful storming party
upon a redoubt, and was breveted colonel.
He served in the New York assembly and in
congress, and also in the national constitu-
tional convention. When Washington was
elected to the presidency, he made Hamilton
first secretary of the United States Treasury.
Hamilton's services at this period were con-
spicuously useful : he inaugurated a system
of internal revenue, a protective tariff, regu-
lated the currency, established navigation
laws and laws regulating the coasting trade,
the post offices and the disposition of public
lands, and procured the purchase of land at
West Point for a military academy. He re-
signed the secretaryship in 1795 and resumed
his law practice in New York City. He main-
tained close relation with Washington, and
was an influential factor in public affairs. In
[798 he was made major general and inspec-
tor general of the army, and the following
year was made commander-in-chief. On July
11. 1804, at Weehawken. New Jersey, he fell
in a duel with Aaron Burr. He married Eli-
zabeth, daughter of General Philip Schuyler,
of Albany.
The origin of this name seems
TELLER uncertain ; it was employed by
the first Dutch immigrant and
has been continually used by his descendants,
among whom have been many conspicuous
and useful citizens in Albany and Kingston,
and all along the Hudson river valley.
(I) William Teller, born 1616, in Holland,
arrived in the province of New Netherlands,
in the year 1639, and was soon sent to Fort
Orange by Governor Kieft with the rank of
corporal. He was probably a soldier before
his arrival in America, and was made wacht-
meister of the fort at Albany by Governor
Kieft soon after his arrival there. He con-
tinued to reside at Albanv until 1692, except
while on trips to New York, the Delaware
river, and one voyage to Holland. For about
fifty years he was a trader at Albany, whence
he removed to New York in 1692 with his
sons, and died in 1701. In 1656 he was one
of the collectors of taxes, and in 1684 was
made alderman of the first ward of Rensselaer-
vvyck (Albany) upon the first division of that
village into wards. In that year he was also
i justice of the peace. In 1678 he accidentally
<illed an Indian woman with a gun which he
was taking from the wall just as she was
entering the door, and was tried for this on
May 6 of that year before the governor and
rouncil and was acquitted. In his will, made
March 9, 1669, proved 1701, he spoke of six
Df his nine children as then living, namely :
Andries, Helena, Elizabeth, Willem, Johannes
and lannette. It is probable that he had dis-
posed of much of his property before his
death, when the inventory amounted to nine
hundred and ten pounds, ten shillings and
two pence. He was one of the early proprie-
tors of Schenectady in 1662, though probably
never a resident there, and was one of the
patentees mentioned in the first patent of the
town in 1684. His first wife, Margaret Dun-
cassen, died before 1664, in which year he
made a marriage contract with Maria Varleth,
widow of Paulis Schrick. She survived him,
dying in 1 702, when an inventory of her estate
was made, amounting to one thousand, two
hundred and seventy-five pounds, twelve shill-
ings and nine pence. She was a daughter of
Casper and Judith Varleth, early residents of
Port Good Hope, Hartford, Connecticut, be-
ing there as early as 1633. Children of first
marriage: Andries, Helena, Maria (Marga-
rette). Elizabeth, Jacob, William, Johannes (or
John). Children of second wife: Janette (or
Janneke) and Casper.
( II ) William (2), third son of William (1)
and Margaret (Duncassen) Teller, was born
in 1657. at Albany, and settled in New York,
where he made his will June 25, 1710. He
married (first) November 19, 1686, Rachel
Kierstead, of New York, daughter of Hans
Kierstead and Sarah Rolffsen, who died before
1705. He received a license. January 19, 1705,
to marry his cousin, Maria Van Tricht. Chil-
dren of first marriage, baptized in New York :
Margarita, August 17, 1687; William, died
young; William, December 25, 1690; Hans (or
John ) , mentioned below ; Margaret, February
2, 1696; Jacobus, died young; Andries, Janu-
ary 25, 1702; Jacobus, August 29, 1703.
(III) Hans or John, third son of William
(2) and Rachael (Kierstead) Teller, was bap-
tized March 12. 1693, in New York. He mar-
ried (first) April 2^, 1719, Catherine Van Til-
burgh, and had sons, baptized in 1720 and
1722. He married (second) before 1728, Au-
lie Vermilyea. Children of second marriage:
Catherine, born 1728, married John Stouten-
burgh; Isaac, born 1730; John, born 1733,
married Margaret Stoutenburgh ; Jacobus,
born 1736; Rachel, born 1741, married Luke
Stoutenburgh; Dr. Abram, born 1744, mar-
ried Margaret Driemer ; Cynthia, married
Jacobus Stoutenburgh ; Luke, mentioned be-
(IV) Luke, son of John and Aulie (Ver-
milyea ) Teller, resided in Dutchess county
and died there. He married Sarah Snedeker,
November 10, 1765, and had ten children,
namely : James, Elizabeth, Sarah, Abram,
Rachel, Catherine, born June 16, 1778 ; Rich-
ard, John, Auley, Theodora.
(V) James, probably eldest son of Luke and
Sarah (Snedeker) Teller, died young. He
was a farmer and lived a short distance north
of Poughkeepsie, New York. Where the house
stood is still known as Teller's Hill. He mar-
ried, January 6, 1796, Sarah Smith, who died
January 3, 1847. Children: William S. and
Caroline. The latter died at the age of eight
(VI) William Smith, only son of James
and Sarah (Smith) Teller, was born February
24, 1807, and died January 21, 1892, in King-
ston. He and his mother lived in Poughkeep-
sie, where he learned the tanner and currier's
trade. He later joined his brother-in-law in
Newburgh and engaged in the leather busi-
ness for several years, then removed to King-
ston and formed a co-partnership with An-
drew Near, purchasing the Kingston Tannery
of A. H. Bruyn, and for twenty-five years car-
ried on the tanning and leather business. He
was a member of the First Methodist Episco-
pal Church from 1846 until his death and was
an officer of this body. He married (first)
October 27, 1831, Maria Broomfield, born
January 25, 1812, died June 15, 1844. He
married (second) September 17, 1846, Esther
M. Hoyt, born September 15, 1824, died
March 6, 1865. He married (third) April 25,
1867, Rebecca Montayne, born November 20,
1823, died February 24, 1889. Children of
first marriage: James G., born July 20, 1833,
died December 16, 1892, in Saugerties, New
York, Caroline, August 5, 1836, died in her
sixth year; William H., February 20, 1839,
died in his twenty-fifth year; Elizabeth, Octo-
ber 20, 1841, married Oliver C. Webster, and
lived until her death in Kingston. Children
of second wife: George, born November 12,
[848, married Sophia E. Brill, two children,
Myron S. and Janette B. ; Myron, mentioned
below; Charles, died in infancy.
(VII) Myron, fourth son of William Smith
Teller and second child of his second wife,
Esther M. Hoyt, was born January 1, 1851,
in Kingston, New York, where he now re-
sides, lie is a member, with his family, of the
First M. E. Church of that city. lie mar-
ried, September 18, 1873, in Kingston, Jennie
Frances Romer, daughter of William F. and
Jane (Baldwin) Romer. Children: Marian,
married October 23, 1906, Edward Dunscomb
Ibbotson ; Caroline, died May. 1905; William
Romer; Jennie (Jane R.), married January
30, 1909, Charles Bruyn, and lives in New
York City.
The name of Romer is one which
ROMER has been identified with many
important interests in the state
of New York, and the most recent bearer of it
in the family here under review was William
F. Romer, head of the Albany and Newburgh
Day Line of boats.
(I) Jacob Romer married. August 20, 1754,
Fannie Erlacher, and they had children: Hen-
drick, burn June 17. 1755: Elizabeth, born
May 3, 1757: Frena. burn September 13, [760;
Catrina, burn April 30, 1763; Jacob, see for-
ward: Johannes, born 17(7: Maritie, born
June 25. [760: Vnnette, bum May 20, [770;
Sara, burn November 16, 1773; Femmetje,
burn February 20, 1777.
( II ) Jacob 12), son of Jacob 1 1 1 and Fan-
nie ( Erlacher) Romer, was born November 4.
17*14. He married Hannah Henderson and
had children as follows: Benjamin; Sarah;
James II.. see forward; Fannie; Nancy; Tohn,
married Fannie Mead, of Tarrytown ; Char-
( III ) James II., sun of Jacob (2) and I Tan-
nab (Henderson) Romer. was a Methodist
minister, who had been pastor of a church in
Putnam county, and his last charge was in
New York City, died in Kingston, New York.
He married Abigail Du Bois, daughter of
Peter and Mary ( Contain ) Du Bois, grand-
daughter of Louis and Elizabeth (Souliss)
Du Bois, and sister of John, William, Peter.
David, Esther, Mary. Stephen, Elizabeth and
Phoebe. James H. and Abigail (Du Bois)
Romer bad children: 1. James L., married I
Juliette Young, daughter of Lewis W. and I
Marjante R. (Dubois) Young, and had chil-
dren: William; Maggie E. ; James L. ; John;
Frank R. ; Caroline L., who married Roger
Williams, and has a son, Roger Williams, Jr.
2. William F., see forward. 3. Phoebe D. B.,
never married.
( IV) William F., son of James II. and Abi-
gail ( Du Bois) Romer, was born at Tarry-
town, New York, in 1820, died at Kingston,
New York, August 3, 1885. lie received the
education which the common schools of the
day afforded, and being an apt and attentive
scholar he acquired a fund of useful knowB
edge. In 1S40 he commenced teaching in
Marbletown, New York. When General
Joseph Smith was cashier of the Kingston Na-
tional Bank, application was made by Mr.
Ferguson for the appointment of William F.
Romer as discount clerk and, upon the recom-
mendation of Judge Hardenburgh, and other
prominent residents of Marbletown, Mr.
Romer received the appointment. In 1841 he
was appointed teller and bookkeeper, and a
few years later was made cashier, an office
he was filling at the time of his first Connec-
ticut with the freighting business in Rondoul
He resigned from his official position in the
bank in 1S4S, and formed a partnership with
Nathan Anderson and bis son under the firm
name of Anderson. Romer & Company, and
a third interest in the steamer "1 Iigblander"
was purchased. In 1853 Captain Tremper and !
Mr. ( iillett bought out the interests of the
Andersons, and the firm name became Romer,
Tremper & Gillett. They were the owners of
two steamers, the "Rip Van Winkle" and the
"North America." In 1856 Mr. Romer and i
Mr. Tremper bought the interest of Mr. Gil-
lett and the firm name was changed to read I
Romer & Tremper, under which style it was •
known until [883, at which time the firm was
incorporated as the Romer c!v Tremper Steam-
boat Company, and they became the owners
of the Albany & Newburgh Day Line. While
his connection with the bank was still in force
Mr. Romer married Jane R., daughter of
James W. and Mary I Newkirk 1 Baldwin, of
Kingston, and they had children: r. Mary
De Witt, who died September 12. 1866. 2.
Jane F., who married Myron Teller, and had
children: Marian, married Edward D. Ibhut-
son; Caroline, deceased: William Romer. mar'
ried Adelaide Hardenburgh : Jane R., married
Diaries D. Bruyn.
Mr. Romer in all his business affairs was
m honest, upright man, noted for his integrity.
.n social life he had many and sincere friends,
md he was a kind husband and an indulgent
:ather. When a young man he identified him-
;elf with the St. James Methodist Episcopal
"hurch, was a prominent member and held
>fficial position during the greater part of his
ife. He was one of the main supporters of
his church and gave liberally to it. and to
:very benevolent project which it furthered.
This name appears in the early
CORSA Dutch records of the state of
New York in a variety of forms,
;uch as Corse, Corsa, Corsse, Corssen, and
Toursen, and appears to have been derived
torn Cornelius. In comparatively recent
imes members of the family in Westchester
:ounty. New York, wrote it Cursa, and the
vill of Benjamin Corsen, of the fourth gener-
ition below is recorded under the name Cour-
on. The Dutch had a great habit of abbrevi-
iting names and frequently called Cornelius
'Cors." and it was a very simple step to call
lis sons Corssen. An effort has been made to
•onnect this family with Hendrick Corstiansen
>r Christiansen from Clieves, Holland, who is
;aid to have been a mate with Hudson on the
'Half-moon" and who made several voyages
)etween Amsterdam in his native land and
iVJew Amsterdam, now New York. He had a
:omrade, Cornelius Hendricksen, who may
lave been his son or merely a friend and co-
/oyager. He was killed by one of two Indians
vhom he had captured and carried to Holland,
ind returned to Manhattan Island. This was
it the beginning of the year 1614. This much
s certain, that the first ancestor from whom
his family can be continuously traced was the
ion of a man named Peter. The family has
ieen long identified with the state of New
ifork, and for some time was in possession of
anded property at Fordham, the title to some
)f which is still in dispute.
( I) The first of whom any record is dis-
•overed was Cornelis Pieterse Yroom Corssen,
.vho resided in New Amsterdam, where his
•hildren were baptized. He married Tryntje
Hendricks, and died before 16^7. She mar-
ked (second), August 17. 1657, Frederick
^ubbertse, of Brooklyn. Children of Cornelis
P. V. Corssen were : Cornelis, baptized April
23, 1O45 ; Pieter, March 5, 165 1 ; Hendrick, No-
vember 30, 1653; and Catherine, who married
John Stats.
(II) Cornelis, son of Cornelis Pieterse
Vroom and Tryntje (Hendricks) Corssen, was
baptized April 23, 1645, in New York, and re-
sided in Brooklyn, where he was on the assess-
ment rolls in 1675-6, and constable in 1677.
He was a member of the Reformed Dutch
church of Brooklyn, and described as of Wala-
bocht (Wallabout). By 1680 he removed to
Staten Island, where he took title, December
24, of that year, to three hundred and fifty-two
acres on the west side of Mill Creek, and on
the 28th of the same month an additional one
hundred and eighty acres. Both these tracts
were purchased for himself and three asso-
ciates, and his share of the last named was
sixty acres. He also secured thirty-two acres
of salt meadow "where most convenient." He
was appointed justice of the peace for Rich-
mond count)-. April 2, 1685, was later captain
of militia, and in 1689 held both positions. In
1 68 1 he bought land on the Raritan river in
New Jersey for three cents per acre. His
will, made December 9, 1692, was proved Au-
gust 1, 1693. He married, in New Amster-
dam. March 11, 1666, Marrytje Jacobs, van
der Grist (Grift). In the record he is de-
scribed as a young man of Brooklyn and she
as a young woman of New York. He had
sons: Jacob; Cornelius, baptized August 13,
168 1, who was many years a justice of the
peace of Staten Island ; Christian, a second
judge and lieutenant-colonel in 1738; and
Daniel, baptized February 8. 1690, in New
York. Benjamin, another son, removed in
1726 to Northampton, Bucks county, Pennsyl-
vania, where his descendants have resided until
very recent time.
(III) Jacob Corsen, eldest son of Cornelis
and Marrytje (Jacobs) Corssen, was born
about 1668, and resided on Staten Island,
where he made his will, October 8, 1742. By
this instrument his homestead was bequeathed
to his son Jacob, and seventy pounds to each
of his children, including: Suster, wife of
Johannes Simonson ; Mary, Mrs. Joshua Mer-
sereau ; Douwe, Benjamin, and Rebecca, wife
of John Blom. Very little mention of this
family is found in the records of Staten Island
at a later day.
(IV) Benjamin Corsa, son of Jacob Co:
sen, was born he-fore 1700, and the family tra-
dition says he was named in honor of Gover-
nor Benjamin Fletcher, whose jurisdiction be-
gan with the year [692. lie probably resided
about the time of his majority at Fordham,
which was then under the jurisdiction of Xew
York. He married, April 17, 1718, in New
York, Jannetje Reyers, daughter of Reyer
Michaelson Reyers. In the records she is de-
scribed as a young woman from the Manor
of Fordham and he is called a young man from
Xew York. His will, made October I, 1770,
is on record in Westchester county, and he
died before December 22, of the same year,
when the will was proved. It disposed of
lands now occupied by Fordham University
and the homestead mansion is still standing on
the grounds of the University and used as an
infirmary. Southern boulevard now crosses
the old graveyard in which many of the Corsa
family are buried. The will mentions sons
Tunis, John, then deceased, and Isaac, and
daughter Jane Lent. Isaac was made execu-
tor of the will.
(V) Captain Isaac Corsa, youngest son of
Benjamin and Jannetje (Reyers) Corsa, was
born about 1735, at Fordham, and was com-
missioned as captain of a company of ninety-
five men in an expedition against the French
in 1755. As already noted, he was made ex-
ecutor of his father's estate and during his
lifetime the property passed out of the family.
He married Alary, daughter of Andrew Gibb,
of Fordham Manor, who made his will Decem-
ber 24, 1701, in which twenty-five pounds was
bequeathed to his daughter Mary, wife of
Isaac Corsa. They had children: John, An-
drew, Isaac. Richard and Hannah. " The first
removed to Nova Scotia. The second. Andrew,
resided in the vicinity of Fordham. He was
a soldier of the revolution and was the last
survivor of Washington's Scouts, dying at the
age of ninety-one years. The other sons re-
sided in the vicinity of Fordham, and the third
married Helena Mussing, of Harlem, for his
first wife, and Mary Poole, second.
(VI) Richard, fourth son of Captain Isaac
and Mary (Gibb) Corsa, was born February
Q. 1793, in Fordham, where he resided and died
December 26, [853. He married. December
27, 1817, Esther Crawford, born May 4. 1799,
died January 24. 1870. They had children :
Louisa A . born December 24,1818; lames C,
mentioned below; Andrew J., April 1, 1822;
Rachel. April 30, 1825, and Armenia, June 11,
[830. The second son married (first) Octo-
ber 7, 1SO0, Jane Van Riper, and (second)
November 10, 1869, Araminta Jackson. He
was long engaged in business in Williamsburg
in association with his elder brother.
( VII ) James Crawford, eldest son of Rich-
ard and Esther (Crawford) Corsa, was born
May 7, 1820, on the Corsa homestead in Ford-
ham, and attended the public schools in the
neighborhood of his home. While still a boy
he was apprenticed to the cooper's trade and
after becoming a journeyman located in Wil-
liamsburg, where he was employed in making
casks for a sugar refining company. He was
subsequently engaged in business on his own
account with a man named Flynn, and they
were the first in Brooklyn to use machinery
in the manufacture of casks. They also manu-
factured kegs for the Atlantic White Lead
Company, and continued in this line of busi-
ness until about 1877. Mr. Corsa was after-
ward employed by the sugar refining company
of Crabb & Company, in which his brother
Andrew J. was a partner, among the first im-
porters of raw sugar. He continued in this
association until his death, April 30. 1800, near
the cluse of his seventieth year. He was affili-
ated with the Dutch Reformed church, whose
house of worship was located in the rear of
the present Borough Hall, Brooklyn, and was
also a member of the Order of American Me-
chanics. He married, March 26, 1850, Sarah
Garretson, daughter of Garret and Mary ( Ro-
maine) Garretson, and had two children;
Andrew Jackson and Mary Jane. The latter
became the wife of William Hooker Meeteer
and now resides in Brooklyn.
( YIII ) Andrew Jackson, only son of James
Crawford and Sarah (Garretson) Corsa. was
born December 4, 1856, at his father's home
on President street, in Brooklyn, and attended
the Wilson street public school of that city
until he was fifteen years old. He was then
employed as office boy by the Exchange In-
surance Company of New York City, and
since that time has been continuously identified
with insurance interests. He was soon ad- I
vanced to a clerkship and at the age of twenty-
five was made assistant secretary of the com-
pany. At the age of thirty years he became
secretary of the Mechanics' Insurance Com-
pany of New York and in 1885 became man-
ager (if the Alliance Insurance Association of
An Intrepid English na
pa sage to India, and on t
signed a contract with th
Amerli .1 : stai ted irom th
bth. anchored at 42° 40' (Albany) Sept. 19th; sailed lor Engl
sequent voyage his crew mutinied and he was set adrift
23, 161 I.
.it.. 1 who made trips in M.l)7an.l 1608 seeking an Arctic
• third sailed Into the Hudson River. On Jan. 8. 1 609, he
Dutch East India Co. to sail the Half Moon (60 tons) to
Texel, Holland, March 25th, entered The Narrows Sept.
d Oct. 4th. On sub-
Hudson's Bay, June
••Jew York, in which position he continued five
: rears. At the same time he was made man-
iger of the Queen Insurance Company of
\merica and located his offices in Brooklyn,
vhere he has since continued. Since 1908 he
las also represented the Sun Insurance office
>f London and conducts a general insurance
>rokerage. He was one of the organizers and
irst president of the Brooklyn Underwriters'
\ssociation, formed in 1896, and became presi-
lent of the Nassau County Board of 'I rade,
>rganized in 1906. He is at present president
if the Brooklyn Business Men's Association
ind a member of the Merchants' Association
' )f New York, representing in that body the
sun Insurance office of London and also the
insurance Society of New York. For five
'ears he was secretary of the Brooklyn Salvage
"orps and is now a member of the commission
'or locating and constructing a new municipal
)uilding for Brooklyn and also chairman of
|':he commission for the Marginal Railroad,
.vhich goes along the river front of Brooklyn.
He is a past master of Aurora Grata Lodge
No. 756, Free and Accepted Masons, of
Brooklyn, in which he was raised, and is now
iffiliated with Chrystal Wave Lodge. He is
it present grand representative of the Grand
Lodge of California in the Grand Lodge of
^ew York. Mr. Corsa was reared under the
cachings of the Dutch Reformed church, with
.vhich he is still in active sympathy. Politically
ne is independent of partisan rulings. He has
always been active in political, civic and religi-
dus interests for Brooklyn's good. He mar-
ried, November 4, 1885, in Brooklyn, Eliza-
beth Steimle, born November 24, 1868, in
Brooklyn, daughter of Andrew and Jannette
(Cook) Steimle. They have only one child,
Stanley J., mentioned below.
( IX ) Stanley James, only son of Andrew
Jackson and Elizabeth (Steimle) Corsa. was
born October 17, 1886, in Brooklyn, and began
receiving private instruction at the early age
of six years. He subsequently attended the
Brooklyn public school until twelve years of
age, when he entered the Brooklyn Polytech-
nic Institute and remained one year. In 1900,
he was sent to Major Holbrook's Military
Academy at Ossining, New York, where he
remained for one year, subsequently becoming
again a student at the Brooklyn Polytechnic
Institute, where he finished in 1905. He im-
mediately entered the fire insurance business
of his father as a clerk, and in 1910 he was
admitted to partnership in the business, which
has since been conducted under the firm name
of Andrew J. Corsa & Son, with offices on
Remsen street. They transact a general fire
insurance business, covering a wide range of
country, representing the Queens Fire Insur-
ance Company of America, the Sun Insurance
Company of London, England, and various
other responsible underwriters, besides con-
ducting a general brokerage business in in-
surance. Mr. Corsa is a member of the Beta
Phi fraternity of Brooklyn, the Insurance So-
ciety of New York, and Bedford Conclave
No. 850, Improved Order of Heptasophs. He
attends religious services at the Dutch Re-
formed or Episcopal church, and is a stead-
fast Democrat in political principle.
Henry (or Hendrick) Hud-
HUDSON son, famous explorer, was
probably born in London, Eng-
land, about 1775. He was bred to the
sea, and in 1609 he was engaged by the Dutch
East India Company to discover new whale
fishing grounds. On April 4 that year he
sailed in the "Half Moon," an eighty-ton ship,
with a crew of sixteen men, about equally
divided between Englishmen and Dutchmen,
with the intention of reaching Nova Zembla,
and was prevented by ice. Bearing west he
passed the Newfoundland banks, thence pass-
ing by Penobscot Bay and Cape Cod. Arriv-
ing at the James river, Virginia, he decided
not to meet Captain John Smith, and sailed
north. Entering Delaware Bay, he concluded
he could make no passage to the East Indies,
and following the Jersey coast reached Sandy
Hook on September 3. He sailed 150 miles
up the river which bears his name, and then
returned to England. He was ordered by his
employers to return to Holland. In the sum-
mer of 1610 he sailed in an English ship, the
"Discovery." and in Hudson's Bay (which
received its name from him ) . he and bis son
John and five of his seamen were cast adrift
by mutineers, and all miserably perished.
The family tradition states that
FURMAN this name is of Welsh origin
and it may be true that it orig-
inated in the English from someone who dealt
in furs, but the stronger supposition is that it
came from the German Fuhrman, the man
who made journeys or carried other people on
their journeys. At any rate, people bearing
this name have been prominently identified
with the history of the state of New York
from a very early penud. While not numer-
ous they have borne their proportionate share-
in the struggles of pioneer life and ill the
building up of communities morally, socially
and materially.
(I) |ohn Furman, born 1O00, came from
\\ airs, according to the family tradition, and
was made a freeman of the Massachusetts
Colony in [631. Soon after this he probably
removed to Long Island and little further con-
cerning him is known.
ill) Josiah and John Furman, sons of John.
removed from Hempstead, Long Island, to
the town of Newtown, where they purchased
land and where John died in 1677, aged about
forty-six years, leaving a sun Jonathan. Jo-
siah Furman, born 1635, in Massachusetts,
died in 1705 in Newtown, leaving sons. John.
[osiah, Joseph, David, Samuel and Jonathan.
(III) John (2), apparently eldest son of
[osiah Furman, born in Newtown, died there
in 172O. He was one of the twenty-four pat-
entees of Jamaica by grant of Governor Don
gan made May 17, 1686. lie married Mar-
garet Lynch.
(IV) Gabriel, son of John (21 and Mar-
garet (Lynch) Furman, was born [690, in
Newtown, and owned a farm in the locality of
that town, known as Whitepot. He died there
September 23, 1 70S. He married, August 19,
1713, Abigail, daughter of William and Abi-
gail I toward, of New Lots, born about [69Z.
They had sons: William, John, Samuel, How-
ard. Nathan, Joseph and Benjamin
( V ) Benjamin, youngest son of Gabriel and
Abigail (Howard) Furman, was born about
1720-30 in Newtown, and settled early in life
in the town of Ramapo, Rockland county, re-
moving later to Ilaverstraw. He married
Mary, daughter of Rem and Mary ( Letten 1
Remsen, born May 4, 1732 in Newtown.
(VI) William, son of Benjamin and Mary
(Remsen) Furman, was born February 21,
7771, in the town of Ramapo, and died Novem-
ber, 1824, having there engaged in farming.
He was a Methodist in religion and is de-
scribed by his descendants as a Republican.
He probably belonged to a party under that
name which flourished for a short time in the
early part of the nineteenth centurv. He mar-
ried Elizabeth Cooper, born June 16, 1780. a .
member of a large and influential family of
Rockland county. Children: Elizabeth, John,
Abram, Lilbert. Martha, William F., Eliza-
beth and George.
(VII) Gilbert, third son of William and
Elizabeth ( Cooper ) Furman, was born Novem-
ber 28, 1807, in Rockland county, New York,
and settled in Haverstraw, where he was a.
fanner and lumberman, and died May 5, 1889.
He was a member of the Methodist church, in
which he held various official positions, and
was a man of high character, noted for his
industry and upright life. He was buried
from the Mechanicsville Methodist Episcopal
Church and was borne to his last resting place
by six of his sons, Henry. George, John, Mon-
roe, Benjamin and Harmon, while the other
-on, William (',., supported his widowed
mother. He married Sarah Van Waert. born
November 17, 1815, in Little Falls, New Jer-
sey, died September 22. 18113, in Flaverstraw.
She was a descendant of the old Dutch fami-
lies of Van Waert and Dey, located in New
Jersey. She was possessed of many Christian
virtues, ever ready to relieve suffering and '
deeply revered by her family. After her death
her body was borne to the grave by her sons,'
William G., Henry. George, Monroe, Benja-
min and Harmon ( John being ill at the time),
and deposited beside that of her husband.
Children: John. Catharine. William G.,
Abram, Sarah Mancell, Henry. John Wesley,
George Banghart, Charles, Gilbert Monroe,
Benjamin, I farmon, Ida L.
(VIII) John Wesley, fifth son of Gilbert 1
and Sarah (Van Waert) Furman, was born 1
March 9, 1847, in Haverstraw, New York. He?
grew up on the paternal farm, in whose labor t
he took an active part, and attended the dis-
trict school at Camp Hill until eighteen years *
of age when he entered Canandaigua Acad-
miv. Later he was a student at the Oswego
Normal School, from which he was graduated I
in 1 87 1, and entered Cornell University in
1873. In 1879 he became a student at the law
school of New York University, from which
he was graduated in 1881 with the degree of I
LL.B. For some years he was engaged in
teaching in Rockland county, and was for a
time employed as principal in the city schools
of Binghamton, New York, and the southerly
part of Westchester county, which afterward
became annexed to New York City. In 1881
le began the practice of law at Haverstraw,
>Jew York, and has been so engaged continu-
msly to the present time. By his industry,
trict integrity, and thorough preparation he
•btained a large and lucrative practice and
s one of the leading and inuuential lawyers
f Rockland county.
He has always taken an active interest in
ducational matters and for many years served
s clerk of the Haverstraw board of educa-
ion. During this time the public school sys-
em of the village has been re-organized and
he present large high school building erected
1 which Mr. Furman took a very active part.
Notwithstanding his extensive professional du-
ies, he has ever been ready to advance the in-
erest of his home town and the general com-
lunity. He is an active member of the Meth-
■dist church of that place, in which he is a
rustee and teacher of the Bible class. He is
member of Stony Point Lodge, No. 313,
rree and Accepted Masons ; Iona Lodge, No.
28, Knights of Pythias ; and Sequel Lodge,
No. 542, Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
eing a past noble grand of the last named
ody. Mr. Furman took the leading part in
ecuring the incorporation of Mount Repose
"emetery, located at Haverstraw, New York,
nd through the efforts of himself and his
rother Henry this cemetery has been greatly
nproved and is considered one of the most
eautiful and attractive along the Hudson
He married, June 29, 1892, in Haverstraw,
da May Holmes, an estimable woman, born
September 24, 1856, in Kingston, New York,
aughter of Charles and Henrietta (Cosgrove)
lolmes, who were the parents of the follow-
ng children: William S, Emma, Charlotte,
Minnie F., Ida May, Charles, Albert, Nettie,
Frans Hendrickszen, the
HENDRICKS founder of this family, was
born in Breevoort, Hol-
ind, and died in New Amsterdam before No-
ember 6, 1684, the date of his widow's second
narriage. He married in the Dutch church in
■Jew Amsterdam in 1670, Belitje Jorisz,
laughter of Joris Stephenszen and Annatje
lendricks, who had emigrated from Brugge,
n Vlaenderen, and was at the time of her mar-
iage living: in Milpits Kill. She married
second) November 6, 1684, in the Dutch
church in New Amsterdam, George Atkins, an
Englishman, who had come from Virginia or
Maryland and settled in New Amsterdam.
Children of Frans Hendrickszen, baptized in
the Dutch church in New Amsterdam : Hen-
drick, baptized March 16, 1672, died in in-
fancy; Hendrick Franse, referred to below;
Geesje, baptized November 10, 1675.
(II) Hendrick Franse, son of Frans Hen-
drickszen and Belitje Jorisz, was baptized in
the Dutch church in New Amsterdam, Janu-
ary 12, 1673. After 1725 he removed to
Dutchess county. New York. He married
(first) Reuth Moor, and (second) October
21, 1709, Anna Maria Sipken, widow of Har-
man Lucasz, of New York. Children (two
by first marriage) : Frans, referred to below;
Marijtje, baptized July 2, 1710; Anna, baptized
June 3, 171 1 ; Jan, baptized September 20,
1713 ; Hendricus, baptized June 6, 1715 ; Elsje,
baptized September 1, 1717 ; Elisabet, baptized
June 7, 1721 ; Johannes, baptized February 26,
(III) Frans Hendricks, son of Hendrick
Franse and Reuth Moor, was born in New
York about 1705, died near Kingston, Ulster
county, New York. He married, in the Dutch
church, in Kingston, August 31, 1734, Eliza-
beth Valk. Children, baptized at Kingston :
Louwerens, baptized June 2j, 1736, married,
May 6, 1763, Elizabeth Pleogh ; Johannes, bap-
tized December 2, 1739; Jacob, baptized Sep-
tember 2j, 1741, married, August 24, 1771,
Ariantje Louw ; Elizabeth, baptized April 29,
1744; Philip, referred to below; Petrus, twin
with Philip, baptized July 17, 1748; Catherine,
baptized February 16, 1752.
(IV) Philip, son of Frans and Elizabeth
( Valk ) Hendricks, was born near Kingston,
Ulster county, New York, and baptized in the
Dutch church at Kingston, July 17, 1748. He
died November 28, 1834. He married, in the
Dutch church, in Kingston, December 27,
1775' Catherine van Stynberg, who was born
in 1747 and died May 9, 1835. Children:
Elizabeth, baptized June 27, 1779 ; Abraham,
baptized October 21, 1781, married Maria Os-
terhout ; Philip (2), referred to below.
(V) Philip (2). son of Philip ( 1) and Cath-
erine (van Stynberg) Hendricks, was born
September 3, 1791, near Kingston, Ulster
county, New York, died November 16, 1876.
He inherited the old family homestead from
his father, and cultivated it until his death.
He was captain in the National Guard
of the State of New York. He was
a member of the First Dutch Reformed
Church, in Kingston. He married, De-
cember 21, 1815, Elsie Elmendorf, who was
born March 21, 1795, and died October 2~,
1869. Among his children were : Martin Ed-
gar, referred to below ; Racheal Catherine, and
(VI) Martin Edgar, son of Philip (2) and
• Elsie ( Elmendorf ) Hendricks, was born on
his father's farm near Kingston, Ulster county,
New York, May 28, 1822, died June 10, 1905.
He received his early education in the public
schools of his native township and worked
on the farm, which he inherited at his father's
death, and which he cultivated until his own
death. He was a member of the liberal branch
of the Democratic party, and served as school
trustee and overseer of the poor in 1872 and
1873. He was a member of the First Dutch
Reformed Church, in Kingston, of which he
was deacon and elder for two years in each
office, and was also the superintendent of the
branch Sabbath-school of the church in East
Kingston. He was a liberal supporter of the
various benevolent and philanthropic enter-
prises of the vicinity, and actively identified
with all movements of an elevating and Chris-
tian character. He married, September 26,
1850. Harriet Ann, daughter of Tjerck and
Margaret (Hendricks) Wynkoop. who was
born December 27, 1824, and died April 7,
1909: Child: Clarence P., referred to below.
(YI1) Clarence P., son of Martin Edgar
and Harriet Ann (Wynkoop) Hendricks, was
born on the old homestead, near Kingston, Ul-
ster county. New York. September 29, 1856,
and is now living in Kingston city. He re-
ceived his early education in the public schools
and assisted his father on the farm until 1890,
when he formed a partnership with Charles
M. Streeter in the business of brick manufac-
turing under the firm name of Streeter & Hen-
dricks, which continued until 1900, when he
purchased the interests of his partner, and
conducted the business until 1906. In iqoC>
he admitted to partnership F. P. Luther, and
the business was incorporated under the title
of the Hendricks Brick Company, which is still
continued and is one of the largest of the kind
on the Hudson river, and of which he is the
president. He is one (if the directors of the
National Ulster County Hank. He is an Inde-
pendent in politics, and for thirty-five years
has been a member of the Flatbush school
board. He is a member of the Holland Society
of New York. He is a member of the Dutch
Reformed church, in Kingston, of which he
has been deacon and elder. He married, June
18, 1879, Maria V., daughter of Henry B. and
Isadora (Gibbs) Luther, of Kingston, who was
born April 7, i860. Child: Clarence Abram,
referred to below.
( VIII ) Clarence Abram, son of Clarence P.
and Maria V. (Luther) Hendricks, was born
March 11, 1885, and is now living in Kingston,
New York. He is engaged in the automobile
business there. He married, May 8, 1907, Eli-
zabeth McCullough. Child: Clarence Philip,
born October 29, 1908.
Matthew Vassar, founder of
VASSAR the female college which bears
his name, was born April 29,
1792, in East Dereham, England. His par-
ents, James and Anne (Bennett) Vassar,
were Baptists. They came to the United
States in 1796, settling in Poughkeepsie, New
York, where the father set up a "home-brewed
ale" brewery.
The father's business was distasteful to the
son, who went into other occupations, but the
brewery burned down, and a brother lost his
life in an endeavor to save the property, and
Matthew Vassar rejoined his father, aided him
in re-establishing the business, and acquired
a great fortune. In 1813 he married Catherine
Valentine, and subsequently they traveled
abroad. Upon his return he expressed a de-
termination to devote his great wealth to some
noble purpose. At that time there was not
in the country a higher educational institution
for women, and, through the influence of Pro-
fessor Milo P. Jewett he determined to supply
the want. Accordingly, in 1861, Vassar Col-
lege was incorporated, and to it Mr. Vassar
donated 200 acres of land and the sum of
$400,000, conditioned that the college should
be maintained non-sectarian in its teachings,
but under Baptist control. The college opened
in 1865. with 350 pupils. Mr. Vassar also
contributed liberally to local benevolences, and
erected a Baptist church in bis native town in
England. He died in Poughkeepsie, June 23,
1868, while in the act of reading his annual
address at the third commencement of the
Founder of Vassar Colli
ollege. His will added an additional $400,-
00 to his original gift.
This name appears in various forms
ROSE in the early records of New Eng-
land, such as Rowes and Rowe. It
as been long established in this country, has
een identified with its progress, and has fin-
ished many pioneers who have cleared the
ay for civilization.
(I) Robert Rose, who was born in 1594. in
England, sailed from Ipswich, Suffolk county,
England, in 1634, on the ship "Francis," acc-
ompanied by his wife Margery and eight
hildren. He was among the proprietors of
Vatertown, Massachusetts, in 1636-7, and a
lember of the company of "adventurers" who
ttled Wethersfield, Connecticut. There he
as a large landholder, was constable in 1639-
o, a juror in 1641, representative to the gen-
ral court in 1641-2-3 and held other official
ppointments. His homestead was on Broad
reet, on its southeastern side, embracing three
nd one-quarter acres. In 1641 he exchanged
.venty acres in Wethersfield for a like amount
Bran ford, Connecticut, then known as Toto-
et. In 1644 he removed to that place, and
ied there in 1665, his will, made August 25,
664, being proven at Branford, April 4, 1665.
e bequeathed six pounds, thirteen shillings
the Branford Church, and the inventory
f his estate amounted to eight hundred and
,venty-six pounds, nine shillings, and seven
ence. He married (second), at Branford,
une 7, 1664. Elizabeth, of New Haven, widow
f Edward Parker, and formerly widow of
bhn Potter. Robert Rose's children : John
nd Robert (twins), horn 1619; Elizabeth,
621 ; Mary. 1623 ; Samuel, 1625 ; Daniel, men-
oned below; Dorcas, 1632; Jonathan, and
lannah. The last two were probably born in
(II) Daniel, fourth son of Robert and Mar-
ery Rose, is shown by the statement of his
ge in the sailing list of the ship "Francis" to
ave been burn in 1631. He settled in Weth-
rsfield, where he was fenceviewer in 1669 and
pund-keeper in 1680. He received land in
be allotments of 1670 and 1694. In 1663 he
urchncpd one hundred and twelve acres at
led Hill, on the east side of the river, in what
; now Glastonbury, and in 1666 purchased
lie homestead of Thomas Prout, on the west
side of Sandy Lane. In 1670 he purchased
seventeen acres on the south side of what is
now Pratt's Ferry road, and sold one and one-
quarter acres of this tract in 1683. He mar-
ried Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth
Goodrich, born November 2, 1645. Children :
Elizabeth, born April 15, 1665; Daniel, Au-
gust 20, 1667 ; Mary, died young; Hannah, Au-
gust 12, 1673; John, June 10, 1675; Jonathan,
mentioned below; Sarah, November 2. 1 f >S r :
Jacob, twin of Sarah ; Mary, died July 24.
1683 ; Abigail, born September 14, 1685 ; Doro-
thy, May 3, 1O87; Lydia, April 24. 1689.
(Ill) Jonathan, third son of Daniel and
Elizabeth (Goodrich) Rose, was born Septem-
ber 30, 1679, in Wethersfield, and in 1 7 1 1 re-
ceived a house and one and one-half acres of
land from his father, situated on the north side
of the "road to Hartford." He was haywar-
den of Wethersfield in 1701 and fenceviewer
in 17 14. He married, February 26, 1707, Abi-
gail, daughter of Ebenezer Hale, of what is
now Glastonbury, born March 20, 1688, died
1791, at Granville, .Massachusetts, where her
sons settled. Children : Jonathan, mentioned
below; David, born September 13, baptized
September 18, 170*); Dorothy, born June 20,
171 1 ; Damaris, February 30, 1 7 1 3 .
1 I\" 1 Jonathan (21. eldest child of Jonathan
( 1 1 and Abigail ( Hale ) Rose, was born Feb-
ruary 18, baptized February 2<>, 1708. in Weth-
ersfield, and was among the pioneer settlers of
Granville, Massachusetts, where he located
about 1736-7. He lived to the age of one hun-
dred and three years, losing his life through
the burning of a house in which he was alone
at the time. He had sons : Sharon, Daniel
and Timothy. The last named was a revolu-
tionary soldier and settled in Granville, Ohio,
w7here he became a judge, and died in 181 5.
David Rose, brother of Jonathan, followed
him to Granville, Massachusetts, and became
a deacon of the church there, but no record of
his descendants appears.
(V) Sharon, eldest son of Jonathan (2)
Rose, had children : Giles, Sharon, Reta,
Oliver. Dwyer, Mercy. Ruth, and Abigail.
Probably one of these was the father of the
next mentioned.
(VII) Rufus Rose, Sr., is supposed to have
had an existence, because the next mentioned
is known in the family records as Rufus Rose,
Jr. The name of Rufus Rose does not appear
in the town records of Granville, but there can
be little doubt that he was among the descend-
ants of [onathan Rose.
(VIII) Rufus Rose, Jr., was married in
( iranville, in [803, to Orpha Parsons, who was
without doubt also descendant from a pioneer
settler in (iranville. of whom there were sev-
eral bearing that name. Owing to the scanti-
ness of the records of that town it is impossible
to trace the connection. Rufus Ruse, Jr., set-
tled m Sherburne, Chenango county. New
(IX) William demons, son of Rufus (2)
and ( )rpha ( Parsons 1 Rose, was born in 1807,
in Sherburne, died in Port Jervis, New York,
in [873 lie left home on attaining his ma-
im m and obtained employment on the Dela-
ware & Hudson Canal, where he was gradu-
ally promoted and served over forty years,
being for a long period of that time a division
superintendent. I Ie married, in [832, Lavina
Shinier, daughter of Abraham Shinier, of
Montague. New Jersey, and granddaughter oi
Captain Abraham Shinier, of the revolution-
ary period. This family is said by tradition to
have come originally from Germany.
( X ) William Rufus. son of William de-
mons and Lavina ( Shinier 1 Ruse, was born
April 6, 1834, in Cuddebackville, < (range
county, New York, died in Ellenville, Ulster
county, September 23, 1909. For more than
forty-five years he conducted a mercantile
business at Phillipsport, Sullivan county, New
York, on the line of the Delaware & Hudson
Canal. For three terms, of three years each.
he served as superintendent of the poor, and
in iSijn \\;is a member of the state assembly.
elected as a Republican from Sullivan county.
In 1901, he removed to Ellenville, and for
seven years was president of the Home Na-
tional Bank of that town, of which he was one
of the original directors, and for many years
He married, in [862, Eleanor Jane, daughter
of lames and Catherine (Gumaer) Graham, of
Wurtsboro. Sullivan county, New York, and
they had children: Catherine Lavina; James
Graham, and William demons.
James Graham, father of Mrs. Rose, was
born in 1 8 10, in Montgomery, < >ran<re county.
New York, died in Wurtsboro. in [888, son of
James and Cynthia (Brown) Graham, and de-
scended from one of the early Scotch settlers
of Orange county. His wife, Catherine Gu-
maer, was born in 1810, at Wurtsboro. and
died in 1884. daughter of Jacob Gumaer and:
Ins wife. Margaret Cuddebeck, married inji
1803. Jacob Gumaer was born in 1780.
( XI ) James Graham, senior son of William
Rufus and Eleanor Jane (Graham) Rose, was
born August 15, i860, at Phillipsport. He was
educated in the district schools of the vicinity
and Delaware Academy, at Delhi, New York.
In his nineteenth year he went to Kingston and
entered the employ of the Delaware & Hudson
Canal Company as a clerk. 1 [ere he won rapid
promotion and was given charge of the general
outside work, under the title of superintendent
of docks, and this continued until the canal
was abandoned. His energy and executive
capacity had not been overlooked by his con*
temporaries, and in [899 his services were
secured bv S. D. Coykendall, having charge
of various interests of this large operator. Hei
is now president of the Consolidated Rosen-i
dale Cement Company, purchasing agent of
the Ulster & Delaware Railroad Company,
and the Cornell Steamboat interests. He is a
trustee of the Rondout Savings Bank, ship-
ping agent of the North River Coal Company,
secretary and director of the Kingston Cnal
Company, a director of the Rose & Douglas
Company, and interested in various other en-
terprises. He is a trustee of the Industrial
Home of Kingston, and a member of the Ron-;
dout. Kingston, ami Twaalfskill clubs.
The surname Piatt has been early
PLATT found in many countries, the
word meaning an open level piecei
of land. In Norman-French the name wast:
spelled Pradt, then Pratt ; in German, Platz.z
Coats-of-arms were granted to half a dozen
different branches of the family in England
as early as the reign of Elizabeth, and somen
as early as 1326. Senator Orville Hitchcock
Piatt was descended through both father
and mother from long lines of New Eng-
land farmers, who for many generations held
prominent station in the communities int
which they lived. They held offices in
church and town affairs, were landowners,
deacons, tithingmen, and captains of militia.
One ancestor was among those who
marched to Fishkill in the Burgoyne cam-
paign of October, 1777, to reinforce General
Putnam. It was a sturdy, loyal, patriotic
efficient New England stock.
( I ) Deacon Richard Piatt is believed to
)e the Richard who was baptized Septem-
ber 28, 1603, son of Joseph Piatt, in the
)arish of Bovington, Hertfordshire, Eng-
and. He settled as early as 1638 at New
rlaven, Connecticut, and was one of a party
f sixty-one who formed a church settle-
nent at Milford in the same colony, being
he first settlers in that place November 20,
639. At that time he had four in his fam-
ly. He was chosen deacon at Milford in
,669. His will is dated January 24, 1683-84,
tnd bequeathed to each of his nineteen
Tandsons. In August, 1889, a memorial
tone, suitably inscribed to the pioneers, was
placed in the new bridge over the Mapa-
(vaug at Milford. Children: 1. Mary, mar-
ried (first) May 1, 165 1 , Luke Atkinson:
second), January 3, 1667, Thomas Wether-
:1I. 2. John, settled in Norwalk ; married
-lannah Clark. 3. Isaac, of whom further.
j.. Sarah. 5. Epenetus, baptized July 12,
',640: associated with his brother Isaac in his
faried experience. 6. Hannah, born October 1.
643. 7. Josiah, 1645. 8. Joseph, 1649; mar-
Ed, 1680, Mary Kellogg.
(II) Isaac, son of Deacon Richard Piatt,
yas with his brother Epenetus enrolled
Lmong the fifty-seven landowners of Hunt-
ngton, Long Island, in 1666. They were
loubtless residents there for some years
arlier. Both were admitted freemen, May
2, 1664, by the general assembly of Con-
•lecticut, then having jurisdiction over Long
sland under the old charter, and their
aames appear among the proprietors in the
jatent of 1666, and again in the patent of
668. Both were imprisoned in New York
)y Governor Andros in 1681 for attending
I meeting of delegates of the several towns
o obtain "a redress of grievances under his
irbitrary rule " After their release a vote
jvas passed at a town meeting to pay their
expenses. He and his brother were among
he sterling patriots of the time, fully rec-
)gnizing and claiming their civil and re-
igious rights. He bought land at Hunting-
on in 1679 of John Greene, and of Jonathan
lammet May 15, 1^3. He was recorder
hi Huntington in 1687, was captain of mili-
ia. and it is said of him that "he held every
jffice of consequence in the gift of his towns-
pen.'' His death occurred at Huntington
Inly 31, [691. He married (first) at Mil-
ford, Connecticut, March 12, 1640, Phebe
Smith; (second) at Huntington about twen-
ty years later, Elizabeth, daughter of Jonas
Wood. Children, all by the second mar-
riage: Elizabeth, born September 15. 1665;
Jonas, August 16, 1667; John, born June 29,
1669; Mary, October 26, 1674: Joseph, Sep-
tember 8, 1(177; Jacob, September 29, [682.
( III ) Little is known about John. Joseph
and Jacob, sons of Isaac Piatt. It is pre-
sumable that one of them was the father of
Benoni, of whom further.
(IV) Benoni, son of Piatt, appears
as early as 1730 in North Castle, Westchester
county, New York, where the records show-
he was a town officer. His will was made
May 20, 1 761, and proved May 14, 1763, in-
dicating that he died in the latter year. His
widow Hannah made her will March 8. 1764,
and this was proved February 2^. 1767.
Children: Jonathan; Benoni (2). of whom
further; and Abigail.
(V) Benoni (2), son of Benoni (1) and
Hannah Piatt, was born in 1734 at North
Castle, and resided on the paternal home-
stead, where he died November 3, 1796.
Children: Stephen, Cynthia, Hannah, Abi-
gail, Deborah, and Benoni (3), of whom fur-
(VI) Benoni (3), son of Benoni (2), Piatt,
was born August 8, 1764, in North Castle,
died there May 13, 1824. He married ( first )
Charity Reynolds, and (second) Betsy
Brush. Children of the first marriage: Or-
samus, died without issue; Rachel, born Oc-
tober 15, 1787, married O. Marvin, and died
in her twenty-fourth year, leaving no issue ;
Cynthia, died in her eighteenth year: Hor-
ton, born August 9. 1792, died December
18, 1867; Stephen, June 24, 1794; Charity,
April 10, 1796; Reynolds, October 15. 1798;
William, December 1, 1801 ; Jane Ann. Feb-
ruary 4, 1804. Children of second wife: Ed-
ward Brush, born October 9, 1811; Lewis
C, of whom further; Jesse Holly. Decem-
ber 3, 1820.
( VII) Lewis Canfield, son of Benoni (3)
and Betsy (Brush) Piatt, was born March
7, 1818, in North Castle, died at White
Plains March 13, 1893. In early life he was
a student in the academy at Bedford Village
in his native county. He was graduated
from Union College with the class of 1834,
one which included several men since prom-
- .JO
inent in the history of the state. Taking up
the study of law with Samuel E. Lyon, a
leading lawyer in White Plains, he was ad-
mitted to the bar in 1843, and immediately
opened an office for the practice of his pro-
fession at White Plains. Being industrious
and painstaking he quickly built up a very
satisfactory practice, ami in more than forty
years of activity at White Plains he trans-
acted a great volume of business, especially
in matters connected with real estate and
probate. To the very last of his life he was
an indefatigable worker, and his attention
to business employed many hours a day. In
1879 n's son< William P. Piatt, became bis
partner in practice, and the firm of L. C. &
W. P. Piatt long ranked among the leaders
at the Westchester bar.
In early life Mr. Piatt was identified polit-
ically with the Whig party, and in 1846 he
was elected on its ticket as supervisor of
the town of White Plains. In the following
year he was elected surrogate of the county,
and by re-election served two terms of
four years each. I le was the first elected
surrogate, the office having been previously
filled by appointment. During the last year
of his term as surrogate he was made can-
didate for county clerk on a fusion ticket
composed of Whigs and Democrats, as op-
posed to the American ticket whose candi-
date was John P. Jenkins Westchester
county was then a stronghold of Know-
nothingism, and the fusion ticket was de-
feated. In the following year the Republi-
can party became thoroughly organized, and
Mr. Piatt was among those who joined its
ranks. He thus continued until after the
civil war, which settled many of the issues
that gave rise to the Republican party. Mr.
Piatt next supported the Liberal ticket,
whose presidential candidate was Horace
1 .n 1 lev, and he was urged by both Demo-
cratic and Liberal leaders to become candi-
date for congress on the same ticket. He
declined, but thenceforward was a consistent
supporter of the Democratic party. After
1870 he was for two terms a trustee of the
village of White Plains. In 1883 at the
urgent solicitation of leading Democrats of
the town he became candidate for super-
visor against Elisha Horton, a popular Re-
publican, who had been repeatedly elected
in a town whose normal majority was Dem-
ocratic. In this election Mr. Piatt received
a splendid majority of one hundred and
sixty-eight. For nine successive years he
was the unanimous nominee of the Democratic
party, and with the exception of one
year his election was practically unopposed
by the Republicans. His death just before
an election prevented his choice for another
term, lie was regarded as one of the best
informed members of the county board of
supervisors, and for a number of years he
was chairman of the judiciary committee of
that body.
Mi'. Piatt became a Free Mason May 15,
1859, and at the time of his death he was
the oldest member of White Plains Lodge,
Xo. 473. lie was a regular attendant and
liberal supporter of the Presbyterian church,
and his funeral held there was attended as
a last mark of respect by a great throng,
many of whom could not find accommoda-
tions within the church. Many prominent
citizens were present, and the fellow crafts-
men of his fraternity, who passed resolu-
tions of respect to his memory, as did also
the courts. Rev. Dr. A. P. Macoubrey, his
pastor, who could not be present at the funeral
on account of illness, wrote the following
tribute, which was read on that occasion:
Nothing since 1 have beer laid aside in illness has
moved me to so deep regret as that 1 am unable to
stand in my place in his funeral services and utter my
tribute of respect and love for Mr. Lewis C. Piatt. I
did not know that he was ill till the day upon the
evening of which he died. I at once sent words of
greeting from my sick room to his. hut ere they
could reach him God had seen it best that the end
of the earthly life should he, and the rest eternal
anil perfect should he his ( )ne cannot hut be grate-1
ful that the experience of long distressing- illness
was not his ere the linger of God's silence was put!
upon his lips. ( Ine could not hut he grateful, too,
for the spirit that was his I have wondered ifl
ever any came to know him as he really was with-
out loving him, his was so eminently and really an
unselfish spirit. How many stories of his kindness
will he told in the houses in this community. He
was so frank and honest in every revelation of him-
sel I that all came instinctiveh to love him.
1 Ine in another part of this state, who himself had
held a position of influence, once said to me that,
from his abilitj and spirit in the days of his power,
Mr. Piatt could have occupied the highest posi-
tion in our state had the spirit of ambition pos-
sessed him. I have known him but in these years
of his age since his three-scorce years and ten. There
has been indeed in his physique the suggestion of
years; but one forgot this in his active life, quick
step, clear, vigorous intellect, sustained interest in
.11 the walfare of the community and of those with
vhom he was associated in life. Who that knew
im was ready to have him go hence? But the Lord
as chosen, and there is never error in His judg-
ment or failure in His love; and gently as a father
ealeth with his little child He has taken him unto
Shut within my room these weeks, I have no word
rom him in his illness to bear unto my speech;
ut I know of his simple, earnest faith in Christ
nd of the tender turning of his spirit toward the
ross, through which alone our spirits know par-
on. cherish hope and pass unto the life eternal.
In the vision of my congregation as it now
omes before me. no face is more distinct than his.
mways was he in his place in the Sabbath morn-
ig, and in the Sabbath afternoon service also,
stening with an earnestness that made my gaze
ften seek his face. I shall so miss his presence
rom the inspirations and helps in the worship of
ie Lord's house! However early I was in enter-
ig the church I was rarely there before him. Often
few words of salutation would be exchanged on
ly way to the pulpit. I must wait now to see his
ace again and get his greeting, and see the revela-
ion of his tender, true spirit until it is in our
ather's house on high.
And so we go hence, one by one.
He married Laura Popham, born in Scars-
ale, daughter of William S. and Eliza
Hill ) Popham. Children : Benoni ; Wil-
iam Popham, of whom further; Lewis C.
2), Mary Shinbrook, Alathea Hill, Eliza
fill. Julia Wood, and Theodora.
(VIII) William Popham, second son of
.ewis C. and Laura (Popham) Piatt, was
orn May 16, 1858. in White Plains. He
as reared and educated in that village,
ompleting his literary studies in the high
chool. He began the study of law with his
ather, and after thorough preparation was
dmitted to the bar May 15, 1879, the day
:e became legally of age, the law not con-
idering the fraction* of a day in determining
yhen one attains his majority. He at once
ecame a partner in his father's law practice,
nd until the death of the latter the firm con-
inued under the title of L. C. & W. P. Piatt.
ror some time after his father's death Mr.
'latt continued practice alone, and sttbse-
uently formed a partnership with Farring-
Dn M. Thompson, under the style of Piatt
1 Thompson. Mr. Piatt has always en-
aged in general practice and is well versed
1 all branches of jurisprudence. In 1889
le was nominated on the Democratic ticket
or district attorney of Westchester county,
nd was elected for a term of three years,
before the close of this term he was re-
nominated and again elected. In 1896 he
was the candidate of his party for the office
of county judge, and was defeated by a
small majority in that election, which swept
nearly all the Republican candidates in the
United States into office. The average ma-
jority of the candidates of this party in
Westchester county at that election was be-
tween two and three thousand. He was sub-
sequently again a candidate for district at-
torney, and in 1901 was elected county
judge. ( )n his retirement from the office of
district attorney in 1895 he resumed the
private practice of law, and has been con-
cerned in much of the important litigation
held in Westchester county.
He is especially distinguished as a trial
lawyer, being skilled in the examination of
witnesses, and adept in the introduction of
testimony on his own side of the case. Ik-
was retained in the defence of many homi-
cide cases besides those he prosecuted when
district attorney. One of the important
cases entrusted to his care involved the es-
tate of John McCaffery in the probate court
of Chicago, Illinois, in which large sums
were at stake. Judge Piatt's success in his
chosen profession has been due to the in-
dustrious application of his talents and to
his keen and brilliant mind. His prepara-
tion of cases has been marked by thorough-
ness, and he was always found well pre-
pared for any contingency in the trial of his
cases. Among the most notable of his crim-
inal cases was the defence of Frank Brouty,
charged with the murder of Constable Wood
of Mount Vernon. After a stubborn con-
test, which was carried through the court
of appeals, the defendant was convicted, but
his life was saved, and the victory was one
which reflected great credit upon the ability
of Mr. Piatt as a trial lawyer. Judge Piatt
is a vestryman of Grace Church at White
Plains. He is also an active member of
White Plains Lodge, No. 473, Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons ; the Medico-Legal
Society of the United States ; the Demo-
cratic Club, of New York City ; and the
Knollwood Country Club, of White Plains.
He is at all times and under all circum-
stances a gentleman of dignified and affable
manners, a champion of truth and right, and
a possessor of the respect and esteem of his
He married, October i, 1890, Sarah Dean,
born April 28, 1861, daughter of Moses W.
and Sarah ( Stuart 1 Dean. They have two
sons: Stuart (Dean) Piatt, horn February
-'4, [896; and William Popham, Jr., August
[8, hkx). Their handsome country residence
is situated within the corporate limits of
White Plains, and is the scene of generous
hospitality and the home of many cultured
The Neal family, of Ellenville,
NEAL New York, is of English descent,
hut the name is also found in a
slightly varied form in Ireland and Scotland,
[lie .American ancestor of the branch of the
family, here under discussion, came to this
country about the year 1620.
( 1 ) — Neal, whi.) lived and died in the
state of Maine, was a soldier dming the revo-
lutionary war. He reared a large family, the
names of his children being as follows : I )avid,
Rufus, Joshua, Samuel, Mercy, Susan. Pa-
tience, Iluldah, Jane, Hannah, William, see
forward ; Sarah, Keziah.
( II ) William, son of Neal, was born
April 23, 1788, at Berwick, Maine, where he
lived until 1812. lie then removed to Lisbon,
Maine, and his death occurred there, June 12,
(868. In his early manhood he was engaged
in the profession of teaching, hut later in life
made farming his chief occupation. Like his
father, he was a brave defender of the rights
of his country, and was an active participant
in the war of 1812. He married Mehitable,
who died in 1866, a daughter of Joseph Kil-
gnie. a prosperous farmer, who had been a
soldier in the war of the revolution. They
had children: Edwin, William, Mary J., Em-
meline P., William K., Margaret, and Albert
( '., see forward.
(Ill I Albert ('.. son of William and Mehit-
able ( Kilgore 1 Xeal, was horn in Lisbon,
Maine, April 8, 1825, and died at Ellenville,
New York, December \(>, 1004. Mr. Xeal
was engaged as a contractor from 1850 until
[861, his business being that of loading cotton
on board ships. Upon the outbreak of the
civil war he was appointed to the position of
paymaster in the army. In 1866 he returned
to his home, where he became pension attor-
ney, prosecuting claims against the govern-
ment. He was advanced in years when he
finally retired to a life of ease and rest. His
political affiliations were with the Republican
party, and fraternally he was a member of the
Independent Order of Odd Eellows. Mr.
Neal married, December 31, 1849, Octavia T.
Whitney, of Lisbon, Maine, who was born
February 9, 1828, and died February 14, 1889.
They had two children, born in Lisbon: Ben-]
jamin Franklin, see forward; and Mary J.,
who married Thomas J. Home, of Lisbon
Falls, Maine.
(IV) Dr. Benjamin Franklin Xeal, son of
Albert C. and Octavia T. (Whitney) Neal,
was born at Lisbon. Maine, February 25,;
1853. There he attended the district schools
until the age of thirteen years, when he be-
came a student in the high school at Lisbon
Falls, from which he was graduated in the
class of 1 87 1. For a short time he was em-
ployed as a clerk in a store; then in the fall
of 1873 ne matriculated at Bowdoin College
and graduated from this institution in 1876,
when the degree of Master of Arts was con-
ferred upon him. Entering the medical de-i
partment of Dartmouth College, he in duel
course of time was awarded the degree of
Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Xeal at once estab-
lished himself in the practice of his profession
in Lincolnville, Waldo county. Maine, re- 1
maining there for a period of four years.
One year was then spent at Gardner, whence-
he removed to Belgrade, Maine, and at the
end of six years, he left this town, went to
New York and there took a course in medi-
cine and surgery at the Post Graduate College.
Having completed this course in November,
18SS, he went to Ellenville, New York, where
he has since been engaged in the successful
practice of the profession to which he is de-
voted. Dr. Neal is also a registered New]
York state pharmacist, is president of the
Doyle Drug Company, of Ellenville, Xew
York, and is a trustee and director of the
Poiip-hkeepsie Utility Company. Profession!
ally he is a member of the Maine State Medi-
cal Association, the Waldo County Medical
Association and the Kennebec County Medical
Association His political support is rrjven to
the Democratic party. His fraternal affilia-
tions are as follows: Wawarsing I odge. No.
s8j. Free and Accepted Masons; Wawarsing
Chanter. No. 246, Royal Arch Masons; Ronl
dont Commandery, No. 52, Knights Templar;
[ecca Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine,
: New York City: Independent Order of
>dd Fellows ; Benevolent and Protective Or-
er of Elks ; and George Innes Council, Junior
irder of United American Mechanics.
Dr. Neal married, October 12, 1881, Anna
. Marson, who was born in Pittston, Maine,
•ecember 18, 1855.
The founder of the Bronk fam-
BRONK ily in America was Jonas Bronk,
born in Copenhagen, Denmark,
led at Bronxland, Westchester county, New
ork. He married Antonia Slagboom. He
ime to America in 1639 from Amsterdam,
l his own ship "Fire of Troy," a private
rmed vessel, accompanied by his friend and
ficer in the Danish army, Captain Jochiem
ietersen Kuyter. He brought a cargo of
Lttle and each was attended by his family and
number of farmers or herdsmen. He was
man of means, and loaned money in large
ams. He was of a family long distinguished
1 Sweden, though probably himself from
openhagen. He located his land north of
le Great Kill and built a "stone house cov-
"ed with tiles, a barn, tobacco house, two
irracks, etc." He later purchased from
le Indians five hundred acres on the now
ronx river, later included in the Manor of
Iorrisania. He was a devoted Lutheran, and
rought with him Luther's Catechism and a
}lio Danish Bible. From it he drew a name
)r his home "Emaus." It was here that
•irector Kieft sent delegates to meet the In-
ian chiefs and made a treaty. This treaty
■as followed by the unproved murder of the
idians for which they exacted frightful ven-
eance upon the Dutch settlers. It was at
us time that Jonas Bronk met his death, per-
iaps at the hands of the savages, but as his
roperty was spared, they may have been
uiltless. "Seignor" Bronk, as he was styled,
lust be rated above the ordinary colonist. His
)anish and Latin library, stored with law,
istory, and books of divinity, indicate taste,
ulture and piety. His widow Antonia,
aughter of Juriaen Slagboom, whom he mar-
ied in Amsterdam, Holland, married (sec-
nd) Arent Van Curler, of Rensselaerwyck.
■he died at Schenectady. New York, Decem-
er 19, 1676.
(II) Picter Jonasen. son of Jonas Bronk,
/as born in Holland, died in Coxsackie, New
York, 1669. He was a brewer of Beverwyck
as early as 1645, owned houses and lots which
he sold in 1662, and purchased land in Cox-
sackie, which was the colonial grant known as
the Bronk patent, upon which he settled. His
wife was Hilletje Tyssinck.
(HI) Jan, son of Pieter Jonasen Bronk,
was born in Albany, New York. 1650, died
at Coxsackie, New York, 1742. He built a
saw and grist mill. He married Commertje
Leendertse Conyn. His will speaks of five
sons only : Pieter, Jonas, Phillip, Casper, and
Leendert Janse. Daughters, Antje and
( IV) Leendert Janse (Leonard Janse), son
of Jan Bronk, was born about 1699. He mar-
ried, February 26, 1717, Anna de Wandalaer.
Children : Jan Leendertse, Sara, Commertje
and Catharina.
( V) Jan Leendertse, son of Leendert Janse
(Leonard Janse) Bronk, was baptized July
'4. i7-.v 'bed 1794. He married (first) June
J7. 1/4". Elsje Van Buren : (second) Susan-
na Hotaling ( Hooghteeling). Elsje Van
Buren was a descendant of Cornelis Maase
and Catalina Martense Van Buren, who came
to America on the ship "Rensselaerwyck" ;
Cornelis M., died 1643, his wife, 1648. Their
son, Martin Cornelis Van Buren, was born in
Houten, province of Utrecht. He married
Maritje . Their son, Tieter Martinse
Van Buren, of Kinderhook (1720), married
Arientje Barentse, January 15, 1693. Their
son, Barent Van Buren, married (first) De-
cember 29, 1719, Maria Winne, daughter of
Livinus Winne and Willempje ( Viele) Winne,
widow of Simon Schermerhorn, and grand-
daughter of Peter Winne, from Ghent in
Flanders, and Jannetje (Adams) Winne, of
Friesland. Their daughter, Elsje Van Buren,
married Jan Leendertse Bronk. They had
an only son Leonard.
( VI ) Leonard Bronk, only child of Tan
Leendertse and Elsje (Van Buren) Bronk,
was born May 11, 1751, died April 22, 1828.
He was a member of the New York state as-
sembly. 1786-98; of the state senate, 1800.
Was first judge of the court of appeals of
Greene county ; was an officer in the revolu-
tionary army, first as a lieutenant, later as
captain, and was discharged with rank of
lieutenant-colonel ; was supervisor of Albany
county. He was an intimate friend of Gen-
eral Schuyler and General Gansevoort. He
married (first) January 11, 1779, Tryntje,
daughter of Robert Van Denbergh ; (second)
Albertje Van Buren. Tryntje (Catherine)
Van Denbergh was a daughter of Robert and
granddaughter of Richard Janse Van Den-
bergh and Catherine (Tryntje) Houghtaling
(Hotaling), who were married November 13,
1699. Catherine was a sister of Matthys
Houghtaling, born [644, died [796. Robert
Van Denbergh married - - Brandow.
Their daughter Tryntje ( Catherine ) married
Hon Leonard Bronk. Children of Leonard
and Tryntje (Catherine) Bronk; Elsie, bom
December 23. 1782, married. November 27,
\~<)'). in Kinderhook, Rev. Jacob Sickles; and
Leonard, born June 29, 171)7, married Maria,
daughter of Dr. John Ely.
According to Schoonmak-
HOORNBEEK er's "History of King-
ston," we rind that the
Hoornbeek family of America, one of the old-
est Dutch families, was founded by Warnaar
Hoornbeek, who was one of the early settlers
in Ulster county, New York, lie was a man
of influence in the community and reared a
large family, having eighteen children by his
two wives, lie married (first) Anna, daugh-
ter of Anthony de Horges and Eva Albertse
Bratt, anil (second) Grietze Tyssen.
(II) Johannis. son of Warnaar and < irietze
(Tyssen) Hoornbeek, was a farmer in Ulster
county. New York.
(III) Johannis (2), son of Johannis (1)
Hoornbeek, was a farmer and blacksmith, and
took a prominent part in the political affairs
of his time as a supporter of the Democratic
party, lie was the first supervisor from the
town of Wawarsing, serving from April 1.
i8of> to 1810, and when he was again elected,
served from [816 to 1817; and later he served
from 1827 to 1831. He married Ciertrude Du
Bois, a lineal descendant of Louis Du Bois,
who was one of the twelve patentees of New
Palz, she being of the fourth generation in this
country. They had children: Calvin, see
forward; [ohn, Methusalem, Cornelius, Philip
D. B.
(IV) Calvin, son of Johannis (2) Hoorn-
beek, was horn in the town of Wawarsing.
Ulster county. New York. September 17, 1813,
died March 31, 1892. He received a meagre
education in his native town, and after his
marriage settled on a farm at Napanoch, New 1
York. Later he went to Liberty ville, township
of < iardner. where he kept a store for a while,
and then moved back to his old home town of
Wawarsing, where he managed his farm and
was with his brother, John Hoornbeek, in the
tanning business. Later he left this farm in
Warwarsing and moved to New 1'altz, where
he resided one year. He then moved back to'
Napanoch, where he resided until his death
in [892. lie was a Democrat and served his
town as supervisor for several terms, and his
comity one term as county treasurer. He mar-
ried Catharine DePuy. December 20, 1832.
Their children: John C, see forward; Maria,
Louis D. R. Stephen E. D., Elenora, Cath-i
arine B.
( V ) [ohn C. son of Calvin and Catherine
( DePuy) Hoornbeek, was born at Napanoch,
New York. March 3, 1834, died at Wawarsing,
November 5, 1910. LTntil the age of thirteen
years lie was a pupil in the district schools ofj
Wawarsing, and after spending two years at!
school in Napanoch, he completed his educa-
tion at Kingston Academy. While he was still
a student he decided to establish himself in)
business and accordingly opened a grocery
store at Port Hixon, conducting this for a
period of six years. He then became asso-
ciated with William H. De Garmo, and was
engaged in the tanning and mercantile busi-
ness at Wawarsing, New York. This associa-
tion was in force until 1876, at which time Mr.-
Hoornbeek purchased the interest of his part-
ner and continued this business alone. In
1X71; he commenced the manufacture of excel-
sior, and the following year erected another
factory at Boiceville. In 1900 he built a mill
at Napanoch for the manufacture of dry wood
pulp, and he was also extensively engaged in
the bending works for auto-wagons, etc., at
Boiceville. Since the death of Mr. Hoornbeek
these extensive interests have been continued
and are conducted by his sons. Mr. Hoorn-
beek was the largest landowner in Ulster
county. He was a self-made man in the high-
est and best sense of the expression, and one<
who had won the esteem and respect of all
with whom he had dealings, whether in pri-
vate or business life. For a number of years
he had been president of the Ellenville Sav-
ings Bank, but was obliged to resign this post
of honor and trust owing to the press of his
ther interests. He served a number of times
s delegate to state and county conventions,
nd in 1896 was honored by being chosen
democratic presidential elector. His fraternal
ffiliation was with Wawarsing Lodge, No.
82, Free and Accepted Masons, of Ellenville,
n"ew York, of which he was a charter member.
Mr. Hoornbeek married, in January, 1859,
Amelia, born May 11, 1834, died January 25,
911, daughter of John B. Van Leuven, of
Rochester, Ulster county, New York. Chil-
Iren : Louis A., see forward ; Elias D. ; Ar-
hur V., see forward.
(VI) Louis A., son of John C. and Amelia
Van Leuven) Hoornbeek, was born in the
own of Wawarsing, Ulster county. New
fork, October 31, 1864, on the old Hoornbeek
lomestead. He attended the district schools
»f his native town, and Rhinebeck Academy,
^.hinebeck, New York, under the tutorship of
ames De Garmo. Then he became associated
irith his father until 1885, when he moved to
^apanoch, and settled on the farms formerly
>wned by Jacob Joy and Andrew Schoon-
naker, both consisting of two hundred and
fty acres. Here he followed farming, and
ought the Jacob Hoornbeek grist mill, which
le later sold to his father, who turned it into
1 pulp mill, which is still being conducted by
ohn C. Hoornbeek's sons. During his
ather's life he was associated with him in his
/arious enterprises, and on his death, with
lis brother, succeeded to his interests, which
hey still conduct. He is a member of Wawar-
ing Lodge, No. 582, Free and Accepted Ma-
ons ; and Wawarsing Chapter ; Junior Order
)f American Mechanics, Napanoch, New
¥ork. He is a Democrat in politics, and in
religion an attendant of the Methodist church.
Te married, October 7. 1885, Frances Estelle
rundage. Children: Ethel B., Clarence A.,
John C.
(VI) Arthur V., son of John C. and Ame-
lia (Van Leuven) Hoornbeek, was born in
Wawarsing, New York, September 15, 1873.
The district schools of his native town fur-
nished his early education, and going from
there he went to Ellenville Academy, and fin-
ally to Eastman's Business College in Pough-
keepsie, New York. Early in life he became
associated with his father in the various busi-
ness enterprises of the latter, thus obtaining a
thorough and practical knowledge of every de-
tail. Since the death of his father, in associa-
tion with his brothers, he has carried on all
the various lines under the firm name of John
C. Hoornbeek's Sons, manufacturers of dry
wood pulp and excelsior. The products of
the firm are known and valued throughout the
country. Mr. Hoornbeek married, June 29,
1905, Josephine, daughter of William Decker,
of Kerhonkson, Ulster county. New York.
Mr. Hoornbeek has apparently inherited in
large measure the business and executive abil-
ity so generously displayed by his father, and
is a man of most progressive ideas.
The name Clark or Clarke is de-
CLARK rived from the term clericus,
meaning "a priest," or "one con-
nected with the service of the church." At
first the term was used only to designate those
in clerical orders, but as in early times the
church was the only source and protector of
learning, any person who had been educated
by the clergy eventually came to be called "a
clerk." The designation was finally given to
all who were able to read and write. So dis-
tinguished a name was eagerly coveted. Hence
its frequency, many people adding "le clerk"
to their names. This was finally dropped and
only Clerk left, or as it was pronounced Clark.
The final "e" is an addition of later times, given
for the most part at mere caprice. Compounds
of the name are Beauclark, the good clerk ;
and Pityclerk, the little clerk ; Kenclerk, the
knowing clerk ; and Mauclerk, the bad clerk.
The name Milo le Clerk is found in the "One
Hundred Rolls," compiled in the reign of Ed-
ward I., which contains records of the persons
who owned lands in the time of William the
Conqueror, for which they paid rent in money,
sheep, or hens, or gave their service as sol-
diers. Several Domesday tenants are desig-
nated "Clericus." An interesting tradition has
been handed down by one family bearing the
name of Clark or Clarke, with regard to a
marriage with one of the descendants of Jo-
seph of Arimathea. After the Crucifixion.
Joseph was banished from Judea. In company
with Philip the Apostle, Mary, Martha, Laza-
rus, and a servant Marcilla, he was put into
a vessel without sails or oars, and set adrift to
perish in the sea. The ship was thrown upon
the French coast. Joseph finally found his
way to Britain, where he founded a church
at Glastonbury, to which place thousands of
the devout in the Middle Ages journeyed ev-
ery year to see the blossoming of the sacred
thorn on Christmas Day. Upon what author-
ity the connection of the family of Clark with
Joseph rests, history maintains a discreet si-
lence. It gives the tradition and leaves the rest
to the imagination. There are many families
of the name of Clark having the right to bear
arms, both in England, Scotland and Ireland.
In the latter two countries the name Clark is
usually a translation from the older Gaelic
name, < I'Cleirigh or MacCleirigh, which in its
turn is derived from the name of the main
ancestor, Cleirach (Gaelic, "a clerk"), who on
official Irish pedigrees, is given as No. 101 on
the I I'Shaughnessy pedigree, the one family
being a branch of the other and both belong-
ing to the Heremonian stem, ["he arms of
one (.'lark family arc thus heraldically describ-
ed : Ardent, on a bend gules, between three
roundels sable, as many swans of the field.
("rest : i hit of a tau cross or three roses gules,
leaves vert, between a pair of wings azure.
Motto: Secretum mei gondii in cruce — The
secret of in) joy is in the cross.
( I ) Henry Clark was the son of Nathaniel
Clark, and was born December 4. 17*14. in
Orange county, New York, lived in the town
of Blooming Grove, and died at Salisbury
Mills, ( (range county. New York. The Clark
name is so numerous that it is difficult for the
genealogist to connect one branch with an-
other among the English, Irish, Dutch, Scotch,
Welsh and other families bearing the name.
This family is of Welsh descent. If Henry
Clark was not the son of the immigrant an-
cestor who came to America a little before the
revolution, it seems probable that he was de-
scended from John Clark, son of William
Clark, who settled in Middletown, Connecti-
cut, between 11 175 and 1680, whose descend-
ants are now numerous in New York. The
father, William Clark, was one of the original
settlers of Haddam, Connecticut. In Field's
"Statistical Account of the County of Middle-
sex in Connecticut," it is stated that the first
settlement there was made by twenty-eight
young men who bought their land from Mat-
thew Allyn and Samuel Willys, who purchased
it from the Indians for thirty coats, a tract
extending six miles east and westerly from
the Connecticut river. At the beginning; of
the first book of Haddam records William
Clark's name is third on the list of those to
whom land is distributed. He died at Had-
dam, July 2 j, 1681, and his will, together with
the inventory of his estate, is among the pro-
bate records of Hartford, Connecticut. His
estate was appraised at four hundred and
twelve pounds, eighteen shillings, quite a re-
spectable fortune in those days. The children
who survived him were : Thomas, William,
John, Joseph, Hannah, and other daughters
mentioned only in their family names : Mrs.
Wells, Mrs. Fennoe and Airs. Spencer. His
son John married Elizabeth, daughter of Cap-
tain Nathaniel White, and appears to have
been a man of standing and property. John,
the son of John, and grandson of William,
had a homestead of thirteen acres given to
him in 1720 by his father, who in 1730 also
deeded him one hundred and sixty-one acres
of land at Haddam. He married Sarah Good-
win, of Hartford, and his grandsons, through
his son William, are the first of the family to
appear settled in New York.
The exact relationship of Henry Clark to-
wards this family, assuming such a relation-
ship to exist, does not seem clear. He spent
his early days in Orange county, where he was
a farmer. He also lived in Middletown and
other places in the vicinity, where he was a
farmer and mason. Later in life he settled
in the town of Neversink, Sullivan county.
Here he was a prominent man, and a Chris-
tian of devout character, who was greatly re-
spected by all who knew him. Henry Clark
was one of the founders of the Reformed
Dutch church of Grahamville. He married
Susan G. Horton, born October 20, 1792, died
January 7. 1844. Children: Mary H., mar-
ried J. Denniston ; Walter: Nathan Corwin,
mentioned below ; Eunice, married Henry
White; Sarah T.. married William T. Stead.
( II ) Nathan Corwin, son of Henry and
Susan G. ( Horton ) Clark, was born Decem-
ber 21, 1818, in the town of Blooming Grove,
Orange county, New York, and died Febru-
ary 25, 1906, at his residence in Ellenville,
New York. He was educated in the district
schools of Blooming Grove, Orange county,
and early in life went west and found em-
ployment in a general store at Ravenna. Ohio.
Here he remained a year, and at the end of
that period returned to his native town and
took uii school teaching. He was a teacher
from that time in various schools of Orange
.AatAan % V/art
id Sullivan counties. This continued for
jht or nine years, and at the end of that
me he forsook the teaching profession and in
Dtnpany with his father-in-law opened a
eneral store in Grahamsville. The partner-
lip between him and his father-in-law, R. D.
'hilds, continued for a number of years, when
I was dissolved and Mr. Clark formed another
artnership with George B. Childs. The part-
ership formed with George B. Childs, under
le firm name of N. C. Clark & Company, did
n extensive and lucrative business in lumber
nd turn stuff in connection with their general
:ore. This partnership continued until 1876,
•hen, with his son, R. D. Clark, he formed a
artnership which continued until 1878. In
880 Mr. Clark and his son again engaged in
usiness in Fallsburg, New York. He re-
lained in business in that town until the year
890, when he retired from active business,
n the year 1905 he moved from Grahamsville
3 Ellenville, in company with his daughter,
nth whom he resided until he passed away
l 1906. Mr. Clark was a member of the
ioard of Supervisors on the Democratic
icket from the town of Neversink, Sullivan
ounty, for two terms, and chairman of the
oard one year. He was a member and offi-
er of the Reformed church for forty-six
ears, and was also justice of the peace for a
umber of years. He was a stockholder in
he Bank of Monticello, New York, and was
ne of the founders and original directors of
he First National Bank of Ellenville, New
:rork, and subsequently became its vice-presi-
ent. holding both positions continually, until
lis death and outliving all the rest of the
•riginal board by nearly two decades. He
ras one of the most prominent men in the
iirrounding country, comprising parts of Sul-
ivan and Ulster counties. Though largely
elf-educated, during the time he worked as
teacher in the schools, he was a man of ac-
omplishments and large reading. He took
he keenest interests in the public questions
if the day. whether they related to national,
tate or civic affairs, though his time was
greatly absorbed by the demands of business.
iy all who knew him he was looked upon as
1 man of high character, an extremely capable
msiness man, and an excellent citizen. He
narried, July 29, 1848. Clarissa A. Childs.
iorn November 14. 1821, died September 30.
1898, at Grahamsville. Children: Mary H. ;
R. Dvvight, of whom further; M. Eugene, of
whom further. All are residents of Ellen-
ville, New York.
(Ill) R. Dwight, son of Nathan Corwin
and Clarissa A. (Childs) Clark, was born at
Grahamsville, Sullivan county, New York,
July 11, 1857. He was educated in the district
■-chiii ils and at Eastman's Business College,
Poughkeepsie, New York, afterwards going
to Monticello, Sullivan county, New York.
In 1876 he became a member of the
firm of X. C. Clark &: Son. of Gra-
hamsville. This continued until 1880,
when they built a store for general mer-
chandising at Fallsburg Station. Mr. Nathan
Corwin Clark was then at the head of a large
business. When he retired in 1890 his son, R.
Dwight Clark, succeeded him. Two years
afterwards, in connection with his general
business he established the R. D. Clark Feed,
Coal and Lumber Company, which proved
successful from the start. In 1904, after a
quarter of a century of successful and ener-
getic business life, Mr. Clark purchased a resi-
dence in Ellenville and settled there in October
of that year. In 1905 he bought the coal and
oil business of O. H. Harting, which business
Mr. Clark still maintains, having disposed of
his entire business interests at Fallsburg in
1905. He has been for many years a director
of the National Union Bank of Monticello,
New York, and trustee of the Ellenville Sav-
ings Bank, also a director of the First Na-
tional Bank of Ellenville. He is a member
of the Reformed church, and for many years
an elder. He is a Democrat in politics, and
has always taken great interest in public af-
fairs, was postmaster at South Fallsburg, New
York, under Cleveland's first administration,
but has never sought or held any other public
On September 15, 1881, he married Harriet
L. Grant, born February 4, i860, youngest
daughter of Isaac and Hannah Leroy Grant,
of the town of Neversink, Sullivan county,
New York. Mr. Grant represented his town
on the board of supervisors and was one of
Sullivan county's merchants of prominence.
Children: 1. Augusta C. born July 9, 1882:
married Raymond G. Cox, attorney of Ellen-
ville. April 20, 1907. and has one daughter.
Harriet G. Cox. 2. Harry N.. born June 0.
1885; a graduate of Princeton, class of 1907;
a civil engineer, now in llayti; married, Oc-
tober 19, 1911, Emma Askew, of Atlanta.
Georgia. 3. R. Eugene, born August 14, 1887;
a graduate of Cornell, class of 1911.
(Ill) M. Eugene, son of Nathan Corwin
and Clarissa A. (Childs) Clark, was born at
Grahamsville, Sullivan county. New York, Au-
gust 12, [863. lie \\a~- educated in the dis-
trict schools of his native town, Chappaqua
Mountain Institute, Westchester county, Xew
York, and Eort Edward Institute, Fort Ed-
ward, New York. I lis first start in life was
in the mercantile business with his brother at
South Fallsburg, .Yew York, in which he con-
tinued for five years, and in [887 he came to
Ellenville and became a bookkeeper in the
First National Bank, in 1890, being made
cashier, and in 1S07, on the death of its presi-
dent, Charles Vernooy, he was elected to suc-
ceed him as president, which position he has
acceptably filled to the present time (1913).
lie is and has been elder for the past fifteen
years in the Dutch Reformed church of Ellen-
ville; a member of the Ellenville board of
education for ten years, at the present time
serving as president ; was a member of the
Democratic county committee ; and a dele-
gate to the Democratic National Conven-
tion at Baltimore, Maryland, that nomin-
ated President Wilson. Although it has been
suggested that he accept public office by the
leaders of the Democratic party, he has never
done so, preferring to devote his entire time
and attention to his business pursuits. He is
public-spirited and progressive, active in the
affairs of the community in which he resides,
and is one of the influential and substantial
citizens of Ellenville. He married (first) in
i8yo, Mary Ella Weeks, born in July, 1862,
died in 1902. lie married (second) October
28, 1903, l.enora Terwilliger.
The family hereditary
TERWILLIGER name of Terwilliger is
Holland Dutch in origin,
and resolved into its original elements be-
comes Van Der W'illigen or Van Derwilligen.
It is evident from the records that all the
children of Jan Evertsz and Sytje VanEtten
took the name of Van der W'illigen or Ter-
willigen (er), which was modified later and
more generally to Terwilliger. From the una-
nimity with which all of them did so it is plain
that the family name in the Netherlands was
either Van Der W'illigen or Terwilligen. Vanr
or W'illigen means "From the Willows," Ter
Vvilligen means "Near the Willows." It is
thus plain that the family name was origin-
ally derived from some place in the neighbor-
hood of woods of willow trees. Yianen, from
which the original American emigrants of the
name hailed directly on coming to this country,
is in the province of South Holland, seven
miles southeast of Utrecht and thirteen miles
northeast of Gorcum. In 1870 it had a popu-
lation of three thousand two hundred. Fami-
lies of the name of Terwilliger were prominent
at an early date in Ulster county and the ad-
joining counties. It has been borne through
succeeding generations by sturdy and worthy
yeomen, as well as by men of prominence in
business and public affairs. Among the ar-
rivals from the Netherlands, March 15, 1663,.
in the "Arend" ( Eagle) Captain Pieter Corne-
lisz Bes, from Amsterdam for Manhattan,
were Evert Dircksen (Terwilliger) from
Yianen, and two children, thirteen and six
years old. Also Annetje Dirck ( probably .
Evert's sister) widow, from Yianen, and
child, four years old.
( I ) Dirck Terwilliger or Van Der W'illigen,
ancestor of the family bearing the name of
Terwilliger in America, was born probably
about 1610 in Holland, where be lived and
died. He resided at Yianen and probably died
there. He belonged, accrding to tradition,
to the farming class.
( II ) Evert or Dirck. son of Dirck Terwilli-
ger or Van Der W'illigen, and immigrant an-
cestor of the Terwilliger family, was born at
Vianen in Holland, and came to this country
in [663, with his sister, Annetje Dirck, a wi-
dow, with a child four years old. Among the
arrivals from the Netherlands. March 15.
[663, was Evert Dircksen Terwilliger, accord-
ing to the records. There is no record of the
name of Evert's wife, who had probably died
in Holland before he crossed the sea, and it
seems that Evert did not marry again. His
children were [an and a daughter.
(Ill) Jan. son of Evert Terwilliger. was
born at Vianen, in Holland, in 1657, and died
at Kingston, New York. In the marriage
records of Kingston, under date of April 2^,
1685, is the record of the marriage of "Jan
Evertsz. young man of Vianen, under the jur-
isdiction of the Diocese of Utrecht, and Svtie
. •
HI, It!
I Fan
acobz van Etten, young woman of Kings-
ouwne, both residing in Marmur ( Marble-
own)." Both Evert Dirckson, the father, and
an Evertsz, the son, appeared at first only
nder their patronymic, as was customary with
11 the Dutch families of the period. Evert
)ircksen means Evert, the son of Dirck. His
on was known as Jan Evertsz or Evertsen.
he children of Jan Everts and Sytie Jacobsz
fan Etten resumed the family name of Ter-
illiger (Van Der Williger, Derwilligen).
ithout doubt Jan was the six year old son
f Evert Dircksen of 1663 in the "Eagle."
Children : Evert, mentioned below ; Jacobus,
aptized November 25, 1688; Johannes, No-
ember 6, 1692; Jannetje, June 9, 1695;
latheus, April 18, 1697; Matheus, October
o, 1698; Salomon, September 1, 1700: Man-
el, May 31, 1702; Pieter or Petrus, Septem-
3, 1704; Ary or Adrian, September 22,
706; Abraham, September 18, 1707; Ysaak,
une 10, 1716.
(IV) Evert, eldest son of Jan Evertsz and
ytie Jacobsz (Van Etten) Terwilliger, was
aptized at Kingston, New York, May 23,
686. He married, August 18, 1717, Zara
reer, "a young woman born in New Paltz."
^mong his children was Hugo, mentioned
(V) Hugo, son of Evert and Zara (Freer)
"erwillieer, was born near Kingston, about
720. He married Jannetje Frere. Among
is children was Benjamin, mentioned below.
(VI) Benjamin, son of Hugo and Tannetie
Frere) Terwilliger, was born near Kingston,
lister county, New York, September 23, 1753.
le married Eva Hasbrook. Among his chil-
ren was Cornelis or Cornelius, mentioned
(VII) Cornelis (or Cornelius), son of Ben-
amin and Eva (Hasbrook) Terwil'isrer, was
orn near Kingston, and baptized December
6, 1785. Amon? his children was Jonathan
*., mentioned be'ow
(VIII) Jonathan C, son of Cornelis (or
'ornelius) Terwilliger, was born in the town
Vawarsing, Ulster county. New York, Tunf
2, 1819, and died June 13, 1885. His educa-
on was such as the country school afforded
1 those days. In early life he learned the
arpenter's trade, became a successful contrac-
ir and builder and was so engaged for thirtv-
ve years in Ellenville and its vicinity. He
•as president of the village for one term and
was chief of the first fire department of Ellen-
\ i lie. He was a strong temperance advocate,
and a man of sterling qualities, greatly re-
spected by all who knew him. He married
Elizabeth R. Wilber.
(IX) Uriah E., son of Jonathan C. and
Elizabeth R. (Wilber) Terwilliger, was born
in the village of Ellenville, Ulster county,
New York, December 10, 1849. His educa-
tion was begun in the public schools of his na-
tive town and continued at the Ellenville High
School, conducted for long years by Professor
S. A. Law Post, which was then an institution
of considerable prominence. Later Mr. Ter-
williger attended Waring's Military Institute,
at Poughkeepsie, and the Hudson River Insti-
tute, at Claverack, New York. At an early age
comparatively he was compelled, because of
impaired health, to abandon plans for extended
study, and for three years engaged with his
father, thus acquiring a practical knowledge of
carpentry. A little later on, at nineteen years
of age, he established a real estate and in-
surance agency. With characteristic enthusi-
asm Mr. Terwilliger quickly developed the
business, and eventually, with partners, built
up one of the largest general insurance agen-
cies in the state. The firm's style for a number
of years was Neafie & Terwilliger, then Neafie,
Terwilliger & Post. For many years after
Mr. Terwilliger's brother, Edward N., was his
only associate in the firm which was familiarly
known as U. E. and E. N. Terwilliger, and
three years since, upon the admission of Bert
H , only son of Mr. Terwilliger, the business
became known and is now conducted as The
Terwilliger Agency. In connection with this
particular business Mr. Terwilliger was con-
spicuously entrusted with many fiduciary in-
terests as the executor and administrator of
estates, and as the representative of various
financial institutions throughout the county
and elsewhere, until he became widely known
for his business sagacity and unswerving hon-
esty. Always deeply interested in local affairs,
Mr. Terwilliger has given generously of time
and money to matters of local weal. It was
during his presidency of the board of educa-
tion that the school system was advanced, a
superintendent first employed, and the old high
school property acquired for the use of the
biejier departments. A local Young Men's
Christian Association and Board of Trade,
both in active useful existence for many years,
owed their beginning to his euthusiasm. From
early manhood he has been an active member
of the Reformed church, with which lie has
long been officially connected, and for twelve
years superintendent of its Sunday school. In
politics Mr. Terwilliger has always been a Re-
publican, until the advent of the Progressive
party, with which he is now affiliated, lie
has invariably declined political honors, though
frequently urged to accept nominations, from
supervisor of the town to slate senator.
But it is perhaps in the development of his
estate at Mount Meenahga, now famous as a
summer resort, that Mr. Terwilliger has be-
come must widely known. After Mime years
of close application to business, necessity for
rest manifested itself, and in 1877 Mr, Terwil-
liger and a party of friends formed a camp on
the wc-terlv side of the Shawangunks, two
miles from Ellenville. Impressed with the
natural advantages and beauty of the location
he made a lease of the property the following
year, and three years later bought a tract of
one hundred acres. With a view to making a
permanent summer home, a comfortable cot-
tage and barns were erected, and from time to
time other cottages were built for the accom-
modation of friends who sought more comfort-
able quarters than a simple camp life afforded.
Additional acres were bought from year to
year, until finally the erection of a small board-
ing house, in 1XX1, marked the beginning of the
present Mount Mcenahga as a resort, now sec-
ond in importance only to one other in the
county, Lake Mohonk. The property now
comprises upwards of six hundred acres, con-
trolling the bold face of the mountain for
nearly two miles On the north and south are
tracts owned by the village of Ellenville, as
a water preserve, numbering some five thou-
sand acres, and assuring to Mount Mcenahga
for all time the advantages of a large forest
domain. The work of development at Mount
Meenahga has been along the lines of nature's
plan, and rare genius has been displayed in
the building of many miles of paths and roads
that lead over the beautiful hilltops or through
deep gorges, disclosing a wealth of beauty and
grandeur at every turn. The hotel property
is thoroughly modern in its equipment, and
means for healthful recreation have been gen-
erously provided. Mr. Terwilliger is one of
the trustees of the Ellenville Savines Bank and
has been such for twenty-seven years a wit-
ness and abettor of its growth from $481,000
to over $2,003,000 ill deposits.
Mr. Terwilliger married Alice A. Hoar,
daughter of George Hoar, prominent as a boat
builder of Ellenville, New York. They have
two children: t. Bert H., wdio married Flor-
ence Tone, of Bergen, New York; children:
Robert S. and Katharine T. 2. Alice Louise,
married Harold B. Raymond, son of President
P. B. Raymond, of the Wesleyan University,
of Middletown, Connecticut.
Reuben Bernard, the earliest
BERNARD ancestor recorded in the fam-
ily Bible, was of English de-
scent and was a Quaker. He was born on
Long Island, October 1, 1764, and died at
Plattekill, LHster county. New York, June 12,
1840. At the time of the revolutionary war,
his father's family being Loyalists, removed to
Canada, he alone remaining in the state. In
early manhood he came to Ulster county,
where, about 1795, he married Mary Lawrence,
and settled upon a farm at Plattekill. She
was the daughter of Daniel and Phoebe ( Sim-
mons) Lawrence, was born October 31, 1774,
and died at Plattekill, November 30, 1851.
The children of Reuben and Mary ( Lawrence)
Bernard were: Rachel, married John Church;
David Lawrence, see forward ; Daniel ; Wil-
liam ; Mary, married Charles Palmer; Annie,
married - Penny: James. Daniel and
James were also married.
(Ill David Lawrence, son of Reuben and
Mary (Lawrence) Bernard, was born March
11, 1803, and died at Highland. New York,
July 4, 1879. He received such education as
the public schools of the day afforded, but be-
ing of a literary turn of mind, through reading
and study became a man of more than ordinary
culture. Early in life he engaged in teaching.
Later, during the height of the Masonic excite-
ment, be edited the Ulster Palladium, an anti-
Masonic publication. A file of these papers
has been preserved in the Kingston Public
Library. After leaving Kingston, he bought
the farm near Clintondale, where be lived for
many years. In 1872 he removed to Highland,
New York, where his death occurred. Polit-
ically he was a member of the old Whie party
and was frequently a delegate to state and
county conventions. In 1840 Mr. Bernard re-
presented bis district in the state legislature.
He helped to organize the Republican party
nd was faithful to it until his death. For
everal years he was president of the Ulster
'ounty Agricultural Society, and was a charter
lember of the Ulster County Historical So-
iety. He was a member of the Society of
'riends by right of birth.
Mr. Bernard married, October 21, 1826, Abi-
ail, born January 8, 1809, died September 7,
874, a daughter of David and Mary (Ketch-
m) Demerest. Children : William ; Reuben,
ee forward ; Mary.
(Ill) Reuben, second son of David Lawr-
ence and Abigail ( Demerest ) Bernard, was
orn in Plattekill, Ulster county, New York,
'ebruary 24, 1830. He was educated in the
L'hools of his neighborhood, and later at the
sew Paltz Academy and Amenia Seminary.
n 1849 ne commenced reading law in the offi-
es of Forsyth & Hasbrouck, at Kingston. He
/as graduated from the New York State and
National Law School, at Ballston Spa, in 1851,
/as awarded the degree of Bachelor of Laws,
nd was admitted to the Bar in the same year,
.ater he was admitted to practice in the courts
f the United States. He commenced his pro-
cssional work in the offices of his former pre-
eptors, and continued in the practice of his
rofession until his retirement in January,
909, in same location. In 1852 he was ap-
ointed attorney for the Huguenot Bank, this
aving been organized at New Paltz, and from
855 until 1870 was attorney for the Ulster
ounty Savings Institution, and from 1877 to
909, attorney for the New Paltz & Savings
tank. In 1858 he assumed official connection
Itith the Kingston National Bank as its attor-
ey; was made a director in 1868; became its
resident in 1877, and now (1913) has entered
pon his thirty-seventh year in that office,
'our years were spent in office as the president
f the Kingston & Rondout railroad, and he
vas for a number of years director of the
Vallkill Valley railroad ; he was attorney for
oth nf these corporations. Another honor
hat came to him was that of the presidency
f the Kingston Board of Trade, an office he
ield for many years. Mr. Bernard is a mem-
■er of the Fair Street Reformed Church, has
:e1d various offices in the church and Sunday
chool, and has served as president of the Ul-
ter County Sunday School Association.
Mr. Bernard married, June 3, 1856, Jane
"atherine, born August 8. 1833, died December
8, 1903, a daughter of Dr. Garrett Du Bois
and Sarah (Post) Crispell. Dr. Crispell was
a practicing physician in Kingston for more
than half a century. Children of Reuben
Bernard: 1. Mary Lawrence. 2. Amelia
married Henry S. Crispell. 3. Sarah Crispell
The first one of this family of
RICARD whom we have any definite in-
formation is John Ricard, or
Ricardo, as the name was originally spelled.
He was a native of Bordeaux, was educated
in the school of that city, and his vocation in
life was that of a medical doctor. In Bor-
deaux, where he followed his profession, he
enjoyed the reputation of being a leading
authority on medicine and consultation. He
moved to New York and there married Maria
Dilford and had five children: 1. Mary, mar-
ried Thomas Connor. 2. Mary Agnes, mar-
ried (first) John Freedy, (second) Edward
Randolph, (third) David Van Name. 3.
George, born December 25, 1841, died in 1862.
4. Catharine, married Peter Coyler. 5. John
Augustus, mentioned below. Dr. Ricard
eventually went back to Bordeaux where he
(II) John Augustus, son of Dr. John and
Maria (Dilford) Ricard, was born at No. 16
Christie street, New York City, December 25,
1820, died December 30, 1905. He received
a liberal education, and at an early date began
his career as a merchant. For several years
he engaged in the grain business, meeting with
marked success. He subsequently retired
from this business and joined the police force
of New York City. He was promoted first
aid to Chief Matrell on his staff. After sev-
eral years' service in the police department,
he became president of the old Coney Island
Railroad Company and he resigned from tlii<
to engage in the hotel business, remaining in
this a short time. He then retired from active
business. In politics he was a Democrat, but
never held public office. He took great in-
terest in military matters. He enlisted in the
Ninth Regiment New York National Guard,
and served for several years as color sergeant.
He married, October 3, 1842, Maria A., daugh-
ter of William and Doreco (Mercle) Laytin.
Three children: 1. William Laytin, mentioned
below. 2. Elizabeth Matilda, born October 17,
185 1, married Frederick A. Foggin. 3. Ellen
Louise, born July 21, 1857. married George
Van Name ; one child, William.
(Ill 1 William Laytin, sun of John Augus-
tus and Maria A. (Laytin) Ricard, was born
in Williamsburg, New York City, August 13,
1849. At the age of seven years he entered
No. ij public school on Madison street, where
he remained four years. He then received
private instruction until he was fifteen years
of age. when his father moved to Staten
Island, where he attended the Briggs Private
School at Mariner's Harbor until the family
returned to New York City, in 1857. He con-
tinued his studies in the same private school
until 1851), and then entered the shipping busi-
ness in New York. In 1803 he became ship-
ping clerk in the office of Layton & Hulbert, at
No. 84-86-88 South street, New York City.
He remained with this company three years
and then resigned. He became connected with
the firm of Young & Davidson, manufacturers
of crackers and biscuits. He was promoted
manager of the company, which office he held
until about 1872. when he resigned his posi-
tion to engage in the cigar and tobacco busi-
ness. In [876 he disposed of this business and
retired from active work. He is a stockholder
in the First National Rank of Brooklyn,
founded by his grandfather, William Laytin,
who served for many years as its president.
In politics he is a Democrat, but has never
aspired to office. He enlisted. May 10, 1801,
in the Eighty-second Regiment New York
Volunteer Infantry, then under command of
Colonel Lyons, lie took part with his com-
mand in two (first Bull Run and second Bull
Run) battles, and was honorably discharged
from the service in [863. lie is a member of
the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce and
took an active part in all of its affairs. He was
a member of Peterson Engine Company, No.
31, New York Volunteers, for four years, and
then joined the Zepher Hose Company, No. 4.
After a service of four years with this com-
pany he joined Washington Engine Company,
No. 1. at Port Richmond, lie was promoted
foreman of the company, retaining this office
two years, when he joined Port Richmond
Engine Company, No. 3, as exempt member.
He remained in the service of this company
until it was finally disbanded under the con-
solidating act of the Greater New York City
Charter. I le is an attendant of the Dutch Re-
formed church of Port Richmond, Stater
He married, November 13, 1X114, Josephinf
Coates, born at Port Richmond, May 13, 1847
The marriage was performed by the Rev. Dr
James Brownlee. Her father, Malachi Wil-
son Coates. of Currituck county. North Caro-
lina, was for some years a sea captain and
later became a prosperous oyster planter and
dealer on Staten Island and in the south. He
was a Democrat in politics. He died in Port
Richmond, < Ictober 26, moo, aged ninety-nine
years, six months and eleven days. He mar-
ried (first) Eliza Martling ; one child, Peter
Coates. He married (second), September 30,
1838, Hannah Anna Martling, born November
18, 1816, sister of his first wife; she died Feb-
ruary 14, 1877. Four children: Annie Post,
Wynice Anna. Isaac Van Duzer, born April
23. 1844. and Josephine, mentioned above.
Two children have been born to William Lay-
tin and Josephine (Coates) Ricard: Maria
Augusta, born May 13, 1870, was educated in
the schools of Port Richmond, and now re-
sides with her parents ; George Timothy Reed
Crawford, born 1874, died 1878.
Like nearly all Dutch
VAN ALSTINE names beginning with
"Van," this is derived
from a place. It is a very old name in Europei
and has flourished under many different forms,
being traced hack to the crowning of Otho in
936. It is found under the names of Wald-
stein and Wartenberg in Flanders before 1236,;
in Spanish it is rendered Balstein, in the
French Vallenstein. In Flanders it was often
rendered Halsteyn, and in Holland, Alstein.
In the early New York records it is written
Van Aelstcvn, Van Aalsteyn, Van Alstyn, Van
Alstein, Van Alstyne and Van Alstine. The
last two forms are those now most in use and
in some cases the prefix "Van" has been
dropped. Members of the familv in this
country have been generally identified with
the Dutch Reformed church. The name was
prominent during the revolution in New York,
and its representatives have been among the
most loyal, progressive and useful citizen?
down to the present date. In Holland the
name was frequently written Van Aelsteijn
ami about 1700, when the English spelling was
arlopted by the citizens of New York, it was |
generally written Van Alstine. About 182c
:veral branches of the family adopted the
jelling Van Alstyne. Since 1880 a diligent
■arch has been made for the earliest traces
f the family in New York, but the actual
me of their arrival has not been established.
(I) Jan Martense de wever, (in English
jhn, the son of Martin, by occupation a
eaver) was in New York as early as 1646,
; which time he joined with another in the
urchase of a yacht. His wife was Dirckje
[armense (daughter of Harmen ) and they
ad a son Martin, baptized July 18, 1655, at
le Dutch church of New Amsterdam ( New
ork). Jannetje Martense, who was supposed
) have been a sister of Jan Martense, came
•om the principality of Holstein, and it is sup-
osed that Jan and his wife also came from
lat locality. She was the wife of Jan Thomas
lingael, the ancestor of the Whitbeck family
rom Widbek-Holstein. In 1656 Jan Mar-
;nse was living at Beverwyck (now Albany),
nd continued to reside there until 1664, when
e hired land on the "Island Schodack" from
is brother-in-law, Jan Tomase Mingael
Whitbeck). From this Jan was ousted by
'atroon Van Rensselaer and he returned to
dbany where he lived on the property which
e purchased in 1657 on the east side of
Sroadway and north of Columbia street, and
■hicli he continued to own until 1695, when he
old it. In if>jo Jan Martense and wife were
ne owners of farms "behind Kinderhook" at
place called "Pompoenick" and there they
esided until their deaths. The wife died after
687, and the husband after 1701. This land
emained in the possession of their descendants
iown to 1897 and later. Jan Martense was
>ne of the charter members named in the Don-
;an Charter erecting the town of Kinderhook
n 1686. Children: 1. Martin Jans, born 1655;
narried Jannetje Cornelius (Bogert). 2.
Abraham, mentioned below. 3. Lambert, born
.bout 1659: married his cousin Jannetje Min-
,rael. 4. Isaac, born about 1661 ; married
first) Maritje Yosburgh, (second) Jannetje
/an Valkenburg. 5. Dorothy, born about
,663; married Jacob Vosburgh. About 1703
he eldest and youngest sons removed from
"Cinderhook to Canajoharie, where they pur-
:hased several hundred acres of land in the
Mohawk Valley, and about 1730 Martin Jans,
he eldest, erected there a large stone mansion
vhich is still standing, and during the revolu-
tion was barricaded and called "Fort Van
(II) Abraham, second son of Jan and
Dirckje (Harmense) Martense, was born
about 1657. He resided upon the paternal
lands near Kinderhook. In 1686 he was an
ensign in colonial service and was a cap-
tain of militia in 1714. He was twice married,
the name of the first wife being unknown. The
second was Maritje Van Deusen, whom he
married January 17, 1694. Children of sec-
ond wife: Johannes, Mattheus, Dirckje, died
young ; Sander, Abraham, Leena, Isaac,
Dirckje, grandmother of President Martin
Van I'.uren; Catryntje, Jacobus, Martin.
(III) Abraham (2). fourth son of Abraham
(1) and Maritje (Van Deusen) Van Alstine,
was born August 15, 1703, in the town of
Kinderhook. He resided there and married
there, September 29, 1734, Weintje Conyn,
daughter of Leendert Phillipse de Konyn and
his wife Emmetje Van Alen. Children : Phil-
ippus, mentioned below ; Abraham, born
March 4, 1734: Leendert, September, 1743:
Emmetje, October 11, 1745, married Colonel
Samuel Ten Brook, a revolutionary officer.
(IV) Philippus. eldest child of Abraham
(2) and Weintje (Conyn) Van Alstine, was
born September 16, 1735, at Kinderhook. He-
lived at Poelsburgh now in town of Stuyves-
ant. He was colonel of the Rensselaerwyck
Regiment from 1775 to 1798, and with a part
of his command was in active service in Try-
on county. New York, at several periods dur-
ing the revolution. He married, July 8, 1761,
his cousin, Maritje (Mary) Van Alstine.
daughter of his uncle, Isaac Van Alstine and
his wife Elizabeth Van Alen. Children:
Abraham Philip, mentioned below; Isaac P.,
born October 1, 1764; Weintje, August 15,
1766; John P., March 2, 1770.
(V)' Abraham Philip, eldest child of Philip-
pus and Mary (Van Alstine) Van Alstine. was
born May 16, 1762, in Poelsburgh, then in
town of Kinderhook, where he made his home.
He married, in 1784, Catalyne, daughter of
John and Cornelia (Vosburgh) Gardinier.
Children: Maria, born February 20, 1785:
Cornelia, January 15, 1792; Philip Abraham,
mentioned below.
(VI) Philip Abraham, only son of Abra-
ham Philip and Catalyne (Cardinier) Van
Alstine, was born February 20, 1799, in Poels-
burgh, then in town of Kinderhook, where he
was a farmer. He married, June 1, 1820,
Alida, daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth
( Smith ) Vanderpool. Children : Abraham
Philip, mentioned below ; Andrew Vanderpool,
born March 1, 1823; Caroline. February 9,
1825; James, January 31, 182') ; Joseph
Toombs, I uly 31, 1836.
(VII) Abraham Philip (2), eldest child of
Philip Abraham and Alida ( Vanderpool) Van
Alstine, was born June 4, 1821, in Poelsburgh,
situated in the northwestern part of the town
of Stuyvesant, Columbia county. New York.
He married, January 15, 1844, Anna Maria,
daughter of James and Maria (Morrison)
Beneway. Children: Philip, mentioned below ;
lames Morrison, Elizabeth Caroline, Eldorus,
Mary Augusta.
(VIII) Philip, eldest son of Abraham
Philip (2) and Anna Maria (Beneway) Van
Alstine, was born at Poelsburgh in the town
of Stuyvesant, Columbia county. New York,
lie was educated in district schools, Schodack
Academy, Volkert Whitbeck's Classical School
at Albany, Bryant & Stratton's Commercial
College. lie studied law at Hudson, New
York, with Beale & Benton, admitted to the
bar at New York City. 1868. He became a
resident of Spring Valley, Rockland county,
New York, 1887. Delegate to Democratic
National Convention at Chicago, 1892; counsel
for the town of Ramapo and the village of
Spring Valley, Rockland county, New York,
several years : member of Holland and Colum-
bia Countv Societies ; member of Reformed
church ; in politics, an Independent Democrat.
He married, September 2. 1874. at Austerlitz,
Columbia county. New' York, Amelia A.,
daughter of Roger and Silence ( Crowter )
Haskell. Children : Anna Amelia. Daisy
Mabel, Edna May. The eldest of these was
married at Spring Valley, New York, Febru-
ary 21, 1900, to Percival Van Orden, son of
Peter S. and Mary Ann ( Hopper ) Van
Orden, and has a daughter, Mabel Van Alstine
Van Orden.
It is strongly claimed that the
HASKELL name Haskell is of Norse
origin. The name is traced
hack in English manuscripts in an unbroken
line from Surrey Osberne Haskell, of Rowl-
stone castle, Herefordshire. England, who was
born 1 54 1, and married Sarah Finderne, 1580,
to Oscytel, a Norse king, who landed in
Northumberland, England, in the year 800.
Surrey ( )sberne Haskell, died 1642, leaving
a son Edward, born 1581.
Edward Haskell married Viola Patterson,
1605, and had children: Edward, born 1606;
William. 1(107; Roger, 1608; Mark, 1609. The
three brothers, William, Roger and Mark em-
igrated from Bristol, England, in 1628, and
settled at Salem, Massachusetts, in that part
of Salem now called Beverly, then known as
Cape Ann side.
Roger Haskell married Elizabeth Hardy at
Salem about the year 1655. Children: Samuel,
born about 1656; Mark, about 1657; Roger,
about 1658.
Mark Haskell married Mary Smith, March
20, [678. Children: Roger, born October 17,
1680, married Joanna Swift, January 25, 1709;
John, February 14, 1682.
John Haskell married Mehitabel about
1710. Children: Roger, born March 8, 171I,
married Alice Spooner ; Zachariah, April II,
Zachariah Haskell married Keziah Goi&i
August 20. i74'>. Child: Roger, born ApriL
-'• t753'
Roger Haskell married Mary Webster, May
10, 1781. Children: Daniel, born February
13, 1782: Mary, March 18, 1783; Zachariah,
November 3, 1784: Simon, February 2, 1787;;
Patience, April 14, 1789; Huldah, June 13,
i7<ji ; Fbenezer, July 15. 1794; Sylva, March
28, i"97'. Parthenia, June 13, 1799; Sally, Au-
gust 15. 1801; Allen, June 28, 1803; Lester
February 15, 1805; Luzillah. February 21
Zachariah Haskell married Unity Anderson
widow of Calvin Geer, April 3, 1810. Chili
dren : Chloe, born April 8, 1812; Anna, De,
cember 19. 1813; Anderson, November 15!
1815; Roger, March 17, 1818; Dehlia, OcUk
her 12, 1821 ; Zachariah, November 12, 1823
Herman, May 17, 1826.
Roger 1 laskell married Silence Crowter, 0
Austerlitz, New York, daughter of Rober
and Ruth (Harmon) Crowter, December 19
1842. Children : Ruth Maria, spinster, borr
at Austerlitz, New York, October 11. 1843
Amelia Ann. born at Peru. Massachusetts
June 18, 1848, graduate of Canaan, Nev
York, Classical Institute, and Albany Norma
College, Principal of Union Free School a
Bayside, Long Island. A manager of th ;
roman's Board of Foreign Missions of the
eformed Church in America. Married, Sep-
mber 2, 1874, Philip Van Alstine, counsellor-
j-lavv. Now a resident of Spring Valley,
ew York.
The founder of the Bogar-
BOGARDUS dus family in America was
the famous Dominie Ever-
dus Bogardus, pastor, counsellor and friend
I the early Dutch settlers of New Amster-
jim, who cheered them amid their toils and
llversities and in dark hours of peril ; joined
iany of them in marriage ; baptized their chil-
•en ; oft performed in their stricken homes
e last sad rites and frequently acted as guar-
an of their estates. He was the first settled
linister of the Dutch church at New Am-
jerdam, where he continued until his last trip
I Holland in 1647. He sailed from New
Imsterdam in the ship "Princess" in company
lith Director Kieft, August 16, 1647. On
!:ptember 27, having mistaken their course,
ley were wrecked upon a rock on the coast
t. Wales. Dominie Bogardus and Director
jieft both perished, although many were
.ved. (For an extended account of his ca-
er see Bogardus in Gray family history.)
e was a valuable man in the settlement, his
(vice was constantly sought in matters af-
icting both individuals and the community
id the amount of public business with which
was intrusted on his final departure for
olland evinced the continued respect and con-
ience of his people. He married, June 21,
542, Anneke (Annetje) Jans, or Jansen, who
id a grant of sixty-two acres between the
■esent Warren and Christopher streets, New
ork City. This land has probably caused
ore bitter controversy than any other on
irth. It forms the basis of dispute between
heirs of Anneke and Domine Bogardus
i the one hand and Trinity church corpora-
on on the other. Its immense value makes
le ownership a prize worth striving for and
rce legal battles have been fought over it.
he title, however, seems to rest with Trinity
irporation. After the death of Dominie Bo-
irdus, his widow took up her residence in
lbany, continuing there until her death in
563. Children : William, in 1656 a clerk in
le secretary's office in New Amsterdam and
1 1687 postmaster of the province; Comelis,
iptized September 9, 1640. in New York-
City, later of Albany, married Helena Teller;
Johannes or Jonas, baptized January 4, 1643;
Pieter, baptized April 2, 1645, resided in
Albany until near the close of his life, when
he removed to Kingston, where he died in
1703. In 1673 he was one of the magistrates
of the town and in 1690 was commissioned
with others to treat with the Five Nations and
to look after the defence of the town. He
made his will February 3, 1701-2. He mar-
ried Wyntje Cornells Bosch.
Some idea of the origin of
LEAYCRAFT this name may be had if
we consider the words,
Lay or Leay, which may be derived from the
French word Laie, which is the term to de-
scribe a lane through a forest. Lay in the
sense in which it is used in the compound
word, Layman, not meaning clerical or pro-
fessional, is clearly not the sense in which it
is used here. In the latter sense the word
was used by Ben Jonson, the British poet.
The word or that form of it occurs in the
Hundred Rolls of England as a personal name.
There are also other names, evidently Norman
in origin, such as Le Lay, Du Lay and De
Lay. The name has been spelled in this form
since the year 1743 in this country.
(I) Captain Viner Leaycraft was com-
mander of the privateers, "Potter," from 1743
to 1748, and of "King George" from 1756 to
1763. His will was probated August 24, 1784,
and recorded September 24, 1784.
(II) John, son of Captain Viner Leaycraft,
served as second lieutenant in the revolution
on the sloop, "Montgomery," entering the ser-
vice, April 18, 1776.
(III) John (2), son of John (1) Leaycraft,
died January 10, 1844, aged sixty-five years,
buried from his residence, No. 130 Thirteenth
street. New York City.
(IV) Anthony D., son of John (2) Leay-
craft, was born in New York City, October
15, 1824, died there, April 21, 1898. He was
engaged in the express business, and was well
known in his line of trade. He was a Whig in
politics, and a member of the Methodist Epis-
copal church. He married Hannah Thompson,
born July 25, 1828, in Boston, Massachusetts,
died May 3, 1908, in New York City, daugh-
ter of William and Elizabeth Thompson. The
marriage took place March 8, 1848, the Rev.
J. Dowling, D.D., officiating. Children: 1.
John Edgar, mentioned below. 2. Mary Eliza-
beth, born March 30, [852 ; married, February
22, 1872. John Morrison Chesborough. 3.
Hannah Augusta, born January 2, 1863; mar-
ried Dr. Charles Sumner Benedict. 4. Fg-
bert Rinehart, born February 24. 1869; mar-
ried Louise Belle Haddon.
( V 1 John Edgar, eldest son of Anthony D.
and Hannah (Thompson) Leaycraft, was
born March 15, 1849, in New York City. He
established the firm of John Edgar Leaycraft
& Company in the real estate business and is
now located at No. 30 East Forty-second
street. The members of the firm have built
up a large and lucrative business and stand
high in their profession. John Edgar Leay-
craft is a Republican in politics, and in religion
a member of tlie Methodist Episcopal church.
He married, in Sing Sing, Westchester county,
New York, November 25, 1874, Caroline
Crawford, born March 19, 1847. daughter of
Morris De Camp and Charlotte ( Holmes )
Crawford. Morris De Camp Crawford was
born FVbruary 19, 1819, in Albany, New
York. Charlotte (Holmes) Crawford was
born April 14, 1822, in Xewburgh, New York,
died in [886. The marriage took place No-
vember 20, 1844, at Newburgh, New York.
Joseph Crawford, father of Morris De Camp
Crawford, was born February 10, 1785, died
August '). 1832. He married, December 31,
[806, Mary Barker. The children of Joseph
Crawford were: Caroline, Lemuel, Sarah,
Elijah, Joseph Barker, Mary, Morris De Camp,
mentioned above ; Almira, Susan ' (phelia. The
children of Morris De Camp Crawford were:
1 ( iilbert Holmes, born 1849; married Sarah
Merritt. 2. Morris Barker, born 1852; mar-
ried Caroline Rice. 3. Caroline, mentioned
above, born 1847; married John Edgar Leay-
craft. 4. Hanford, born 1854: married Ger-
trude Smith. 5. Frank Lindsay, burn [856;
married Genevieve Buckland. '>. William
Herbert, born i860; married Mina Paine.
Children of John Edgar and Caroline (Craw-
ford) Leaycraft: 1. Agnes, born April 25,
187(1; married, June 14, 1906, Thomas S. Don-
ohugh ; children : Agnes Caroline, born No-
vember 30, 1907, New York, and Crawford
Edgar, burn December 2^, 1010, in India. 2.
Edgar Crawford, mentioned below.
(VI) Edgar Crawford, son of John Edgar
and Caroline (Crawford) Leaycraft, was
bom in New York City. November 12, 1880.
He attended the Collegiate School in New
York City when he was eight years old and
continued bis studies for six years. Then he
went to Cutler School in New York City and
remained there four years. In 1898 he entered
Harvard University and remained until 1902,
graduating the same year and receiving the de-
gree of B.A. He joined his father in the real
estate business and is still connected with the
same, being now a member of the firm. He
is a Republican in politics, and is a member
of the First Cavalry, National Guard, New
York. He is a member of the Harvard Club,
New York City ; the Lawyers' Club, New
York City ; and the Union League Club. In
religion he is a Methodist, and attends the
Methodist Episcopal church in Madison
avenue, New York City, lie married. June
}, ]()\^,. lulia Searing in Saugerties, New,
York. '
The ancestors of this
VAN ( IRDEN family came from Naar-
den, a small village in Hol-
land, hence the name Wan Naarden ( from
Naarden). Two forms of the name are now
in general use among the descendants, Vani
Norden and Van Orden.
( I ) The earliest record now obtainable con-
cerns the family of Peter Wan Xaerden anc-
his wife Aneckje Jans, the latter, of course
being a daughter of a man named Jan. The)
were residents of New Amsterdam (New
York) prior to 1654, and in 1655 Peter wa:
the owner of property as shown by the fac
that he was taxed five dollars to pay debt in
curred in erecting the city defenses. In th>
previous year he was appointed a beer carrier
In 16(14 he owned a lot with a frontage o
twenty-two feet, situated at the southwes >
corner of Broadway and Marketfield streel
in Xew Amsterdam, where he resided with hi
wife and died soon after. For several vear
following his death his widow continued to re
side there, but in 1686 her home was on th
west side of Broad street at which time sll
was a member of the Dutch church. The bap
tismal records of that church give the follow
ing. but undoubtedly there were other chi
dren : Jan, baptized October 4, 1654; Engeltiu
April 14. 1658; Metje. April 14, 1658; Caspe ,
February 15, t66o; Tryntie, December 1; ,
1662. The church records of Hackensac:'
show that Andriese, undoubtedly a child c
rs old z
in the
■ '
ui «
'eter and Aneckje, was born about 1670, in
>Jew York.
(II) Andriese (Andrew) Janse Van Or-
en was residing in the vicinity of Hackensack
s early as 1700, and was a member of the
Schraalenburg church with his second wife
iefore 1733. The Hackensack records say he
vas born in New York and the date must have
een in the vicinity of 1675. He married
first ) at Hackensack, August 31, 1700, Rachel
Demarest, born June 4, 1680, at Hackensack,
lied before June, 1710, daughter of David
nd Rachel (Cresson) Demarest. He mar-
ied (second) Antie Laroe. Children of first
vife: Jan, mentioned below; Rachel, baptized
\pril 2, 1704; David, July 13, 1709. Children
if second wife: Jacobus and Elizabeth
twins), baptized November 4, 171 1 ; Jannetje,
November 14, 1714; Elizabeth, September 15,
717; Petrus, July 2. 1720; Wybrege, January
.'O, 1723, all at Hackensack; Andries, March
;8, 1729, at Tappan.
(III) Jan, eldest child of Andriese Janse
md Rachel ( Demarest ) Van Orden, was bap-
ized September 16, 1701, at Hackensack, and
robably lived in that neighborhood all his life.
married, September 17, 1728, at Hacken-
ack, Rachel Van Schieve, and had children
aptized at Hackensack: Andriese, June 18,
729; David, died young; David, born May 5,
733 ; Stephen, mentioned below ; Lea and
chel (twins), April 9, 1738; Jacobus, June
3. 1742.
(IV) Stephen, fourth son of Jan and
Rachel (Van Schieve) Van Orden, was born
May 2, 1735, at Hackensack, and resided in
.vhat is now Rockland county, New York,
hen a part of Orange. He died before July
[7, 1771, when his widow brought their young-
?st child for baptism at the Tappan church,
rle married, at Schraalenburg, May 31, 1760,
VTarya Koning, born January 6, 1736, at Tap-
:>an, daughter of Arie and Elisabedt (Hartie)
Koning. Thev had the following children bap-
ized at Schraalenburg; : Rachel, born May 13,
[761; Petrus, August 14, 1763; John, men-
ioned below ; Elizabeth. January 28, 1769 ;
Marytje. July 26, 1771.
(V) John, second son of Stephen and Maria
{ Koning-) Van Orden. was born July 8, 1766,
probably at Tappan. and was a farmer in the
own of Ramapo, Rockland countv. New
^ork. where he was associated with the Dutch
Reformed church, and in politics with the
Democratic party. He married, April 18,
1795, at Tappan, Elizabeth Eckerson, of
Clarkstown, daughter of Abraham and Dirckje
( Westervelt ) Eckerson, born December 16,
1771, in Clarkstown, died March 11, 1862, in
Ramapo. At the time of this marriage John
Van Orden lived in Ramapo, and died there
April 21, 1837. Children: Stephen, mentioned
below; Thomas, Catherine. Myers, Peter,
Elizabeth Yourey, Lucas, Margaret Tallman,
Maria, Jacob A. Van Riper.
(VI) Stephen (2), eldest child of John
and Elizabeth ( Eckerson ) Van Orden, was
born September, 1796, in Ramapo, died there
January 25, 1859. He was a farmer all his
life; a member of the True Reformed Church,
and a Democrat in politics. He married, in
Ramapo, Elizabeth Van Houten, born Febru-
ary 7, 1801, in Spring Valley, died there Janu-
ary 28, 1889, daughter of Peter Resolvert and
Wentje (Tallman) Van Houten. Peter R.
Van Houten was born January 11, 1778, in
Ramapo, where he died October 1, 1868. His
wife, born September 18, 1779, died January
21, 1856. Children of Stephen Van Orden:
John Stephen, born January, 1822. married
Jane Maria Quackenbush, and lived and died
in Ramapo, Rockland county. New York ;
Maria, 1826. married Peter II. Clark, died aged
twenty-six; Peter, died young; Peter S.. men-
tioned below.
(VII) Peter S., youngest child of Stephen
(2) and Elizabeth (Van Houten) Van Orden,
was born February 20, 1834, in Spring Valley,
New York. He attended the public schools
of that place, graduating from the high school.
He learned the trade of blacksmithing which
he followed two years in Newark, New Jer-
sey, after that about eight years in Spring
Valley, New York. Later he engaged in the
undertaking and livery business at Spring Val-
ley in which he continued over forty years,
having a large patronage. In 1900 he organ-
ized the firm of P. S. Van Orden & Sons,
and this establishment has built up an exten-
sive business in undertaking and embalming
and is thus at present engaged. Mr. Van
Orden and family are affiliated with the Dutch
Reformed church of Spring Valley, and while
he sympathizes with the general policy of the
Democratic party he is independent in politi-
cal action. He is a member of Athelstane
Lodge, No. 830, Free and Accepted Masons,
of Spring Valley He married, October 4,
1859, at Nanuet, Mary Ann Hopper, senior
daughter of Andrew and Annetje (Terhune)
Hopper, born March 19, 1836, at Nanuet, her
father being a farmer of that place, and the
farther of children: Garret, Albert Terhune,
James Van Orden, John I lenry, Mary Ann
and Matilda. Children of Peter S. Van Or-
den: 1. Ellen, born August 3, i860; married
William Danforth Keer, and resides at Spring
Valley. 2. Andrew, born November 24, 1864:
married Martha V. ( >. Smith. 3. John S., born
December (1, [867; married Ida Van Xess. 4.
Frank M., bum January 8, 1870; married Ma-
belle Baird. 5. Percival, born April 16, 1873;
married Anna Amelia Van Alsline.
This spelling has been quite
PEARSON uniformly preserved by the
members of this family, al-
though it appears in numerous forms in the
early records of New England, such as Per-
son, Peirson, Pierson, Persune. There is a
distinct family, quite numerous in this country,
which uses the spelling Pierson The name
Pierre (Peter), which was introduced into
England by Norman French and anglicized
into Pier or Piers, is the word from which
comes the name Pierson or Pearson. The
family bearing this patronymic includes many
citizens of high standing.
(I) John Pearson came from England and
settled in Rowley. Massachusetts, in 1643, an<'
then set up a fulling mill, the first mill for this
purpose in America. He was a man of prop-
erty, and active and prominent in the com-
munity. His first grant of land was in the
"uplands laid out in the field called Batchelder's
Plaine" and was "one house lott Containeing
an Acre and an halfe lying on the South side
of Richard Lighton." His name appears often
in the town records as grantor and grantee of
land. He was made freeman probably in 1647,
and was one of the "five men." or selectmen,
and as a representative of the town opposed
the tyrannous acts of Sir Edmond Andros.
and was fined. He was representative in 1678,
was made deacon, October 24, if>8('>, and died
December 22, 1603. His wife, Dorcas, sur-
vived him nine years, dying January 12, 1703.
Children: Mary, died young; John', born De-
cember 27. 1644; Elizabeth, October 17. 1652;
Jeremiah, October 25. 1653; Sarah, May' 3,
1655; Toseph, August 21, 1656; Benjamin.
April 6, 1658; Phoebe, April 13, 1660; Ste-
phen, mentioned below ; Sarah, May 6, 1666
The fourth son, Joseph, before he was nine
teen years old, entered the Colonial service ir
what was known as the "Flower of Essex,'
and was killed in a battle with the Indian!
near Hatfield, Massachusetts, August 25, 1695
( II ) Stephen, sixth son of John and Dorcas
Pearson, was born about 1662, but bis birth is
not recorded in Rowley. 1 le received from his
father deeds of land on which he resided ir
Rowley, dying about the beginning of the yeai
170''. aged about forty-four \ears. Admin-
istration of his estate was granted March 9
170'), and division was made April 4, 1712
He married Mary French, who survived hin
more than twenty-four years, and died Sep-
tember 2j, 1730, after being bedridden foi
many years. She may have been a daughtet
of Stephen (2) and Hannah French, of Wey-
mouth, Massachusetts, born May 11, 1662, anc
granddaughter of Stephen ( 1 ) French, whe
settled at Dorchester. Massachusetts, in 1630
removing soon after to Weymouth. There
was a large family of this name in Essex
county, Massachusetts, but the only Mary in
it who could possibly have been the wife of
Stephen Pearson, married an Eaton and died
in 1726 Children: Elizabeth, born August 25.
[685 : Stephen, mentioned below ; Martha. Jury
6, 1689 : Mary, January 7, 1691 ; Jonathan. Oc-
tober 21. 1693, died the same year; Patience.
July 2(1, [697; Hephsibah, January 20, 1699.
( III) Stephen 12), eldest child of Stephen
(i) and Mary (French) Pearson, was born
June <), 1687, in Rowley baptized on the 19th
of the same month, and died March 18, 1772.
Undoubtedly bis entire life was passed in Row-
ley, where be married, February 27. 171 1,
Hannah, daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth
(Kimball) Jewett, born July 16, 1690, in Ips-
wich, Massachusetts, died March 3, 1773. and
buried in Rowley. Children: Hannah, born:
May 6, 1712: Jonathan. February 24, 1714;
Moses, mentioned below; Amos, March 22,
1718; Mary. May 3, 1720; Stephen, died.
voting: Sarah. June 17. 1724: Stephen, Octo-.
ber 2-,, 1726; Jeremiah, baptized April 13,
1729; Rebecca, August 20. 1731 ; Patience, not
recorded, but mentioned in her father's will.
(IV) Moses, second son of Stephen (2) and
Hannah (Jewett) Pearson, was baptized
March 18, 1716, in Rowley, and lived in that
town or the town of Newbury, died 1794, ac-
cording to the records of Byfield parish church
in the town of Newbury. He married in New-
bury, January 1, 1739, Sarah Greenleaf, of
that town, born July 6, 1719, died August,
1792, daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Cooper)
Greenleaf. Children, baptized at Byfield
parish church: Elizabeth, May 22, 1743;
Eunice, October 6, 1745 ; Sarah, November 4,
1750; Moses, mentioned below.
(V) Moses (2), son of Moses (1) and
Sarah (Greenleaf) Pearson, was born about
1740 in Rowley, and was baptized at the By-
field parish church, May 18, 1755. He settled
in the town of Bradford, Massachusetts, where
he married, November 9, 1766, Martha Goss,
born July n, 1745, in Bradford, daughter of
John and Mehitable Goss, of that town. Chil-
dren, recorded in Bradford: Moses, born Oc-
tober 8, 1767; Hittie (Mehitable), November
27, 1768; Samuel, mentioned below; Mollie,
born and died in 1772 ; a child died in October,
1774: John Tappan, baptized January 5, 1777.
(VI) Samuel, second son of Moses (2) and
Martha (Goss) Pearson, was born March 30,
1770, in Bradford, and settled in Providence,
Rhode Island, as early as 1796, dying there in
1836. He married (first) October 12, 1793,
Judith Thurston, daughter of Daniel and
Elizabeth (Rolfe) Thurston, of Bradford,
baptized January 5, 1772, in the Byfield church,
and died in 1824, in Providence. He married
(second) L. B. Coy. Children: Luther, born
September 21, 1794, in Reading, Massachu-
^ett^: Susanna, November 30. 1705. in Read-
ing, died in 1796, in Providence; Daniel Chute,
April 13, 1798; William Coleman, mentioned
ftelow; Harriet and Henry, (twins), October
16, 1803; Samuel, December 4, 1705; Susan,
\llgust 7, 1707; Henry Adams, May, 171 1;
Martha G, December, 1713.
(VII) William Coleman, second son of
Samuel and Judith (Thurston) Pearson, was
00m April 16, 1801, in Providence, and died
n January, 1865, in Jersey City. He married
n Providence, in 1826, Mary Ann Earle, born
Fune 7, 1803, daughter of Caleb and Amey
(Arnold) Earle, of Providence (see Earle
VIII). Children: Fanny Earle, probably died
/oung; William Earle. mentioned below:
Henry Augustus, who lived in Jersey City,
\Tew Jersey.
(VIII) William Earle. son of William
Toleman and Mary Ann (Earle) Pearson, was
>orn July 6, 1830, died February 1, too:;. He
•vas a manufacturer of lumber and boxes in
Jersey City, New Jersey, and was in partner-
ship with his wife's father, under the firm
name of Vanderbeek & Sons. The firm con-
ducted a planing mill, lumber yard and box
factory. He married Susan Ann Vanderbeek,
of Jersey City. Children : Frank, born Sep-
tember 26, 1864; Isaac Vanderbeek, mentioned
(IX) Isaac Vanderbeek, son of William
Earle and Susan Ann (Vanderbeek) Pearson,
was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, March
7, 1871. He attended Hasbrouck Institute of
Jersey City, New Jersey, and Stevens Prepara-
tory School of Hoboken, New Jersey. The
first four years of his business life were in
the employ of H. J. Hardenbergh, architect.
whose offices were at Twenty-third street and
Fifth avenue. New York City. Afterward,
until 1905, he was associated in business with
his father in the manufacture of boxes in the
the firm of Vanderbeek & Sons. Since 1905
he has been a partner in the firm of Pearson &
Welch, brokers, of No. 25 Broad street. New
York. He is a member of the Jersey City Club
and of the New England Society of New
York. In religion he is a Presbyterian, and in
politics a Republican.
He married, November 1, 1899, Katherine.
born May 19. 1879. in Glasgow, Scotland,
daughter of John R. MacKenzie, granddaugh-
ter of George R. MacKenzie. Children
Katherine M.. born November 25, 1004; Wil-
liam Earle, January 2, 1908.
(The Earle Line.)
This is an old Rhode Island name, and
represents one of the most prolific of New
England families. From Rhode Island the
family has spread over the United States and
is well represented in nearly every state of the
Union. It has been for some time connected
with the business historv of Jersey City.
(I) Ralph Earle was in Newport. Rhode
Island, as early as 1638, being one of the fifty-
nine persons admitted ( (ctober 1. of that year,
as a freeman of the island of Aqueedneck
(Rhode Island). For many years he bought
and sold land frequently in various parts of
the island, and in r6=55 a,1(' l^9 se'"ve(' "n ,nc
grand jury. He was appointed bv the court
commissioners to keep a house of entertain-
ment, joined a company of horse. August 10,
1667. and later was chosen captain. On June
7, 167 1, he was a member of a special jury to
1 146
try two Indians. Ralph Earle claimed the
lands of the Dutch House of Good Hope, now
Hartford, Connecticut, and commenced a law-
suit to establish his claim against Richard
Lord and James Richard, possessors of the
Dutch land about 1667, Earle affirmed that
he purchased the land from Underbill in Au-
gust, [653, paying twenty pounds sterling for
it, but Underbill protested against the claim,
which was probably well-founded. Ilis wife,
Joan Savage, was born in England in 1594-95.
They were probably married in England. Their
children were: Ralph, married Dorcas
Sprague ; William, mentioned below; Mary,
married William Cory; Martha, married Wil-
liam Wood; Sarah, married Thomas Cornell.
( II ) William, second son of Ralph and Joan
(Savage) Earle, was born in England, and
first appears in American records, April 2,
1654, when he and his wife Mary sold their
interest in fourteen acres of land, which came
to the wife from her parents. 1 le was admitted
a freeman at Bristol, Rhode Island, May 11.
1658, and seven days later was admitted a
freeman of the colony by the general court
held at Warwick. ( )n June S. of the same
year, he was chosen to represent Bristol in the
general court of trials at Newport. In part-
nership with William Cory he was given a
grant of one and one-quarter acres of land.
Mav 1. 1665, provided they maintain a wind-
mill for the u^e id' the town. The site of the
mill was thereafter known as Windmill Hill
In 1668 the wind-mill had been completed, and
two years later William Earle removed to
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, where he had
large interests and remained several years.
Ilis share of lands received in the original
divisions exceeded two thousand acres. The
general assembly for Rhode Island and Provi-
dence plantations for the election of general
officers of the colony was held Mav 6, 1691, at
the house of William Earle, haying removed
from Newport because of a prevailing epi-
demic. Earle was a deputy from Portsmouth
to the general assemblies held at Providence,
( >ctober 25, 1704, and at Newport Mav I and
July ,}, 1706. His will was executed Novem-
ber 13, 1713, and he died January 15, 1715.
He married (first) Mary, daughter of John
and Katharine Walker, of Portsmouth. His
second wife. Prudence, died January 18, 1718.
Children: Mary, born 16=55, married Tohn
Borden; William, born at Portsmouth. Rhode
Island; married Elizabeth ; Ralph, boi
1660; Thomas, mentioned below; Caleb, ma
ried Mary ; John, born at Portsmout
married Mary Wait; Prudence, married Bei
jamin Durfee.
(III) Thomas, third son of William ar
Mary (Walker) Earle, born about 1662, r
ceived land in Dartsmouth from his father
i'«)2 and settled thereon. This he sold in 16c >
and resided for a short time in Portsmout
Rhode Island, but before the close of th
year he purchased forty acres of land in Swa
sea, Massachusetts, where he settled, ar
about the same time purchased more lane
In [708 he sold a parcel exceeding an acre fi
the Friends' Meeting House, and in 1721 so
his lands and removed to Portsmouth. I
made his will in Warwick, April 2~, 1727. ai
died the following day. The inventory of 1
estate amounted to six hundred and sixty-nil
pounds, nineteen shillings and one penny. I
married Mary, daughter of Philip and Ma
Taber, of Dartmouth, born 1670, died 175
Children: William, Thomas, Mary, Olive
Sarah, Lydia, Rebecca.
(IV) < Miver, third son of Thomas and Ma
(Taber) Earle, was born about [695, in Swa
sea, Massachusetts, and resided for a th-
in New York City, where he was engaged
the East India trade. In 1716 he received
deed from his father of one-half the patera
farm, and in 1721 he purchased the remaind
for eleven hundred pounds and settled up<
the homestead, where he died in 1766. H
will, made in that year, granted freedom
his negro slave Jeff, to take effect when t
apprenticeship of the latter was complete
< Hiver Earle married, June 9, 1720, Rebecc
daughter of Samuel and Martha (Trip]
Sherman, of Portsmouth. She was a gran
daughter of Caleb Sherman and great-gran
daughter of Philip Sherman, of Portsmoul
Children: Joshua, Caleb, Thomas, Mary.
(V) Caleb, second son of Oliver and R
becca ( Sherman ) Earle. was born January 3
1729, in Swansea, Massachusetts, where he I
sided and died November 14, 1812. He ma
ried (first) October 5, 1745, Sarah, daught
of Benjamin and Isabel Buffington, of Swa
sea, born September 1, 1727, date of death uj
known. He married (second) in 1769, Ha
nab, daughter of Daniel and Mary" Chace,
Swansea, born December 12, 1744. Childr
of first wife: Elizabeth, born February ]
'. II
2 i
of tk !
n Swa
til. ai
t land
acre ii
1721 so
1727, a
enny. !
in ! Mai
lied i?S
f, OH
ami Ml
;, 111 Swai
:or a tin I
■ ; -r
ettled up( 1
n January!
1748 ; Weston, mentioned below ; Caleb, Sep-
tember 2, 1756; Benjamin, January 17, 1759;
Joshua, October 11, 1762; David, May 8, 1764.
Children of second wife: Mary, born Febru-
ary 20, 1771 ; Joanna, July 13, 1772; Rebecca,
July 20. 1774; Daniel, August 30, 1776; Sarah,
March 11, 1778; Oliver, January 24, 1780;
William, August 30, 1781 ; Hannah, March 15,
(VI) Weston, eldest son of Caleb and Sarah
(Buffington) Earle, was born April 18, 1750,
in Swansea, where he resided and passed away,
September 5, 1838. His body was interred at
|he Friends' Cemetery at Somerset. He mar-
ried (first) Hepzibeth Terry, (second) Sarah
Slade, (third) Martha H. Smith. Children of
first marriage : Caleb, mentioned below ;
Sarah, born 1777; Hepzibeth, 1778. Children
of second wife: John, born May 24, 1790:
Slade, October 16, 1791 ; Edward S., October
17, 1795. Child of third wife: Thomas G.,
born October 19, 1823.
( YII) Caleb (2), eldest child of Weston and
Hepzibeth (Terry) Earle. was born February
25, 1771, in Swansea, and resided in Provi-
dence, Rhode Island, where he died July 13,
1851. He married, September 19, 1796, in
Providence, Amey Arnold, born April 16, 1777,
in Foster. Rhode Island, second daughter of
Nehemiah and Alice (Arnold) Arnold. Chil-
dren: Frances, born April 16, 1798; Elizabeth
T. September 8, 1800: Mary Ann, mentioned
below; Joseph M., July 18, 1810; Henry, lune
I, 1815."
(VIII) Mary Ann, third daughter of Caleb
1 _» 1 and Amey (Arnold) Earle, was born
June 7. 1803, in Providence, and became the
wife of William Coleman Pearson, of that
town (see Pearson VII).
The name Maxwell is of
MAXWELL Scot origin, and is found
among the Scotch and Irish
descendants of those Scots who originallv
dwelt in the northeast part of Ireland, whence
they emigrated in early days to what is now
Scotland and dispossessed the Picts, who were
the aboriginal inhabitants of that land. From
these two places the name has spread over the
whole world. In meaning the name is made up
of the prefix "Mac" and the noun "swell, or
swale," the significance of the combination be-
ing "son or man of the swale" that is a dweller
in a low marshy valley.
(I) Thomas Maxwell, the founder of the
family at present under consideration, was
born in Donegal, Ireland, in 1786, and died in
Saugerties, New York, in 1858. In 1827 he
came to America with his young wife, and for
a while they stopped in Philadelphia, later on
removing to the town of Hunter, Greene
county, New York, where he worked for
Colonel Pratt, who appointed him superinten-
dent of the building of the Catskill turnpike
and later made him overseer of the turnpike
at Palenville. Afterwards, Mr. Maxwell
bought a farm of ninety acres of land at Quar-
rvville, Ulster county, New York, and clearing
it, lived there and farmed until his death. Be-
fore coming to America, he was a soldier in
the British army under Sir John Moore and
the Duke of Wellington, and at the battle of
Waterloo he received a medal for meritorious
conduct and bravery, which is now in the pos-
session of his grandson, Mr. James T. Max-
well, referred to below. In religion he was a
member of the Church of England. He mar-
ried in Ireland. Elizabeth Heatherington, of
Fermanagh, Ireland. Children : John, re-
ferred to below ; Eliza, born in 1820, married
George Sanderson, of Paterson, New Jersey ;
James, born in 1823 ; Sarah Jane, born in 1828,
married C. C. Fiero, of Greene county. New
York; Thomas (2), born in 1832 (q. v.);
Isabella, born in 1834. married Tunis W. Van
Hoesen ; William, born in 1838 ; Catharine,
born in 184 1, married Jeremiah Hommel, of
(II) John, son of Thomas and Elizabeth
(Heatherington) Maxwell, was born in Ire-
land in 1818, and died in Saugerties, New
York, in July, 1885. He was one of the most
progressive men of his day and was extensively
engaged in the blue-stone industry, maintain-
ing wholesale departments at Rochester, New
York, Newark, New Jersey, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, and Maiden, New York. He
was a staunch Republican in politics and served
as a member of the state assembly from Ul-
ster county in 1867. In 1877 he was nominated
for congress against D. M. Dewitt and was
defeated by only seventeen votes in a strongly
Democratic district. He married, in Philadel-
phia, in 1842 or 1843, Sarah Maxwell, not a
relative. Children : Elizabeth ; John ; Tames
T., referred to below ; Emma and William L.
(III) James T., son of John and Sarah
(Maxwell) Maxwell, was born in Quarryville.
Ulster county. New York, October 6, 1854. and
is now living at Saugerties, New York. He re-
ceived his education in the private school at
Maiden. New York and at Riverview Military
Academy, Poughkeepsie. When his father
died he succeeded him in the management of
the large interests which fell to his inheritance,
and he has been prominently identified with
most of Saugerties' important industrial and
fiduciary institutions ever since. His plant
in Philadelphia handles mostly granite and cut
stone, is fitted with special machinery and is
one of the most important plants of its kind
in the country. Mr. Maxwell is interested in
the .Yew York Saugerties steamboat lines, and
own- an interest in about fifteen coastline
schooners. He is vice-president and director
of the First National Hank of Saugerties, a
trustee of the Saugerties Savings Bank, vice-
president of the Saugerties Steamboat Com-
pany, president of the Saugerties Printing and
Publishing Company, and is a member of the
Saugerties board of education.
He married, in [893, Charlotte A. Haley,
of Princeton. Maine, born March 11, 1871.
Children: William L., born July 24, 1894,
now attending Yale University ; John, born
May 25, 1898; James T., born September 17,
(II) Hon. Thomas (2)
MAXWELL Maxwell, third son of
Thomas ( 1 ) Maxwell (q. v) ,
and Elizabeth 1 Heatherington) Maxwell, was
born in the town of Hunter. Greene county,
New York, April 20, [832, and died at Sau-
gerties, New York, September 4, [894. He
lived with his parents in Kaaterskill, and in
1834 came to Quarryville, where be obtained
his education in the public schools. In 1869 he
became a resident of Saugerties, having ac-
cepted the position of bookkeeper for his
brother John Later he became interested in
the blue stone business, with which he was
identified during the remainder of his life,
lb was a man who thought deeply on all pub-
lic questions, and gave his political support to
the Republican party, lie was elected to the
office of supervisor in 1877, and at various
times filled several other minor offices in the
village. During the administrations of Presi-
dents Hayes and Arthur he filled the office of
postmaster of Saugerties, to the general satis-
faction of the community. In 18S7 he was
elected as a member of assembly. His relig-
ious affiliations were with the Methodist
church. He was a member of Ulster Lodge,
No. 193, Free and Accepted Masons. He mar-
ried, 111 1855, Jane A. Hommel, born May 8,
[837, and had children: Adelaide; Wilfred;
David W'\, see forward; Sarah; and Mabel.
(Ill) David W., second son of Hon.
Thomas and Jane A. ( Hommel ) Maxwell, was
born at Saugerties, July 8, 1863, and died at
the same place, May 18, 1910. He attended
the local schools and the Saugerties Academy,
and early in life turned his attention to a busi-
ness career. He was identified with the blue
stone business of John Maxwell's Sons, in
[886 became superintendent of the business,
and continued in this position until his death.
He was a thorough business man, highly re-
spected in the community, and active and use-
ful as a citizen. He was a member of the
Dutch Reformed church, of the Saugerties
Club and of the Masonic fraternity, in which
he had attained the Knight Templar degree.
Republican in politics, he was active in promot-
ing the general interests, and was supervisor
of Saugerties for ten consecutive years, ending
in im>>S. He married, October it, 1884, Isabel,
daughter of Joseph Harrow, of Saugerties.
Children: 1. Walter Maxwell, born January
28, 1888: a graduate of Rensselaer Poly-
technic Institute, Troy, New York-, June, 1910;
is now employed by the General Electric Com-
pany, in Schenectady, New York. He married,
November 2, 1910, Anna M. Clum, and they
have a daughter. Helen C, born November 1,
ton. 2. D. Leslie Maxwell, born June 7.
[890, succeeded his father on the latter's death
as superintendent of The John Maxwell's Sons ;
bluestone business, at Saugerties, New York. I
He married, March 1, 191 1, Hazel Terwilliger,
and resides in Saugerties. 3. Stewart Max-
well, born January 1, 1893.
The names of Bergen and Van
BERGEN Bergen are Teutonic or German
in origin, and are common ones
in Holland and Germany, and the adjacent
territories, as well as in Ireland. In German
the word signifies hills, and in most cases the
family name has been derived from the prox-
imity or connection of the original family with
some hills. It is generally assumed in the case
of the bearers of Teutonic or anglicized names
in Ireland that they are descendants of settlers
llld IB-
■ of the
i, endi
I, Isal
ind they
Ka.vtiL> W. VtUw^wvLC^
who have come from England or the Continent
after the establishment of surnames. This
may occasionally be the case. Usually, how-
ever, it is not. Thus the Irish Bergens and
Mergins, according to O'Hart, are really scions
of the ancient Milesian family of O'Aimergrin,
the Gaelic prefix in their case being dropped and
the name itself slightly metamorphosed to suit
it to the English tongue. Concerning the Ber-
gens of Holland, Davies in his "History of
Holland," says : "Guelderland the States were
composed of three orders, of which the four
baronial families of Bronkhurst, Bergen, Baren
and Wissen, were esteemed the first families."
In the history of the city of Amsterdam,
the name frequently occurs among the munic-
ipal officers. Rietstap gives about a dozen
families of the name as having the right to
bear arms. The coat-of-arms of one of the
Dutch families is thus heraldically described :
Cuope, au d'or a trois lions de sable, arm. et
lamp, de gules au d'argent a un bateau a tour-
bes, voguant sur une eau, le tout au nat. Crest :
un lion issuant de sable.
(I) Hans Hansen Bergen, immigrant ances-
tor of the Bergens of Long Island, New Jersey,
and vicinity, was born at Bergen, Norway,
deriving his surname from that circumstance,
and died at Wallabout, Brooklyn, in 1653, or
1654. He emigrated from Norway to Hol-
land, and from Holland he crossed, in 1633, to
New Amsterdam or New York. His name
appears on the early records in various forms,
his surname being generally omitted, some of
the forms being "Hans Hansen Van Bergen
in Noorwegan," "Hans Hansen," "Hans
Hansz," "Hans Noorman," the term Noor-
man, meaning Northman, evidently referring
to Norway. He resided for some years in
New Amsterdam, where he owned and prob-
ably occupied a lot on the present Pearl street,
abutting against the fort, lying between the lots
of John Snedeker. and that of Joris (George)
Rapalie. In 1638 he was engaged in the cul-
tivation of the tobacco plantation on the land
of Andries Hudden on Manhattan Island. It
is evident also that he was interested in the
plantation of Master Fixcox, he and Fiscox
having taken possession of and cultivated a
tract of land situated on the North river
prior to the granting of the patents, and be-
fore he was engaged in the cultivation of
Hudden's land. In 1643 Maryn Andriaensen
sold to Thomas Hall, tobacco planter, the
"plantation situated on the island of Manhat-
tan on the North river, heretofore cultivated
by Hans Hansen." Hans Hansen Bergen was
by occupation a ship carpenter and from an
agreement with Mr. Moyr, in 1642, in rela-
tion to a yawl, and from a lawsuit in 1643, m
relation to a sloop, it appears that he was em-
ployed at his trade in addition to the cultiva-
tion of tobacco and farming. In the beginning
of 1643 the River Indians, who were attacked
by their enemies, the Mohawks, fled to the vi-
cinity of the Dutch settlements for protection.
On this some of the settlers of Long Island
petitioned the director for leave to attack the
Mareckkaweck or Brooklyn Indians, a band
of the Canarsie tribe. This petition was
signed among others by Hans Hansen, from
which it appears that at this date he was re-
sident on Long Island. Later he fled to the
city for safety from his plantation, of which
city he was again considered a resident. Ac-
cording to a receipt on the register of the
provincial secretary it appears that April 2?,,
1644, Hans Hansen and George Rapalie, his
father-in-law, hired cattle to William Smith,
of Stamford, and November 29, 1644, gave a
note to Cornelis Maersen, for two hundred
and fifty guilders for wheat bought from him.
In March, 1^47, he obtained from Governor
Kieft a patent for "a piece of land situated on
Long Island," On his two hundred morgen
at Wallabout Hans Hansen Bergen resided as
early as 1648 and continued to reside there
until his death. There is a tradition in the
family to the effect that on one occasion when
Hans was working in the fields he was sud-
denly surprised by a band of Indians. He
sought refuge in a tree and believing that his
last hour was perilously near he began in a
strong and moving voice the old Dutch hymn,
"In mijn grootste nood, O'Heere" (In my
greatest need, O Lord). The savages were
so charmed by the music that they stayed
in their chase, thus giving him a chance to get
away. Hans Hansen Bergen married, in 1639,
Sarah, daughter of Joris (George) Jamsen
Rapalie, born June 9, 1625. She married
shortly after his death, Teunis Gisbertsen Bo-
gaert. Children : Anneken, baptized July
22, 1640; Brecktje, July 27, 1642; Jan, April
17, 1644; Michiel, mentioned below; Joris,
July 18, 1649; Marritje, October 8, 165 1 ;
Jacob, September 21, 1653; Catalyn, twin to
6 so
(II) Michiel or Michael, son of Hans Han-
sen and Sarah ( Rapalie ) Bergen, was bap-
tized November 4. 1646, in New Amsterdam,
and died about 1732. His name appears on
March 10, [661, to a petition to the governor
fur more land. In May, 1(1(14, lie obtained
from Governor Stuyvesant a patent of twenty
morgens at New Bedford in Wallabout. From
various deeds it would appear that Michiel's
patent of twenty morgens in Bedford ad-
joined the north side of the road leading from
New York to Brooklyn ferry to Jamaica, and
that he probably sold it to Denys liegeman,
who Mild it to Hendrick Suydam. After the
capture of New Netherlands from the English
liv the Hollanders, in October, 1673, he was
appointed a lieutenant of militia under the
administration of Anthon) Colve, the Nether-
land governor. In 1676 and 1683 his name
appears on the assessment rolls of Brooklyn
for twenty morgens, the amount of his patent,
on which at the time he probably resided. In
1(17') his name and that of his wife appear
on the list of the members of the Reformed
Dutch Church of Brooklyn, among the resi-
dents of the Wallabout, and from 1680 to
[685 he appears to have held the office of
deacon of the church. In 1675 he was as-
sessed in Brooklyn one poll, two horses, seven
cows anil twenty morgens of land and valley,
the land valued at forty pounds, and the per-
sonal property at seventy-four pounds, the
total being one hundred and fourteen pounds.
In r68o he and Symon Aessen were overseers
of Brooklyn. In the same year he is credited
on the hooks of Elbert Elbertse Stoothoff, of
Flatlands. with four schepels wheat, and also
charged for a house. In Dongan's patent of
Brooklyn of [686, he is named as one of the
patentees Between H..X1 and n>Sti he held
the office of one of the overseers or commis-
sioners, having in charge town lands. In ( )c-
tober, 1686, he was a member of the grand
jury and in 1600 he was foreman. In Sep-
tember, 1(1X7. his name appears among those
who took the oath of allegiance to the British
government, lie was sent with others on
behalf of a company to Pennsylvania to select
a good tract of land for a settlement and resi-
dence. In 1698 he was appointed a justice of
the peace by the governor, the Earl of Bello-
ment, and was one of the justices of the ses-
sions. There are various records of his buy-
ing and selling lands, the last record of him
being as late as January 22, 1731. He mar-
ried Femmetje Theunis. daughter of Theunis
Denyse, of Gowanus, baptized April 3, 1650,;
at New Amsterdam. Children : Sara, born
June 2, 1(178; Tenuis, May id, [680; Hans,
mentioned below; Femmetje; May.
( III ) Hans, son of Michiel or Michael and'
Femmetje (Denyse) Bergen, was baptized
March 11, [689, and died in 1731. From the
records of the court of sessions of Kings
county in 170S, it appears that Hans, with
others, was tried April 30, [708, for a riot
said to have been committed at the house of
Sarah Knight, a i..\.in keeper in Brookland.
In 1710 he bought of his father for four hun-
dred pounds the land at Brooklyn ferry,
which he purchased in 1709 from Garret Mid-
dagh. Hans Bergen and his wife became com-
municants of the Reformed Dutch Church of
New York in February, 1713. He bought
various lands in Brooklyn, and seems to have.
engaged in many real estate transactions. In
1715 his name appears on the militia list of'
the town as a private in Captain Remsen's
company. In 1717 Hans Bergen, baker,
bought of Johannes Sebering, baker, for
ninety-nine pounds, his interest or the one
individual half of the plot they purchased as;
freeholders. He appears also to have had an
interest in lands in Manhattan. lie carried
on the baker\ business in Brooklyn from 17 17
to 1730, in conjunction with a store, and
Stabling for horses of the residents of the
island, when crossing to New York. He mar-
ried Rachel, daughter of Derick Bensing or
Benson. Children: Annetje, baptized March'
12, 1710, in New York; Tiesje, June 9, 1711:
Mcigheil, December 20. 1712; Femmetje, July
2i), 1715; Derick, mentioned below; Hans.
July 12, 1721 ; Tunis, ( >ctober 15, 1720
(IV) Derick. second son of Hans and
Rachel (Benson) Bergen, was born February
28, 171S, baptized March 5 of the same vear
in New York, and died November [9, 1759.
He lived with his brother Hans in the old !
stone house on the paternal homestead near!
the Bay. at what is now Fifty-fifth street,';
Brooklyn, where he died. He bought of his
brother Hans, July 21. [756, a farm near the
present Fifteenth street. Brooklyn, where his!
family lived after his death. After the death
of his father, jointly with his mother, he sold;
a plot in Brooklyn, about one acre, on the road I
to the ferry, for three hundred and forty
pounds. He owned two Negro slaves called
Will and Caesar. He married, in 1749, De-
borah, daughter of Jacques (2) Cortelyou,
born November 29, 1720, died January 15,
1808. Jacques (2) Cortelyou was born about
1697, died in 1757, son of Peter Cortelyou,
who was born about 1664 at New Utrecht,
Long Island, and died April 10, 1757. He
was a surveyor and part owner of the Har-
lington Tract in Somerset, New Jersey. He
married Deborah DeWitt, and Jacques was
their eldest son. Peter Cortelyou was a son
of Jacques ( 1 ) Corteljau, very prominent in
the early history of New York. His name
was sometimes written Cortilleau. He was
either a Huguenot or a Walloon, the latter
being indicated by the termination of his name,
which he wrote Corteljau. He was tutor of
the children of Cornelis Van Werckhoven in
Holland, and came with his employer to New
Amsterdam in 1651-52. Van Werckhoven
was a member of the West India Company
and patroon of New Netherlands, owning a
patent of the Nyack tract in New Utrecht,
Long Island. In 1654 he returned to Holland
to procure settlers for his tract, leaving Cor-
teljau to manage the property in his absence.
Soon after arrival in Holland, Van Werck-
hoven died and the property on Long Island
ultimately came into possession of Corteljau.
The latter was appointed surveyor of the col-
ony by the governor and council, January 23,
1657, and in that year he laid out the village
of New Utrecht, whose settlement began in
1661. He surveyed much of the lands on
Long, Staten, and Manhattan islands, and in
other parts of the colony. He laid out the
village of Schenectady, and lots and farms on
the Delaware river. He died about 1693. His
wife, Neeltje, was a sister of Garret Cornelisse
Van Duyn, and survived him a short time, dy-
ing before December, t f >< j 5 . Children:
Jacques, born about 1662 ; Peter, previously
mentioned as the father of Jacques (2), and
grandfather of Deborah, wife of Derick Ber-
gen; Cornelis, died about 1690: Helena, died
after 1726; Maria, wife of William Barkeloo :
William, who probably died before his father.
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Bergen: I.Rachel,
born 1753, died March 10. 1824: married, De-
cember 29, 177 1, Walter Barry, of Gowanus.
2. Jemima, mentioned below. 3. Tiesie, born
January 19. 1758: married, in May, 1780,
Ebenezer Carson, an officer of the revolution ;
resided on a part of the paternal farm, which
she owned, and died April 18, 1826. 4. Naltie,
born March 25, 1759, died in her second year.
( V) Jemima, second daughter of Derick and
Deborah (Cortelyou) Bergen, was born May
4, 1755. She was married in September, 1769,
to Joseph Smith, a native of New Jersey.
Children: 1. Derick Bergen, born December
11, 1770, died 1777. 2. Samuel, born July 13,
1772, died an old man, unmarried. 3. Eliza-
beth, born August 11, 1774: married James
Seaman, and died about 1854. 4. Derick Ber-
gen, born August 20, 1778, died 1779. 5. John,
born September 11, 1780; was living in 1863.
6. Derick, born January 16, 1783 ; was mate of
a vessel sailing from New York to San Do-
mingo, and was poisoned by a Negro cook in
November, 1828. 7. Jacques, born March 17,
1785, died an old man in Queens county. 8.
James, born March 12, 1787, probably died
young. 9. Rachel, born December 19, 1789 ;
married (first) Captain Nicholls, (second) a
Mr. Ford, (third) Calvin Camfield, of New
Jersey, and was living in 1863. 10. Deborah,
mentioned below. 11. Joseph, born April 7,
1795, died November 25, 1850, on Long
(IV) Deborah, third daughter of Joseph
and Jemima (Bergen) Smith, was born
March 26, 1792. She married (first) Novem-
ber 11, 1813, Thomas G. Adams, of New
York (see Adams VI) ; she married (second)
John Wyckoff, of Gowanus, and died March
6,1836. Children of first marriage : Thomas,
Jemima Adaline, William, Elizabeth. William
J.; child of second marriage: John Wyckoff,
born February 10, 1835.
(VII) Jemima Adaline, second child of
Thomas G. and Deborah ( Smith ) Adams, was
born January 4, 1817, died January 19, 1897.
.She married. December 31, 1836, Joseph Mo-
sier Simonson, who was born about 1810 in
New York City or Brooklyn. For more than
forty years he was connected with the Brook-
lyn post office, being most of that time assistant
postmaster under various administrations, and
died in the harness, July 4, 1879. On the day
of his funeral nearly all the employes of the
post office attended in a body. He was a
member of the Washington Street Methodist
Church of Brooklyn, and was also identified
with temperance organizations. Politically a
Republican, he did not engage actively in pol-
itical movements, and held no elective office.
His efficiency, faithful and upright character
are attested by his long term in the United
States service. He was esteemed for his
manly qualities and widely mourned at his
death. Children: Joseph Mosier, born De-
cember 1, 1837; Mary Louise, August 29,
1839; Thomas ( ',. Adams, February 23, 1841 ;
Sarah Louise, < (ctober 4, 1842; Ann Elizabeth,
March [8, 1844; Adalina, September 28, 1846;
Morris, died young; Morris, born January 28,
1850; Malvinio Black, June 27. 1852; John
Wyckoff, June 28, 1855; Arthur, mentioned
(VIII) Arthur, youngest child of Joseph
Mosier and Jemima Adaline (Adams) Simon-
son, was born January 30, 1857, in Brooklyn,
and in early boyhood attended public school
No. 15 in that city. He afterwards received
private tuition, and at the age of twenty years
began a course at Bryant & Stratton's Business
College, from which he graduated. Shortly
after he engaged with the firm of Powers &
Weightman, chemists, in New York City, with
whom he continued several years. He then
joined the law firm of F. & II. L. Morris,
which later became Morris, Sentell & Main.
Mr. Simonson is now associated with H. L.
Morris, with offices on Exchange I Mace, and
specializes in real estate and insurance. He
is a Republican in politics, and resides in New-
York City. He is unmarried.
(The Adams Line.)
It is presumable that the ancestor of this
family was related to that which furnished
two presidents to the United States, and many
distinguished citizens through the succeeding
generations, down to the present time. This
assumption is based on the fact that the an-
cestor is found at Braintree, Massachusetts.
where Henry Adams, founder of what is
known as the Presidential Family, also settled
on coming to America. At any rate, mam
worthy citizens have been born in this family,
and it has contributed to the development and
welfare of many localities.
( I ) Jeremy Adams, ancestor of the branch
of the name which is at present under con-
sideration, came from England with the com-
pany brought over to America by Rev. Mr.
Hooker, and settled first at Braintree, Massa-
chusetts, from whence he soon removed to
Cambridge, then called Newtown, where
Jeremy Adams appears as early as 1632, and
where he was made a freeman. May f>. 1635,
and was assigned a homestead lot in Octobt
of the same year. The following year, 1631
he removed with the company which becarr
the original proprietors of the new settlemei
to Hartford, Connecticut, and according t
Himman was a juror and deputy to the gener;
court of Connecticut in 1638. On April
1638, he was sent with Captain Mason an
five others to treat with the Indians and trac
with them for corn, and in the land division c
1639 he received thirty acres on the highwa;
now Elm street, and the same year was chose
constable. March 5, 1644, t'le general cou:
ordered Jeremy Adams to appear before tt
next session of that body in order to receiv
censure for "adhering to Thomas Asmor, ei
couraging him to resist an officer, and esp<
1 ially for his passionate distempered speeche
lowd language and unmannerly caredge in tl
face of the court." March 13, 1660, the san
court granted him three hundred acres of uj
land and forty acres of meadow on the roa
going to Monhegin, and about the same tin
established him as keeper of the ordinar
This tavern was on the site of the preset
Universalist Church. January 26, 1660, I
bought the lot of John Morrice, and mortgage
it to the colony, and May 14, 1663, he was a]
pointed by the general court "custome ma
ter" for Hartford. March 2, 1664, being sixt
years old, he was "freed from watching an
warding." and in 1(171 he was chosen one c
the townsmen, lie died August 11, 1683, lea1
ing an estate valued at £243 5 shillings
pence, and gave his property to his grandsoi1
Zachariah Sanford, the children of his so
John, and the children of his son-in-law, N; '
thaniel Willit, which last named was also h
executor. The house of his executor burne '
down and with all of Jeremy Adams' boo!
and papers.
About 1639. Jeremy Adams married (first
Rebecca, widow of Samuel Greenhill. She w;
possibly the second wife of Mr. Greenhill, wh
had come from Staplehurst, county Kent, Enj
land, in the same ship with Simon Willan
To this marriage there were six children :
John, mentioned below. 2. Ann, died in 168;'
married Robert Sanford, of Hartford, an
had eight children. 3. Hannah, became secon ;
wife of Nathaniel Willit, and was the moth<
of at least two of his children. 4. Samue
baptized November 24, 1645, probably die i
young. 5. Hester. 6. Sarah. Rebecca, h ■
first wife, died 1678, and Jeremy Adams mar-
ried (second) Rebecca, daughter of John
Fletcher, and widow of Andrew Warner, Jr.,
who, although not mentioned in his will, sur-
vived him and died in Middletown, January
25, 1715, at the age of seventy-seven years.
(II) John, son of Jeremy and Rebecca
(Greenhill) Adams, has left little record be-
hind him except his children, the date of his
death, and the inventory of his estate, which
was made November 9, 1670, and amounted
to £4 15 shillings 6 pence. His widow Abi-
gail married John Betts, of Wethersfield, who
was probably a son of John, son of Mary
Betts, the school dame of Hartford. January
26, 1680, John Betts, of Wethersfield, bought
of Jacob Walker, of Stratford, a farm at
Huntington, Long Island, and about this time
removed with his wife and the children of
John Adams to that place. They were there
at least in 1684, when John Betts and his wife
Abigail conveyed to Edward Higbee, "for and
in consideration of a marriage between the said
Higbee and Abigail Adams, his stepdaughter,"
a part of the farm bought from Jacob Walker.
Children of John and Abigail Adams: 1. Re-
becca, born August, 1658. 2. Abigail, born
February, 1660; married Edward Higbee; one
son, John Higbee, married Alice, daughter of
Edward Andrews, and left two children — Abi-
gail, married Robert Leeds, of Burlington
county, New Jersey, and Edward, who settled
in what is now Atlantic county, New Jersey,
and became ancestor of the Higbee family in
that region. 3. Sarah, born March. 1662. 4.
Jeremiah, born August, 1664; married and re-
moved to Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey,
where letters of administration were granted
to his son Jeremiah, December 16, 1735. 5.
John. Jr., born September, 1666; removed to
New Jersey; by wife Esther had seven chil-
dren. 6. Jonathan, mentioned below. 7. An
unnamed child.
(Ill) Jonathan, next to the youngest child
of John and Abigail Adams, was born in Hart-
ford, Connecticut, November 6, 1668, died in
1727. He went to Huntington. Long Island,
with his mother and stepfather, and November
10, 1689, Jeremiah Adams sold to "his well
beloved brother" Jonathan, one-half of the
plot of land he had bought of his stepfather.
In 1695 Jonathan Adams, "of Long Island,
yeoman," purchased of Thomas Budd about
two hundred and fiftv acres of land at Great
Egg Harbor, Gloucester county, New Jersey,
and subsequently made further purchases until
his estate consisted of over twelve hundred
acres. About the time of his coming to New
Jersey he became a member of the Society of
Friends, and his descendants for several gen-
erations clung to the same faith. In 1726 he
was chosen as one of the overseers of the
Friends' meeting at Great Egg Harbor. He
was a man not only of much property but of
considerable influence and was very highly re-
spected. For a number of years he was one
of the justices of the county court, and in 1701
was appointed special tax collector. His will,
dated May 27, 1719, proved June 17, 1727,
mentions his wife Barbara, and children :
Jonathan, Jr. ; John, mentioned below ; Abigail ;
Margaret; Rebecca; Sarah, married John
Steelman ; Mary ; Nina ; Phoebe.
(IV) John (2), son of Jonathan and Bar-
bara Adams, inherited most of his estate from
his father, and in 1676 had it resurveyed to
his three sons in equal parts. Besides the fact
that he was a large landholder and an earnest
Quaker, very little record of him has come
down to us. The three sons mentioned in the
resurvey spoken of above were : 1. John, men-
tioned below. 2. Jonathan, who lived in Egg
Harbor township. Atlantic county; was a pri-
vate during the revolution ; by his wife Man-
had five children. 3. Elijah, who served in the
Gloucester county militia during the revolu-
tion; died intestate in 1801, leaving an only
son Jeremiah.
(V) John (3), son of John (2) Adams,
lived on the one-third of his father's estate
which he had inherited. He served as an en-
sign in the New Jersey militia during the war
of the revolution. His will, dated August 25,
x797. proved April 17, 1798. does not mention
his wife, but she survived him many years, liv-
ing with her son-in-law, John Lake, and dying
April 29, 1825. John Adams married Mary
Garwood, the descendant of a long line of
prominent Quaker ancestors. Children: 1.
Mary, born March 14, 1764. 2. Hannah, born
September 23, 1765 ; married Solomon Man-
nery. 3. Daniel, born August 23, 1767. 4.
John, born May 25, 1769. 5. Joshua, April
22, 1771. 6. Daniel, born April 1, 1773, died
February 17, 1863; married (first) Sarah
Chamberlain, (second) Elizabeth Bartlett. 7.
Abigail, born January 11, 1775; married John
Lake. 8. Jesse, born April 26, 1777. 9.
Thomas G., mentioned below. 10. Margaret,
born January 7, 1783; married Amariah Lake.
11. William, born November 24, 1787. 12.
Bevina, born May 18, 1789.
(VI) Thomas < 1., sixth son of John (3)
and Mary (Garwood) Adams, was born April
17, 1780. died October 10, 1820. He married,
November 11. 1813, Deborah Smith, born
March 26, 17112. Children: Thomas, born
November 21, 1814; Jemima Adaline, men-
tioned below; Elizabeth, November 10, 1818;
William I., March 4. 1820, died at the age of
fifteen years.
(Ylli Jemima Adaline. senior daughter of
Thomas (1. and Deborah ( Smith) Adams, was
horn January 4. 1817, and became the wife of
Joseph Mosier Simonson (see Bergen YII 1.
The hereditary surname Wells is
WELLS said by one authority to be from
Wellan, an old form of expres-
sion which means to spring up as a fountain
• if water. It is found as a place name in Eng-
land, and aKo has a Norman stem in Val, Vals,
Vaux, and De Vollibus. Three sons of Har-
old De Vaux. a Norman baron, went over to
England in 11 20 from France and settled in
Cumberland. One of these was named Robert,
and his grandson, Adam Vaux, about 1 [94,
holding the manor of Welles, took the name of
De Wells. Bishop Hugo De Welles became
one of the most important men in England.
Advanced to the see of Lincoln as archdeacon
and lord chancellor of the realm, his power
became very great. He was chief of the ba-
ons, and was instrumental in obtaining from
King John at Runnymede, in 1215, the Magna
Charta, since regarded by historians as a bul-
wark and beginning of liberty to the English
people, prepared by his own hand. The early
records of New England colonies contain men-
tion of many persons of this name, who were
settled in Boston, Lynn, Hatfield, Haddam,
Ipswich, New London, and Hartford. From
the early progenitor descended a manly race,
and many of the name made records in the
revolution. Nine who spelled their names
Welles were patriot soldiers in the revolution
in Massachusetts regiments, and one hundred
and sixty whose name is spelled Wells. In
the Connecticut organizations were five of the
Welles branch, and forty-seven of the Wells
branch of the family, assuming that they were
branches of the same stem. Other spellings
of the name in revolutionary records are:
Wailles, Wails, Wealls, Weels, Well, Walles,
Wels, Willa, and Wolle. Prominent among the
men who used the form of Welles, was Gover-
nor Thomas Welles, a colonist of Connecticut;
Gideon, once secretary of the navy ; and Ed-
ward R., an American bishop. Among those
who used the simpler spelling of the name
(Wells) are: Henry T., a painter; H. G.,
a novelist; and Horace and John D, men of
rank in medicine. A very large number of the
name of Wells and Welles in North America
are descended from Governor Thomas Welles.
Of this prominent settler Savage says: "It is
quite uncertain when he came from England,
that satisfactorily known is that he brought
three sons and three daughters; equally un-
certain is the name of his wife, though we can
hardly doubt whether he brought one; and
stranger still is the uncertainty of his prior
residence in Massachusetts. He had good
proportions of the patents from Swampscott
and Dover, which he sold, August 1648, tc
Christopher Lawson. We may then safel)
conclude that a person of his education and
good estate had not come over the water before
1636, and that he stayed so short a time at
Boston, or Cambridge, as to leave no trace oi
himself at either, and he was established at
Hartford before Governor Haynes left Cam-
bridge. There is indeed a very precise tradi-
tion of his coming with his father Nathaniel
in the fleet with Higginson, 1629, to Salem
but this is merely ridiculous." "He came tc
Boston or vicinity, probably about 1636; thei
perhaps to Saybrook, Connecticut, thence 163;
or earlier to Hartford, thence 1643 to Weth
ersfield," says Henry R. Styles in his excellen:
history of ancient Wethersfield, Connecticut.
I I ) John T. Wells was born in 1826, it
Montreal, Canada, and died at High Falls
New York, in 1877. His early life was spen
in Canada, where he engaged in rafting on th<
St. Lawrence river. A few years later hi
came to New York state and settled at Ston<
Ridge, Ulster county, where he engaged in th<
custom boot and shoe business. He was of ;
quiet disposition and was greatly devoted tc
his home life, though taking a deep interes
in all public movements. He was quite likeh
a descendants of the Governor Thomas Welles
mentioned above, though diligent research ha:
not revealed the links binding his generatioi
to earlier ones. He was a member of the In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows, and was a
sexton of the Dutch Reformed church at
Stone Ridge for a number of years. Both he
and his wife are buried at Stone Ridge, New
York. He married Catherine, born 1836, died
1900, daughter of John Snyder, of Rochester,
Ulster county, New York (see Snyder).
Children : Mary J., married L. Snyder ; John ;
Herman S., mentioned below; and William D.
( II ) Herman S., son of John T. and Cath-
erine (Snyder) Wells, was born at Stone
Ridge, Ulster county, New York, April 23,
1867. He was educated in the district schools
and early in life worked on the D. and H.
canal. He continued in this occupation for a
number of years, and then commenced to
learn telegraphy, accepting a position as tele-
graph operator at High Falls for the D. and H.
Canal Company. Two years later he accepted
. a similar position at Ellenville, where for
twenty-six years he was manager of the West-
ern Union Telegraph Company's interest. In
1902 he purchased a controlling interest in the
Deleware River Telephone and Telegraph
Company and was made president. This con-
tinued until July, iqii, when it was merged
into the New York Telephone Company. Mr.
Wells is at present (1913) a member of the
firm of Ryan & Wells, granite and marble
works, whose business extends throughout the
middle and eastern states. Mr. Wells repre-
sented the town of Wawarsing in Ulster
county on the board of supervisors as a Re-
publican from 1910 to 1911. He was trustee
of the village of Ellenville for twelve years,
and is president of the Delaware River Tele-
phone and Telegraph Company. He has been
connected with the Scoresby Hose and Hook
and Ladder Company of the Ellenville Fire
Department for the past twenty years' con-
tinuous service, and is an exempt fireman ;
is a member of Wawarsing Lodge, No. 582,
Free and Accepted Masons, and the Knights
of Pythias Lodge, of Ellenville. In religion he
is an attendant at the Methodist places of
worship. He married Cora B. Schoonmaker;
they have no children.
(The Snyder Line.)
The Snyder family is German in origin, and
the name is a corruption of the German form
"Schneider," which has the meaning of Taylor.
Several distinct families of the name settled
in this country during the period of heavy
German immigration in the early part of the
eighteenth century. Jacob Schneider, or Sny-
der, came to Ulster county from Dutchess
county, New York, and settled in what is now
known as the Cottekill, where he took up a
tract of land. His children were Christopher,
Andrew, Jacob, and Henry.
Christopher, son of Jacob Snyder, was born
in Dutchess county, February 24, 1752, and
came with his parents to Ulster county. He
married, November 3, 1785, Deborah Low,
having one child, Jacob Low, who was born,
September 9, 1788.
Jacob, son of Christopher Snyder, lived to
middle age. and died December 23, 1834, being
buried in Rosendale cemetery. His education
was obtained in the schools of the district in
which he lived, and under the tuition of his
uncle Andrew, who was a man of considerable
erudition, he became a man of excellent at-
tainments, apart from the work of his life
in the agricultural field. His principal occu-
pation was farming and his father and himself
were extensive landowners, all the land from
Keator's Corners to near High Falls being
their property. Jacob also owned and oper-
ated a flour mill, which was one of the first
in that locality. He was successful in all his
business enterprises and was a man highly
respected in the community. He was one of
the most prosperous and progressive citizens
in his township and a leading man in all its
affairs. In religion he belonged to the Dutch
Reformed church of Marbletown, now Stone
Ridge, which church was established before the
revolutionary war, being a very active worker
111 this body and one of its chief supporters. lie
bore a high character for integrity, industry.
and ability. He was liberal in his donations
to worthy objects of every kind. His children
were Benjamin, Deborah, Ann Eliza, Christo-
pher, John, Sarah and Peter. John was the
father of Catherine Snvder, who married Tohn
T. Wells.
The surname Wilklow is an
WILKLOW unusual one, and an investi-
gation of the lists of names
current in England, Ireland, Scotland, France,
Germany, and Holland, does not reveal it in
this form or in any form that can be claimed
as very nearly analogous to it. The name has
been described as Norman, and also as Anglo-
Saxon, and even as Dutch in origin. There is
no evidence in the ordinary records to show
that it is any of these. Burke's "General Ar-
mory" does not contain it. One authority as-
serts that it is a corruption of the name of
Wicklow, which is applied to one of the coun-
ties of Ireland. On the supposition that the
two names have a common origin an extract
from O'Hart's "Pedigrees" (Vol. I. p. 840)
may lie given: "Wicklow" says that author-
ity, "was formed into a county in the reign
of King James (lie First; its name being de-
rived from the town of Wicklow, which it is
said was called by the Danes Wykinlow or
Wykinlough, signifying the Harbor of Ships,
and it was called 1:\ the Irish (m Gielic) Cil-
mantan. According to O'Flaherty (the cele-
brated author of 'Ogygia') the name
of Wicklow was derived from the Irish
Buidhe ('loch, signifying the yellow stone
or rock; and probably so-called from
the yellow color of its granite rocks.
Wicklow was in ancient times covered
with extensive forests and the oak woods of
Shillelagh, on the borders of Wicklow and
Wexford, were celebrated in former times.
The gold mines of Wicklow. celebrated in his-
lorv, were situated in the mountains of Crog-
han Kinselagh. near Arklow, and pieces of
solid golden ore of various kinds were found
in the rivulets; one of which pieces was
twenty-three ounces in weight." In 1'. W.
foyce's work on "Irish Names of Places" a
great deal of other information is given regard-
ing the name of Wicklow, which appears to
have had many different forms.
( I 1 Daniel Wilklow was born in Lloyd
township, Ulster county, New York, and died
at New Paltz, Ulster county, in 1850. He is
the first member of the family, who can be
traced, and it is thus far impossible to decide
by research what number of generations he
had behind him in this country. The evi-
dence points to the fact that his father was the
first of the name to settle in this country,
where he was probably a cultivator of the soil.
Daniel was brought up like a majority of the
boys of that day, with plenty of hard work,
and with only modest advantages in the way
of education. On arriving at years of matur-
ity he married, and after his marriage located
on a farm at Xew Paltz, which he developed
into an excellent property, where lie brought
up a tine family of boys and girls. He married
a Miss Palmateer, whose father was a soldier
in the revolutionary war and after its close set-
tled on the banks of the Hudson, in Ulster
county, where he followed agriculture and
reared a large family. Children of Daniel
Wicklow: John D., mentioned below; Wil-
liam ; Maria ; Solomon ; David ; Eliza ; Luther:
Hannah, who married Daniel Rider ; Elijah
and Philip.
( II ) John D., eldest son of Daniel and
1 Palmateer) Wilklow, was born in
Lloyd township, Ulster county, New York, ini
December, 1801, died in March, 1881, at Mar-
bletown, near Kripple Bush, Ulster county
His early education was obtained in the public
schools of the district, and being a young mar
of considerable natural ability he supplementec
the regular course of study with a wide rangt
of reading and observation, thus acquiring ;
sound judgment and a varied store of knowl-
edge on many subjects, which served him wel
through life. He had learned the elements 0:
agriculture by assisting his father in the de
velopment of his property, and naturally tool'
up farming as an occupation. He lived for ;
time at New Paltz ami later at Rochester
where he took up a farm owned by one P. H,
Hornbcck. In 1840 he bought a farm in Mar
bletown, near Kripple Bush, where he spen
the rest of his life. The farm consisted of oni
hundred and thirty acres and was one of th<
finest in that section of the state. Mr. Wilk
low was very successful as an agriculturist
and his exceptional powers of judgment an<
high moral character, combined with natura
abilities, gave him considerable influence it
the community of which he was a member
He took a very considerable interest in th
public affairs of the day, whether they affectei
the interests of nation, state or town. In hi
early days he was inclined to give his suppor
to tiie Whig interest, and later he was a Re
publican, following the lead and principles o
that party to the close of his life. Like mos
members of his family he was a member o
the Dutch Reformed church. He marrie<
Dorcas Dow, of Milton, who died in 187c
They had a family of ten children, all of whor
lived to an adult age, a circumstance that be
tokened the strength of the stock from whic
they sprang, as well as the healthful condi
tions in which they lived. Children: Isaai
who married ami resided at Kripple Bush
Theodore, mentioned below; Sarah, who re
mained single ; Jane, who married Gerrey Te
Hagen ; Philip, who married and resided 2
Ellenville ; Lewis, who resided at Ellenville ;
Denton, unmarried, resided at Kripple Bush ;
Almira, married Alexander Schoonmaker;
Margaret, lived at High Falls ; Mary Ann.
(Ill) Theodore, son of John D. and Dorcas
(Dow) Wilklow, was born at New Paltz, Ul-
ster county, New York, August 24, 1836. Mr.
Wilklow was the founder of the soft wood
industry, and inventor of it, his business in it
extending in course of time to Berlin, Paris,
London, and all over the world. He attended.
in youth, the common schools of Rochester
and Marbletown with one winter term at the
Ellenville Academy. Of all the opportunities
which these educational advantages presented
he made good use and was always a great
reader, keeping himself well informed on cur-
rent topics. At an early age he worked at
farming, and later became a clerk for S. Has-
brouck for four dollars a month. Following
that he spent a year in the employ of Jacob D.
Van De Mark, and finally in the year 1856
went into business for himself at Kripple
Bush. At the end of three years he took a
partner and this partnership continued for six
years, until 1867, when he moved to Phillips-
port, in Sullivan county, and began the manu-
facture of hoops. After a period of four
years, however, he returned to Kripple Bush,
and engaged again in merchandising until at
the end of some years he found himself deeply
involved. After much consideration Mr. Wilk-
low then returned to hoop manufacturing,
this time, out of the fund of his mature ex-
perience and knowledge of the industry, in-
troducing an entirely new departure by em-
ploying soft wood as a material. His success
in the new line was almost instantaneous, and
continued in such steady growth that his first
order of ten thousand soon developed into
millions annually. His trade soon extended
all over the west, and in 1887 Mr. Wilklow
transferred his establishment to Ellenville,
making his business the center of the hoop
trade in that part of the country, where he
is generally recognized as the father of the
industry. The business is now worldwide,
having developed from a sample of five thou-
sand soft wood hoops, in 1875, to an output
of sevenfv-five million in 100S. Mr. Wilk-
low is a Republican in politics and of progres-
sive and liberal principles; for fifty years he
has been a member of the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, and also of the Kniehts of
Pythias. In 1859 he joined the Dutch Re-
formed church, and has held the office of
deacon at Stone Ridge and Ellenville for many
years. He takes an active and generous in-
terest in many enterprises in the community,
and though repeatedly urged to accept public
offices of various kinds he has declined. He
married (first) Hannah M., daughter of Dan-
iel Schoonmaker, her death taking place in
1865; married (second) in 1868, Jane North.
Child by first marriage : Ledrira, who mar-
ried Rufus Wood. Children by second mar-
riage : Mary A. ; George F., mentioned be-
low ; Eva ; Anna and Charles.
(IV) Dr. George F. Wilklow, son of Theo-
dore and Jane ( North) Wilklow, was born
at Stone Ridge, Ulster county, New York,
November 7, 1870. He was educated at El-
lenville Academy and Cazenovia Seminary,
Cazenovia, New York. At the close of his
preliminary education he took up the study
of medicine, attending for a period of two
years at the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, New York City. Then he spent two
years at Bellevtne Hospital, being finally ad-
mitted to practice in the year 1897. Dr. Wilk-
low served in the Spanish-American war as
assistant surgeon, with the rank of first lieu-
tenant, in the Philippines and China; is now
first lieutenant. Medical Reserve Corps,
United States Army. At the close of the war
he served also one year in the Manhattan Hos-
pital, New York City; then settled in Wurts-
boro, New York, where he practiced his pro-
fession till 1910, in which year he removed
to Ellenville, where he now (1913) resides
and practices. He belongs to the Wawarsing
Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and
among other societies is a member of the State
and Ulster County Medical associations. Dr.
Wilklow married Blanche Fairbanks.
It is more or less a matter of pride
GRAY for one to be able to look back
over a known ancestral line of a
thousand years — a line that can be traced to
the time of William the Conqueror. The
name Gray is of great antiquity and of local
origin. The orthography, however, prior to
the tenth century, was De Gray, but the prefix
has been generally dropped excepting in some
of the titled families of England and Ireland.
There are some members of this large family
in Canada who can trace an unbroken lineage
back to King William, who granted a crest
which is still maintained in England, and the
reception of valuable testimonials from that
king for distinguished services rendered at
the battle of Hastings. "Burke's Peerage"
gives information of members of this family
who received high honors from Richard I.
in the twelfth century. The marriage of
Henry Gray, the Duke of Suffolk, with Mary,
the daughter of Henry VII., brought the fam-
ily near the throne, [lis unreasonable strug-
gle, however, to have their daughter, Lady
Jane Gray, crowned as queen brought that es-
timable young woman t<> a sad end. But Mr.
Gray deems the attainments of the men of
today of more account than the merits (if
remote ancestors.
(I) John Gray, the founder of this family,
lived in Yarmouth, Massachusetts, where he
died in 1674. He is said to have married
Hannah, daughter of William Lumpkin, one
of the founders and prominent citizens of
Yarmouth. Children: Benjamin, born De-
cember 7, 1648; William, born October 5,
(650; Mary, married, |une to, [680, Benja-
min Ryder; Edward, of whom further; John,
died March 31, 1732, married Susannah Clark;
( rideon.
(II) Edward, sun of John ami Hannah
( Lumpkin) Gray, was born in Yarmouth, and
died there. He married, in Plymouth, July
1(1. [684, Melatiah, daughter of George Lewis,
of Brewster. Children: Priscilla, bom Oc-
tober [8, 1686; Gideon, horn September 6,
r688; John, born July 26, 1691, married Han-
nah - — ; Melatiah, born June 6, [694;
Mercy, born April [3, [696; Edward, of whom
( HI ) Edward ( 2 ), son of Edward ( 1 ) and
Melatiah (Lewis) Gray, was born in Yar-
mouth, and died in Harwich. Massachusetts.
He married. July 3, 1727. Hannah Godfrey.
Children: Mary, baptized October 18, [728;
Mary, baptized April [3, [735; Priscilla, bap-
tized April 13. 1735; Richard, baptized .April
T3. iT.'tS'- Hannah, baptized November 9, 1735;
Benoni, baptized ( Ictober 1(1, 1737. married
Mary Rockwell; Edward (31, baptized March
20, 1741; John; Godfrey, of whom further;
( (liver
(JY> Godfrey, son of Edward (2) and
Hannah (Godfrey) Gray, was born in Har-
wich or Brewster, Massachusetts, about 1745,
and died in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1800.
His wife's name is unknown. Children, be-
sides two that died young: William; Martin
of whom further; Morgan; Samuel.
( V ) Martin, son of Godfrey Gray, wa:
born September 20, 1784, died in Katsbaan
Ulster county, New York, January 10, 1871
and is buried in the Blue Mountain Cemetery
near Saugerties. lie lived for a time in Sara
toga county, Xew York, and removed fron
there to ( ireene county. New York, finally set
tling on a farm near Saugerties, Ulster county
New York, which he cultivated until his death
He married Elsie Gum, born March 28, 1787
died October 28, [856. Children: John
Jonas; Morgan, of whom further; Christina
Jeannette, born March 5, 1821, died Februar
16, 1893.
( VI ) Morgan, son of Martin and Elsi
(Clum) Gray, was born in Clermont, Colum
liia county. New York, January 30, 1824, am
died at Katsbaan. Ulster county. New YorI
July 20, 1899. He received his early educa
tion in the public schools, and then became
farmer, also a butcher and drover for man
years at Samsonville, and finally purchased
farm of two hundred acres near Samsonville
which he cultivated for about eighteen year:
then moved to Katsbaan, where he bought
farm, and where his death occurred. He wa
a prominent man in his county, was a larg:
quarryman and had several blue stone quai
lies ; was a deacon in the Dutch Re forme
church. He married, February 26, 185;
Rachel Caroline Freleigh, born April 18, 182;
died July 24, T883. Children, all born in San
sonville: Samuel Martin, of whom furthei
Tohn Henry, horn July 13, 1853; Eliza Can
line, born October in. 1854; Mary Adelin
bom May 11, 1857; Abby Celestia, born At
gust it). 185'); Charles Freleigh, born lune
r86i : George Silver, born February 26, 186! :
died April (i, 1870.
(VII) Samuel Martin sou of Morgan an
Rachel Caroline ( Freleigh ) Gray, was born :
Quarryville, Ulster county. New York, D<
cember 15, 185 1. He is now living: in Kinft
ston, I'Kter county. New York. He receivt
his early education in the public schools (d
Olive township, and in Katsbaan, and th(
worked on his father's farm, and for two yea
was engaged as a butter buyer in Greene ar
LTlster counties. In 187/i opened a groce; ;
store in Quarryville, which he soon after e
larsred to a general merchandise store, ar
which he conducted for nine years, meanwhile,
in 1883, establishing also a wholesale flour,
feed, grain and grocery business in Sauger-
ties,'New York. In 1886 he disposed of his
interests in Quarryville to his brother, John
Gray, and removed to Saugerties, where he
gave his attention to his wholesale grain busi-
ness, which he developed to the largest of its
kind in Ulster county. In 1909 he disposed of
his interests in Saugerties and removed to
Kingston, where he is now living. He was a
member of the board of education in Sauger-
ties twelve years, and was at one time presi-
dent of the Saugerties Sewer Commission ;
also president of the Saugerties Club six years,
and is now one of the directors of the First
National Bank of Saugerties. He is a Demo-
crat in politics, and is a member of the First
Dutch Reformed church, in Kingston.
He married, June 3, 1875. Isabella, born in
Saugerties, New York, May 18, 1852, daughter
of Jeremiah J. and Hannah Christina (Ack-
ler) HommelL She is a descendant of Peter
Hommell, who served in the Ulster county
(New York) militia, during the revolutionary
war. Mr. and Mrs. Gray have one child:
Ethel Hommell Gray.
This family is of ancient Eng-
DIMMICK lish ancestry, ante-dating the
Conquest. The name is de-
rived from the Anglo-Saxon word denoting an
oak tree, and is written in numerous forms,
the most common being: Dymok, Dymock,
Dymocke, Dymoke, Dimoc, Dimmock, Dim-
mick and Dimock. The usual spelling of the
name in England is Dymoke, and in America
Dimmick and Dimock. The original home of
the family in England was the manor of Dim-
mock, in Gloucestershire. Very little is known
of the early history of the family in that local-
ity. Early in 1500 members of the family re-
moved to Scrivelsby. The first record of the
family in this locality was the marriage record
in 1567 of Miss Frances Dymoke, daughter of
Sir Edward Dymoke, to Mr. Thomas Winder-
banke, appearing on the first page of the "Old
Scrivelsby Register."' The first of the family
to locate in Scrivelsby was Sir John Dymoke,
a gallant officer in the service of the king. He
was appointed "Champion" at the coronation
of Richard II., and from that date until the
coronation of George IV., in 1820, members
of the Dymoke family filled this office. Sir
John Dymoke married Lady Margaret Lud-
low, great-granddaughter of Sir Philip Mar-
mion, prominent in the history and legends of
England. Sir Thomas Dymoke succeeded his
father, Sir John Dymoke, to the estate at
Scrivelsby. Then followed a long list of Dy-
mokes, who were prominent in the history of
England. They were loyal to the king, as
shown in their holding the office of "Cham-
pion." The last of the family to possess the
estate in Scrivelsby was Sir Henry Lionel Dy-
moke, who died without heirs in 1883, being
succeeded by the Tetford branch of the family.
The family motto. Pro rcge dimicu, was as-
sumed soon after the family located in Scriv-
elsby. The quartering of the Dymoke es-
cutcheon is as follows: 1. Dymoke. Sable
two lions passant argent, crowned or. 2. Lud-
low. Azure, three lions passant guardant ar-
gent. 3. Marmion. Vair, on a fesse gules
frette or. 4. Kilpeck. Sable, a sword point
downwards argent, hilt and pommel or. 5.
Hebden. Ermine, five fusils in fesse gules.
6. Rye. Gules on a bend argent, three ears of
rye sable. 7. Welles. Or, a lion rampant
queue fourche sable. 8. Watertown. Barry
of six ermine and gules, three crescents sable
9. Engaine. ( rules, a fesse dancette between
six cross crosslets or. 10. Sparrow. Argent,
six sparrows sable, three two and one or, a
chief indented gules, two swords in saltire,
points upward argent, hilts and pommels or,
between two lions' heads erased of the last. 1 1.
Talboys. Argent, a saltire gules, on a chief of
the second three escallops of the field. 12.
Barraden. Gules, on a bend argent three cin-
quefoils sable. 13. Fitzwith. Gules, two bend-
lets or. 14. Umfraville. Gules, a cinquefoil
between eight cross crosslets or. 15. Kyme.
Gules, a chevron between nine cross crosslets
(I) The first of the family to settle in
America was Thomas Dimock. His connec-
tion with the Scrivelsby family is not definitely
known, but the tradition in the family in
America holds that he was a direct descendant
of Sir John Dymoke, mentioned above. There
is a tradition in England that one of the
younger sons of the family married into a
Puritan family, and that he, or his son, dis-
appeared from England at the end of the six-
teenth century and became estranged from his
relatives in the mother country. It is known
that much mystery surrounded Thomas Di-
mock, the immigrant, and it is reasonable to
assume that he kept his relationship with the
family in England a secret. Careful research
has been made to disclose the identity of the
progenitor of the family in America. Sir Ed-
ward Dymoke, Champion to Edward VI., mar-
ried Anne, daughter of Sir George Talbois.
Arthur, the youngest son of Sir Edward, had
two suns: John, known as the "son and heir,"
and Edward, who is supposed to have been the
father of Thomas Dimock, progenitor of the
family in America.
Thomas Dimock first located in Dorchester,
Massachusetts, in 1635, serving in that year
as selectman. lie was admitted a freeman.
May 25, 1636. In 1638 he removed to Hing-
ham, and in 1639 to Scituate, settling first in
Barnstable, on Cape Cod, where he had re-
ceived a large grant of land. He was the lead-
ing citizen of the new town and identified with
all its various activities. In March, 1639, he
was appointed "to exercise Barnstable men in
their arms." lie was admitted a freeman of
the colony, December 3, 1630. He served as
deputy to the Plymouth colony court during
1640-42, and 1648-50. On June 2, 1640, Mr.
Dimock, with John Crow, of Yarmouth, was
appointed to "join with Mr. Edmond Free-
man of Sandwich to hear and determine all
cases and controversies within the three town-
ships not exceeding twenty shillings, according
to the former order of the court." This was
the first court established in Barnstable county.
Mr. Dimock was re-appointed magistrate,
Tune 5, 1644. On September 22, 1642, he was
appointed by the colony court as member of
the council of war, and on October 10, of the
same year, was elected lieutenant of the Barn-
stable militia, retaining the office until 1650.
In 1650 he served as one of the commissioners
of the Plymouth colony to confer with a simi-
l.i t- commission of the Massachusetts colony to
decide upon the titles of the lands at Shaw-
w.imet and 1'atuxet. lie was active in relig-
ious matters, taking a prominent part in or-
ganizing the church in Barnstable, and on Au-
gust 7, 11151). he was ordained its elder. He
died in 1658 or [659 and in his nuncupative
will, attested to by Anthony Annable and John
Smith, they stated, "when he was sick last
summer (1658) he said that little he has he
would give to his wife, for the children were
hers as well as his." Elder Dimock was
greatly respected and loved by the people of
his county. He was tolerant in his religious
beliefs and willing to give all the citizens of
the town equal religious liberty. He married
Ann 1 lammond ( ': 1 before settling in Barn-
stable. Children: I. Elizabeth, married
Kuyvet Sears. 2. John (?). 3. Timothy,
baptized January 12, [639, was the first white
person to die in Barnstable. He was buried.
June 17, 1640, "in the lower syde of the Calves
Pasture." 4. and 5. Twin si ins. buried, March
iS. [641. 6. Mehitable, baptized April 18.
1642; married Richard Child, of Watertown
March 30, 1662; she died, August 18, 1676,
7. Shubael, mentioned below.
(II) Shubael, son of Elder Thomas and;
Ann Dimock, was baptized in Barnstable, Sep-
tember 15,1644, and died in Mansfield, Connec-
ticut, October 20. 1732. aged ninety-one years :
In 1669 he was residing in Yarmouth but soor,
afterwards returned to Barnstable. At ar
early age he became prominent in the civic
and military affairs of his town. He was ofter
appointed to attend to the business of the
town. He served as selectman in 1685-86, anc
was a deputy to the general court in the same
years, and also in 1689, after the expulsion oi:
the notorious Sir Edmund Andros. At ar
early age he joined the militia, and was electee
ensign, being then known in Barnstable as En
sign Shubael Dimock. About 1693 he joinec
a company of Barnstable people, who removec
to Nawbesatuck or Wabaquassuck, now Mans
field, Connecticut. His residence in 1686 wa:
the fortified house built by his father in 1640
The building was taken down in 1800. Th<
design of the house was known as the "higl
single": it was two stories in height, the firs
story being built of stone and the second o
wood. Each floor contained the same numbe
of rooms and fronted due north and south
On clear days the shadows of the house actec;
as a sun dial to its inmates and was the onljlj
timepiece they could consult. He at once tool i
a prominent part in the organization of the nev
town. In 1700311 effort was made to organizj
a Congregational church in Mansfield, and it '
1 7' n lie was a member of a committee ap
pointed to secure the services of a minister
but it was not until < Ictober [8, 1710. that thei
efforts were successful and a church, the Firs
Congregational, was organized. In February
1717, he was ordained a deacon in this church
He married, in April, 1663, Joanna Bursley
daughter of John Bursley, of Barnstable. Sir j
was baptized in March, 1646, and died in
Mansfield, May 8, 1727. Children, born in
Barnstable: 1. Thomas, born in April, 1664;
engaged in the whale fisher}- business, and
later was a captain in the service of the colony
against the French and Indians ; was killed at
the battle of Canso (?), September 9, 1697;
he married Desire Sturgis ; five children. 2.
John, January, 1666, removed to Falmouth,
Massachusetts ; married Elizabeth Lombard ;
nine children. 3. Timothy, mentioned below.
4. Shubael, February. 1673, resided in Barn-
stable, where he died, December 16, 1728 ; mar-
ried Tabitha Lothrop, May 4, 1699; s'le died,
July 24, 1727. 5. Joseph, September, 1875;
married May 12, 1699, Lydia Fuller. 6. Me-
hitable, 1677. 7. Benjamin, March, 1680, re-
sided in Mansfield. 8. Joanna, March, 1682;
married Josiah Conant. 9. Thankful, Novem-
ber, 1684; married, June 28, 1706, Deacon Ed-
mund Waldo.
(III) Timothy, son of Shubael and Joanna
(Bursley) Dimock, was born in Barnstable,
Massachusetts, and died in Ashford, Connec-
ticut, 1733. He removed to Mansfield, Con-
necticut, where he made his home for many
years, subsequently removing to Ashford, Con-
necticut, where he resided until his death. He
married Abigail Doane, who died in 1718.
Children: 1. Timothy, born June 2, 1703. 2.
John, January 3, 1705. 3. Shubael, mentioned
below. 4. Daniel, January 28, 1710. 5. Israel,
December 22, 1712. 6. Ebenezer, December
22, 1715.
(IV) Shubael, son of Timothy and Abigail
(Doane) Dimock, was born in Mansfield, Con-
necticut, May 27, 1707, "and died June 26, 1788.
He married (first) December 11, 1731, Percilla
Hovey, daughter of James Hovey, of Mans-
field. She died March 14, 1747. Children
Asa and Anne (twins), born August 14, 1732
Anne, died July 18, 1749; Abigail, July 16
1734. died young: Abigail, August 23, 1742
Mr. Dimock married (second) November 10
1747. Eunice Marsh, daughter of James
Marsh. Children: Lydia, born August 27,
1748: Eunice, June 27, 1751 ; Shubael, men-
tioned below; Eunice, 2d, June 1, 1755.
1 V ) Shubael (3) Dimmick, son of Shubael
(2) and Eunice (Marsh) Dimock, was born
in Mansfield, Connecticut, March 24, 1753.
The family records give the date as October 1,
1752, which does not correspond with records
of Mansfield. He died in Arkville, Delaware
county, New York, October 29, 1839, and was
buried in the cemetery near the old Baptist
church in Batavia Kill, New York. At an
early date he removed to Frederickstown, Ul-
ster county (now Putnam county), New York,
where he engaged in farming. In May, 1776,
he enlisted in the Sixth Regiment, Ulster
county (New York) militia. He was later a
private in the Seventh Regiment, Dutchess
county militia, commanded by Colonel Henry
Ludenton. He subsequently served in Colonel
Jacobus Swartwout's regiment of minutemen,
Dutchess county (New York) militia, until
September, 1781, when he was honorably dis-
charged. He drew a pension from the govern-
ment from July 5, 1832, until his death. In
1795 he removed to Middletown, Delaware
county. New York, where he engaged in farm-
ing until he removed to Arkville, Delaware
county. New York, where he made his home
until his death. He was a man of great force
of character and greatly admired and respected
by the people of his community. He was a
member of the Baptist church in Fredericks-
town, now Carmel, Putnam county, in 1792.
He married Thankful Burbank, who died in
Batavia Kill, April 19. 1808. aged fifty-seven
years, five months and seventeen days. Chil-
dren : Noah, mentioned below ; Perez ; Shu-
(VI) Colonel Noah Dimmick, son of Shu-
bael (3) and Thankful (Burbank) Dimmick,
was born in Frederickstown, Dutchess (now
Putnam) county. New York, September 14,
1778, and died in Arkville, town of Middle-
town, Delaware county, New York, September
11, 1862. He attended the schools of his na-
tive county, and in 1795 accompanied his
father to Middletown, Delaware county. He
engaged in farming for a time in Lexington.
Greene county, and in Roxbury, Delaware
county. He then purchased land in Middle-
town, which through his great industry he
made one of the finest farms in the county.
His place was named Arkville, owing to its
prominent location in the valley. Here he
erected a fine residence and dispensed a liberal
hospitality. He became one of the leading
business men of the county. He built at Ark-
ville in 1826 grist and saw mills, which he con-
ducted for many years. He also owned a large
general store, and was the first person in the
town to own a carriage, also a gold watch. He
acquired a valuable property, and was highly
( * 12
respected by the citizens of his county, lie
was one of the first directors of the Ulster
County Bank, retaining the office until his
death. He took a deep interest in the state
militia, serving for several years as colonel.
In politics he was at first a Whig and later a
Republican. He served as supervisor of Mid-
dletown from i8h> until 1826. He married
(first) February 10, 1801, EllifT Peck. She
was hum November 4. 17S3. and died May 7.
1817. Children, born in Arkville : Kittie and
Thankful (twins), November 14. 1802; Han-
nah, December 22, 1804; Mehitable, October
24, 1806; Warren, April 28, 1808; Elliff, April
26, 1810; Thankful. October n, 1811; son,
June 26, 1813, died young; child, June, 1814.
died young; Julianna, August 2<>, 1815; child.
May 6, 1817. Colonel Dimmick married | sec-
ond) October 2. 1817, Mary Keator, born
July 8, 1797, died March 19, 1850. Children:
Noah, born January 1, 1819; Mary, April 16,
1820, died July 22. 1822; Jemima, January 20,
1822; son. June 28, [823, died young; five
daughters, born respectively, July 16, 1824,
November 25, 1826, June 25, 1828, July 12,
t8j(|, ]ulv 14. 1831, died in infancy; Samuel
( i.. mentioned below
(VII) Samuel Gripman, son of Colonel
Noah and Mary (Keator) Dimmick, was born
at Arkville, New York. ( (ctober 17, 1833, died
in New Orleans, Louisiana. February 2j, 1899.
while there on a pleasure trip. He attended
the schools of his native county and com-
pleted his education at a well known boarding
school on Long Island, New York. Soon after
leaving school he entered his father's store at
Arkville as a clerk, and there received a careful
business training. Later he purchased a tan-
nery which he conducted for several years.
Subsequently he removed to Kingston, New
York, and formed the firm of Dimmick &
Shaw and began in the drygoods business. On
the death of Mr. Shaw he became a partner
in the firm of Burhans & Webster, drygoods
merchants. Subsequently the firm became
Dimmick & Tappan. In 1880 he sold his in-
terest in the firm and became private secre-
tary to Thomas Cornell, which position he held
until Mr. Cornell's death in i8qo. when he re-
tired from active business. Mr. Dimmick was
an able business man and acquired a valuable
property. He was an active member of the
Methodist church, and for years was a teacher
in the Sunday school. In politics he was a
Democrat and held several local offices. He
was a member of the Masonic lodge, of King-
ston. He was twice married (first), October
28, 1857, to Christina Hardenburgh, who died
November 24, 1893. They had one child:
Mary Hardenburgh, born June 14, t86o, died
June 2D. 1877 He married ( second ), ( Ictobei
17, 1896, Mrs. Mary ( ( )sterhout ) Cole, daugh-
ter of Jacob and Jane ( Luyster ) < >sterhout, of'
Flatbush, Ulster county. Her father was a'
son of Daniel and Helena ( Hendricks) ( )ster-
hout, married in Kingston, February 21, 1793
and grandson of Cornelius Osterhout, a prom-
inent citizen of Flatbush.
The Brigham family is ol
BRIGHAM Saxon origin as is indicated
by its name, which is com-'
pounded of the two Saxon words "Brig,"
meaning "bridge." and "Ham," meaning
"home," the two together designating "the mar;
whose home was by the bridge." The name is
found from early times in Norfolk. Yorkshire
Cumberland, and Berwickshire, and in latei
days in London and other parts of Englanc
and Scotland. There are catalogued at leas'
eight coats-of-arms belonging to different
branches of the family, and several of the
name became distinguished personages in th(
history of their times, especially Nicholas
Brigham. the poet, jurist and historian, whe
died February 20, 1558, and was buried ir
"Poet's Corner" in Westminster Abbey, bej
side his daughter Rachel, whom he lost at th(
age of four.
(I) Thomas Brigham, the founder of this
family in American, was born probably ir
England, in 1603, and died in Cambridge, Mas-
sachusetts, December 8, 1653. He emigratec
to Massachusetts Bay in the "Susan and El
len." which left London in April, 1635. He i:
said to have settled first in Watertown, Massa
chusetts, but the only evidence is the fact tha
his largest piece of "planting ground'' la}'
within the limits of that town, and the asser-
tion is disputed by several historians of th<
family. It is certain, however, that in 1639 he
was a resident of Cambridge, then known ai-
Newtown. He married, about 1637, Merc)
Hurd, who was born in England, about 1613
and died in Marlboro, Massachusetts, Decern
ber 2T,, 1603. After her first husband's deatl
she married (second) March 1, 1655, Edmum
Rice, and in 1664 she married (third) Willian
ii Hunt of Marlboro. Children of Thomas
. Brigham: Mary, born about 1638, died in
9 1676, married John Fay ; Thomas ( 2 ) , referred
to below ; John, bom in Cambridge, March 9,
1644, died September 16, 1728, married (first)
Sarah , (second) Deborah , and
(third) Sarah Bowker ; Hannah, born March
• 9, 1649-50, died in December, 1719, married
(first) Gershom Ames, and (second) William
: Ward ; Samuel, born January 12, 1652, died
July 24, 1713, married Elizabeth Howe.
(II) Thomas (2), son of Thomas (T) and
Mercy (Hurd) Brigham, was born probably in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, about 1640, and
died in Marlboro, Massachusetts, November
25, 1716. He removed from Cambridge when
his mother married Edmund Rice, first to Sud-
■ bury and then to Marlboro. He married
(first) December 27, 1665, Mary, daughter of
Henry and Elizabeth (Moore) Rice, and
r granddaughter of Edmund Rice, the emigrant,
and his first wife Tamazine, and also of John
- and Elizabeth Moore, of Sudbury. He mar-
II ried (second) July 30, 1695, Susannah,
daughter of William Shattuck, of Watertown,
and widow of Joseph Morse and of John Fay,
the latter of whom had for his first wife
Thomas Brigham's sister Mary. Children, all
by first marriage: Thomas (3), born Febru-
ary 24, 1666-7; Nathan, born June 17, 1671,
died February 16, 1746-7. married (first) Eli-
zabeth Howe, and (second) Mrs. Mehitable
(Gould) Eaton; David, born August 11, 1673,
died young; Jonathan, born February 22, 1675,
died January 4, 1768, married March 26, 1696,
his cousin Mary, daughter of John and Mary
(Brigham) Fay; David, born April 12, 1678,
died June 26, 1750, married (first) Deborah
, and (second) August 21, 1709, Mrs.
Mary (Leonard) Newton, and (third) ;
Gershom, born February 23, 1680, died Jan-
uary 3, 1748-9, married, May 18, 1703, Me-
hitable Warren ; Elnathan, referred to below ;
Mary, born October 26, 1687, married, July
30, 1710, Captain Jonas Houghton, of Lancas-
ter, Massachusetts.
(Ill) Elnathan, son of Thomas (2) and
Mary ( Rice ) Brigham, was born in Marlboro,
Massachusetts, March 7, 1683, and died in
Mansfield or Coventry, Connecticut. April 10,
1758- He drew seventeen acres in his father's
right, was surveyor of Marlboro in 171 5, and
removed to Mansfield in 171 7. He married,
about 1705, Bethiah. daughter of William and
Hannah (Brigham) Ward, who died in Coven-
try, Connecticut, April 15, 1765, aged eighty-
two years. Children (the six elder born in
Marlboro, the two youngest in Mansfield) :
Uriah, born April 30, 1706, died July 9. 1710;
Jerusha, married, in 1729, Benjamin Robinson,
of Windham, Connecticut ; Priscilla, born
April 3, 1709, married. January 2, 1726, Mat-
thias Marsh, of Coventry, Connecticut ; Levi-
nah, born August 31, 171 1, died March 8, 1749.
married, December 16, 1729, John, son of John
and Mary (Brigham) Fay; Prudence, born
January 28, 1715, died February 3, 17 1 5 ; El-
nathan (2), referred to below; Paul, died May
3, 1746. married, July 1, 1741, Catherine Tur-
ner; Uriah, born about 1723, died January 25,
1777, married (first) Lydia Ward, and (sec-
ond) Ann Richardson.
(IV) Elnathan (2), son of Elnathan (1)
and Bethiah (Ward) Brigham. was born in
Marlboro, Massachusetts, April 7. 1716, and
died in Mansfield, Connecticut, September 2.
1802. He settled on the homestead in Mans-
field. His wife's name is unknown. Children,
born in Mansfield : Stephen, referred to be-
low; Elnathan (3), born about 1757, died in
1835, married Mary .
(V) Stephen, son of Elnathan (2) Brigham,
was born in Mansfield, Connecticut, about
1744, and died May 7, 1816. In September,
1777< he was permitted to transport to Boston
by land 1,600 pounds of rye and wheat flour,
400 pounds of cheese, and 200 pounds of but-
ter, to be exchanged for iron and steel ; also
to exchange for salt 2 tons of rye and wheat
flour, 1,400 pounds of cheese, and 600 pounds
of butter; also to drive to Boston 40 fat cattle
and 250 fat sheep. In May, 1779, he was ap-
pointed ensign in the Eighth Company, Fifth
State Regiment. He married (first) ,
and (second ) Hannah, daughter of Bennet and
Elizabeth (Spofford) Field, who was born
May 26, 1747. Children, four by first mar-
riage, all born in Mansfield : Eunice, born
February 15, 1776, died June 9. 1841, married
February 2^. 179-, Elijah Royce, of Wood-
stock ; Asenath, married Wright ; Anna,
married Parker ; Lucretia. married
Isaac Morey ; Elizabeth, died in 1845, married
in 1798, Samuel Augustus Spalding, of Mans-
field ; Stephen, born February 5, 1774, married
(first) Huldah Freeman and (second) Eliza-
beth Huntington ; Hannah, died unmarried ;
Clarissa, married (first) Gerry Russ. and (sec-
ond) Raphael Storrs ; Elisha, referred to be-
low; Spofford, married Myrick ; Polly,
born about 1785, died April 27, 1807, married
Cephas Dunham; Sally, born about 1788, died
June 27, 1808.
(VI) Elisha, son of Stephen and Hannah
( Field ) Brigham, was born in Wellington,
Connecticut, in 1782, and died in 1840, while
on a visit to the same place. He was a prom-
inent resident in Wellington for many years,
where he owned considerable real estate, and
acted as executor for many estates in the
neighborhood. In middle life removed to El-
lenville, Ulster county, New York, where he
established a glass factory, in partnership with
a Mr. Gilbert, which he conducted until his
death. He married Lucinda Dexter, who was
born in 1790, and died February 19, 1863.
Children: Jane, married Emory Healy ; Har-
riet, married George B. Hibbard ; Elisha M.,
referred to below.
(VII) Elisha M., son of Elisha and Lucinda
( I lexter 1 Brigham, was born in Willington,
Connecticut, May I, 7822. and died in King-
ston. Ulster county, New York. December 10,
pii 11. He received his early education in the
public schools of his native town, and when
fifteen years of age removed with his father to
Ellenville, Ulster county, New York, later be-
coming a clerk in his father's store. After a
few years he removed to Kingston, Ulster
county, New York, where he conducted a gen-
eral store for some years, and which he later
sold and engaged in the carriage business. He
afterwards became one of the founders of the
Kingston and Rosendale Lime and Cement
Company, which business was subsequently
greatly enlarged and the title changed to the
Hudson River Cement Company, and in which
he was actively interested until a few years
prior to his death, when he retired from busi-
ness life. He was one of the most widely
known and most experienced men in the ce-
ment business of the state. He was a Repub-
lican in politics, and served for two terms as
county treasurer of Ulster county, and was a
member of the board of education over twenty
years, city of Kingston, and president of
the board over ten years. He was a Baptist in
religion, and was a deacon of the church in
Kingston. He married (first) Margaret Scott.
(second) Arietta Halsey, (third) Isabella,
daughter of Reuben and Anna (Garrett)
Nichols. Children by second wife: fane Lu-
cinda, born February 4, 1846; Oliver, born in
184s, married Emma Cogswell. Children by
third wife: Henry R., referred to below
\\ illiani H., born August 24, 1862, married
Susan ( >'Neil, child, Mary Hester.
(VIII) Henry R., son of Elisha M. and Isa-
bella (Nichols) Brigham, was born in King-
ston, Ulster county, New York, August 3.
185'), and is now ( 1 9 1 3 ) living there. He re-
ceived his early education in the public school
of his native town, and graduated from the
Kingston Academy in 1878, and was then for
one year a student at Colgate College. He en-
tered the employ of the Wabash railroad as
accountant, at Logansport, Indiana, remaining
in that position until 1880, when he resigned
and returned to Kingston, where he became
secretary and general sales agent of the Hud-
son River Cement Company, continuing in that
occupation for ten years. He then formed a
partnership with his brother, William H. Brig-
ham, and established general stores at Creek
Locks and East Kingston, New York, and in
1892 the firm entered the brick manufacturing
business, at Fast Kingston, New York, in
which he still continues. The firm erected in
101 2 a new factory and established a process
of drying by steam which enables them to
manufacture brick at all seasons of the year,
and the business has expanded from an initial
output of six million brick per annum to an
annual output of forty-five million brick, and
gives employment to four hundred men. He
also conducts a cement-brick commission busi-
ness in New York City. He is a director of:
the Greater New York Brick Company, Newt
York City ; vice-president of the Ulster County
Savings Bank in Kingston ; is one of the direc-
tors of the State of New York National Bank,
and was a member of the Board of Education
in Kingston for eight years. He is a member
of the First Baptist Church, of Kingston, and
is president of the board of trustees of the
church. He married, October 4, 1882, Sarah,
daughter of Derrick W. Sparling, of Kingston,
New York. Child: Harold S., born in 1883,
married, in 1906, Charlotte Rouse, of Catskill,
New York.
Samuel Boice. the first member of
BOICE this family of whom we have any
definite information, was a far-
mer, and one of the leading men of his day in
( Hive township, Ulster county, New York.
The family is of Dutch origin, the original
spelling of the name being Buys ; and Samuel
Boice is probably a descendant of Jan, "Hen-
drick, or Abraham Buys, all three of whom
were living in Poughkeepsie as early as 1717"
18. Abraham was married in the Dutch church
in Kingston, Ulster county, New York, and the
three had children baptized there, but the rec-
ords at present available are insufficient to es-
tablish the exact line of descent. Among the
children of Samuel Boice was Lemuel, re-
ferred to below.
(II) Lemuel, son of Samuel Boice, was born
in Shokan, Olive township, Ulster county,
New York, May 5, 18 19, in the old stone
house, where his grandfather was born, and
lived on his farm in Olive township. He re-
ceived his early education in the public schools,
then engaged in farming, and later became in-
terested in the preparation of bark for tanneries
and engaged in the lumber business and built
a tannery at Boiceville (which place was
named in his honor), Ulster county, New
York, in which occupation he continued until
1866. He now returned to the homestead and
again engaged in farming, and also in operat-
ing several saw-mills which he had bought,
conducting them until 1S70, when he purchased
the property, where he erected the "Hamilton
House" and also cultivated a farm. In 1876
he received the contract for grading the road-
bed and constructing the arches and bridge on
the railroad between Arkville and Delhi, New
York, and he continued the work until the
project was abandoned, and then returned to
Shokan and engaged in business until 1885,
when he retired from active life. He was a
man of great strength of character, and was
considered one of the men best informed in
general topics in the township. In politics he
was a Republican and active in the affairs of
the party, and in 1858 was elected supervisor
of the township. He married (first) Mary
Ann Brinck, of Olive township, Ulster county,
New York, who died June — , 1874. He mar-
ried (second) March "30, 1876, Mary C. Hill.
Children, all by first marriage: 1. Horace,
born July 24, 1843, now living in Kingston,
New York. 2. Nancy, born January 23, 1845 !
married Alonzo G. Davis. 3. Ellen, born
March 6, 1847; married W. S. Brown. 4.
Lewis, born September 23, 1849. 5. Elizabeth,
born January 6, 1852: married Isaac M. Davis.
6. Leland, born June 14, 1854. 7. Zadoc Pratt,
referred to below. 8. Orpha, deceased ; mar-
ried George Siemons.
(Ill) Zadoc Pratt, son of Lemuel and Mary
Ann (Brinck) Boice, was born July 29, 1858,
and is now living in Kingston, Ulster county,
New York. He received his early education in
the public schools of Shokan, Ulster county,
New York, until he was sixteen years of age,
when he was for one winter a pupil at the
private school of Miss Sally Inghram. He then
worked for his father for a few years, and was
also in the employ of C. C. Winnie for a short
time. In 1878 he formed a partnership with
D. W. Ennist and engaged in the grocery busi-
ness, in which he continued until October 1,
1885, when he purchased the estate, consisting
of eighteen pieces of property at West Shokan,
which had formerly been owned by his father.
He is an extensive owner of real estate and a
progressive, successful business man. In June,
1894, he was elected one of the directors of
the State of New York National Bank in King-
ston, an office he still holds, and he is also one
of the trustees of the Ulster County Savings
Bank. He is a Republican in politics, and has
been a member of the county central commit-
tee for many years. In 1893 he was elected
supervisor, and re-elected to that office in 1894
for a term of two years ; and in 1906 he was
elected by an overwhelming majority to the
office of sheriff of Ulster county. He is a
member of Kingston Lodge, No. 10, of the
Free and Accepted Masons, and is also a mem-
brr of Mountain Gate Lodge. No. 299, of the
Knights of Pythias at West Shokan. He mar-
ried, October 6, 1880. Delia Elmendorf. of
Olive township, Ulster county. New York.
Children: t. Lena, born February 12,1883. _'.
Delta, born September _>, [891.
Thomas Pettit, the founder of
PETTIT this family, was born in Suffolk
county. England, and died in
Westchester county, New York, in 1861. He
immigrated to New York City in 1832' and en-
gaged in the trade of carpenter and millwright.
The following year he was joined by his wife
and children, and in 1830 the family removed
lo Kingston. Ldster county. New York, where
Mr. Pettit followed the trade of a cabinet-
maker for a number of years. Later he re-
moved to Westchester county, where he lived
until his death. In religion he was a Baptist.
He married, in England, Ann Borrem, who
died in Westchester county, New York, in
[886. Children: Ann; Thomas; William, liv-
ing in Kingston, New York, in 1896; George,
living in Brooklyn, New York, in [896. John,
referred to below; Elizabeth, born about 1820.
now living in Bristol, England ; .Mary, living in
Westchester county, New York, in [896;
Rockwell, living in Westchester county. New
York, in [896; Henry; Charlotte; Sarah.
(II) John, son of Thomas and Ann ( Bor-
rem) Pettit, was born in Suffolk, England,
February 28, [828, and died in Kingston, Ul-
ster county. New York, < >ctober 8, 1905. He
was brought to .America by his mother in [833,
and when the family settled in Kingston, New
York, he received his education in the public
schools there, lie then learned the trade of
carpenter and millwright from his father, with
whom he worked until he was twenty-one years
old, when he went into the sash and blind-
making business, and had his shop on Wilbur
avenue, in Kingston, until i860, lie now be-
gan the manufacture of powder-kegs for the
Smith, Rand Powder Company, and gave his
whole time to this occupation until lie reined
from business in [902. An upright, honest,
self-made man, who started in business with
no assistance from anyone, through his energy,
industry and good management he became one
of the most successful manufacturers of King-
ston, lie was a Baptist in religion, and a Re-
publican in politics, and was elected four times
on the Republican ticket as alderman of King-
Mr. Pettit married, September 5, 1853,
Amanda M., daughter of Amor and Lovina
(Clark) Richardson, who was born in Albany,
New York, May 17, 1836, and is now living in
Kingston. Children: 1. Lovina A., married
C. Beekman Jansen, of Kingston; children:
Edna, married Edwin Van Wart ; < I race F. ,
now teaching in the public schools of Hoboken,
New Jersey ; and Mary Emma. 2. Minnie E.,
married Walter S Darling, of Kingston New
The Case family of Connecticut is
of English origin and is distinct
from the family of the same name
which is now found side by side with it in
many parts of the United States, hut whose
origin, as the original spelling of the name,
Kase, implies, was German. John Casse or
Case, according to Drake's "Founders of New
England," sailed from Gravesend, England, in
the ship "Dorset," John Flower, master, Sep-
tember 3, 1035, for the Bermudas, when only
nineteen years old. In 1640 he is found at
Hartford, Connecticut, and August 13, 1656,'
he was one of the inhabitants of Maspeth Kills
(now Newtown), Long Island. In the follow-
ing year he joined the new colony of Windsor, >.
on the Connecticut river, eight or nine miles
above Hartford, and in 1667 he was one of the
twenty to whom the first grants of land there
were made. Two years later, with thirteen
others, he removed to Massacoe (later Sims-
bury), and in 1670 was sent to the general
court as a delegate. He settled in the south
part of Simsbury, then known as Weatogue,
and served in several of the town offices from
time to time, until his death. He died Febru-
ary 21. 1703-04. He married (first) Sarah,
daughter of William and Agnes Spencer, of
Hartford, Connecticut, who was born in 1636,
and died in 1691. He married (second) Eliza-
beth, widow of Nathaniel Loomis, of Windsor,
Connecticut, who died in 1728, aged ninety
years. Children (all by first marriage) : Eli-
zabeth, horn 1658, died in 1718, married
(first) Joseph Lewis, (second) John Tuller; .
Mary, born in 1660, died in 1725, married
(first) William Alderman, (second) James
Hillyer ; John ( 2 ) , referred to below ; William,
born in 1665, died in 1700, married Elizabeth
Holcomb; Samuel, born in 1667, died in 1725,
married (first) Mary Westover, (second) Mrs.
Elizabeth (Owen) Thrall; Richard, born in
1669, died in 1746, married, September I,
1701, Amy Reed; Bartholomew, born in Oc-
tober, 1670, died in 1725, married, December
7, [699, Mary Humphries; Joseph, born April
1 1, 1 < >J4. died in 174S, married, April 6, 1699,
.Anna Eno ; Sarah, born April 20, 1676, died
in 1704, married Joseph Phelps, Jr.; Abigail,
born May 4, 1682, married, September 1, 1701,
Jonah Westover, Jr.
(II) John (2). son of John ( 1 ) and Sarah
(Spencer) Case, was born in Connecticut in
1662, and died in Simsbury, Connecticut, May
22, 1733. He married (first) September 12,
1684, Mary, daughter of Mary Olcutt, of 1
Hartford. Connecticut, and (second) Mary
Holcomb. Children (one by first marriage):
John, born August 6, 1685, died young; John
(2), born August 22, 1694, died December 2,
1752, married. January 24, 1716, Abigail Hum-
phries ; Daniel, referred to below ; Jonathan,.
)orn April 15, 1701, married, May 10, 1721,
Vlary Beaman.
(Ill) Daniel, son of John (2) and Mary
(Holcomb) Case, was born in Simsbury, Con-
lecticut, March 7, 1695, and died there May
28, 1733. He married, May 7, 1719, Penelope
Butler, of Simsbury. Children ( all born in
Simsbury) : Daniel, born January 31, 1719-20,
married, February 22, 1750, Mary Watson;
Mindwell, born October 24, 1721 ; Dudley, re-
ferred to below; Susannah, born September
20, 1726; Ezekiel, born September 30, 1731,
Tiarried (first) Lucy , (second) May
16, 1771, Mrs. Mary (Allin) Hoskins.
1 (IV) Dudley, son of Daniel and Penelope
(Butler) Case, was born in Simsbury, Connec-
ticut, November 3, 1723. He married, April
14, 1743, Dorcas Humphrey. Children (all
3orn in Simsbury) : Dudley ( 2 ) . born Octo-
Der 28, 1744; Elisha, born December 10, 1747,
died young; Ozias, born June 7. 1749, died
young; Elias, born March 5, 1753, died
young; Elisha, born April 30, 1755; Ozias,
Dorn July 24, 1757; Elias, born April 15, 1759;
Daniel, referred to below ; Dorcas, born Au-
gust 14, 1764 ; Truman, born January 22, 1767 ;
Emanuel, born March 25, 1769.
(V) Daniel, son of Dudley and Dorcas
(Humphrey) Case, was born in Simsbury,
Connecticut. March 5, 1761. Among his chil-
dren was Daniel (2), referred to below.
(VI) Daniel (2), son of Daniel (1) Case,
was born in Connecticut, May 19, 1784, and
died in Poughkeepsie, New York, in N< vem-
ber, 1864. He remained with his parents until
eleven years of age, and then, owing to dis-
agreements with his father, removed to Sho-
kan, Ulster county. New York, where he
worked on a farm and learned the trade of a
tanner, which he followed for many years in
different localities, and principally in Spencer-
town, Columbia county. New York, where the
majority of his children were born. He mar-
ried, September 15, 1808, Sylvia Barber, who
was born July 19, 1787, and died in January,
1861. Children: Sherman, born September
15, 1809; Laura, born September 8, 1811;
Chauncey, referred to below ; Harriet, born
October 16, 1815, died July 6, 1892; Henry,
born January 18, 1819, drowned in 1852; Cal-
vin, born March 16, 1821 ; Austin, born April
16, 1823, died December 6, 1902 ; George, born
July 10. 1826.
(VII) Chauncey, son of Daniel (2) and
Sylvia (Barber) Case, was born in Spencer-
town, Columbia county, New York, July 1 1 ,
1813, died while on a visit to Minneapolis,
Minnesota, May 8, 1875, and is buried in King-
ston, Ulster county, New York. He received
his early education in the public schools and
then learned the trade of a tanner with his
father, at Shokan, Ulster county, New York,
remaining there until after his marriage, when
he settled in Mariaville, Hancock county,
Maine, where he engaged for many years in
the tannery and bark business, until failing
health compelled his retirement from active
life. He was a Congregationalist in religion,
and was one of the officers of the church in
Mariaville. He married, October 15, 1839,
Margaret E. Dunnagan. who was born in
Rhinebeck, Dutchess county. New York, Jan-
uary 17, 1815, died July 26, 1895. Children:
Augusta M., married Arthur A. Pond, of Ban-
gor, Maine, and had a child, Chauncey L.
(Pond); Chauncey H, died August 4, 1856;
Harriet Lillian, now living in Kingston, Ulster
county, New York ; Margaret Ellen, died in in-
Luke Noone, son of Martin and
NOONE Ann (Gately) Noone, was born
in Ahasceragh, County Galway.
Ireland, November 24, 1822. He spent his
boyhood at home, received a common school
education, and then learned the business of
stone-cutting from his father, who was a con-
In March, 1848. with his sister Mary, he
sailed from Liverpool in the ship "James
Stephens," and landed at Boston. He soon
became engaged in stone-cutting and con-
tracting for jobs on the New York & Erie
railroad. On November 11, 1848, he went to
Kingston, New York, in which place and in
Troy, New York, he spent the next two years
at his trade. In 1850 he formed a partnership
with three other men, under the firm name of
Edward Murray & Company, and superin-
tended the construction of the way-lock
at West Troy. In 1852 he took the con-
tract and furnished the stone for the
Second Reformed Church in Kingston
New York. The firm, the name now
changed to Noone & Fitzgerald, also took
the contract for Lock Number 2 on the Erie
Canal, near Albany, and from 1855 to 1857
- ,( ,s
furnished cut stone for and contracted the
lower luck at Fort Ann, New York. After
this Mr Noone continued the business for
many years, and among his most important
contracts were furnishing' cut •-tunc for a
portion of the Harlem Bridge in New York
City; a way-lock on Champlain (/anal, above
Waterford, New York ; guard-lock at Cohoes;
a blast-furnace for the firm of Henry Burden
& Sun, of Troy; the stone for the river wharf
of Watervliet Arsenal, at Watervliet, New
York; the stone for the sea-wall for the Bat-
tery in New York City; a part of the cut-stone
for the fort at Sandy Hook, in charge of
General Delafield; a portion of the stone used
in the construction of the Capitol in Albany,
and for the bridge across the Hudson at Al-
bany; also two •-tune- weighing some fourteen
tuns each for the Dudley < >bservatory at Al-
bany. In 1870 he took Frank Madden into
partnership with him, the firm name becoming
Noone & Madden. They kept in almost con-
stant employment one hundred and thirty men
and from eighteen to twenty-four teams.
quarrying their stone in Kingston, hauling it
to the Hudson, and shipping by water to dis-
tant points fur the construction of both public
and private works, among which should be
mentioned the East River Bridge between
New York and Brooklyn. Mr. Noone was
one of the most successful and prominent men
in the development of the stone products of
Ulster county. He was director and vice-
president of the Kingston National Bank, and
since the organization of the Kingston Sav-
ings Bank he was successively trustee, vice-
president and president of that institution, lie
was a Democrat in politics, served as trustee
of the village of Kingston for two years, as
supervisor for the city of Kingston, a dele-
gate to the I >emocratic State Convention held
in Albany in 1877, and to the State Conven-
tion held in Syracuse in 1879.
In 1867 Mr. Noone purchased of the Slate,
through General Gates, the present St. Jo-
seph's Church property, which was then a
State Armory, lie held the property for two
years, when it was deeded to St. Joseph's con-
gregation. With characteristic reticence he
never talked of the matter, so it was not gen-
erally known by whom the purchase was made,
until the consecration of the church in 1908,
when Archbishop Farley called upon Mrs.
Noone and received from her the deed by
which the transaction hail been consummate'
nearly forty-two years before.
In 1870 Mr. Noone and his wife visited hi
old home in Ireland. February 16, 1854, h
married Mary, daughter of James and Jan
( Downey) Diamond of Rondout, New York
lie died March 17, 1905, and is survived b;
his wife and two daughters: Jane, who mar1
ried William J. ( I'Leary, M.I), of Kingston'
and Anna, who married Edward I toward Tin
dale. ..f New York.
No better estimate of Mr. Noone's characte
can be given than in the words of his busines
associates: "We have found in Mr. Noone
man of kindly nature, strict integrity, an*
wise and conservative counsel. For over fift
years he has been known in this communit
as one of our must reliable, conservative an>
trustworthy citizens. No man has been mor
trusted, and no man has more fully met an
discharged the trusts reposed in him."
According to Lower, a firs
BARNES authority, the surname Barne'
is in origin the same as Bernen
Idle famous Domesday Book of England rec
ords Hugh de Berners as a tenant in chie
holding Eversdan, County Cambridge, Eng
land, ddie I tin. Norm, has mention of sj
localities called Bernierres, in different part
of Normandy, but which of them, if any, i
the cradle of the race, is not known. Ther
are several Barnes families in the Unite
States, but not traceable to a common origit
1 I ) James Barnes, the first member of thi
immediate family in the United States, wa
a resident of Colchester, Essex county, Eng.
land, where he died. lie was a farmer, an
a man of excellent repute. The name of hi
wife is unknown. Children: Thomas, an
George, of whom further.
(II) George, son of James Barnes, wa
born in Colchester, Essex county, Englanc '
September <), 1805, and died in Kingston, U
ster eountw New York, in 1884. He receive
his early education in the schools of his nativ
town, and in 1832 came to America and set
tied in New York City, where for two year
be was engaged in the shoe business. In 183!
lie removed to Kingston, where he establishe '
a similar business, which he continued fc
many years. During this time he was 01
dained to the ministry of the Baptist churcl .
and preached in the churches of Kingston an I
the surrounding country. He was one of the
reorganizers of the Bethany Mission, of which
he became superintendent, and was noted for
his work in the missionary field, and as an
earnest and zealous Christian man. He mar-
ried, in the North Baptist Church, in New
York City, December 16, 1831, Charlotte
Twitchett, who was born May 24, 1807, in
Kelvedon, England, and died in 1894, in King-
ston. Children : George T., born September
16. 1832; Joseph E., June 28, 1834; James T.,
February 11, 1836; Elizabeth G., August 14.
1837; Emily B., April 3, 1839; Charlotte A..
January 1, 1841 ; Anna D., January 26, 1843;
Andrew N., of whom further; Josephine P.,
January 25, 185 1.
(Ill) Andrew N.. son of George and Char-
lotte (Twitchett) Barnes, was born in King-
ston, New York, November 18, 1847. ar>d is
now living there. He was educated at the
Kingston Academy, and at the age of fourteen
years entered the drygoods house of Merritt
& Crosby, in Kingston, and was later pro-
moted to the position of confidential book-
keeper, and manager of the branch of the
firm at Rondout, New York. In 1873 he pur-
chased an interest in the drygoods firm of
James O. Merritt, Brodhead & Company. In
1877 he was appointed postmaster at Rondout.
New York, by President Hayes, was reap-
pointed by President Arthur, and retired from
office in 1886. He then purchased an interest
in the wholesale furniture business of Knight
& Gregory, in Kingston, the firm becoming
Knight. Gregory & Barnes, and so continuing
until 1887, when Mr. Knight disposed of his
interest, and the firm became Gregory &
Barnes, and remained so until Mr. Barnes
sold his interest in the firm and retired from
active business in 1912. He is a Republican
in politics, and was alderman from the second
ward of Kingston from 1895 to 1897. For
twenty-five years he was a member of the
Kingston Board of Trade, and for twelve
years a director. He is a member of King-
ston Lodge, No. 10, Free and Accepted
Masons. At one time he was president of the
Young Men's Christian Association ; and since
1874 he has been president of the board of
trustees of the Albany Avenue Baptist Church,
and for fourteen years was superintendent of
its Sunday school. Mr. Barnes married, June
20, 1871, Sarah K. born August 27, 1846,
daughter of John S. and Anne Eliza ( Cramer)
Willis. Her father, a merchant and cracker
manufacturer in Kingston, died February 25,
1884; her mother was born December 12, 1822,
and died March 24, 1892. Child of Mr. and
Mrs. Barnes : C. Everett, of whom further.
(IV) C. Everett, only child of Andrew N.
and Sarah K. (Willis) Barnes, was born in
Kingston, New York, May 5, 1872, and is now
living there. He received his early education
in the Kingston Academy, and then entered
the New York Homoeopathic College, but was
obliged to relinquish his studies, owing to im-
paired health. Returning to Kingston, he
later became associated with his father in the
furniture busines. He married, March 12,
1898, Helen Brodhead. Child: Gordon Wil-
lis, born October 30, 1903.
Philip Shafer, the founder of
SHAFER the family in this country, was
born in Holland, December 12,
1764, and died in Andes, Delaware county,
New York, October 8, 1838. He emigrated
from Holland to America about 1784, and set-
tled near the east branch of the Delaware
river in Delaware county, where he cleared
a farm of three hundred acres, which he cul-
tivated until his death. He married Catherine
, born in 1761, died in Andes, New
York, July 6, 1837. Among his children was
Philip (2), referred to below.
(in Philip (2), son of Philip (1) and
Catherine Shafer, was born on his father's
farm at Andes, Delaware county, New York.
December 12, 1794, and died in Delaware
county, September 21, 1873. He was a farmer
and stock-raiser, and also engaged in the
lumbering business. He served in the United
States army during the Mexican war. He
married, May 13, 1824, Sarah Melvina,
daughter of Ezra and Sarah (Clarke) Bene-
dict, who was born June 23. 1805, and died
April 11, 1880 (see Benedict VI). Children:
William P., born September 14, 1825 ; Bene-
dict, referred to below; Mary Jane, born Sep-
tember 27, 1829; Sarah C, born September
24, 1832; Ezra B., born August 3, 1835; Mar-
cus P., born July 21, 1837; Andrew C., born
December 29, 1839 : Frances Ann, born May
10. 1842; Francis Marion, born March 10,
1846; Frances Maria, twin with Francis
Marion, born March 10, 1846.
(Ill) Colonel Benedict Shafer, son of
Philip (2) and Sarah Melvina (Benedict)
Shafer, was born in Andes, Delaware county,
New York, March iS, [827, died < Ictober 23,
1909, at Kingston. lie received his early edu-
cation in the public schools and the Ancles
.Academy, and in [849 entered the general
hardware business in Andes and later engaged
in the manufacture of tinware, in which he
continued until 1 S 5 5 . when he disposed of his
interests and removed to Eddyville, Ulster
county. New York, and assumed charge of the
cement works id" Thomas W. Cornell & Com-
pany. In 1X71 he purchased a one-half inter-
est in the business and in partnership witli
Henry C Connelly established the firm of Con-
nelly & Shafer. and engaged in the manufac-
ture of Rosendale cement and the conducting
of a general store. In 1899 the cement manu-
facturing interests were sold to the Consoli-
dated Cemenl Company, and the linn con-
tinued in the general merchandise business
until the death of Colonel Shafer lie served
as a commissioner ami secretary of the board
of the Ulster and Delaware railroad until the
bonded indebtedness of that road was liqui-
dated lie was for many years adjutant of
the Twenty-sixth Regiment National Guard of
the State of New York. He married, Septem-
ber 23, 1857, Jane Frances, daughter of
Thomas \Y. and Emeline (Lawrence) Cornell,
of Eddyville, New York, who was horn Janu-
ary 2(>. [835. Children: William Cornell, re-
ferred to below; Emma F., born April r6,
1861, died in infancy; Emma F., horn lulv n>,
1863, died young; Mary J., born September
If), 1866, now living in New York City, mar-
ried, in [890, Leonidas Dennis; Emeline I
horn February 26, [869, died young.
( IV 1 William Cornell, son of Colonel Bene-
dict and Jane Frances (Cornell) Shafer, was
born in Andes, Delaware county. New York,
Septi mber 18, 1858, and is now living in King-
ston, New York. lie received his early
education in private schools at Andes and
later graduated from the Kingston Academy,
and then engaged in the coal business
in Eddyville, Yew York, for four years,
at the end of which time he disposed
ol his business and became superintendent for
the Connelly & Shafer Cement Company in
Eddyville. in which position he remained until
l<)('> lie then engaged in the business of
haberdasher and hoot and shoe store for three
years, and at the end of that time retired from
active business life. He is one of the directors
of the Ulster County National Hank; also o.
the Young Men's Christian Association it
Kingston, and is a member of the building
committee of the association. He is a Method
ist in religion, and is a member of the officia
hoard of the Saint James Methodist Episcopa
Church. He is a member of the Kingstotj
Club; the Dutch Arms Club of Kingston; tin
.Automobile Club of Kingston, and of the Dela
ware Valley Society of New York. He mar
ried, April jo, [898, Minnie, daughter of Wil
ham II and Nettie M. (Winter) Whitney,
horn in Shandaken, Ulster county, Nev
York, June 9, 1874. Child: Ruth W., bon
December 28, 1800.
(The Benedict Line.)
Thomas Benedict, the founder of the famil
in this country, was horn about 1617, and die'
between February 28 and March iS. [689-9
at Norwalk, Connecticut. He emigrated i
[638 to the Massachusetts Bay colony, and i
1640 removed to Southold, Connecticut. I
[657 he was a resident in Huntington, Lon
Island, and later removed to Danbury, an
finally to Norwalk. He married Mary Brid
gem. Children: Thomas, died November 2C
[688-9, married in January, 1665, Mary Mes
scngcr; John, married Phebe Gregory, Sara
ml. died in 1701, married (first) !
— . and ( second 1 Rebecca Andrews
James, referred to below; Daniel, marrie
Mary Marvin; Elizabeth, married John Slat
son; Mary, married John Olmsted; Saral
married James Becbe ; Rebecca, married D
Samuel Wood.
(II) fames, son of Thomas and Mar
(Bridgem) Benedict, was born in SouthoU
Long Island, and died after August. 171^
He married (first) May 10, 1676, Saral
daughter of John and Sarah Gregory, wh
was born December 3, 1652. He marrie
(second) Sarah, born December 20, 165;
daughter of Robert Porter and widow C1
Abraham Andrus. He was one of the eigl
who bought and settled Danbury, Connection
Children (all by first marriage) : Sarah, bor
lune Ml [677; Rebecca, born in 1670. die
M.inh 20, [709, married January 17. 1704-0
Samuel Keeler, Tr. ; Phebe. married Thomi
Taylor; lames, horn in 1685, married Mai
Andrus; John, born in October, 1689, died :i
February. IJ7C married (first) Rach
and ( second 1 Ruth — — ; Thoma
referred to below; Elizabeth, born in July,
1696, married Samuel Taylor.
(III) Deacon Thomas Benedict, son of
James and Sarah (Gregory) Benedict, was
born in Danbury, Connecticut, November 9,
1694, died before July 4, 1776. He married
Abigail, daughter of John Hoyt. Children :
Sarah; Molly, died in 1745, married Joseph
Starr; Thomas, born in 1727, died May 15,
1811, married Mercy Knapp ; Theodorius,
born November 1, 1728. died January 20, 1805,
married (first) February 2, 1747, Abigail
Starr, (second) Mrs. Catherine Dibble; Eliza-
beth, born 1729, married James Taylor; Eli-
sha, born April 2, 1736, died August 26, 1798,
married (first) , (second) Mrs.
Jerusha ( Starr ) Barnum ; Margaret, born in
1743, died April 25, 1808; Robert, referred to
below; Mindwell, married Hamilton;
Thankful, married April 2. 1760, Nathan (ire-
gory; Hannah, married (first) ,
and ( second ) Samuel Perry : Jemima, mar-
ried Hamilton.
(IV) Robert, son of Thomas and Abigail
(Hoyt) Benedict, was born in 1744. and died
at Charlton, Saratoga county. New York, in
1828. He married Sarah Ketchum. Chil-
dren: Robert, bom July 14, 1770, died
March 3, 1862, married. January 10. 1709.
Phebe Faris ; Sally, married John Dunning ;
Reuben ; Ezra, referred to below ; Betsy, born
December 25, 1778, died December 30, 1851,
married, March 27. 1796, Henry Van Heusen ;
Czar, died young ; Czar, died young ; a son,
died young ; Cynthia, married James King ;
Rebecca, married Peter Howe.
(V) Ezra, son of Robert and Sarah
(Ketchum) Benedict, was born at Charlton,
Saratoga county, New York, July 7, 1776,
died in Andes, Delaware county, New York,
April 26, 1849. He married Sarah, daughter
of William Clarke, who died March 28. 1859.
Children : William Clarke, born September
27. 1802, married, March 22, 1831, Electa
Dodge ; Sarah Melvina, referred to below ;
Henry, born July 12, 1807, died August 8,
1808; Sarah Ann, born July 13, 1809, married
May 12, 1830, Elijah Churchill: Henry, born
October 11, 181 1, died December 11. 181 1.
(VI) Sarah Melvina, daughter of Ezra and
Sarah (Clarke) Benedict, was born June 23,
1805, and died April 11, 1880. She married
May 13, 1824, Philip (2), son of Philip (1)
and Catherine Shafer, referred to above.
The Rev. Matthew Cantine
CANTINE Julien, in his "Preliminary
Statement of the Cantine
Genealogy," says that the original home of
the family was Royan, a small town on the
north side of the Gironde. the wide arm of
the sea which reaches from the city of Bor-
deaux to the French coast, and into which
the Garonne river empties itself. Here Moses
Cantine, or as he himself writes his name in
the early records that have come down to us,
Moyse Quantain, lived, and when the persecu-
tion of the Huguenots began again in France
in 1685, he "left the land of his fathers in
one of the smaller coasting vessels of his na-
tive village, and was taken on board of some
one of the numerous English ships which, at
that time, were making a business of trans-
porting for a remuneration, those Protestant
Frenchmen who sought relief from persecu-
tion in flight." Whether he came straight to
America or stopped for a while on his way
in England, is unknown. His name appears
for the first time in the sheriff's lists of the
inhabitants of Ulster county, New York, as
early as 1689, and Mr. Julien says that there
is evidence of his presence in the county at
a still earlier date. Later he became a resi-
dent of New Paltz, Ulster county, where he
remained until the children of his second
wife's first marriage were grown up, and then
removed to Ponckhockie. In 1700 his name
appears on the records of New Paltz as a
lieutenant in a military company. He died in
1743, and was buried in the yard of the Dutch
church at Marbletown, Ulster county, New
York. He married (first) in France,
, who died during the passage to
America. He married (second) Elizabeth,
daughter of Christian Deyo and widow of
Simon Le Fevre. Her father was one of the
original twelve patentees of the town of New
Paltz, as was also Isaac Le Fevre. the father
of her first husband. He married (third)
September 20. 1703, Marytje, widow of
Boudewyn de Witt, whose first husband had
been sheriff of Ulster and Dutchess counties
in 1 701. One child by second marriage:
Peter, referred to below ; no children by first
and third marriages.
(II) Peter, son of Moses and Elizabeth
( Deyo-Le Fevre ) Cantine, was born in New
Paltz, Ulster county. New York, and was
baptized in the French church there May 21,
[693. lie was one of the trustees of the
town of Kingston, Ulster county, New York,
from 1720 to 1 7-i>, and he also held several
other public offices. After 1728 he removed
from Kingston to Marbletown, where he was
one of the trustees from 1750 to 1761. lie
also became a large landowner, purchasing at
one time a tract from Claes van Schoonhoven,
and receiving through his wife a large tract
on both sides of the Esopus creek. He mar-
ried, June id, 1715. Elizabeth, daughter of
Matthys and Margaret 1 Schoonhoven ) Blan-
shan. Children: 1. Elizabeth, baptized Jan-
uary 2(), 1 7- 1 f >. died in infancy. 2. Moses,
baptized January 13. i"i", died in 177''; mar-
ried Maria Sleght ; no children. 3. Margaret,
bom July 23. 1718, and baptized August 24,
171S. 4. Elizabeth, baptized February 21.
1720. died about 1751 : married, March 8, 174''.
William Nottingham. 5. Matthew, baptized
October 15, 1721 ; married (first) December
9, 1744. Catharine Nottingham, and (second)
Elizabeth Depuy. 6. Maria, baptized January
2~, 1723; married Hendricus Jansen. 7. Na-
thaniel ( his name sometimes written Daniel
in the early records 1 , baptized October 25,
1724, married ("first) Gertrude Delameter,
(second) Sara Rutsen, and (third) Dorothea
Nieuwkerck. 8. Catharine, baptized March
20, 1726. died February 28, 1799; married in
March, 1 75 1, Daniel Le Fevre. 9. Abraham,
referred to below. 10. Peter (2), baptized
December 29, 1720, died November 28, 1813;
married, November 14, 1760, Magdalena Le
Fevre. 11. Cornelia, baptized April 2, 1732.
12. Johannis, baptized November 1(1, 1735.
died in 1807; married Maria Brodhead.
(III) Abraham, son of I'eter and Elizabeth
( Blanshan ) Cantine, was born in Kingston,
Ulster county. New York, December 8, 1727,
baptized there January 14, 1728. and died De-
cember 26, 1814. He married Elizabeth Dela-
meter, wdio was born in 1735 and died Sep-
tember (>, 1805. Children: Four, among
whom was I'eter A., referred to below.
(IV) Peter A., son of Abraham and Eliza-
beth ( Delameter) Cantine, was born August
24, 1765, ami died in ( Ictober, 1843. He was
a successful farmer and owned a grist and
saw mill. His district he represented twice in
the state assembly, and he held various local
public offices. He married, February 19, 1790,
lane Sammons, of Montgomery county. New
York. Children: Seven, among whom was
Martin, the youngest, referred to below.
(V) Martin, son of Peter A. and Jan
(Sammons) Cantine, was born April 14, 1808
and died August 14, 1891. He inherited hi:
father's lands and mills and was a farmer al
his life. He married, February 2~ . 1830, Ly
dia Elmendorf, who died September 22, 1881
Children : Four, among whom was Peter
referred to below.
( VI ) Peter, son of Martin and Lydia ( El
mendorf) Cantine, was born December 27'
1831, and died December 21, 1900. He wa
born on a farm on the south side of Esopu
creek in the town of Marbletown, Ulstei
county. New York, and received the meagr
education of the country schools there. It
1853 he began the study of law in the offic
of Stephen Sammons, of Fonda, New York
The following year he returned to Kingstoi
and continued his studies in the office of W'il
Ham S. Kenyon, and was admitted to the ba
of New York state, at Albany, in Februarj
1855. For a short time he resided at Fonda
but soon came to Saugerties, where he becam
a resident and practised his profession in botl
the circuit and supreme courts of the state
He was an ardent Republican in politics am
served his town and village as trustee. Fron,
1872 to 1878, he was surrogate of Ulste
county, and he was the Republican nomine
for justice of the supreme court in a stronj
Democratic judicial district, where he was de
feated. He was also delegate to the state as
scmbly and to the congressional state and ju:
dicial assemblies. He married, December 25.
1857, Sarah Ann Starin. Children: Charle
F., referred to below; De Lancey S., Martir
referred to below; Lydia, married George E
French, of the United States army.
(VII) Judge Charles F. Cantine, son o
Peter and Sarah Ann (Starin) Cantine, wa
born at Saugerties, New York, November 1
1858. He received an excellent preparator ;
education at the Saugerties Academy, and late
pursued advanced studies at Rutgers College
New Brunswick. New Jersey, from which h
was graduated in 1880. He studied law fo
a few months with his father at Saugertie
and then entered Columbia Law School, fror
which he was graduated, and in May. 188?
he was admitted to the bar at Ithaca. Nev
York. He formed a partnership with hi
father under the firm name of P. & C. F
Cantine. and the same year came to Kingstoi
and opened an office in Rondout. In due
course of time he acquired an extensive and
remunerative practice, but during his second
term as district attorney he was forced to re-
linquish a considerable portion of his trial
work in civil cases in order to devote his time
more fully to his duties, and after his election
as county judge he declined to take up matters
which would require his appearance as a trial
lawyer in the supreme court. He never en-
couraged litigation, but effected many settle-
ments in cases where he believed the best in-
terests of all parties would be thus served
best. He was candid in expressing his opin-
ions at all times, and in cases where he be-
lieved his client was in the wrong it was his
custom to advise the client fully of the legal
and moral aspects of the case, and to prevent
needless and costly litigation.
He took an active interest in politics, giv-
ing his allegiance to the candidates and poli-
cies of the Republican party. In November,
1895, he was elected district attorney, re-
elected in 1898 and again in 1901, this fact am-
ply testifying to his efficiency and popularity.
His term as district attorney was marked with
success. His interest in the affairs of the un-
fortunate led him into paths not taken by any-
one else. He was a close student of the in-
fluence of heredity, and his work in the dis-
trict attorney's office opened a wide field for
Study. The hereditary influence in cases of
criminals whom he prosecuted he traced care-
fullv, and being a firm believer in the bene-
ficial effects of environment, he began in the
early part of his career to take up the matter
of caring for the children of these people,
and placing them amid new surroundings,
where the best that was in them might have
opportunity for development. To this end he
instituted proceedings to place children whose
parents were unwilling or incapable of car-
ing for them properly, in institutions or fam-
ilies where they would receive the attention
and care they deserved, and when once they
were so placed and were improving, he re-
sisted, both as a private citizen and in his
capacity as a lawyer, efforts to have the chil-
dren returned to surroundings marked by
crime or squalor. In order that he might
carry on more effectively the work on behalf
of unfortunate children, he became actively
interested in the Industrial Home, of which
he was elected a trustee a number of years
ago. Here he gave invaluable aid by personal
investigation and active endeavor, also finan-
cially. In addition to this work he carried on
many private charities in individual cases. As
district attorney he prosecuted with all the
vigor he possessed criminal cases in which he
thought conviction and punishment were mer-
ited. He possessed an analytical mind, and
in every case that came before him, either as
district attorney or county judge, or in his
private practice, he sought always to arrive at
the truth. Prior to his election as district at-
torney, in 1892-93. he was a member of the
Republican state committee, and in 1893-94
he was chairman of the Republican county
committee of Ulster county.
He was elected county judge in 1904, and
was re-elected in 1910 for a term of six years.
He was absolutely fair and impartial in his
decisions, losing sight of personalities in his
search for truth. His ability was recognized
beyond the bounds of Ulster county, and he
was often requested by the county judges of
Kings county to come to Brooklyn and hold
court there when the criminal cases became
too numerous for the Kings county judges.
In February, 1912. he held court in Brooklyn
for an entire month, with satisfaction to
everyone. Several years previous he held a
term of court in Orange county, and made a
record for the trial of more than two score
of important criminal cases. The human in-
terest in every case appealed to him. He was
choice in the use of English, and his charges
to juries were models of elegant diction, and
clear and comprehensive statements of the
facts in the case and the law applicable to
them. In all his charges he was absolutely
fair, impartial and fearless, and lawyers with-
out exception took delight in trying cases be-
fore him. Fearlessness of action when a ques-
tion of right or principle were concerned, re-
gardless of personal discomfort or conse-
quences, was one of the marked characteris-
tics of his entire life. He never lost his tem-
per ; while insistent where right was con-
cerned he was extremely gentle ; in all crim-
inal cases where he believed mercy should be
shown, he extended it, and more than any
other man whom Ulster county knows he
filled the description once given by Senator
Benjamin Tilman, of South Carolina, regard-
ing a colleague : "He was one of God Al-
mighty's gentlemen."
Judge Cantine took an active interest also
in all literary and historical matters. For
several years he was one of the trustee-- of
the Kingston City Library, and during that
period he presented many volumes to the
library, especially hooks relating to historical
matters. He was deeply interested in history,
especially relating to New York state, which
he had studied extensively and critically. He
was more particularly interested in the his-
tory of Ulster county, and at different times
delivered several historical addresses. His
last historical address was delivered at the < >ld
Home Week Celebration at Saugerties in
1911. He was a trustee of the New York
State Historical Association, and it was due
principally to his efforts that the association
held its annual meetings in Kingston. He was
one of the state board of regents of Kingston
Academy. He was a member of the Univer-
sity and Manhattan clubs of New York City,
the Kingston Club, Rondout Club, Twaalfskill
Club, Winnisook Club and Saugerties Club.
He was also a member of the Holland So-
ciety of New York, the Sons of the American
Revolution, the Huguenot Society of America,
and Rondout Lodge, No. 343, Free and Ac-
cepted Masons.
Judge Cantine married (first) December 21,
[882, Mary C. Sheffield, of Saugerties, New
York. She died February 27, [889, leaving a
daughter. Agnes L., wdio is living at the pres-
ent time. He married ( second 1 September 1,
1893, Mary E., daughter of William and
Eleanor (Sackett) Fost, of Brookhaven, New
York, by whom he is survived.
Judge Cantine died at his home on Albany
avenue, Kingston, July 14, 1912, and the
funeral services were conducted in the hirst
Reformed Dutch Church, of which he was a
member. His demise was sincerely mourned
by all who knew him, as he was a man of sin-
cerity, integrity and unquestioned ability.
loyal to his friends, but first loyal to truth
and what he believed was right. He was a
man to whom a public or a private trust was
as sacred as the most solemn oath, and his
entire life bore witness to the conscientious
carrying out of this belief and the soundness
of his view. His simplicity and modesty were
unusual. He detested shams, and loved truth
for truth's sake, lie had old-fashioned ideas
regarding honesty and morality, and he in-
stilled these ideas into others in a quiet and
unobtrusive way that was most effective.
( VII ) Martin, son of Peter and Sarah Ann
( Starin ) Cantine, was born at Saugerties,
New York, January 22, 1866, and is now liv-
ing there. After receiving his early educa-
tion in the academy at Saugerties and the
Seventeenth street grammar school in New
York City, he secured employment at the age
of eighteen years, with J. B. Sheffield & Son,
paper manufacturers, where he remained
about five years. In 1888 he purchased the
plant of the Alston- Adams Company at Al-
bany, New York, and engaged in the manu-
facture of paper for himself. He organized
the firm of Martin Cantine & Company, and
January 1, 1889, began operations in Sauger-
ties. In 1890 the firm became incorporated,
and Mr. Cantine was chosen president, a posi-
tion he has held ever since, at the same time
personally managing the entire business. He
is a Republican in politics, and has served
several terms as director and two years as
president of the village, the last office being,
from 1896 to (897. Since iqoo he has been
president of the board of education, and in
1899 'le was :ne chief engineer of the fire de-
partment. In 1900 he was also president of
the Saugerties Board of Trade, and he has
always been prominently identified with the
best and most important business and social:
interests of the village. He is the president
of the American Coated Paper Manufacturers
Association of the United States and of the
Tissue Company, manufacturers of crepe
paper, and president of the Saugerties Build-
ing & Loan Association. He is a member of
the Saugerties and Kingston clubs and of the
Republican Club of New York City. In re-
ligion he is a member of the Reformed church
of Saugerties. Mr. Cantine married, in June
1900, Fanny, daughter of General William B
Rudd, of Lakcvillc. Connecticut. Children
Holley Rudd; and Frances.
(Ill) Peter (2) Cantine. soi
C WTIXF of Peter ( 1 1 Cantine (q v.
and Elizabeth (Blanshanj
Cantine, was born in Kingston. Ulster county
New York, November 28, 1720. being baptize!
there December 20, of the same year, and diet
near Marbletown, LTlster county. New York
November 28. 1813.
He was a landowner and a farmer bi
* St
he ;;
occupation, and resided with most of his
brothers in the town of Marbletown, near the
place now known as Stone Ridge. His de-
scendants still reside there in large part, but
according to the "Preliminary Statement of
the Cantine Genealogy," referred to ' ive,
many of them are also residing farther i4j the
valley of the Rondout, in Napanoch and
Leurenkill. Peter married November 14,
1760, Magdalena Le Fevre.
(IV) Jacob, son of Peter (2) and Magda-
lena ( Le Fevre) Cantine, was born near Mar-
bletown, Ulster county, New York, November
I, 1779, and died in 1852, at Ellenville, Ulster
county. New York. Jacob was brought up on
the farm of his father and gave his attention
to farming and blacksmithing until about the
middle of his life, when he turned his atten-
tion to tilling the soil. In politics he was
what is termed an old line Whig, and held
the office of assessor in his town for many
years. He was a member of the Dutch Re-
formed church of Ellenville, and was a worthy
and very useful man. He married, December
19, 1799, Ann. daughter of Richard Brod-
head, of Wawarsing township, she being born
March 6, 1782, died January 21, 1875. Chil-
dren: Richard, born March 19, 1801, died in
infancy; Jane, July 27, 1803, died January 21,
1875, remained single ; Peter, born July 2,
1806, died May 31, 1866, a farmer and specu-
lator, residing in Wawarsing township ; Mat-
thew, mentioned below ; Magdalena, October
27, 1813, died March 22, 1871, remained un-
married; Catherine, May 4. 1821. died De-
cember 29, 1890, married William Corwin, a
farmer in Wawarsing township ; Richard H.,
November 4, 1822, died December 29, 1890.
(V) Matthew, son of Jacob and Ann
(Brodhead) Cantine, was born at Leurenkill,
Wawarsing township, Ulster county. New
York, April 13, 1808, and died February 21,
1880, at his native place. Matthew Cantine
was brought up on his father's farm, and was
educated in the district schools of Leurenkill.
He engaged in early life in the butcher busi-
ness and later purchased a farm of about
seventy acres in Leurenkill, where he lived
and engaged in its cultivation and develop-
ment for the rest of his life. He was moder-
ately active in the public affairs of the town,
and was a Republican in politics. As mem-
bers of the Reformed church the members
of his family held a leading place, Mr. Can-
tine being deacon for a number of years. He
married, December 2. 1832. Caroline, born
October 1, 1809, in Dutchess county, New-
York, died October 9, 1885, daughter of
George La Moree, a prominent citizen in that
part of the country, the descendant of an-
cestors who came originally from France to
the New World. Children : Juliette, born
October 11, 1833, died June 21, 1895; Jacob.
born January 18, 1836, died March 17, 1907,
a resident of Napanoch ; Mary Jane, October
5, 1837, died October 8, 1841 ; Ann B., Au-
gust 10, 1842, married Egbert Hoornbeck, a
farmer residing near Napanoch ; Peter N.,
mentioned below; Mary, May 4, 1853, mar-
ried Eugene Burhans, of Ellenville.
(VI) Peter N., son of Matthew and Caro-
line ( La Moree) Cantine, was born January
21, 1845, at Leurenkill, in Wawarsing town-
ship, Ulster county. New York. He received
a sound education in the common schools of
the district, as well as at the Ellenville Acad-
emy, and after he left school worked for a
time as a helper to his father on the family
property. Following that he occupied the po-
sition of clerk in the store of Townsend
Holmes for a period of about two years, and
then in the year 1869 removed to Napanoch
and there formed a partnership with Mr.
Cudney, as dealers in general merchandise.
The style and title of the firm was Cudney
& Cantine, and at the end of a period long
enough to indicate the promise of business
conditions under the state of things then pre-
vailing, they had an opportunity of turning
their business into cash, and dissolved part-
nership to try their fortunes in other fields.
Mr. Cantine then became connected with A
S. Schoonmaker of Napanoch and remained
with his store for a period of three years. He
then went into the butcher business and in
the course of a few years had one of the
leading meat markets of the town, finally, at
the end of thirty-five years, retiring from busi-
ness and devoting himself to his interests and
hobbies in other directions. Mr. Cantine is a
Republican in politics, and has held several
local offices. He is an attendant and sup-
porter of the Reformed church, and is a man
of large acquaintance, greatly respected in the
neighborhood. He married, October 18, 1877,
Henrietta Sagendorph, born May 17, 1845, in
Shandaken, Ulster county. Her grandfather,
Adam Sagendorph, came to this country from
Germany when ;i young man. lie married
Elizabeth Heavener, of German descent, and
settled in Columbia county, where his son An-
drew, Mrs. Cantine's father, was born Decem-
ber i6, 1820. Andrew Sagendorph married
Amanda Trites, a descendant of an old Hol-
land family, who was horn February 24, 1823,
and Mrs. Cantine was the second in their
family of four children. Louise, the eldest,
married Byron Dutcher, a farmer and mer-
chant, of Big Indian, Ulster county; two
younger children, Horatio and Harriet, died
in infancy. Mrs. Cantine's father died April
4, [882, her mother January J4, 1893. Mr.
and Mrs. Cantine have no children.
Robert Seeley, the founder of
SEELEY this family, was horn in Eng-
land, and according to Savage
came to America with Winthrop in 1630. lie
settled first at Watertown, Massachusetts,
where lie was made freeman May (8, 1631,
and town surveyor in [634. In 1636, he re-
moved to Wethersfield, Connecticut, where he
served as a lieutenant in the Pequod war, in
1637, and is mentioned for gallant action in
the tight at Mystic. June 2, 1637, he com-
manded thirty men appointed to guard the
Connecticut river plantations, lie was a char-
ter member of the first church at Xew Haven
in 1639, a member of the general assembly
in the same year and also marshal of the
colony. In 1654 he visited England, but re-
turned in time to command the New Haven
forces under Sedgwick and Leverett, raised
to operate against the Dutch in New Amster-
dam. He was at Saybrook in 1662, at Strat-
ford in if rf>3, and was commissioner for Con-
necticut at Huntington, Long Island, in [662,
and head of the militia. He is said to
have died in New York City. < Ictober
i' 1, [668, his widow Mary administered his
estate and the sons named are: Obadiah,
who died at Stamford, Connecticut, August
25, 1757, married the widow of John Miller
of Stamford; Nathaniel, marriedMary Tur-
ney : John, who lived in Fairfield, Connecticut,
married Sarah Squire ; from one of these is
descended Jonathan, referred to below.
(I) Jonathan Seeley was born in Rhode
Island and died in Ohio. About 1780, accom-
panied by three of his brothers, Ephraim,
John and Israel, he settled in Danby, Ver-
mont, where he rose to a prominent position.
became a man of wealth and influence and
one of the largest landholders in the town.
He was a great speculator and something of
a broker, and he held prominent offices both
in town and church for a long series of years.
In 17X4 he was constable. He was selectman
for five years, lister for five years, and a
justice of the peace for ten years. Later he j
removed to Saint Lawrence county, New]
York, and finally to < >hio, where he died. He
married (first) Elizabeth, daughter of Wil- :
Ham Bromley, senior, and ( second ) Freelove,
daughter of William Bromley, junior. Chil-
dren: Hannah, married Peleg Harrington;,
Ira, born about 1783, died in 1850, married
Nancy Vail; Bromley, born about 1790, mar-
ried Hannah Herrick ; Elizabeth, married
Daniel Saulsbury ; Jonathan, referred to be-,
low ; 1 liram, married Carpenter ; Lucy,
married (first) Jared Burdick, and (second),
Thomas Page ; Benjamin, married Lydia
Kelly: Isaac, married Nichols.
(II) Jonathan (2